I am trying to consume stripe.com api with restsharp, using the charge command
there's an opportunity to pass metadata as key value pairs but I don't seem to succeed
const string baseUrl = "https://api.stripe.com/";
const string endPoint = "v1/charges";
var apiKey = this.SecretKey;
var client = new RestClient(baseUrl) { Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(apiKey, "") };
var request = new RestRequest(endPoint, Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("card", token);
request.AddParameter("amount", wc.totalToPayForStripe);
request.AddParameter("currency", "eur");
request.AddParameter("description", wc.crt.cartid + " - " + wc.co.oid);
request.AddParameter("metadata", "{cartid: " + wc.crt.cartid + ", oid: " + wc.co.oid + "}");
request.AddParameter("statement_description", "# " + wc.crt.cartid);
request.AddParameter("description", wc.crt.cartid + " - " + wc.co.oid);
Always getting the following error:
Invalid metadata: metadata must be a set of key-value pairs
Clearly I don't pass the key value pair the way I should but I can't find any restsharp documentation on that.
Anyone can help?
Try this:
const string baseUrl = "https://api.stripe.com/";
const string endPoint = "v1/charges";
var apiKey = this.SecretKey;
var client = new RestClient(baseUrl) { Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(apiKey, "") };
var request = new RestRequest(endPoint, Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("card", token);
request.AddParameter("amount", wc.totalToPayForStripe);
request.AddParameter("currency", "eur");
request.AddParameter("description", wc.crt.cartid + " - " + wc.co.oid);
request.AddParameter("metadata[cartid]", wc.crt.cartid);
request.AddParameter("metadata[oid]", wc.co.oid);
request.AddParameter("statement_description", "# " + wc.crt.cartid);
request.AddParameter("description", wc.crt.cartid + " - " + wc.co.oid);
For some reason HTTP Post requests can not accept key-value objects and must be sent in this type of format. This isn't a stripe restriction, but HTTP in general.
I think it's telling you to enter them as such:
request.AddParameter("metadata", "[ { cartid: " + wc.crt.cartid + "} ,{ oid: " + wc.co.oid + " }]" );
I'm writing a weather app in Xamarin.Form. I am using the Yahoo API. I have no problem getting the weather by the city name parameter. However, when I change the code to use longitude and latitude, the weather does not appear.
To download the weather I use the example from the page: https://developer.yahoo.com/weather/documentation.html#oauth-csharp
I processed it in the following way:
lSign = string.Format(
"format={0}&" +
"lat={1}&" +
"lon={2}&" +
"oauth_consumer_key={3}&" +
"oauth_nonce={4}&" +
"oauth_signature_method={5}&" +
"oauth_timestamp={6}&" +
"oauth_version={7}&" +
url = cURL + "?lat=" + szerokosc + "&lon=" + dlugosc + "&u=" + jednostka.ToString().ToLower() + "&format=" + cFormat;
According to the documentation, lSign is used for authentication. It should not be changed, remove these "lat={1}&" + "lon={2}&" from that strings.
It says Please don't simply change value of any parameter without
The location information should be involved in the request url and the authorization information is added in the header.
// Add Authorization
lClt.Headers.Add ( "Authorization", _get_auth () );
// The request URL
lURL = cURL + "?" + "lat=" + szerokosc + "&lon=" + dlugosc + "&format=" + cFormat;
Unfortunately, the simple removal of " lat = {1} & " + " lon = {2} & " from variable lSign does not solve the problem.
For example, to get weather data by the city name I use:
lSign = string.Format(
"format={0}&" +
"location={1}&" +
"oauth_consumer_key={2}&" +
"oauth_nonce={3}&" +
"oauth_signature_method={4}&" +
"oauth_timestamp={5}&" +
"oauth_version={6}&" +
url = cURL + "?location=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(miasto) + "&u=" + jednostka.ToString().ToLower() + "&format=" + cFormat;
string headerString = _get_auth();
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/" + cFormat;
webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = headerString;
webClient.Headers.Add("X-Yahoo-App-Id", cAppID);
byte[] reponse = webClient.DownloadData(url);
string lOut = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reponse);
How can I find the coordinates of a pharmacy by it name and location?
I'm trying to search with the Google geocode API like this:
var pharmacyName = "Farmácia Ereirense";
var address = "Cartaxo, Santarém";
var url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=" + pharmacyName + ", " + address + "&sensor=false";
but I only got ZERO_RESULTS on the GeoResponse Status, and if I google "Farmácia Ereirense, Cartaxo, Santarém" it found the right location...
I already tried to do:
var pharmacyName = "Farmácia Ereirense";
var address = "Cartaxo, Santarém";
var url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/xml?name=" + pharmacyName + ", " + address + "&key=" + apiKey;
but I got the INVALID_REQUEST result.
Documentation I based on
Finally I found the solution! We can do a Text Search request like this:
var pharmacyName = "Farmácia Ereirense";
var address = "Cartaxo, Santarém";
var url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/xml?query=" + pharmacyName + ", " + address + "&key=" + apiKey;
And it works just fine, like Google's search.
I want to cors upload my video file from browser to Amazon S3 storage via asp.net project. But I keep getting this error:"the request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided"
Here is the javascript code I have;
function uploadFile() {
var access_key = "xx";
var secret = "xx";
var policy = "xx";
var signature = "xx";
var file = document.getElementById('file').files[0];
var fd = new FormData();
var key = "folder1/" + (new Date).getTime() + '-' + file.name;
fd.append('key', key);
fd.append('acl', 'public-read-write');
fd.append('Content-Type', file.type);
fd.append('AWSAccessKeyId', access_key);
fd.append('policy', policy)
fd.append('signature', signature);
fd.append("file", file);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", uploadProgress, false);
xhr.addEventListener("load", uploadComplete, false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", uploadFailed, false);
xhr.addEventListener("abort", uploadCanceled, false);
xhr.open('POST', 'https://bucketName.s3.amazonaws.com/', true);
Here is the policy string ;
{" +
"\"Id\": \"Policyxxx\"," +
"\"Version\": \"2012-10-17\"," +
"\"Statement\": [" +
"{" +
"\"Sid\": \"Stmtxxx\"," +
"\"Action\": \"s3:*\"," +
"\"Effect\": \"Allow\"," +
"\"Resource\": \"arn:aws:s3:::bucketName/*\"," +
"\"Principal\": \"*\"" +
"}" +
"]" +
and here is the getsignature method;
public static string GetS3Signature(string policyStr)
string b64Policy = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(policyStr));
byte[] b64Key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(AwsSecretKey);
HMACSHA1 hmacSha1 = new HMACSHA1(b64Key);
var c = Convert.ToBase64String(hmacSha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(b64Policy)));
return c;
What could be the reason for the error
Any conditions which are mentioned in the policy must also be in the form data. For example if you have a condition like
["starts-with", "x-amz-meta-myelement", ""]
Then you have to send that key. If the policy has constraints on content-type or key prefix these may also cause signature errors.
I can't figure out why I keep getting an invalid Content-Range from AWS Glacier. It looks to me like my format follows RFC 2616 but I keep getting an error. Help?
Here's the code:
using (var FileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(ARCHIVE_FILE, FileMode.Open))
while (FileStream.Position < FileInfo.Length)
string Range = "Content-Range:bytes " + FileStream.Position.ToString() + "-" + (FileStream.Position + Size - 1).ToString() + "/*";
var request = new Amazon.Glacier.Model.UploadMultipartPartRequest()
AccountId = "-",
VaultName = VAULT_NAME,
Body = Amazon.Glacier.GlacierUtils.CreatePartStream(FileStream, Size),
UploadId = UploadId,
Range = Range,
StreamTransferProgress = Progress
//request.SetRange(FileStream.Position, FileStream.Position + Size - 1);
response = GlacierClient.UploadMultipartPart(request);
Apparently I misinterpreted the Intellisense description:
// Summary:
// Identifies the range of bytes in the assembled archive that will be uploaded
// in this part. Amazon Glacier uses this information to assemble the archive
// in the proper sequence. The format of this header follows RFC 2616. An example
// header is Content-Range:bytes 0-4194303/*.
You're not supposed to include the name of the header itself so this line:
string Range = "Content-Range:bytes " + FileStream.Position.ToString() + "-" + (FileStream.Position + Size - 1).ToString() + "/*";
Should be:
string Range = "bytes " + FileStream.Position.ToString() + "-" + (FileStream.Position + Size - 1).ToString() + "/*";
I'm new in google analytic. I go through some regarding this. I found that there is no direct method to hit a windows application in google analytic. But i found some solutions in stackoverflow. I tried that, but didn't work for me. Below is the code that I'm using.
private void analyticsmethod4(string trackingId, string pagename)
Random rnd = new Random();
long timestampFirstRun, timestampLastRun, timestampCurrentRun, numberOfRuns;
// Get the first run time
timestampFirstRun = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
timestampLastRun = DateTime.Now.Ticks - 5;
timestampCurrentRun = 45;
numberOfRuns = 2;
// Some values we need
string domainHash = "123456789"; // This can be calcualted for your domain online
int uniqueVisitorId = rnd.Next(100000000, 999999999); // Random
string source = "Shop";
string medium = "medium123";
string sessionNumber = "1";
string campaignNumber = "1";
string culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name;
string screenRes = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + "x" + Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
string statsRequest = "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif" +
"?utmwv=4.6.5" +
"&utmn=" + rnd.Next(100000000, 999999999) +
// "&utmhn=hostname.mydomain.com" +
"&utmcs=-" +
"&utmsr=" + screenRes +
"&utmsc=-" +
"&utmul=" + culture +
"&utmje=-" +
"&utmfl=-" +
"&utmdt=" + pagename + // Here i passed my profile name "MyWindowsApp"
"&utmhid=1943799692" +
"&utmr=0" +
"&utmp=" + pagename +
"&utmac=" + trackingId + //Tracking id : ie "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"
"&utmcc=" +
"__utma%3D" + domainHash + "." + uniqueVisitorId + "." + timestampFirstRun + "." + timestampLastRun + "." + timestampCurrentRun + "." + numberOfRuns +
"%3B%2B__utmz%3D" + domainHash + "." + timestampCurrentRun + "." + sessionNumber + "." + campaignNumber + ".utmcsr%3D" + source + "%7Cutmccn%3D(" + medium + ")%7Cutmcmd%3D" + medium + "%7Cutmcct%3D%2Fd31AaOM%3B";
using (var client = new WebClient())
//byte[] bt = client.DownloadData(statsRequest);
Stream data = client.OpenRead(statsRequest);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data);
string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex)
This example is also got from this site itself. I don't know where was the problem. Please direct me, how can i make it. This is the output i'm getting "GIF89a".
Bobbin Paulose
So it's working. The Google Analytics call loads a tiny GIF image, and the querystring parameters provided in the request trigger all the Google Analytics goodness. If you're getting a response back, you have registered your event successfully with Google.