I have a question about BitmapSource.Create. I have the following code, and it's not behaving as expected:
reader.BaseStream.Position += BytesInMetadata;
var rawData = new UInt16[NumberOfPixels];
// Read in the raw image data in 16 bit format.
NumberOfPixels.Times((Action<int>)(i => rawData[i] = reader.ReadUInt16()));
var stats = new MsiStats()
Mean = rawData.Average(v => (Double)v),
StdDev = rawData.StandardDeviation(v => (Double)v),
Min = rawData.Min(),
Max = rawData.Max()
// Convert the 16-bit image to an 8-bit image that can actually be displayed.
var scaledData = ScaleData(rawData, 4.0f, CType);
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(scaledData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(2048, 2048, 2048, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
bmp.Save(#"C:\Users\icyr\Work Folders\COBRA_I-3\CAST Data\myOGBitmap.bmp");
var src = BitmapSource.Create(NumberOfColumns, NumberOfRows,
96, 96,
PixelFormats.Gray8, null,
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(#"C:\<somefolder>\myBitmap.bmp", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
BitmapEncoder enc = new BmpBitmapEncoder();
I'm reading a 12 bit value from an proprietary image file, converting it to 8 bits, and then saving it as a bitmapsource object. However, when I read it back (or save it, as I do below) it saves it... wrong. I'm not even sure how to describe it. When I read the saved images in Matlab, the file saved from the Bitmapsource object only has pixel values that are multiples of 17. The saved file from the scaledData object has the full range of values.
What's going on here? Unfortuantely I'm working within a framework of code that I didn't write, and unless I want to overhaul the entire project (which I don't, nor do I have the time to) I need to continue to be able to use BitmapSource objects for my data storage purposes.
I'm at a loss of what to do here, so I'm hoping that you guys might have a better understanding of why this is occuring, and how to prevent it from doing so with minimal changes.
Apparently the issue was the use of the PixelFormat.Gray8. I changed it to PixelFormat.Indexed8, using BitmapPallettes.Gray256 for my pallette, and that seemed to fix my issue.
var src = BitmapSource.Create(NumberOfColumns, NumberOfRows,
96, 96,
PixelFormats.Indexed8, BitmapPalettes.Gray256,
Still don't understand what was going on.
I've a set of images that I'm programmatically drawing a simple watermark on them using System.Windows and System.Windows.Media.Imaging (yes, not with GDI+) by following a tutorial in here.
Most of the images are not more than 500Kb, but after applying a simple watermark, which is a text with a transparent background, the image size is drastically increasing.
For example, a 440Kb image is becoming 8.33MB after applying the watermark with the below method, and that is shocking me.
private static BitmapFrame ApplyWatermark(BitmapFrame image, string waterMarkText) {
const int x = 5;
var y = image.Height - 20;
var targetVisual = new DrawingVisual();
var targetContext = targetVisual.RenderOpen();
var brush = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FFFFFF"));
brush.Opacity = 0.5;
targetContext.DrawImage(image, new Rect(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height));
targetContext.DrawRectangle(brush, new Pen(), new Rect(0, y, image.Width, 20));
targetContext.DrawText(new FormattedText(waterMarkText, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
new Typeface("Batang"), 13, Brushes.Black), new Point(x, y));
var target = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)image.Width, (int)image.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Default);
var targetFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(target);
return targetFrame;
I've noticed that the image quality is improved compared than the original image. The image is more smoother and colors are more lighter. But, you know I don't really want this. I want the image to be as it is, but include the watermark. No quality increases, and of course no drastic changes in image size.
Is there any settings that I'm missing in here to tell my program to keep the quality as same as source image? How can I prevent the significant change of the image size after the changes in my ApplyWatermark method?
1. This is how I convert BitmapFrame to Stream. Then I use that Stream to save the image to AmazonS3
private Stream EncodeBitmap(BitmapFrame image) {
BitmapEncoder enc = new BmpBitmapEncoder();
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
return memoryStream;
2. This is how I get the BitmapFrame from Stream
private static BitmapFrame ReadBitmapFrame(Stream stream) {
var photoDecoder = BitmapDecoder.Create(
return photoDecoder.Frames[0];
3. This is how I read the file from local directory
public Stream FindFileInLocalImageDir() {
try {
var path = #"D:\Some\Path\Image.png";
return !File.Exists(path) ? null : File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
} catch (Exception) {
return null;
The problem is that when you edit the image, the compression is gone. A 730x1108 JPG with 433kB disc size with 32bit (you mentioned transparency, so ARGB) will need at least 730 * 1108 * 4 = 3,09MB on disc. Of course you can compress it afterwards again (for disc, network stream of what else).
This is the reason why image software always needs much memory even when working with compressed data.
Conclusion: You will need the free memory to work with the image. Not possible to have it otherwise completly at hand.
The reason I asked my question in the comments earlier, is because I noticed there were several different encoders available. A bitmap usually has a significantly larger file size, due to the amount of information it's storing about your image.
I haven't tested this myself, but have you tried a different encoder?
var pngEncoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
pngEncoder.Frames.Add(ApplyWatermark(null, null));
MemoryStream stm = File.Create(image);
return stm;
How can I load an Image in WPF using the DotNetZip ZipEntry class.
using (ZipFile file = ZipFile.Read ("Images.zip"))
ZipEntry entry = file["Image.png"];
uiImage.Source = ??
ZipEntry type exposes an OpenReader() method that returns a readable stream. This may work for you in this way:
// I don't know how to initialize these things
BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(...?...);
ZipEntry entry = file["Image.png"];
image.StreamSource = entry.OpenReader();
I am not certain this will work because:
I don't know the BitmapImage class or how to manage it, or how to create one from a stream. I may have the code wrong there.
the ZipEntry.OpenReader() method internally sets and uses a file pointer that is managed by the ZipFile instance, and the readable stream is valid only for the lifetime of the ZipFile instance itself.
The stream returned by ZipEntry.OpenReader() must be read before any subsequent calls to ZipEntry.OpenReader() for other entries, and before the ZipFile goes out of scope. If you need to extract and read multiple images from a zip file, in no particular order, or you need to read after you're finished with the ZipFile, then you'll need to work around that limitation. To do that, you could call OpenReader() and read all the bytes for each particular entry into a distinct MemoryStream.
Something like this:
using (ZipFile file = ZipFile.Read ("Images.zip"))
ZipEntry entry = file["Image.png"];
uiImage.StreamSource = MemoryStreamForZipEntry(entry);
private Stream MemoryStreamForZipEntry(ZipEntry entry)
var s = entry.OpenReader();
var ms = new MemoryStream(entry.UncompressedSize);
int n;
var buffer = new byte[1024];
while ((n= s.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length)) > 0)
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return ms;
You could potentially use a BitmapSource, but the raw image data will still need to be decompressed, I'm not sure if opening the zip in the manner that you do actually decompresses on the fly so that, or not; but once you have that you ought to be able to do something like the following:
BitmapSource bitmap = BitmapSource.Create(
width, height, 96, 96, pf, null, rawImage, rawStride);
Where rawImage would be the bytes of the images file in the form of an array. Other arguments include the DPI and pixel format, which you should now or be able to determine.
In order to get the rawStride value, MSDN has the following sample as an example:
PixelFormat pf = PixelFormats.Bgr32;
int rawStride = (width * pf.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
I was working on my college project where i was trying to change bit values of a Bitmap.
I am loading the bitmap to the memory stream, then extracting it to byte[] array. Now I was changing few central bits of this byte[] array and then converting it back to a bitmap image.
But i got a run time exception that "Invalid Bitmap".
Does a bitmap have some special format instead of simple bits???
Following is the code used by me:
MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream();
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(#"D:\my_pic.bmp");
b.Save(mstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
byte[] ba = mstream.ToArray();
byte[] _Buffer = null;
System.IO.FileStream _FileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(_FileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
System.IO.BinaryReader _BinaryReader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(_FileStream);
long _TotalBytes = new System.IO.FileInfo(_FileName).Length;
_Buffer = _BinaryReader.ReadBytes((Int32)_TotalBytes);
// close file reader
int leng1 = ba.Length;
int leng2=_Buffer.Length;
TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Bitmap));
Bitmap bitmap1 = (Bitmap)tc.ConvertFrom(ba);
You must have your own goal to want to operate at this low level with a bitmap and that's fine. Unless you are performance bound it is way easier to do graphics at the graphics API level. Even if you are performance sensitive, other people have cut a path through the jungle already.
Back to the question. The BMP file format is simpler than some others but still comes in many varieties. Here is a detailed introduction to the gory details of the BMP format:
BMP file format
Now if you are just parsing your own BMP files and you know they are 32-bit RGB, and the header is going to be such-and-such a size which you can skip over, etc, then that might work for you. If you need to handle any old BMP it gets messy real fast which is why the libraries try to take care of everything for you.
I have the Image of a PictureBox pointing to a certain file "A". At execution time I want to change the Image of the PictureBox to a different one "B" but I get the following error:
"A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: The process cannot access the file "A" because it is being used by another process."
I'm setting the Image as follows:
pbAvatar.Image = new Bitmap(filePath);
How can I unlock the first file?
Here is my approach to opening an image without locking the file...
public static Image FromFile(string path)
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes);
var img = Image.FromStream(ms);
return img;
UPDATE: I did some perf tests to see which method was the fastest. I compared it to #net_progs "copy from bitmap" answer (which seems to be the closest to correct, though does have some issues). I loaded the image 10000 times for each method and calculated the average time per image. Here are the results:
Loading from bytes: ~0.26 ms per image.
Copying from bitmap: ~0.50 ms per image.
The results seem to make sense since you have to create the image twice using the copy from bitmap method.
if you need a BitMap you can do:
return (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms);
This is a common locking question widely discussed over the web.
The suggested trick with stream will not work, actually it works initially, but causes problems later. For example, it will load the image and the file will remain unlocked, but if you try to save the loaded image via Save() method, it will throw a generic GDI+ exception.
Next, the way with per pixel replication doesn't seem to be solid, at least it is noisy.
What I found working is described here: http://www.eggheadcafe.com/microsoft/Csharp/35017279/imagefromfile--locks-file.aspx
This is how the image should be loaded:
Image img;
using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap("image_file_path"))
img = new Bitmap(bmpTemp);
I was looking for a solution to this problem and this method works fine for me so far, so I decided to describe it, since I found that many people advise the incorrect stream approach here and over the web.
Using a filestream will unlock the file once it has been read from and disposed:
using (var fs = new System.IO.FileStream("c:\\path to file.bmp", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
var bmp = new Bitmap(fs);
pct.Image = (Bitmap) bmp.Clone();
Edit: Updated to allow the original bitmap to be disposed, and allow the FileStream to be closed.
THIS ANSWER IS NOT SAFE - See comments, and see discussion in net_prog's answer. The Edit to use Clone does not make it any safer - Clone clones all fields, including the filestream reference, which in certain circumstances will cause a problem.
You can't dispose / close a stream while a bitmap object is still using it. (Whether the bitmap object will need access to it again is only deterministic if you know what type of file you are working with and exactly what operations you will be performing. -- for example for SOME .gif format images, the stream is closed before the constructor returns.)
Clone creates an "exact copy" of the bitmap (per documentation; ILSpy shows it calling native methods, so it's too much to track down right now) likely, it copies that Stream data as well -- or else it wouldn't be an exact copy.
Your best bet is creating a pixel-perfect replica of the image -- though YMMV (with certain types of images there may be more than one frame, or you may have to copy palette data as well.) But for most images, this works:
static Bitmap LoadImage(Stream stream)
Bitmap retval = null;
using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(stream))
retval = new Bitmap(b.Width, b.Height, b.PixelFormat);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(retval))
g.DrawImage(b, Point.Empty);
return retval;
And then you can invoke it like such:
using (Stream s = ...)
Bitmap x = LoadImage(s);
As far as I know, this is 100% safe, since the resulting image is 100% created in memory, without any linked resources, and with no open streams left behind in memory. It acts like any other Bitmap that's created from a constructor that doesn't specify any input sources, and unlike some of the other answers here, it preserves the original pixel format, meaning it can be used on indexed formats.
Based on this answer, but with extra fixes and without external library import.
/// <summary>
/// Clones an image object to free it from any backing resources.
/// Code taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/3661892/ with some extra fixes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceImage">The image to clone</param>
/// <returns>The cloned image</returns>
public static Bitmap CloneImage(Bitmap sourceImage)
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height);
Bitmap targetImage = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
targetImage.SetResolution(sourceImage.HorizontalResolution, sourceImage.VerticalResolution);
BitmapData sourceData = sourceImage.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
BitmapData targetData = targetImage.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, targetImage.PixelFormat);
Int32 actualDataWidth = ((Image.GetPixelFormatSize(sourceImage.PixelFormat) * rect.Width) + 7) / 8;
Int32 h = sourceImage.Height;
Int32 origStride = sourceData.Stride;
Boolean isFlipped = origStride < 0;
origStride = Math.Abs(origStride); // Fix for negative stride in BMP format.
Int32 targetStride = targetData.Stride;
Byte[] imageData = new Byte[actualDataWidth];
IntPtr sourcePos = sourceData.Scan0;
IntPtr destPos = targetData.Scan0;
// Copy line by line, skipping by stride but copying actual data width
for (Int32 y = 0; y < h; y++)
Marshal.Copy(sourcePos, imageData, 0, actualDataWidth);
Marshal.Copy(imageData, 0, destPos, actualDataWidth);
sourcePos = new IntPtr(sourcePos.ToInt64() + origStride);
destPos = new IntPtr(destPos.ToInt64() + targetStride);
// Fix for negative stride on BMP format.
if (isFlipped)
// For indexed images, restore the palette. This is not linking to a referenced
// object in the original image; the getter of Palette creates a new object when called.
if ((sourceImage.PixelFormat & PixelFormat.Indexed) != 0)
targetImage.Palette = sourceImage.Palette;
// Restore DPI settings
targetImage.SetResolution(sourceImage.HorizontalResolution, sourceImage.VerticalResolution);
return targetImage;
To call, simply use:
/// <summary>Loads an image without locking the underlying file.</summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the image to load</param>
/// <returns>The image</returns>
public static Bitmap LoadImageSafe(String path)
using (Bitmap sourceImage = new Bitmap(path))
return CloneImage(sourceImage);
Or, from bytes:
/// <summary>Loads an image from bytes without leaving open a MemoryStream.</summary>
/// <param name="fileData">Byte array containing the image to load.</param>
/// <returns>The image</returns>
public static Bitmap LoadImageSafe(Byte[] fileData)
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(fileData))
using (Bitmap sourceImage = new Bitmap(stream)) {
return CloneImage(sourceImage);
Here's the technique I'm currently using, and seems to work best. It has the advantage of producing a Bitmap object with the same pixel format (24-bit or 32-bit) and resolution (72 dpi, 96 dpi, whatever) as the source file.
// ImageConverter object used to convert JPEG byte arrays into Image objects. This is static
// and only gets instantiated once.
private static readonly ImageConverter _imageConverter = new ImageConverter();
This can be used as often as needed, as follows:
Bitmap newBitmap = (Bitmap)_imageConverter.ConvertFrom(File.ReadAllBytes(fileName));
Here's an update of the above technique: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16576471/253938
(The accepted answer is wrong. When you try to LockBits(...) on the cloned bitmap eventually you will encounter GDI+ errors.)
I see only 3 ways to get out of this:
copy your file to a temporary file and open that the easy way new Bitmap(temp_filename)
open your file, read image, create a pixel-size-pixelformat copy (don't Clone()) and dispose the first bitmap
(accept the locked-file-feature)
I suggest to use PixelMap which is available on NuGet
Very easy to use and much faster than standard Bitmap from .NET
PixelMap pixelMap = new PixelMap(path);
pictureBox1.Image = pixelMap.GetBitmap();
Read it into the stream, create bitmap, close the stream.
I'm working with big size images (for ex. 16000x9440 px) and cut some regions for other things. I'm getting an exception "Out of memory" when create a new Bitmap instance:
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(mapFileResized, FileMode.Open))
byte[] data = new byte[fileStream.Length];
fileStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(data))
using (Bitmap src = new Bitmap(memoryStream)) // <-- exception
tile = new Bitmap(tileWidth, tileHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
tile.SetResolution(src.HorizontalResolution, src.VerticalResolution);
using (Graphics grRect = Graphics.FromImage(tile))
grRect.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
grRect.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
new RectangleF(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight),
When I use small image sizes (for ex. 8000x4720 px) then all work fine.
How can I work with big size images?
PS tile Bitmap is disposed in finally block.
Best regards, Alex.
You are using about a gigabyte of ram, not very suprising that you run out of memory.
Assuming you use a 32bpp Fileformat with 16000x9440 pixel you get a filesize of about:
16000 * 9440 * (32/8) = ~576MB
byte[] data = new byte[fileStream.Length];
fileStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(data))
[... snip ...]
You load the whole File into a memory stream, this requires 576MB.
[... snip ...]
using (Bitmap src = new Bitmap(memoryStream)) // <-- exception
[... snip ...]
[... snip ...]
You load the whole stream contents into a bitmap, this requires at least another 576MB (depending on how much memory the bitmap requires per pixel, should be at least 4, propably more). At that point you have the image twice in memory which seriously hurts for such big images.
You can reduce the memory footprint by getting rid of the memory stream and loading the bitmap directly from the file stream.
Another solution would be to load only a part of the bitmap and load the other parts on-demand (much like google maps), but i can't help you with that solution, might require reading the bitmap manually.
Not a complete answer to your question, but you are probably better of using a library like ImageMagick.NET
MemoryStream is implemented using an array of bytes that stores the data. If you read more data than the array can hold, a new array of double size is allocated and the bytes copied from one array to the other.
Since you apparently know how much data you're going to need, you can allocated the correct size up front and thus avoid the resizing.
However, once you reach a certain size you will run out of memory. .NET imposes a 2 GB limit on a single object (even on 64 bit), so the internal array in MemoryStream will never be able to grow beyond that. If your image is larger than that you'll get an out of memory exception.