I am currently trying use 32feet.net to connect to a bluetooth speaker that once shutdown (the computer or the speaker) they stay paired but they dont auto reconnect. Therefore I want to make an windows service that tries to reconnect to it every so often if its not connected and if it can find it.
I have tried
C# 32feet.Net: Handling two bluetooth connections in seperate threads, gives SocketException
Code but for some reason there is a few things that light up red.
I am also trying to figure out and make this code work at the same time for the same purpose
public void btconnect()
List<Device> devices = new List<Device>();
InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothClient bc = new InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothClient();
InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothDeviceInfo[] array = bc.DiscoverDevices();
int count = array.Length;
for (int i = 0; i<count; i++)
Device device = new Device(array[i]);
foreach(Device d in devices)
if (d.DeviceInfo.ToString().Equals("myphonesdevicenumber"))
Guid MyServiceUuid
= new Guid("{00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff}"); // found this somewhere not sure what the string represents.
byte[] guidbytearray = d.DeviceInfo.ToByteArray(); // guid as a byte array.
string guidstring = d.DeviceInfo.ToString(); //guid as a string.
Int64 guid64 = d.DeviceInfo.ToInt64(); // guid as an int64.
Guid g = new Guid(guidbytearray);
// turnoff = false;
List devices = new List();
in the orignal code this wasnt there and I dont know if he was using (Device) it from a external reference or not.
In the article of 32feet, they list an inner-class named Device. You should use it in your program.
The Guid is the identifier for the socket used to connect to your BT device.
The format is a 32 digit long of hex numbers divided into group of 8, 4 ,4 ,4 and 12. Between the groups there is a '-'.
I have a USB HID device that I would like to communicate with. I am successfully doing so on Windows using the HidSharp library (link: https://github.com/treehopper-electronics/HIDSharp). My Windows application is developed using the .NET Framework 4.5, C#, and Visual Studio.
I now want to communicate with this same USB HID device from an Android tablet instead of from the Windows desktop. I am encountering some problems doing so. When I have the device plugged in to my tablet, it reports a single interface with a single "read" endpoint. Here is what is reported to me:
Interface #0
Class: Human Interaction Device (0x3)
Endpoint: #0
Address : 0x81 (10000001)
Number : 1
Direction : Inbound (0x80)
Type : Intrrupt (0x3)
Poll Interval : 1
Max Packet Size: 64
Attributes : 000000011
As you can see, it only reports a single endpoint, which is an inbound endpoint. I need to be able to output simple commands to this device, which I was able to do so successfully on Windows using HidSharp.
HidSharp abstracted everything into a single "stream" object that you could read from and write to. Using the Android APIs, there isn't a single "stream" object, but rather there seem to be 3 different ways of reading/writing: bulk transfer, control transfer, and USB Request. I've tried sending out data using all 3, but with seemingly no success.
Any suggestions on what to do? Is there a reason why I could send out data to this device on Windows, but seemingly cannot do so from Android? Is there a way to use a single endpoint as both a read and a write endpoint? Is there something that I am just obviously missing and not understanding?
I am using Xamarin as my development environment (C#, Visual Studio 2017). Since code is always helpful, here is how I am connecting to the device:
int VendorID = 0x04d8;
int ProductID = 0x2742;
UsbManager USB_Manager = null;
UsbDevice USB_Device = null;
UsbDeviceConnection DeviceConnection = null;
UsbInterface DeviceInterface = null;
UsbEndpoint OutputEndpoint = null;
UsbEndpoint InputEndpoint = null;
//Grab the Android USB manager and get a list of connected devices
var USB_Manager = MyMainActivity.ApplicationContext.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.UsbService) as Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbManager;
var attached_devices = USB_Manager.DeviceList;
//Find the device in the list of connected devices
foreach (var d in attached_devices.Keys)
if (attached_devices[d].VendorId == VendorID && attached_devices[d].ProductId == ProductID)
USB_Device = attached_devices[d];
//Assuming we found the correct device, let's set everything up
if (USB_Device != null)
for (int j = 0; j < USB_Device.InterfaceCount; j++)
DeviceInterface = USB_Device.GetInterface(j);
for (int i = 0; i < DeviceInterface.EndpointCount; i++)
var temp_ep = DeviceInterface.GetEndpoint(i);
if (temp_ep.Type == Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbAddressing.XferInterrupt)
if (temp_ep.Direction == Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbAddressing.In)
InputEndpoint = temp_ep;
if (temp_ep.Direction == Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbAddressing.Out)
OutputEndpoint = temp_ep;
//Request permission to communicate with this USB device
UsbReceiver receiver = new UsbReceiver();
PendingIntent pending_intent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(Game.Activity, 0, new Android.Content.Intent(UsbReceiver.ACTION_USB_PERMISSION), 0);
IntentFilter intent_filter = new IntentFilter(UsbReceiver.ACTION_USB_PERMISSION);
Game.Activity.RegisterReceiver(receiver, intent_filter);
USB_Manager.RequestPermission(USB_Device, pending_intent);
bool has_permission = USB_Manager.HasPermission(USB_Device);
var device_connection = USB_Manager.OpenDevice(USB_Device);
device_connection.ClaimInterface(DeviceInterface, true);
DeviceConnection = device_connection;
Next, here is how I attempt to read from the device:
//3 methods of attempting to read from the device
//Method 1:
byte[] inpt = new byte[64];
var request = new UsbRequest();
request.Initialize(DeviceConnection, InputEndpoint);
var byte_buffer = ByteBuffer.Allocate(64);
request.Queue(byte_buffer, 64);
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
inpt[i] = (byte) byte_buffer.Get();
//Method 2:
byte[] inpt = new byte[64];
DeviceConnection.BulkTransfer(InputEndpoint, inpt, inpt.Length, 1000);
//Method 3:
byte[] inpt = new byte[64];
DeviceConnection.ControlTransfer(UsbAddressing.In, 0, 0, 0, inpt, 64, 1000);
And finally, here is how I attempt to write data to this device:
//Method 1:
byte[] output_msg; //This variable is assigned elsewhere in the code
DeviceConnection.BulkTransfer(OutputEndpoint, output_msg, output_msg.Length, 30);
//Method 2:
byte[] output_msg; //This variable is assigned elsewhere in the code
DeviceConnection.ControlTransfer(UsbAddressing.Out, 0, 0, 0, output_msg, output_msg.Length, 1000);
//Method 3:
byte[] output_msg; //This variable is assigned elsewhere in the code
var write_request = new UsbRequest();
write_request.Initialize(DeviceConnection, OutputEndpoint);
var byte_buffer_write = ByteBuffer.Wrap(output_msg);
request.Queue(byte_buffer_write, output_msg.Length);
"OutputEndpoint" is typically null because there is no output endpoint, so I often replace "OutputEndpoint" with "InputEndpoint", but with no success.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!
You are dealing with HID devices which means you should do Interrupt Transfers.
In Android, you should use UsbRequest to perform Interrupt Transfers (as it does Asynchronous NonBlocking IO).
The endpoints are unidirectional and can be used for both inbounds and outbound (but not at the same time)
If the endpoint is inbound then submit the Urb using UsbRequest and queue as you tried before but using empty buffer with expected bufferLength.
The RequestWait will return UsbRequest Object back upon completion.
If the usbRequest.getEndPoint().getDirection() is inbound then your buffer variable will be updated with read buffer from the device.
If the usbRequest.getEndpoint().getDirection() is outbound then you should pass your buffer to write data to the device
So i'm trying to create a C# code to communicate to a serial device that is conected to my PC. But that device requires a Start Byte to communicate with my code. I try sending it after SerialDevice class is created and i get it's OutputStream but the device just don't respond at all.
The DeviceInformation of that device says that it can't pair. I think it's because the DeviceInformation class request a communication with my device and it don't responde because it lacks the Start byte.
Is there a way for me to create a custom conection with my SerialDevice beside this class?
Or is there a way for me to configure the start byte in the declaration of the SerialDevice class?
Start byte is: STX, 0x02.
Explain more what you've done so far if you need more help!
The device i'm trying to integrate requires that the start byte is as it follows:
This is a C code that is in the docummentation of the device.
As i'm trying to migrate it to C# i'm not being abble to change the start byte and therefore the device doesn't responde to my C# code.
This is me declarating the SerialDevice:
string aqs = SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelector("UART0");
var dis = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqs);
UartPort = await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(dis[0].Id);
UartPort.WriteTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
UartPort.ReadTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
UartPort.BaudRate = 9600;
UartPort.Parity = SerialParity.None;
UartPort.StopBits = SerialStopBitCount.One;
UartPort.DataBits = 8;
DataWriterObject = new DataWriter(UartPort.OutputStream);
DataReaderObject = new DataReader(UartPort.InputStream);
And then i try to send data through the DataWriter with my start byte:
private async Task<int> EnviarPacote(Package package)
int sum;
int tamanho = 12;
sum = tamanho + package.type;
foreach (var dado in package.data)
await UartPort.OutputStream.WriteAsync(DataWriterObject.DetachBuffer());
return sum;
And it just doesn't work.
I guess i should change something in my SerialDevice declaration so that the class knows how to communicate with my device. But i don't know how.
I'm attempting to write a C# library which looks at all available USB serial ports on a Raspberry Pi so that I can enumerate, identify and communicate with a set of Arduinos connected to the Pi via a USB hub.
I am able to make this work on my windows machine (several Arduinos connected to my desktop computer) and have even been able to make it work on my Pi however, I am struggling to understand how to generalize the fix.
If I attempt to run the program by itself on the Pi, I am able to open the serial port and send data however, I cannot receive anything from the Arduinos: I get timeout exceptions. I understand that Mono's implementation of SerialPort is limited and I must use SerialPort.ReadByte() instead of Readline() and the data received events (my solution is based on code from HowToSystemIOPorts). My Serial port enumeration is using a method outlined in another stack exchange response here.
My timeout is currently set to 4 seconds, which is several orders of magnitude longer than I expect to receive the message.
After a lot of googling, I came across mention of using minicom to initialize the serial port here, which to my surprise allowed me to receive data from the Arduino. The biggest drawback is that I need to initialize the port using minicom and leave the process opening each time I boot the Pi. I also can't seem to figure out how to make this work with multiple Arduinos.
Here is what I have tried so far:
Updated the Pi firmware and software to their latest versions
Attempted to use both an Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 and Arduino UNO
Changed the owner of the tty* ports (ttyACM0 and ttyUSB0 in this case) to both my user and group
Successfully configured the port via minicom, left the process running and start the program and read/wrote data. A manual process which only seems to work for one Arduino at a time
Successfully run the program in Windows without fault
Verified the Arduinos are recognized by the Pi running "dmesg | grep tty"
Here is what I hope to solve:
Automatic setup/initialization of the Arduino serial ports. Whether through a shell script run before the main program or within Mono code so that the code below can run as intended.
Here is my connection code:
public bool StartArduinoComms()
string[] ports = GetPortNames();
foreach (string port in ports)
mLogger.LogMessage(ProsthesisCore.Utility.Logger.LoggerChannels.Arduino, string.Format("Found serial port {0}", port));
bool foundCorrectArduino = false;
var idPacket = new ArduinoMessageBase();
idPacket.ID = ArduinoMessageValues.kIdentifyValue;
string jsonOutput = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(idPacket);
foreach (string port in ports)
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(port, kArduinoCommsBaudRate);
serialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
serialPort.DataBits = 8;
serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
//Only check unopened ports
if (!serialPort.IsOpen)
//Disable telemtry just incase
var toggle = new { ID = ArduinoMessageValues.kTelemetryEnableValue, EN = false };
string disableTelem = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(toggle);
//Discard any built up data
serialPort.ReadTimeout = kIDTimeoutMilliseconds;
string response = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRetries; ++i)
//This is guaranteed to timeout if not configured through minicom
response = ReadLine(serialPort);
//Catch case where the serial port is unavailable. MOve to next port
catch (TimeoutException)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
//Perform response validation
//Got no response
if (!foundCorrectArduino)
return foundCorrectArduino;
/// <summary>
/// From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/434494/serial-port-rs232-in-mono-for-multiple-platforms
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string[] GetPortNames()
int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
List<string> serial_ports = new List<string>();
// Are we on Unix?
if (p == 4 || p == 128 || p == 6)
string[] ttys = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("/dev/", "tty*");
foreach (string dev in ttys)
//Arduino MEGAs show up as ttyACM due to their different USB<->RS232 chips
if (dev.StartsWith("/dev/ttyS") || dev.StartsWith("/dev/ttyUSB") || dev.StartsWith("/dev/ttyACM"))
return serial_ports.ToArray();
Have a look at stty command. It will let you set/read teminal settings
http://linux.about.com/od/lna_guide/a/gdelna38t01.htm will give a rundown on it's use.
It would be easier to call out to than minicom, and the settings stay on the device.
I have done something like the same as you before.
I had to read and write data through USB Serial adapter, and didnt use minicom.
It may not be god code but i found that inorder to read the data I could create a new thread and have that check for data, my code include a lot of stuff but basicly i did this:
System.Threading.Thread newThread;
newThread = new System.Threading.Thread(this.check_get_data);
and the check_get_data method
public void check_get_data ()
byte tmpByte = 0;
while (m_objSerialPort.BytesToRead != 0) {
tmpByte = (byte)m_objSerialPort.ReadByte ();
this is currently running with two usbserials. dont know if it helps but hope you find your solution
I need to get the serial number of a usb stick connected to a windows ce 6.0 device. I tried with KernelIoControl and i get the serial number of the window ce 6.0 device but not the usb connected to it.
private static string GetDeviceID()
// Initialize the output buffer to the size of a
// Win32 DEVICE_ID structure.
byte[] outbuff = new byte[20];
Int32 dwOutBytes;
bool done = false;
Int32 nBuffSize = outbuff.Length;
// Set DEVICEID.dwSize to size of buffer. Some platforms look at
// this field rather than the nOutBufSize param of KernelIoControl
// when determining if the buffer is large enough.
BitConverter.GetBytes(nBuffSize).CopyTo(outbuff, 0);
dwOutBytes = 0;
// Loop until the device ID is retrieved or an error occurs.
while (!done)
if (KernelIoControl(IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID, IntPtr.Zero,
0, outbuff, nBuffSize, ref dwOutBytes))
done = true;
int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
switch (error)
throw new NotSupportedException(
"IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID is not supported on this device",
new Win32Exception(error));
// The buffer is not big enough for the data. The
// required size is in the first 4 bytes of the output
// buffer (DEVICE_ID.dwSize).
nBuffSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(outbuff, 0);
outbuff = new byte[nBuffSize];
// Set DEVICEID.dwSize to size of buffer. Some
// platforms look at this field rather than the
// nOutBufSize param of KernelIoControl when
// determining if the buffer is large enough.
BitConverter.GetBytes(nBuffSize).CopyTo(outbuff, 0);
throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unexpected error");
When i connect the usb stick to the windows ce 6 device, it shows me a new hard disk recognize, i need to come to the properties of this new device registered, get control of the usb ports available on my windows ce 6 device.
What you're probably looking for is USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR. In big windows, you would use SetupDiGetDeviceProperty to get this information, but in CE this value is only available to the driver. I don't think there is a generic way of getting this information back from the driver in CE. Your driver may contain a special IOCTL_ to get that information, though. Contact your OEM.
We have several devices where I work (mostly Datalogic 4420 Falcon), and someone is always leaving one off the base. The battery runs dry, then they bring them back to get setup all over. (There's supposed to be a way to configure a file on the SD card to reload upon such an error, but it doesn't work very well)
When someone saves changes on the device (using my app that writes data to the SQL Server), the Serial Number is sent along with it so we can track what devices are in use where.
Each device has a Serial Number, and I have to physically (i.e. manually) write that into the Device name field, which I can read. Working code here if anyone wants to know how:
static string deviceId = null;
public static string DeviceName {
get {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceId)) {
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Ident", true)) {
try {
deviceId = key.GetValue("Name", "[Unnamed]").ToString();
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorWrapper("GetDeviceName", e);
deviceId = Dns.GetHostName();
} finally {
return deviceId;
I do not like the manual (i.e. Fat Finger prone) Serial Number entry. Is there some call to query the device's Serial Number, or is that vendor specific?
Datamax does make an SDK that is specific to their devices, but we don't want our applications tied down to any one manufacturer (we are already tied down to VS2008).
I'd start by trying to P/Invoke to get the device ID (KerneIoControl with IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID) and see if it matches the serial number you're after. Here's an example.
I don't know about your Datalogic 4420 Falcon device, but I work with Intermec CK30 & CK60 and I have their itc50.dll file.
Here is snippet:
[DllImport("itc50.dll")]public static extern int ITCGetSerialNumber(StringBuilder Snumber, int buffSize);
StringBuilder hwSN = new StringBuilder(12);
if (ITCGetSerialNumber(hwSN, hwSN.Capacity) >= 0)