I want create a control that draws a table in panel . My code is:
public class PanelZ : System.Windows.Forms.Panel
public static void Draw()
Panel p = new Panel();
p.Width = 200;
p.Height = 200;
Graphics g = p.CreateGraphics();
Pen mypen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1);
Font myfont = new Font("tahoma", 10);
int lines = 9;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float xSpace = p.Width / lines;
float yspace = p.Height / lines;
for (int i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)
g.DrawLine(mypen, x, y, x, p.Height);
x += xSpace;
x = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)
g.DrawLine(mypen, x, y, p.Width, y);
y += yspace;
..but it dosen't draw a table; so what should I do?
This will work. But the numbers ought to be properties, as should the pen and then some.. Also: Properties ought to start with an uppercase letter.
public class PanelZ : System.Windows.Forms.Panel
public PanelZ() // a constructor
Width = 200;
Height = 200;
DoubleBuffered = true;
lines = 9;
public int lines { get; set; } // a property
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) // the paint event
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Pen mypen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1);
Font myfont = new Font("tahoma", 10);
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float xSpace = Width / lines;
float yspace = Height / lines;
for (int i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)
g.DrawLine(mypen, x, y, x, Height);
x += xSpace;
for (int i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)
g.DrawLine(mypen, 0, y, Width, y);
y += yspace;
At work in VS:
Note that this only colors pixels. There is no useful grid there, just pixels with color.. So, if you actually want to use the Font you define you will have to calculate the coodordinates and the bounding boxes.
I have a 2d array of LEDButton : Button.
I want to find out the index [x,y] of each buttons the user clicks.
I am new to Windows Forms and not used to working outside of a console so these GUI objects are very unfamiliar to me.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
LEDButton[,] leds = new LEDButton[11, 11];
for (int x = 0; x < leds.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
listBox1.Items.Add("x = " + x);
for (int y = 0; y < leds.GetUpperBound(1); y++)
leds[x, y] = new LEDButton()
Name = String.Format("Button{0}{1}", x, y),
TabIndex = 40 * x + y,
Location = new Point(40 * y + 50, 40 * x + 50)
leds[x, y].pointx = x;
leds[x, y].pointy = y;
// add buttons to controls
for (int x = 0; x < leds.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < leds.GetUpperBound(1); y++)
Controls.Add(leds[x, y]);
leds[x, y].Click += Form1_Click;
public class LEDButton : Button
public const int LEDWidth = 20;
public const int LEDHeight = 20;
public int pointx = 0;
public int pointy = 0;
public LEDButton()
BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 64, 0);
ForeColor = Color.Black;
FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
Size = new Size(LEDWidth, LEDHeight);
UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
this.Click += LEDButton_Click; //throws error
I think I found my answer with the help of Lars.
Code should be
private void Form1_Click(object? sender, EventArgs e)
LEDButton btn = sender as LEDButton;
I set the points and when the points of the same color form a square, I draw a polygon. But when a new square is formed, the old one disappears.
can you tell me how to make sure that when drawing a new polygon, the old one does not disappear?
in the checkpoint() function, I check whether there is a square of points of the same color and return e coordinates for drawing.
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Class1 Class1 = new Class1();
private CellState currentPlayer = CellState.Red;
public const int SIZE = 11;
public const int Icon_Size = 30;
public Form1()
//ставит точки
protected override void OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
var p = new Point((int)Math.Round(1f * e.X / Icon_Size), (int)Math.Round(1f * e.Y / Icon_Size));
if (Class1[p] == CellState.Empty)
Class1.SetPoint(p, currentPlayer);
currentPlayer = Class1.Inverse(currentPlayer);
private void OnPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(Icon_Size, Icon_Size);
//рисуем сеточку
using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Gainsboro, 0.1f))
for (int x = 1; x < SIZE; x++)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, x, 1, x, SIZE - 1);
for (int y = 1; y < SIZE; y++)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, 1, y, SIZE - 1, y);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
//рисуем точки
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White))
for (int x = 1; x < Form1.SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 1; y < Form1.SIZE; y++)
var p = new Point(x, y);
var cell = Class1[p];
if (cell != CellState.Empty)
brush.Color = StateToColor(cell);
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(brush, x - 0.2f, y - 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
using (var PenP = new Pen(Color.Black, 0.1f))
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White))
int i = Class1.CheckPoint()[0];
int j = Class1.CheckPoint()[1];
int cp = Class1.CheckPoint()[2];
if (cp == 1)
PenP.Color = Color.Red;
brush.Color = Color.IndianRed;
Point[] a = { new Point(i, j), new Point(i + 1, j), new Point(i + 1, j + 1), new Point(i, j + 1) };
e.Graphics.FillPolygon(brush, a);
e.Graphics.DrawPolygon(PenP, a);
if (cp == 2)
PenP.Color = Color.Blue;
brush.Color = Color.RoyalBlue;
Point[] a = { new Point(i, j), new Point(i + 1, j), new Point(i + 1, j + 1), new Point(i, j + 1) };
e.Graphics.FillPolygon(brush, a);
e.Graphics.DrawPolygon(PenP, a);
//условие смены цвета под ход игрока
Color StateToColor(CellState state, byte alpha = 255)
var res = state == CellState.Blue ? Color.Blue : Color.Red;
return Color.FromArgb(alpha, res);
I'm trying to create some simple graphics ("plasma" effect) with C# and Winforms.
I have two classes in my code, (main)Form1 and Plasmadraw.
In Plasmadraw I have following setup:
class Plasmadraw
int y;
int x;
double i;
double pii = 3.1415;
public void Draw(Graphics gfx, int addition)
for (int i = 0; i < 23040; i++)
x = x + 10;
if (x == 1920)
x = 0;
y = y + 10;
if (y == 1200)
y = 0;
double v = Math.Sin((x * 0.5) + i * 0.001 * addition);
double c = v * pii;
double d = c + (2 * pii / 3);
double f = c + (6 * pii / 3);
double r = 255 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(c));
double g = 255 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(d));
double b = 255 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(f));
int r1 = (int)r;
int g1 = (int)g;
int b1 = (int)b;
Color e = Color.FromArgb(r1, g1, b1);
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(e);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, 10, 10);
gfx.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
and then in Form1 I have Paint event:
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Plasmadraw plasmaeffect = new Plasmadraw();
for (int a = 0; a < 30; a++)
plasmaeffect.Draw(e.Graphics, a);
Is this somehow completely wrong way to build the logic ? I've managed to create some graphics effects (moving sprites etc.) by creating a list and then running through the list with Foreach in Paint event (& Invalidate()). However, I'd like to learn some new way to do things, rather than copying the old way.
I'm having some trouble reading back pixel values from a Bitmap that I'm generating. I first generate a bitmap named maskBitmap in my class using this code:
void generateMaskBitmap()
if (inputBitmap != null)
Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(inputBitmap.Width, inputBitmap.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tempBitmap))
Brush brush = Brushes.Black;
for (int y = 0; y < tempBitmap.Height; y += circleSpacing)
for (int x = 0; x < tempBitmap.Width; x += circleSpacing)
g.FillEllipse(brush, x, y, circleDiameter, circleDiameter);
maskBitmap = (Bitmap)tempBitmap.Clone();
I then try to apply the mask to my original image using the following code:
void generateOutputBitmap()
if (inputBitmap != null && maskBitmap != null)
Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(inputBitmap.Width, inputBitmap.Height);
for (int y = 0; y < tempBitmap.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < tempBitmap.Width; x++)
Color tempColor = maskBitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
if (tempColor == Color.Black)
tempBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, inputBitmap.GetPixel(x, y));
tempBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White);
outputBitmap = tempBitmap;
The mask bitmap is successfully generated and visible in a picture box, however the color values for every pixel when testing "tempColor" show empty (A = 0, R = 0, G = 0, B = 0). I am aware of the performance problems with getpixel/setpixel, but this is not an issue for this project. I'm also aware that "tempColor == Color.Black" is not a valid test, but that is just a place holder for my comparison code.
I am unable to reproduce your problem. I copy-and-pasted your code and made some modifications to make it work for me. I am able to confirm that tempColor is sometimes #FF000000.
I suspect you mixed up your bitmap references somewhere. Are you really sure you are never getting any value other than #00000000? Do your circleDiameter and circleSpacing have sensible values? And most importantly: are you absolutely sure that you are reading from the correct bitmap?
Here's my version of your code, which I know works:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
namespace Test
class Program
static void Main()
var bitmap = GenerateMaskBitmap(100, 100);
const int CircleDiameter = 10;
const int CircleSpacing = 10;
static Bitmap GenerateMaskBitmap(int width, int height)
Bitmap maskBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(maskBitmap))
Brush brush = Brushes.Black;
for (int y = 0; y < maskBitmap.Height; y += CircleSpacing)
for (int x = 0; x < maskBitmap.Width; x += CircleSpacing)
g.FillEllipse(brush, x, y, CircleDiameter, CircleDiameter);
return maskBitmap;
static void TestMaskBitmap(Bitmap maskBitmap)
for (int y = 0; y < maskBitmap.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < maskBitmap.Width; x++)
Color tempColor = maskBitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
if (tempColor.ToArgb() != 0)
throw new Exception("It works!");
I need to fill a rectangle with a black to white (transparent) gradient. However, I could only find a GradientBrush class and all examples I found showed smooth transition and I want sharp bars. That's what I need:
You need to average the colors between your start color and your end color. Here is a routine that does all that, using an averaging formula found here: Generate Color Gradient in C#
private void PaintGradientBars(Graphics g, Rectangle r,
Color startColor, Color endColor, int numBars) {
int rMin = startColor.R;
int gMin = startColor.G;
int bMin = startColor.B;
int rMax = endColor.R;
int gMax = endColor.G;
int bMax = endColor.B;
int left = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numBars; i++) {
int rAvg = rMin + (int)((rMax - rMin) * i / numBars);
int gAvg = gMin + (int)((gMax - gMin) * i / numBars);
int bAvg = bMin + (int)((bMax - bMin) * i / numBars);
Color useColor = Color.FromArgb(rAvg, gAvg, bAvg);
int width = (r.Width - left) / (numBars - i);
using (SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush(useColor)) {
g.FillRectangle(br, new Rectangle(left, 0, width, r.Height));
left += width;
Then you make a simple call:
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
PaintGradientBars(e.Graphics, panel1.ClientRectangle,
Color.Blue, Color.Green, 5);
Resulting in:
in this code i use picturebox, play with 'k' and 'i'
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
int k = 20;
Color mycolor = new Color();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
mycolor = Color.FromArgb(i * k, i * k, i * k);
SolidBrush mybrash = new SolidBrush(mycolor);
e.Graphics.FillRectangle((Brush)mybrash, 0 + i * k, 0, k, k);
Good luck!