Correct way to cache images in MVC app - c#

I am using the ImageResizing library, to resize and deliver my image in my C# Mvc application.
One thing that isn't happening though is my image aren't getting cached.
I am struggling to understand what would be required to appropriately add caching for each image.
I just need to know if I am on the write track? Will this cache my images correctly?
I think what I need to do, is set the FinalContentType, and FinalContentType in my ImageResizer_OnPostAuthorizeRequestStart (I dont know where to get these values)
And then, I am hoping that in the Application_PreSendRequestHeaders I can use the code below to set the cache headers correctly.
I have used a modified version of the method described here.
Here is my code:
private static void ImageResizer_OnPostAuthorizeRequestStart(IHttpModule sender2, HttpContext context)
string path = Config.Current.Pipeline.PreRewritePath;
if (!path.StartsWith(PathUtils.ResolveAppRelative("~/s3"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return;
Config.Current.Pipeline.SkipFileTypeCheck = true;
Config.Current.Pipeline.ModifiedQueryString["cache"] = ServerCacheMode.Always.ToString();
protected void Application_PreSendRequestHeaders(Object source, EventArgs e)
var app = source as HttpApplication;
HttpContext context = (app != null) ? app.Context : null;
if (context != null && context.Items != null && context.Items["FinalContentType"] != null && context.Items["LastModifiedDate"] != null)
//Clear previous output
context.Response.ContentType = context.Items["FinalContentType"].ToString();
//FinalContentType is set to image/jpeg or whatever the image mime-type is earlier in code.
//Add caching headers
int mins = 1; //Or Configuration.AppSettings['whatever']
if (mins > 0)
context.Response.Expires = 1;
var lastModified = (DateTime?)context.Items["LastModifiedDate"]; //Set earlier in code.
if (lastModified != DateTime.MinValue)
Response.Cache.SetCacheability(context.Request.IsAuthenticated ? HttpCacheability.Private : HttpCacheability.Public);

Use the DiskCache and ClientCache plugins to handle disk caching and cache headers respectively.
ASP.NET output caching is useless here.


ASP NET Web Form Url Rewrite too slow

I have a website (SITE_DOMAIN) that needs Url rewrite rules.
The site is in Web forms.
For Example SITE_DOMAIN/abbigliamento/donna/jeans Is SITE_DOMAIN/Products/Donna/0/42/1
I have a table called Rewrites with this fields
In Global.asax I have
public static List<Rewrite> rewrites = null;
public static string oldChiave = "";
public void GetRewrites()
if (rewrites == null)
rewrites = Rewrite.getRules(); //reads from table (about 5000 rows)
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
String fullOriginalPath = Request.Url.ToString();
int index = fullOriginalPath.IndexOf('/', fullOriginalPath.IndexOf(SITE_DOMAIN)) + 1;
string chiave = fullOriginalPath.Substring(index).ToLower();
if (oldChiave != chiave)
oldChiave = chiave;
Rewrite r = rewrites.Find(y => y.Chiave == chiave);
if (r != null)
string url = "/" + r.Pagina;
if (r.Param1 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param1;
if (r.Param2 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param2;
if (r.Param3 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param3;
if (r.Param4 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param4;
if (r.Param5 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param5;
//se non ho trovato la chiave all'interno delle chiavi potrebbe essere la composizione dei parametri in Param1,2,3,4,5 es /Products/Uomo/0/0/1, deve ritrasformarsi in Scarpe-Uomo
string[] param = chiave.Split('/');
if (param.Length == 5)
r = rewrites.Find(x => x.Pagina == param[0] &&
x.Param1 == param[1] &&
x.Param2 == param[2] &&
x.Param3 == param[3] &&
x.Param4 == param[4]);
if (r != null)
Response.Redirect("/" + r.Chiave);
if (param.Length == 6)
r = rewrites.Find(x => x.Pagina == param[0] &&
x.Param1 == param[1] &&
x.Param2 == param[2] &&
x.Param3 == param[3] &&
x.Param4 == param[4] &&
x.Param5 == param[5]);
if (r != null)
Response.Redirect("/" + r.Chiave);
The website is too slow and the problem I'm sure it's here.
The Global.asax Application_BeginRequest method is fired 3 or more times when I click a link.
Is there any other method that I could use or any 3-part dll that I could use?
PS. for completeness in my global.asax I also have the method
using Microsoft.AspNet.FriendlyUrls;
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "home", "~/Default.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "carrello", "~/Carrello.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "contatti", "~/Contatti.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "checkout", "~/Checkout2.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "logout", "~/Logout.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "pagamenti", "~/Pagamenti.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "chi-siamo/scarpe-online-di-marca", "~/ChiSiamo.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "i-miei-ordini", "~/PageOrdini.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "pre-checkout", "~/PreCheckout.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "privacy-and-cookies", "~/PrivacyAndCookies.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "ricerca-prodotto/{Filtri}/{Pagina}", "~/ProductsSearch.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "il-mio-profilo", "~/Profilo.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "registrazione", "~/Registrazione.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "resi", "~/Resi.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "spedizioni", "~/Spedizioni.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "termini-e-condizioni", "~/TerminiECondizioni.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "grazie", "~/Thanks.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "product/{ProductId}", "~/Product.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "products/{Menu}/{Marca}/{Categoria}/{Pagina}", "~/Products.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "blog/{Pagina}", "~/Blog.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "lista-dei-desideri/{Pagina}", "~/Wishlist.aspx");
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("", "blogpost/{NewsId}", "~/BlogPost.aspx");
This rewrites are fixed so, they don't need to be stored in the previous table.
Since you are open to third party solutions ("Is there any other method that I could use or any 3-part dll that I could use?") you can consider the following.
Option 1: Since your website is built using Microsoft tech stack, I am assuming you would be deploying the solution on IIS webserver. If that is the case, you can you can use the Rewrite module extension on IIS to do all of your rewrites. Your rules would be saved in the web.config file.
Option 2: Use third party software
Option 1 Steps
Open IIS Manager. Select Your Web Site.
Click URL Rewrite in the Feature View. If you don't see this option, URL rewrite extension might not have been installed. Get it from here [] and install it.
Click Add rules in the Actions pane (found on the right side)
Select Blank Rule in the Add Rules dialog box
Create your rules. Rule options are pretty self explanatory.
Since your rules are stored in a database, you might need to write code to read your rules from database (which you seems to have already done) and reformat the rules to confirm to IIS rule format. At the end of the day, rules are name-value pairs. Say you have a prod.aspx page that takes a product id and size parameters that displays product details and your current URL is "/products/prod.aspx?id=1234&size=3". The "original value" in the rule mapping will be "/product-details" and the "New Value" will be "/products/prod.aspx?id=1234&size=3" in IIS rule mapping dialog box. The original value specifies what URL path we want to rewrite from and the new value specifies what URL path we want to rewrite to.
You might need to use a custom Rewrite Provider with URL Rewrite Module to interface directly with your SQL tables to import rules. You can read more about how to do this here:
Option 2
ISAPI Rewrite by Helicon Tech (
Ionic's Isapi Rewrite Filter (
I have not used any of the above software products myself and therefore, I couldn't tell you how well they work. Try them at your own risk.
As other answers have suggested, there are different MiddleWare options available or Url-Rewrite modules that could be applied outside of your running application, but if you do not understand where your actual bottle necks are, how can you be sure that any changes in this area will be effective?
There are multiple compounding issues at play here.
The website is too slow
What is your definition of Too Slow and what response times are you looking to achieve?
Whilst complex route logic looks like a prime candidate, even if it looks inefficient, worst case this should only add a couple of hundred milliseconds to each response.
Know that each page request, depending on the architecture and code within it will usually make multiple requests, sometimes 10s or 100s of individual requests for content, it might not be the routing that is the issue, but instead the servicing of the content at each of those, or perhaps just some of the requests that is the bottle neck.
Use the dev tools in your browser to identify which individual requests on a page life cycle are taking the longest to execute, the slow response might not be a significant factor.
Loading the list of routes
Whilst what we assume to be a database call is loaded once into a static variable, the code pattern is ambiguous and instead of executing this "on request" it should be forced into a single call in the Application_Start. But do not overlook the importance of making sure this call is efficient, if this simple DB lookup takes too long to respond, then we can safely assume that all other queries against the database would also be slow, that is the MOST LIKELY FACTOR in your response times.
5K records doesn't sound like too much, but in some frameworks and low cost architectures it might add a few seconds to cold start times, in which case you should consider a compilation or deployment step that reads the data from the database into a local file or use T4 templates or something similar to generate code from the rules.
You need to know how long Rewrite.getRules() takes to execute to make decisions around this point, simple code like this will help to capture the time spent getting the rules, if this is unacceptable then that is a clear place to optimise, I would expect 5k rows to still return under 1 second in a production environment:
public static List<Rewrite> rewrites = null;
public static TimeSpan _getRules_Duration = TimeSpan.Zero;
public void GetRewrites()
if (rewrites == null)
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
rewrites = Rewrite.getRules(); //reads from table (about 5000 rows)
_getRules_Duration = sw.Elapsed;
Post the value for _getRules_Duration, if it is more than 1 second then this indicates something is seriously wrong with your data access implementation. If a simple query like that takes too long, then your entire data driven web site is doomed from the start, see back to the above points, if a page makes multiple individual hits to the database then each of those queries may also be impacted by the poor performing DAL
Even 1 second is being generous, I just profiled a much more complex EF query, returning over 10K rows, with 4 levels of Included relationship data, and the whole lot comes back in under 100ms, the whole page response is closer to 700ms, so even if I was to optimise the DB query, best case scenario is that the whole page load comes back closer to 600ms, so is it worth the effort for such a minimal improvement?
Poor DAL can be caused by poor code or poorly implemented ORM logic, however we often overlook the operating environment and resources that the deployed websites are running on. The latency between the web client, the web server, the DAL and then the database introduce crucial physical hardware bottlenecks to your code may need to respect if you can't improve the bandwidth or resources.
Move the call to load the routes into Application_Start to make it obvious that this data is only loaded once in the application lifecycle, but it is needed for every request, so you want to know early if it is going to fail:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
Re-factor your logic so you can Test it
Right now, OP and all other posts are focusing on logic used to match the routes, but similar to the load times, if the route logic only takes 200ms to evaluate then at best we can only reduce each individual response time by that amount. Lets refactor this logic into a format that we can both test and measure:
private string oldChiave;
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
String fullOriginalPath = Request.Url.ToString();
int index = fullOriginalPath.IndexOf('/', fullOriginalPath.IndexOf(SITE_DOMAIN)) + 1;
string chiave = fullOriginalPath.Substring(index).ToLower();
if (oldChiave != chiave)
oldChiave = chiave;
if (TryGetRewritePath(chiave, out string rewriteUrl))
else if (TryGetRewritePath(chiave, out string redirectUrl))
public bool TryGetRewritePath(string chiave, out string url)
Rewrite r = rewrites.Find(y => y.Chiave == chiave);
if (r != null)
string url = "/" + r.Pagina;
if (r.Param1 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param1;
if (r.Param2 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param2;
if (r.Param3 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param3;
if (r.Param4 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param4;
if (r.Param5 != null)
url += "/" + r.Param5;
return true;
return false;
public bool TryGetRedirectPath(string chiave, out string url)
//se non ho trovato la chiave all'interno delle chiavi potrebbe essere la composizione dei parametri in Param1,2,3,4,5 es /Products/Uomo/0/0/1, deve ritrasformarsi in Scarpe-Uomo
string[] param = chiave.Split('/');
if (param.Length == 5)
Rewrite r = rewrites.Find(x => x.Pagina == param[0] &&
x.Param1 == param[1] &&
x.Param2 == param[2] &&
x.Param3 == param[3] &&
x.Param4 == param[4]);
if (r != null)
url = "/" + r.Chiave;
return true;
if (param.Length == 6)
Rewrite r = rewrites.Find(x => x.Pagina == param[0] &&
x.Param1 == param[1] &&
x.Param2 == param[2] &&
x.Param3 == param[3] &&
x.Param4 == param[4] &&
x.Param5 == param[5]);
if (r != null)
url = "/" + r.Chiave;
return true;
return false;
Now, as with the GetRewrites example, we can again use the stop watch to record the duration of each request, here we will just trace out the info, you can adapt this to your needs, perhaps storing the max or average processing time
The overall point is that you need data to inform you if this is the source of your overall performance issues.
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
String fullOriginalPath = Request.Url.ToString();
int index = fullOriginalPath.IndexOf('/', fullOriginalPath.IndexOf(SITE_DOMAIN)) + 1;
string chiave = fullOriginalPath.Substring(index).ToLower();
if (oldChiave != chiave)
oldChiave = chiave;
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
if (TryGetRewritePath(chiave, out string rewriteUrl))
// log out the duration
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"URL Rewrite evaluated in: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms. '{chiave}' => '{rewriteUrl}'");
else if (TryGetRewritePath(chiave, out string redirectUrl))
// log out the duration (this includes the above dureation AS WELL)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"URL Redirect evaluated in: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms. '{chiave}' => '{rewriteUrl}'");
// log out the duration (this includes the above dureation AS WELL)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"NO REDIRECT evaluated in: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms. '{chiave}'");
OP please post the times that your code takes to complete these functions, from that you can decide if the route processing is significant factor or not.
Chiave Logic
The other obvious issue in your code is that you have tried to prevent multiple evaluations of the route logic based on whether the Chiave has changed or not. If your site serves requests for multiple values of the path prefix, then I'm not sure this logic is entirely correct. If two different users operating under different business Chiave identities are using your site at the same time, then each user will cause the previous value of oldChiave to be overwritten and the same logic executed.
As a minimal step, make sure that oldChiave is an instance member, and not a static member. But I'm not sure that is really helping your issue at all, what you probably want to implement is the following type of logic:
On Request:
- If the current URL has already been evaluated for redirect, use the previous result
- Otherwise, check if we need to redirect, and if we do, cache the result for next time.
As usual, there are a lot of different code patterns to go about this, however it is first important to know if this is going to improve your response times, and if so, by how much. That can only be determined by analysing the logic.
Note here static is used, we don't know which application instance might be serving the request.
static Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, string>> rewriteCache = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, string>>();
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
String fullOriginalPath = Request.Url.ToString();
int index = fullOriginalPath.IndexOf('/', fullOriginalPath.IndexOf(SITE_DOMAIN)) + 1;
string chiave = fullOriginalPath.Substring(index).ToLower();
if (rewriteCache.TryGetValue(chiave, out Tuple<string, string> cacheItem))
if(cacheItem != null)
if(cacheItem.Item1 != null) Context.RewritePath(cacheItem.Item1);
if(cacheItem.Item2 != null) Context.Redirect(cacheItem.Item2);
if (TryGetRewritePath(chiave, out string rewriteUrl))
rewriteCache.Add(chiave, new Tuple<string, string>(rewriteUrl, null));
else if (TryGetRewritePath(chiave, out string redirectUrl))
rewriteCache.Add(chiave, new Tuple<string, string>(null, redirectUrl));
// Cache the no redirect scenario
rewriteCache.Add(chiave, null);
Application_BeginRequest method is fired 3 or more times when I click
a link
To minimize the calls -
the Application_BeginRequest is called on all request, not only on aspx files.
you can minimize only of on aspx and handlers files. Here is an example on how to do that:
string sExtentionOfThisFile = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(HttpContext.Current.Request.Path);
if ( sExtentionOfThisFile.Equals(".aspx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
sExtentionOfThisFile.Equals(".ashx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
// run here your Rewrites
rewrites = Rewrite.getRules(); //reads from table (about 5000 rows)
Rewrite r = rewrites.Find(y => y.Chiave == chiave);
This is the point where you make a search loop of 5000 times (maybe an average of 2500) on each call. Imaging if the most access page are at the end of the list, then near 5000 compare strings on each call - this is where you have the main issue.
To make it faster in your specific case, I suggest to use Dictionary<> - need a little bit more code and different way to search on it - but will make the different.
Also optimize that code with different way of search - this way using Dictionary<>
r = rewrites.Find(x => x.Pagina == param[0] &&
x.Param1 == param[1] &&
x.Param2 == param[2] &&
x.Param3 == param[3] &&
x.Param4 == param[4]);
I would add the verification of the extension as said by Aristos, and I would also perhaps search a "Find" implementation (using binary trees, or some other method) to make it faster.
I think that is the issue.
The query to the DB is not the issue since it runs one time only.
Another possible solution could be to setup the list in a redis server which is faster (although you need to run some tests to compare redis vs inmemory of 5000 items or more to make it futureproof)

Swashbuckle swagger.json larger than 4 mb net core

My api endpoint have grown too large and I need to minimize it or divide it to multiple swagger.json files.
I want to upload the swagger.json file to power automate but there are two rules. Max 4 Mb and Max 256 functions per file. I don´t meet these requirement.
I want to have a swagger file per controller/group this will minimize number of functions and decrease the size of file.
But I don't know how to configure(Swashbuckle) or should I do it with documentFilters?
I already use ApiVersioning to decrease a littel bit of functions and size, but it is not enough. And I can´t chnage the complete url endpoint. I just want multiple files more than just versions.
There are two options to make this possible. But I want to make it without changing any urls to the existing api.
In each controller you can add set the Apiversion [ApiVersion("2.0")] and then set the controllername i.e [ApiVersion("2.0.order")]. And there will be a version for each controller.
This solution will change the urls and are not approachable for an existing api.
Another solution is to create tags for each operation with a filter and now we can create a filter for each endpoint
public class ApplySwaggerOperationTags : IOperationFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
var tag = new OpenApiTag();
context.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor.RouteValues.TryGetValue("controller",out string tagname);
tag.Name = tagname;
var tagGroupName = new OpenApiTag();
tagGroupName.Name = context.ApiDescription.GroupName;
And then apply a document filter
public class SwaggerDocumentFilter : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
// Key is read-only so make a copy of the Paths property
var pathsFiltered = new OpenApiPaths();
var array = context.DocumentName.Split("-");
string version = array[0];
string tag = string.Empty;
if (array.Count() > 1)
tag = array[1];
foreach (var path in swaggerDoc.Paths)
if (path.Value.Operations.Values.First().Tags.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == version) != null)
if (path.Value.Operations.Values.First().Tags.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.ToLower() == tag.ToLower()) != null ||
tag == string.Empty)
// Add the path to the filtered collection
pathsFiltered.Add(path.Key, path.Value);
swaggerDoc.Paths = pathsFiltered;
The key is to have c.SwaggerEndpoint(in UseSwaggerUI) and options.SwaggerDoc(in SwaggerGenOptions) that match
And a good example to check is
Hope this helps anyone.

Open PDFSharp Document and Saving Removes Password

I am using PDFSharp in 2 different applications for 2 different reasons. The first is password protect a document and the second is to watermark the document. These processes both work individually in there own applications/workflows. The problem is that application 1 only knows about the password and application 2 only knows about the watermark, application 1 uses a default owner password and a dynamic user password, application 2 opens the document with the owner password to apply the watermark. The problem is that the password is not persisted, it seems PDFSharp while saving the document ignores the previous PDF password?!
Is there a way of keeping the security settings when applying the watermark, without explicitly defining the passwords again?
I posted this on the PDFSharp forum but they are ignoring it which is not a good sign?!
Kind Regards,
I think this was a limitation of PDF sharp, as I got no response or help from them on there forum. I opened up there code and made the following changes to correct the error. Firstly i added a new property on the SecurityHandler.cs class
public string OwnerPassword
set { SecurityHandler.OwnerPassword = value; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public bool MaintainOwnerAndUserPassword
get { return SecurityHandler.MaintainOwnerAndUserPassword; }
set { SecurityHandler.MaintainOwnerAndUserPassword = value; }
Then I changed the doSave method on the PdfDocument.cs class to look like the following:
void DoSave(PdfWriter writer)
if (this.pages == null || this.pages.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot save a PDF document with no pages.");
bool encrypt = this.securitySettings.DocumentSecurityLevel != PdfDocumentSecurityLevel.None;
if (encrypt)
PdfStandardSecurityHandler securityHandler = this.securitySettings.SecurityHandler;
if (securityHandler.Reference == null)
this.trailer.Elements[PdfTrailer.Keys.Encrypt] = this.securitySettings.SecurityHandler.Reference;
if (encrypt && !securitySettings.SecurityHandler.MaintainOwnerAndUserPassword)
Finally I changed the CanSave method on the PDFSecuritySettings.cs to this:
internal bool CanSave(ref string message)
if (this.documentSecurityLevel != PdfDocumentSecurityLevel.None)
if ((SecurityHandler.userPassword == null || SecurityHandler.userPassword.Length == 0) &&
(SecurityHandler.ownerPassword == null || SecurityHandler.ownerPassword.Length == 0) &&
message = PSSR.UserOrOwnerPasswordRequired;
return false;
return true;
This should allow you to set the MaintainOwnerAndUserPassword setting and assuming you already have a hashed username and password it should work fine and dandy,
Over and out.

Out of Memory at line XXXX

can anyone help me how to resolve the out of memory error on my asp page? im using linq to sql.. after adding data several data.. like more than 10 rows. in the grid. an out of memory error occurs.. attached herewith is my add function..
public ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid()
string ServiceName = ViewState["Tab"].ToString();
ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid = ServiceDetails_worker.get(a => a.ServiceName == ServiceName && a.MarginAnalysisID == checkmarginanalysisid().MarginAnalysisID).SingleOrDefault();
return checkservicedetailid;
public IEnumerable<ServiceDetail> get(Expression<Func<ServiceDetail, Boolean>> express)
return ServiceDetailsDB.ServiceDetails.Where(express);
protected void btnSaveEmptyOC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (checkservicedetailid() != null)
CashExpense tblCashExpenses = new CashExpense();
Guid CashExpensesID = Guid.NewGuid();
tblCashExpenses.CashExpensesID = CashExpensesID;
tblCashExpenses.ServiceDetailsID = checkservicedetailid().ServiceDetailsID;
tblCashExpenses.Description = txtDescriptionEmptyOC.Text;
tblCashExpenses.Quantity = Decimal.Parse(txtQTYEmptyOC.Text);
tblCashExpenses.UnitCost = Decimal.Parse(txtUnitCostEmptyOC.Text);
tblCashExpenses.CreatedBy = User.Identity.Name;
tblCashExpenses.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
tblCashExpenses.CashExpensesTypeID = "OTHER";
//Clear items after saving
txtDescriptionEmptyOC.Text = "";
txtQTYEmptyOC.Text = "";
txtUnitCostEmptyOC.Text = "";
ValidationMessage.ShowValidationMessage(MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.InsertOC2, "SaveEmptyOC", this.Page);
MyAuditProvider.Insert(this.GetType().ToString(), ViewState["MarginAnalysisID"].ToString(), MessageCenter.Mode.ADD, MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.InsertOC2, Page.Request, User);
divOtherCost.Visible = false;
grd_othercost.Visible = true;
btnaddothercost.Visible = true;
//Displays a Message on the Validation Summary (Service Id does not exist)
ValidationMessage.ShowValidationMessage(MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.SaveServiceDetailOC, "SaveEmptyOC", this.Page);
//Displays a Message on the Validation Summary (Error on Saving)
ValidationMessage.ShowValidationMessage(MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.InsertOCError, "SaveEmptyOC", this.Page);
//Rebinds the Grid
I'm guessing from your code here:
ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid = ServiceDetails_worker.get(
a => a.ServiceName == ServiceName &&
a.MarginAnalysisID == checkmarginanalysisid().MarginAnalysisID
that .get() is taking a Func<SomeType, bool>, and you are doing something like:
var row = dbCtx.SomeTable.Where(predicate);
(please correct me here if I'm incorrect)
This, however, is using LINQ-to-Objects, meaning: it is loading every row from the table to the client and testing locally. That'll hurt memory, especially if a different db-context is created for each row. Additionally, the checkmarginanalysisid() call is being executed per row, when presumably it doesn't change between rows.
You should be testing this with an Expression<Func<SomeType, bool>> which would be translated to TSQL and executed at the server. You may also need to remove untranslatable methods, i.e.
var marginAnalysisId = checkmarginanalysisid().MarginAnalysisID;
ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid = ServiceDetails_worker.get(
a => a.ServiceName == ServiceName &&
a.MarginAnalysisID == marginAnalysisId
where that is get(Expression<Func<SomeType, bool>>).
I tried all of the solution given to me both by my peers as well as the solution provided here, from GC.Collect, to disposing linq datacontext after use etc. however the error keeps on occurring, i then tried to remove the update panel, Ive read a site that showed how ridiculous update panel when it comes to handling data esp when a function is done repeatedly. And poof! the memory problem is gone!

What is the replacement of Controller.ReadFromRequest in ASP.NET MVC?

I am attempting to update a project from ASP.NET MVC Preview 3 to Preview 5 and it seems that Controller.ReadFromRequest(string key) has been removed from the Controller class. Does anyone know of any alternatives to retrieving information based on an identifier from a form?
Looks like they've added controller.UpdateModel to address this issue, signature is:
UpdateModel(object model, string[] keys)
I haven't upgraded my app personally, so I'm not sure of the actual usage. I'll be interested to find out about this myself, as I'm using controller.ReadFromRequest as well.
Not sure where it went. You could roll your own extension though:
public static class MyBindingExtensions
public static T ReadFromRequest < T > (this Controller controller, string key)
// Setup
HttpContextBase context = controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext;
object val = null;
T result = default(T);
// Gaurd
if (context == null)
return result; // no point checking request
// Bind value (check form then query string)
if (context.Request.Form[key] != null)
val = context.Request.Form[key];
if (val == null)
if (context.Request.QueryString[key] != null)
val = context.Request.QueryString[key];
// Cast value
if (val != null)
result = (t)val;
return result;
could you redo that link in something like
I need this info too but can get that mega-link to work.

