c# Android NFCAdapter - Issue with AuthenticateSectorWithKeyA & Hex - c#

No problem passing the following Keys and authenticating the sector with AuthenticateSectorWithKeyA.
byte[] keybytes = new byte[] { (byte)0xff, (byte)0xff, (byte)0xff, (byte)0xff, (byte)0xff, (byte)0xff };
byte[] keybytes = new byte[] { (byte)0xAB, (byte)0xCD, (byte)0xEF, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x34, (byte)0x56 };
var auth = tag.AuthenticateSectorWithKeyA(0, keybytes);
But when I try the following Key it fails to authenticate. Error Received - " Transceive Failed"
byte[] keybytes = new byte[] { (byte)0x19, (byte)0x23, (byte)0x86, (byte)0x18, (byte)0x05, (byte)0x00 };
I suspect the issue is with the final 2 bytes (byte)0x05, (byte)0x00 which are loaded into the array as 5 and 0.
Bit new to Hex and byte arrays, any help welcome.
byte[] keybytes = new byte[] { (byte)0xAB, (byte)0xCD, (byte)0xEF, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x34, (byte)0x56 };
byte[] keybytes = new byte[] { (byte)0x19, (byte)0x23, (byte)0x86, (byte)0x18, (byte)0x05, (byte)0x00 };
Result: Transceive Failed


the problem of crypting data by C# on the server side and encrypting it by CryptoJS on the client side

I got stuck also a bit lost in C# and CryptoJS differences.i have two server side
functions to encrypt data by AES256 bit as follows;
public string EncryptText_PBKDF2(string input, string password)
// Get the bytes of the strings
byte[] bytesToBeEncrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);
byte[] passwordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
// Hash the password with SHA256 for AES key
passwordBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(passwordBytes);
byte[] bytesEncrypted = AES_Encrypt_PBKDF2(bytesToBeEncrypted, passwordBytes);
string result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytesEncrypted);
return result;
private byte[] AES_Encrypt_PBKDF2(byte[] bytesToBeEncrypted, byte[] passwordBytes)
byte[] encryptedBytes = null;
byte[] saltBytes = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
aes.KeySize = 256;
aes.BlockSize = 128;
aes.IV = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(passwordBytes);//16 byte
var PBKDF2_key = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passwordBytes, saltBytes, 1000);
aes.Key = PBKDF2_key.GetBytes(aes.KeySize / 8);//32 byte
aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
cs.Write(bytesToBeEncrypted, 0, bytesToBeEncrypted.Length);
encryptedBytes = ms.ToArray();
return encryptedBytes;
then i send it to view by a controller action;
string res = aesIsl.EncryptText_PBKDF2("my text", "my key");
ViewBag.Crypted1 = res;
on the client side i get it from a hidden field
<div id="crypted"><input id="hidden1" data-enc="#ViewBag.Crypted1" type="hidden" /></div>
and decrypt it by crypto-js library(i have 4 attempts indicated on top of them)
here is my decrypting function and attempts:
function AesleDesifrele_PBKDF2(ciphertext, pwd) {
var salt = "0000000000000000";
var iv = CryptoJS.MD5(CryptoJS.SHA256(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(pwd)));
//these are my attempts to decrypt
//returning object contains a word array but converting it to utf8 string
//causes "Malformed UTF-8 data" error
console.log(CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(ciphertext, pwd).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(
{ keySize: 128 / 32, iterations: 1000 }
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
{ iv: iv }
//returning object contains a word array but converting it to utf8 string
//causes "Malformed UTF-8 data" error
var raw = base64UrlDecode(ciphertext);
var iv1 = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(CryptoJS.MD5(CryptoJS.SHA256(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(pwd))));;
var salt1 = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(salt));
var key1 = generateKey(pwd, salt1);
var ciphertextWords = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(raw.words.slice(128 / 32 + 128 / 32));
var cipherParams = CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create({ ciphertext: ciphertextWords });
var plaintextArray = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
{ iv: iv1 }
//returning object contains a word array but converting it to utf8 string
//returns nothing
var iv2 = CryptoJS.MD5(CryptoJS.SHA256(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(pwd)));
var Pass = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(pwd);
var Salt = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(salt);
var key256Bits1000Iterations = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(Pass.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8), Salt, { keySize: 256 / 32, iterations: 1000 });
var cipherParams = CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create({
ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(ciphertext)
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(cipherParams, key256Bits1000Iterations, { mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, iv: iv2, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 });
//returning object contains a word array but converting it to utf8 string
//returns nothing
this is the function to generate key for CryptoJs decrypt
function generateKey(secret, salt) {
return CryptoJS.PBKDF2(
keySize: this.keySize / 32, // size in Words
iterations: 1000,
hasher: CryptoJS.algo.SHA256
this is the conversion function i use
function base64UrlDecode(str) {
return CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(str.replace(/\-/g, '+').replace(/\_/g, '/'));
even though i control params on the client(cyphertext,password,IV and the salt) are exactly the same with the server,CryptoJS.decrypt returns nothing without any error.i guess i miss converting something to another in order C# to be compatible with CryptoJs.
any advice welcomes.
thanks in advance.

Decrypt RSA encrypted value generated from .net in Android

I have gone through many posts here but did not find the right solution. I want to decrypt a value encrypted in c# .net from Android.
I have successfully decrypted in .net platform using the following code snippet
public static void Main()
string _privateKey = Base64Decode("myprivatekey");
var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
string data = "198,47,144,175,154,47,194,175,242,41,212,150,220,177,198,161,236,36,197,62,18,111,21,244,232,245,90,234,195,169,141,195,139,199,131,163,26,124,246,50,102,229,73,148,18,110,170,145,112,237,23,123,226,135,158,206,71,116,9,219,56,96,140,19,180,192,80,29,63,160,43,127,204,135,155,67,46,160,225,12,85,161,107,214,104,218,6,220,252,73,252,92,152,235,214,126,245,126,129,150,49,68,162,120,237,246,27,25,45,225,106,201,251,128,243,213,250,172,26,28,176,219,198,194,7,202,34,210";
var dataArray = data.Split(new char[] { ',' });
byte[] dataByte = new byte[dataArray.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.Length; i++)
dataByte[i] = Convert.ToByte(dataArray[i]);
var decryptedByte = rsa.Decrypt(dataByte, false);
Now I want to do the same process in Android app. Please can somebody guide me through this?
I have tried the following code but its throwing javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: input must be under 128 bytes exception
String modulusString = "hm2oRCtP6usJKYpq7o1K20uUuL11j5xRrbV4FCQhn/JeXLT21laKK9901P69YUS3bLo64x8G1PkCfRtjbbZCIaa1Ci/BCQX8nF2kZVfrPyzcmeAkq4wsDthuZ+jPInknzUI3TQPAzdj6gim97E731i6WP0MHFqW6ODeQ6Dsp8pc=";
String publicExponentString = "AQAB";
byte[] modulusBytes = Base64.decode(modulusString, DEFAULT);
byte[] exponentBytes = Base64.decode(publicExponentString, DEFAULT);
BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger(1, modulusBytes);
BigInteger publicExponent = new BigInteger(1, exponentBytes);
RSAPrivateKeySpec rsaPubKey = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(modulus, publicExponent);
KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PrivateKey pubKey = fact.generatePrivate(rsaPubKey);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1PADDING");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey);
byte[] plainBytes = result.getBytes("UTF-16LE");
byte[] cipherData = cipher.doFinal(plainBytes);
String encryptedStringBase64 = Base64.decode(cipherData, DEFAULT).toString();

C# attempting to decrypt a file to only process memory

I am attempting to decrypt a file to ONLY the process memory. I do not want the actual file to be sent to plain text as it will be storing sensitive data. I do not want the raw text sitting on the system at all.
I am currently testing with a eula file in C:\ BUT get the same issue no matter what file I use.
I am using AES with salting. Decrypting the file does work as right now I am dumping the decrypted data to the text document but when I am attempting to compile the decrpytedBytes into a string, it only outputs 3 characters that are non-existent in that order anywhere inside of the document.
Those 2 characters show up while using System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytesDecrypted, 0, bytesDecrypted.Length) to compile the byte array to a string.
I have attempted just a basic .ToString() but that returned System.Byte[] and nothing more
While using var str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bytesDecrypted) it only outputs ÿþ*
Here is the code I am using for encryption and decryption
public static byte[] AES_Encrypt(byte[] bytesToBeEncrypted, byte[] passwordBytes)
byte[] encryptedBytes = null;
byte[] saltBytes = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (RijndaelManaged AES = new RijndaelManaged())
AES.KeySize = 256;
AES.BlockSize = 128;
var key = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passwordBytes, saltBytes, 1000);
AES.Key = key.GetBytes(AES.KeySize / 8);
AES.IV = key.GetBytes(AES.BlockSize / 8);
AES.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, AES.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
cs.Write(bytesToBeEncrypted, 0, bytesToBeEncrypted.Length);
encryptedBytes = ms.ToArray();
return encryptedBytes;
public static byte[] AES_Decrypt(byte[] bytesToBeDecrypted, byte[] passwordBytes)
byte[] decryptedBytes = null;
byte[] saltBytes = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (RijndaelManaged AES = new RijndaelManaged())
AES.KeySize = 256;
AES.BlockSize = 128;
var key = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passwordBytes, saltBytes, 1000);
AES.Key = key.GetBytes(AES.KeySize / 8);
AES.IV = key.GetBytes(AES.BlockSize / 8);
AES.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, AES.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
cs.Write(bytesToBeDecrypted, 0, bytesToBeDecrypted.Length);
decryptedBytes = ms.ToArray();
return decryptedBytes;
public void EncryptFile(string file, string fileEncrypted, string password)
byte[] bytesToBeEncrypted = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
byte[] passwordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
passwordBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(passwordBytes);
byte[] bytesEncrypted = AES_Encrypt(bytesToBeEncrypted, passwordBytes);
File.WriteAllBytes(fileEncrypted, bytesEncrypted);
listBox1.Items.Add("Enrypted the file");
public void DecryptFile(string fileEncrypted, string file, string password)
byte[] bytesToBeDecrypted = File.ReadAllBytes(fileEncrypted);
byte[] passwordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
passwordBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(passwordBytes);
byte[] bytesDecrypted = AES_Decrypt(bytesToBeDecrypted, passwordBytes);
listBox1.Items.Add("Attempting Decryption");
File.WriteAllBytes(file, bytesDecrypted);
var str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bytesDecrypted);
richTextBox1.Text = str;
If you have any idea/clues on how I could manage to get this working I would greatly appreciate it!
You used the incorrect encoding to to decode your decrypted byte array. The encoding of the original text file is most likely Unicode/UTF-16. Thus, use the Encoding.Unicode encoding to decode the decrypted byte array back to text:
var str = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytesDecrypted);
Some background information
So, what made me think that the encoding of the original text file is UTF-16/Unicode?
This information from the question gives a crucial hint:
While using var str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bytesDecrypted) it only outputs ÿþ*
Note the ÿþ. This is how an UTF-16 LE BOM (*) appears if text data having this BOM is decoded/shown using the ISO/IEC 8859-1 (or CP-1252) code page, which often is the default code page used in many (english/non-localized) Windows installations.
(*) The UTF-16 LE BOM (UTF-16 Little-Endian Byte Order Mark) are two bytes 0xFF,0xFE. To learn more about what BOMs are and what their purpose is, i suggest this Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark
Found this answer that I think applies to your issue. Pay special attention to "encryptedData = output.ToArray();"
Reading from a cryptostream to the end of the stream
byte[] encryptedData;
rijCrypto.Padding = System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode.ISO10126;
rijCrypto.KeySize = 256;
using (var input = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(tempData)))
using (var output = new MemoryStream())
var encryptor = rijCrypto.CreateEncryptor();
using (var cryptStream = new CryptoStream(output, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
var buffer = new byte[1024];
var read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
while (read > 0)
cryptStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
encryptedData = output.ToArray();

AES Encryption Windows Phone 8.1

I need to do 128 bit AES encryption on an application in Windows Phone 8.1. I used the following code for Encrypting and Decrypting the data respectively:
private string GetEncryptedContent(string content)
byte[] keyMaterial = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(EncryptionKey);
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
var provider = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
var key = provider.CreateSymmetricKey(keyMaterial);
byte[] cipherText = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Encrypt(key, data, null);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cipherText, 0, cipherText.Length);
private string GetDecryptedContent(string content)
byte[] keyMaterial = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(EncryptionKey);
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
var provider = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
var key = provider.CreateSymmetricKey(keyMaterial);
byte[] cipherText = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Decrypt(key, data, null);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cipherText, 0, cipherText.Length);
But the encryption and decryption doesn't seem to be working properly. It is getting encrypted to some unicode characters and throwing a crash on decrypting:
Length is not a multiple of block size and no padding is
selected.\r\nParameter name: ciphertext
What am I doing wrong here? Can someone please help?
After a lot more time with Google, I found the following methods for encryption and decryption, but they doesn't seem to work either.
public string GetEncryptedContent(string input, string pass)
SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider SAP = SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithmNames.AesEcbPkcs7);
CryptographicKey AES;
HashAlgorithmProvider HAP = HashAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(HashAlgorithmNames.Md5);
CryptographicHash Hash_AES = HAP.CreateHash();
string encrypted = "";
byte[] hash = new byte[32];
byte[] temp;
CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(Hash_AES.GetValueAndReset(), out temp);
Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 0, 16);
Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 15, 16);
AES = SAP.CreateSymmetricKey(CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(hash));
IBuffer Buffer = CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input));
encrypted = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToBase64String(CryptographicEngine.Encrypt(AES, Buffer, null));
return encrypted;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
public string GetDecryptedContent(string input, string pass)
SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider SAP = SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithmNames.AesEcbPkcs7);
CryptographicKey AES;
HashAlgorithmProvider HAP = HashAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(HashAlgorithmNames.Md5);
CryptographicHash Hash_AES = HAP.CreateHash();
string decrypted = "";
byte[] hash = new byte[32];
byte[] temp;
CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(Hash_AES.GetValueAndReset(), out temp);
Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 0, 16);
Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 15, 16);
AES = SAP.CreateSymmetricKey(CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(hash));
IBuffer Buffer = CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromBase64String(input);
byte[] Decrypted;
CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(CryptographicEngine.Decrypt(AES, Buffer, null), out Decrypted);
decrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Decrypted, 0, Decrypted.Length);
return decrypted;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Finally managed to get the encryption working properly, but the decryption is still not working presumably because the encoding I am passing is not the right one:
private string GetEncryptedContent(string content)
byte[] keyMaterial = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(EncryptionKey);
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
byte[] iv = new byte[128 / 8]; // Adding this solved the encryption issue.
var provider = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
var key = provider.CreateSymmetricKey(keyMaterial);
byte[] cipherText = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Encrypt(key, data, iv);
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherText);
private string GetDecryptedContent(string content)
byte[] keyMaterial = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(EncryptionKey);
byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(content); // Believe this is where the issue is, but not able to figure it out.
byte[] iv = new byte[128 / 8]; // Added this to make the decryption work the same way.
var provider = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
var key = provider.CreateSymmetricKey(keyMaterial);
byte[] cipherText = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Decrypt(key, data, iv);
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherText);
I finally solved the problem. The problem was with the text encoding. Using the correct encoding solved the issue. The working code below:
public static string EncryptAES(string content, string password)
byte[] keyMaterial = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
byte[] iv = new byte[keyMaterial.Length];
var provider = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
var key = provider.CreateSymmetricKey(keyMaterial);
byte[] cipherText = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Encrypt(key, data, iv);
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherText);
public static string DecryptAES(string content, string password)
byte[] keyMaterial = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(content);
byte[] iv = new byte[keyMaterial.Length];
var provider = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
var key = provider.CreateSymmetricKey(keyMaterial);
byte[] cipherText = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Decrypt(key, data, iv);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cipherText, 0, cipherText.Length);
WinRTCrypto is available as part of PCLCrypto.

AES cbc padding encryption/decryption on cross platform (.net c# and codename one bouncy castle)

Encryption/Decryption won't work in cross platform.
I have used this link to encrypt/decrypt text using bouncy castle AES cipher within codename one.
AES Encryption/Decryption with Bouncycastle Example in J2ME
While from server side (.net) , i am using this link to implement same method.
now i am not getting any error but encrypted from codename one will not getting fully decrypted on server side and vice a versa.
any one please help me out on this.
Code from Codename one:
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CryptoException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESEngine;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.CBCBlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.PaddedBufferedBlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
public class Test
private static PaddedBufferedBlockCipher cipher = null;
public static void main(String[] args)
byte key[] = "MAKV2SPBNI992122".getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
PaddedBufferedBlockCipher cipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(
new CBCBlockCipher(
new AESEngine()) );
String plainText = "Hello How are you !2#&*()% 123456#";
byte[] plainData = plainText.getBytes("UTF-8");
KeyParameter keyParam = new KeyParameter(key);
CipherParameters ivAndKey = new ParametersWithIV(keyParam, iv);
cipher.init(true, ivAndKey);
byte[] ciptherBytes = cipherData(plainData); //48
String cipherText = new String(Base64.encode(ciptherBytes), "UTF-8");//FileUtil.getStringFromByteArray(Base64.encode(ciptherBytes));
System.out.println("encrypted >> "+cipherText);
byte[] cipherData = Base64.decode(cipherText);
ivAndKey = new ParametersWithIV(keyParam, iv);
cipher.init(false, ivAndKey);
plainText = new String(cipherData(cipherData), "UTF-8");//FileUtil.getStringFromByteArray(cipherData(cipherData));
System.out.println("decrypted >> "+plainText);
catch (Exception e)
private static byte[] cipherData(byte[] data)
throws CryptoException
int minSize = cipher.getOutputSize(data.length);
byte[] outBuf = new byte[minSize];
int length1 = cipher.processBytes(data, 0, data.length, outBuf, 0);
int length2 = cipher.doFinal(outBuf, length1);
int actualLength = length1 + length2;
byte[] result = new byte[actualLength];
System.arraycopy(outBuf, 0, result, 0, result.length);
return result;
Code from .net:
public static RijndaelManaged GetRijndaelManaged(String secretKey)
var keyBytes = new byte[16];
var secretKeyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secretKey);
Array.Copy(secretKeyBytes, keyBytes, Math.Min(keyBytes.Length, secretKeyBytes.Length));
return new RijndaelManaged
Mode = CipherMode.CBC,
Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7,
KeySize = 128,
BlockSize = 128,
Key = keyBytes,
IV = keyBytes
public static byte[] EncryptCBC(byte[] plainBytes, RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged)
return rijndaelManaged.CreateEncryptor()
.TransformFinalBlock(plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.Length);
public static byte[] DecryptCBC(byte[] encryptedData, RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged)
return rijndaelManaged.CreateDecryptor()
.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length);
public static String EncryptCBCStr(String plainText, String key)
var plainBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
return Convert.ToBase64String(EncryptCBC(plainBytes, GetRijndaelManaged(key)));
public static String DecryptCBCStr(String encryptedText, String key)
var encryptedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedText);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(DecryptCBC(encryptedBytes, GetRijndaelManaged(key)));
// call
var PlainText = "Hello How are you !2#&*()% 123456#";
var EncryptionKey = "MAKV2SPBNI992122";
var cypherCBC = EncryptCBCStr(PlainText, EncryptionKey);
var decryptCBC = DecryptCBCStr(cypherCBC, EncryptionKey);
Thanks in adv.
This issue has been fixed...it is just key/IV bytes issue.as in .net there is same key and IV when in java i have used different IV.
correction in java code:
instead of this
byte key[] = "MAKV2SPBNI992122".getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
use this.
byte key[] = "MAKV2SPBNI992122".getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] iv = "MAKV2SPBNI992122".getBytes("UTF-8");

