Streaming Youtube Video in WPF - c#

I have an application that can play online radios with the Windows Media Player. Now I wanted to add Youtube as a source aswell (videos only). I couldn't really find anything regarding to this. If it does not work with the WMP I am also free for any other ways.
What I tried so far was setting the URL of the WMP to the following values:
Both of them without any success.
Note: I only need the audio not the video itself.


Is there a way to play audio with the screen off or in background on an app in Unity?

I have been looking for a way to have audio/music play on an app if the screen is either off or the user is not on the mobile tab of the app.
At first I tried to mess with some audio settings, then I tried looking into some of the project settings. I found some settings relating to running in background, but none of those solved the problem.
Even just a C# script that can go with Unity's audio system to play it with out being on would help if I found it.

vlc uwp Dash playback issue

I'm using VLC for Instagram live playback.
As long as I'm using Libvlcsharp 3.4.6 VideoLAN.libvlc.UWP everything working fine when I create a media from the live dash playback URL.
But when I update any of the NuGets above live playbacks can not play anymore and I see only a black screen.
I have to mention that, the latest UWP VLC player from Windows Store can play the URL, I don't know what is going wrong.

How do stream video from my site and play in unity app?

I want to make a archive of my videos (high quality videos) on my site or other sites and I want to stream them online from the unity exported app.
How can I make stream option because if I preload it in the app, the size of the app is very big which is not needed, want the app to be small in size.
I also tried using YouTube streaming in the app but it only support up to 720p using plugin available on the asset store. Any steps or tutorials is much appreciated. Can someone please help I am stuck here and do not know how to do this.
For a Android/IOS app you can use a plugin called Easy Movie Texture, is not free but the plugin works great and the support is very good too.
All you need to do is add the MediaPlayerCs.cs to the gameObject who will be the "screen" then assign the path of your video in the inspector.(in your case an url)
All of this is explained in the plugin manual.
Link to plugin:!/content/10032

Windows Phone 8 - Playing streamed audio (internet radio station)

I am trying to make an application that would play an audio stream (mp3) from the following URL I am struggling to get it working. Is there any default support for cases like these? That the content is continuously streamed?
I have tried to use Background Audio Agent and set Media Element but none of that has been working for me. Would Background Audio Streamer be an option for me? I would be happy for any similar example that I would use to my advantage.
Thank you
I found phonesm project on codeplex that provides great examples and functionality for implementing internet audio streaming.
You need to use BackgroundAudioPlayer by creating another project and adding its reference to your project.
Check this link:
You can use Microsoft player framework.
For more details Player Framework

C# video player that supports streaming?

I want to add a video player in my Windows Form that would be able to stream videos (flv) from internet (web-server). So far i've tried Microsoft Windows Media Player and it's working but I don't like it because of its lags and bugs and etc.
So are there any other video players that can be easily embedded in a Windows Form and that support video streaming? (by streaming I don't mean something like live TV streaming, but just downloading (buffering) and playing at the same time the video)
Perhaps you can embed VLC as an ActiveX component?
There is a Flash ActiveX control which (I expect) would handle these natively.

