How to split this string to array? - c#

I have string (from a file):
[[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E nien\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]],
[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E ca\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]],
[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E nhan\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]],
[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E thao\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]]
I saved this string to a variable name "s". I want split all strings betwen "[\x22" and "\x22," then save to an array named "s2". How I can do this? Thank you very much!

You can do as following :
var myArray = myString.Split("[\x22");
Do you want to remove the last characters aswell?

string[] s2 = s.Split(new string[] {#"[\x22", #"\x22"},

string s = #"[\x22thanh\x22,
[[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E nien\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]],
[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E ca\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]],
[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E nhan\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]],
[\x22thanh\\u003Cb\\u003E thao\\u003C\\/b\\u003E\x22,0,[]]
string start = #"[\x22";
string end = #"\x22";
int pos = -1;
List<string> list = new List<string>();
while ((pos = s.IndexOf(start)) > -1)
s = s.Substring(pos + start.Length);
if ((pos = s.IndexOf(end)) > -1)
list.Add(s.Substring(0, pos));
s = s.Substring(pos + end.Length);
string[] s2 = list.ToArray();
Same result using Split:
string[] s2 = s.Split(new string[] { #"[\x22" },
.Select(i => i.Substring(0, i.IndexOf(#"\x22")))

You can find the position of first \x22 and next \x22 string. Next, you should copy the text beetween that position. You can get position using IndexOf method.


How to separate sting with comma plus 8 digits

I want to split a long string (that contains only numbers) to string arr 0f numbers with 8 digits after the comma.
for example:
string str = "45.00019821162.206580920.032150970.03215097244.0031982274.245303020.014716900.046867870.000198351974.613444580.391664580.438532450.00020199 3499.19734739 0.706802871.145335320.000202002543.362378010.513759201.659094520.000202102.391733720.000483371.65957789"
string[] Arr=
45.00019821 162.20658092 234.03215097 123123.03215097
255.00019822 74.24530302 23422.01471690 1.04686787
12.00019835 1974.61344458 234.39166458 123212.43853245
532.00020199 3499.19734739 878.70680287 1.14533532
1234.00020200 2543.36237801 23.51375920 1.65909452
12221.00020210 2.39173372 0.00048337 1.65957789"
I try use
String.Format("{0:0.00000000}", str);
or some SubString such as:
public static string GetSubstring(string input, int count, char delimiter)
return string.Join(delimiter.ToString(), input.Split(delimiter).Take(count));
with no success.
You can split the string using Regex:
var strRegex = #"(?<num>\d+\.\d{8})";
var myRegex = new Regex(strRegex, RegexOptions.None);
foreach (Match myMatch in myRegex.Matches(str))
var part = myMatch.Groups["num"].Value;
// convert 'part' to double and store it wherever you want...
More compact version:
var myRegex = new Regex(#"(?<num>\d*\.\d{8})", RegexOptions.None);
var myNumbers = myRegex.Matches(str).Cast<Match>()
.Select(m => m.Groups["num"].Value)
.Select(v => Convert.ToDouble(v, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
The input string str can be converted to the desired output as follows.
static IEnumerable<string> NumberParts(string iString)
IEnumerable<char> iSeq = iString;
while (iSeq.Count() > 0)
var Result = new String(iSeq.TakeWhile(Char.IsDigit).ToArray());
iSeq = iSeq.SkipWhile(Char.IsDigit);
Result += new String(iSeq.Take(1).ToArray());
iSeq = iSeq.Skip(1);
Result += new String(iSeq.Take(8).ToArray());
iSeq = iSeq.Skip(8);
yield return Result;
The parsing method above can be called as follows.
var Parts = NumberParts(str).ToArray();
var Result = String.Join(" ", Parts);
This would be the classical for-loop version of it, (no magic involved):
// split by separator
string[] allparts = str.Split('.');
// Container for the resulting numbers
List<string> numbers = new List<string>();
// Handle the first number separately
string start = allparts[0];
string decimalPart ="";
for (int i = 1; i < allparts.Length; i++)
decimalPart = allparts[i].Substring(0, 8);
numbers.Add(start + "." + decimalPart);
// overwrite the start with the next number
start = allparts[i].Substring(8, allparts[i].Length - 8);
Here would be a LINQ Version yielding the same result:
// split by separator
string[] allparts = str.Split('.');
IEnumerable<string> allInteger = allparts.Select(x => x.Length > 8 ? x.Substring(8, x.Length - 8) : x);
IEnumerable<string> allDecimals = allparts.Skip(1).Select(x => x.Substring(0,8));
string [] allWholeNumbers = allInteger.Zip(allDecimals, (i, d) => i + "." + d).ToArray();
The shortest way without regex:
var splitted = ("00000000" + str.Replace(" ", "")).Split('.');
var result = splitted
.Zip(splitted.Skip(1), (f, s) =>
Try it online!

How to use Linq to Split a String on newlines and space?

I have a string:
string data =
"item1 actived
item2 none
item special I none
item special II actived"
you can see 4 rows in the data.
I need to split a string into a List item as below:
item[0]={Name=item1, Status=actived}
item[1]={Name=item2, Status=none}
item[2]={Name=item Special I, Status=none}
item[3]={Name=item Special II, Status=actived}
I'm tried:
var s = SplitReturn(data);
public string[] SplitReturn(string name)
return name.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
How do I can Split space in my string and then convert to List?
string data =
#"item1 actived
item2 none
item special I none
item special II actived";
var result = data.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(item => {
int lastSpace = item.LastIndexOf(' ');
return new
Name = item.Substring(0, lastSpace).Trim(),
Status = item.Substring(lastSpace, item.Length - lastSpace).Trim()
}; }).ToList();

string and arrays manipulation c#

Here is the code and it is working fine for a single input string
string[] stop_word = new string[]
"(", ")",
string str = "Please try something (by) yourself. -befor/e asking";
foreach (string word in stop_word)
str = str.ToLower().Replace(word, "").Trim();
and the output is by yourself before
and now I want to have
string str[] = new string[]
"Please try something-by yourself. before (CAD) asking/",
"cover, was adopted. The accuracy (of) the- change map was"
and also may be the number of strings is greater than 2 then how to alter this above code to display the str array or store in a text file or database.
Please help with acknowledgements. Thanks
The code for single string need to be put inside a loop for string array
List<string> result = new List<string>();
for(int i =0; i<str.Length; i++)
foreach (string word in stop_word)
str[i] = str[i].ToLower().Replace(word, "").Trim();
str[i] = Regex.Replace(str[i], #"\s+", " ");
foreach(string r in result)
//this is to printout the result
You can try it here:
Use regex to replace multiple spaces with one single space
Here is an easy to understand way to do it:
List<string> list = new List<string>();
foreach (string text in str)//loops through your str array
string newText =text;
foreach (string word in stop_word) //loops through your word array
newText = newText.ToLower().Replace(word, "").Trim();
list.Add(newText); //store the results in a list
Here is a working Demo
Does this work as you expect?
var results =
.Select(x => stop_word.Aggregate(x, (a, y) => a.ToLower().Replace(y, "").Trim()))
I used this input:
string[] str = new string[]
"Please try something-by yourself. before (CAD) asking/",
"cover, was adopted. The accuracy (of) the- change map was"
string[] stop_word = new string[]
"please", "try", "something", "asking", "-", "(", ")", "/", ".", "was", "the"
I got this output:
by yourself before cad
cover, adopted accuracy of change map
You can use Select() for this.
var results = str.Select(x => {
foreach (string word in stop_word)
x = x.ToLower().Replace(word, "").Trim();
return x;
}).ToList(); // You can use ToArray() if you wish too.
foreach(string result in results)
by yourself before cad
cover, adopted accuracy of change map

how to split a string TWICE

I've been trying to split a string twice but I keep getting the error "Index was outside the bounds of the array".
This is the string I intend to split:
such that I use the "^" as a delimiter in the first array separation so that each set will look as follows after the first result
a*b*c*d*e 1*2*3*4*5 e*f*g*h*i
Then thereafter perform another split operation on this set with * as the separator so that the results, for example from the first set is a b c d e
This is the C# code:
words = "a*b*c*d*e^1*2*3*4*5^e*f*g*h*i^";
char[] del = { '^' };
string[] splitResult = words.Split(del);
foreach (string w in splitResult)
char[] separator = { '*' };
string[] splitR = w.Split(separator);
foreach (string e in splitR)
string first = splitR[0];
string second = splitR[1];
string third = splitR[2];
string fourth = splitR[3];
string fifth = splitR[4];
To remove the last part where there is no result, how about
In C#
string str = "a*b*c*d*e^1*2*3*4*5^e*f*g*h*i^";
var result = str.Split(new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(x => x.Split('*')).ToArray();
In VB.Net
Dim str As String = "a*b*c*d*e^1*2*3*4*5^e*f*g*h*i^"
Dim result = str.Split(New Char() {"^"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(Function(x) x.Split("*")).ToArray()
You can do this with Linq:
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>> strings = words
.Split(new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(w => w.Split('*'));
or if you prefer to work exclusively with arrays
string[][] strings = words
.Split(new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(w => w.Split('*').ToArray())
string words= "a*b*c*d*e^1*2*3*4*5^e*f*g*h*i^";
string[] reslts = words.Split(new char[] { '*', '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
You have a terminating separator, So the final string is empty.
If (w != null) {
string[] splitR = w.Split(separator);
If splitR.lenght > 4)
string first = splitR[0];
string second = splitR[1];
string third = splitR[2];
string fourth = splitR[3];
string fifth = splitR[4];
Try this:
string words = "a*b*c*d*e^1*2*3*4*5^e*f*g*h*i^";
char[] del = { '^' };
string[] splitResult = words.Split(del,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string w in splitResult)
char[] separator = { '*' };
string[] splitR = w.Split(separator);
string first = splitR[0];
string second = splitR[1];
string third = splitR[2];
string fourth = splitR[3];
string fifth = splitR[4];
Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", first, second, third, fourth, fifth);
You are getting exception Index was outside the bounds of the array because in the last loop, it is getting only one item, I suggest you to check for five items:
words = "a*b*c*d*e^1*2*3*4*5^e*f*g*h*i^";
char[] del = { '^' };
string[] splitResult = words.Split(del);
foreach (string w in splitResult)
char[] separator = { '*' };
string[] splitR = w.Split(separator);
if (splitR.Length>=5)
foreach (string e in splitR)
string first = splitR[0];
string second = splitR[1];
string third = splitR[2];
string fourth = splitR[3];
string fifth = splitR[4];
One line does it all
var f = words.Split(new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(x => x.Split(new char[] { '*' }).ToArray())
Your second loop does 5 times same thing (you don't use e).
The exception you got is because a last empty string was included resulting in an empty array that gave the index out of range exception in the inner loop.

Using Indexof to check if string contains a character

What I'm trying to do is type in random words into box1, click a button and then print all the words that start with "D" in box2. So if I was to type in something like "Carrots Doors Apples Desks Dogs Carpet" and click the button "Doors Desks Dogs" would print in box2.
string s = box1.Text;
int i = s.IndexOf("D");
string e = s.Substring(i);
box2.Text = (e);
when I use this^^
It would print out "Doors Apples Desks Dogs Carpet" instead of just the D's.
NOTE: These words are an example, I could type anything into box1.
Any help?
You could simplify this by using LINQ
var allDWords = box1.Text.Split(' ').Where(w => w.StartsWith("D"));
box2.Text = String.Join(" ", allDWords);
Try this
box2.Text = String.Join(" ",
box1.Text.Split(' ')
.Where(p => p.StartsWith("D")));
You can match the D words with a regular expression and iterate over the results
Try this regex
First you need to split up the text into words and then check to see if each word starts with D. When looking for the first character it's easier to just check it directly.
string s = box1.Text;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var cur in s.Split(new char[] { ' ' })) {
if (cur.Length > 0 && cur[0] == 'D') {
builder.Append(' ');
box2.Text = builder.ToString();
One thing you could do is:
Lets suppose,
string str = "Dog Cat Man etc";
string[] words = str.Split(' ');
List<string> wordStartWithD = new List<string>();
foreach (string strTemp in words)
if (strTemp.StartsWith("D"))
Hope this help.

