Measuring the execution time in multithreading environment - c#

I have an application that uses Task (TPL) objects for asynchronous execution.
The main thread waits for a trigger (some TCP packet) and then executes several tasks. What I want to do is to measure the time spent in the tasks.
Take a look at the code. I have some lengthy operation (Generator), enclosed in Stopwatch's start/stop.
Task.Factory.StartNew((t) => {
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
Generator g = new Generator();
g.GenerateIntervals(); // lengthy operation
Here is the problem. Stopwatch uses DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks at the moment of Start() and then again at the moment of Stop(). Then it subtracts those two to get the elapsed time.
The thing is, some other thread (in a single-threaded system) can get some processor time while the Generator (from the code) is doing its GenerateIntervals() lengthy operation. That means that the elapsed time recorded by the stopwatch would contain not only the Generaor.GenerateIntervals() time, but also the time that the other threads did their job inbetween.
Is there any simple way to know exactly how much of processor time did some method take, not including execution time from other threads as a result of timesharing mechanisms?

The answer to your question is "No"... No, you cannot measure the accumulated time ON THE CPU for a particular thread.
(Side-rant: I really wish people would read the question and understand it before answering!!!)
Ok, back to your question... the most accurate thing you could do would be to spin off a separate process for each of your tasks, and then measure the CPU time for the process (which can be done in .Net)... but that's overkill.
If you need help on how to do that, you should ask another question specifically for that.

Here is nice Article . You can use it or you can compare those times using in-built performance analyzer in VS2010.

You could use the Windows API QueryPerformanceCounter() and QueryPerformanceFrequency() methodsto retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the timer was started.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
namespace Win32
internal class WinTimer
private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(
out long lpPerformanceCount);
private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(
out long lpFrequency);
private long startTime, stopTime;
private long freq;
// Constructor
public HiPerfTimer()
startTime = 0;
stopTime = 0;
if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(out freq) == false)
// high-performance counter not supported
throw new Win32Exception();
// Start the timer
public void Start()
// lets do the waiting threads there work
QueryPerformanceCounter(out startTime);
// Stop the timer
public void Stop()
QueryPerformanceCounter(out stopTime);
// Returns the duration of the timer (in seconds)
public double Duration
return (double)(stopTime - startTime) / (double) freq;

In fact the answer is YES (but you need to use interop).
There is a WINAPI function which is called QueryThreadCycleTime and does exactly this:
"Retrieves the cycle time for the specified thread."


Strange behaviour with async operations inside System.Threading.Timer

Short intro:
I have a windows service which monitors other applications and services if they are functional at various time intervals.
The service uses one timer (System.Threading.Timer) for every monitored application (named as "monitor").
Different types of applications require different types of monitors, some work synchronously and others asynchronous (for example, those using HttpClient).
So I got to the point where I would need asynchronous calls in a timer.
I have simplified the code to the limit so that I can post it here. It can be run directly into a console project.
My problem is that this code has a very bizarre behavior, as more timers are introduced - the harder it runs until it does not respond at all (over 20 timers).
Does not the monitor run time be exactly the delay set in asynchronous operation (100ms)?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TestMain
class TestMain
private static List<TestTimer> timers = new List<TestTimer>();
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
TestMain.timers.Add(new TestTimer(i));
Console.WriteLine("Press [Enter] to exit.");
public class TestTimer
public Int32 Id { get; private set; }
private Timer timer;
public TestTimer(Int32 id)
this.Id = id;
this.timer = new Timer(this.Test, null, 1000, 30 * 1000);
private void Test(Object state)
TestWorker t = new TestWorker(this.Id);
public class TestWorker
public Int32 Id { get; private set; }
private Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
public TestWorker(Int32 id) { this.Id = id; }
public void Run()
private async Task RunAsync()
this.Log(String.Format("Start[{0,2}]", this.Id));
await Task.Run(() => { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); }).ConfigureAwait(false);
this.Log(String.Format(" End[{0,2}] Duration=[{1}]", this.Id, (Int32)this.sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));
private void Log(String text)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,20} {1}", DateTime.Now, text));
I attached a printscreen with a run.
Console Printscreen
That's because of how thread pool managed its threads. Thread pool has "minimal" number of threads (which you can read with ThreadPool.GetMinThreads). By default (that depends on .NET version but we won't complicate stuff with that) it's related to the number of processor cores, for example on my machine that's 8. When those 8 threads are busy and you need more - thread pool will first wait for some time for one of the busy threads to be available (it will wait for about 1 second) and if no thread is available - it will add one more thread to the pool.
Timer callback executes on thread pool. So when all 20 of your timers fire their callback at the same time - only 8 (in my case) callbacks are executed. The rest are queued and one executes approximately every second (they request thread from thread pool to execute but it waits 1 second every time, because all threads in thread pool are busy at the moment). They are busy because your timer callback waits for RunAsync to complete with Wait(). So only after 12 (20-8) seconds all timer callbacks has executed.
When timer callback executes - it writes Start message to console and starts the Stopwatch. Then you request another thread from thread pool by doing Task.Run. All those requests are queued after timer callbacks, so only after all timers are started you start to receive End messages.
So now you have 20 threads busy with waiting for RunAsync to complete. First Task.Run requests another thread. This thread waits for 100 milliseconds and after that it's free and can be reused, so task pool will not create new threads for each Task.Run and will reuse this one (because 100 milliseconds is less that 1 second it will wait for a thread to become available).
To make this behavior more expected - set minimal threads in thread pool with ThreadPool.SetMinThread to some bigger value or don't hold timer callback thread with waiting for RunAsync to complete.
System.Threading.Timer is using thread pool, so there is a limit on number of threads and this is what you experience.
Does not the monitor run time be exactly the delay set in asynchronous operation (100ms)?
That's what you want, but it seems the thread is busy for a duration of waiting for task to complete and even more, because the task inside also want to use thread from thread pool.
A quick fix is to use fire-and-forget method (credits), this way timer is not waiting for anything, instead of
public void Run()
public void Run()
#pragma warning disable 4014
#pragma warning restore 4014

Is there a better way to count passed time without putting thread to sleep

I am looking at the code written by my colleague:
long tim = DateTime.Now.Ticks;// get current time in ticks
long startWait = tim + TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * 15; // add 15 seconds (in ticks) to current time
while ((tim < startWait) & !_myReader.ReaderOpen) //_myReader.ReaderOpen is external device
Thread.Sleep(100); // sleep for 100ms
tim = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
For some reason, this code does not look right. It seems like putting thread to sleep and waking it up every 100ms is huge waste of CPU.
You can use a Timer to execute periodically without forcing a thread to be sitting around doing nothing for the duration of that time. it's also possible that the reader that you're using exposes some means of notifying you when things happen so that you can respond to those events without needing to poll the object.
you could also do something like this which is exactly the same thing but different
at least you can stop the loop when myReader.ReaderOpen become true, if the 100ms is important to you
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const int TimeToWait = 15;
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var mnu = new ManualResetEvent(false);
while (sw.Elapsed.Seconds <= TimeToWait)

Measure Execution time of Parallel.For

I am using a Parallel.For loop to increase execution speed of a computation.
I would like to measure the approximate time left for the computation. Normally one simply has to measure the time it takes for each step and estimate the total time by multiplying the step time by the total number of steps.
e.g., If there are 100 steps and some step takes 5 seconds then one could except that the total time would be about 500 seconds. (one could average over several steps and continuously report to the user which is what I want to do).
The only way I can think to do this is by using an outer for loop that essentially resorts back to the original way by splitting up the parallel.for interval and measuring each one.
for(i;n;i += step)
Time(Parallel.For(i, i + step - 1, ...))
This isn't a very good way in general because either a few number of very long steps or a large number of short steps cause problems with timing.
Anyone have any ideas?
(Please realize I need a real time estimation of the time it is taking the parallel.for to complete and NOT the total time. I want to let the user know how much time is left in execution).
This method seems to be pretty effective. We can "linearize" the parallel for loop by simply having each parallel loop increment a counter:
Parallel.For(0, n, (i) => { Thread.Sleep(1000); Interlocked.Increment(ref cnt); });
(Note, thanks to Niclas, that ++ is not atomic and one must use lock or Interlocked.Increment)
Each loop, running in parallel, will increment cnt. The effect is that cnt is monotonically increasing to n, and cnt/n is the percentage of how much the for is complete. Since there is no contention for cnt, there are no concurrency issues and it is very fast and very perfectly accurate.
We can measure the percentage of completion of the parallel For loop at any time during the execution by simply computing cnt/n
The total computation time can be easily estimated by dividing the elapsed time since the start of the loop with the percentage the loop is at. These two quantities should have approximately the same rates of change when each loop takes approximately the same amount of time is relatively well behaved (can average out small fluctuation too).
Obviously the more unpredictable each task is, the more inaccurate the remaining computation time will be. This is to be expected and in general, there is no solution (which is why it's called an approximation). We can still get the elapsed computation time or percentage with complete accuracy.
The underlying assumption of any estimation of "time left" algorithms is each sub task takes approximately the same computation time (assuming one wants a linear result). For example, if we have a parallel approach where 99 tasks are very quick and 1 task is very slow, our estimation will be grossly inaccurate. Our counter will zip up to 99 pretty quick then sit on the last percentage until the slow task completes. We could linearly interpolate and do further estimation to get a smoother countdown but ultimately there is a breaking point.
The following code demonstrates how to measure the parallel for efficiently. Note the time at 100% is the true total execution time and can be used as a reference.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ParallelForTiming
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var pct = 0.000001;
var iter = 20;
var time = 20 * 1000 / iter;
var p = new ParallelOptions(); p.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4;
var Done = false;
Parallel.Invoke(() =>
Parallel.For(0, iter, p, (i) => { Thread.Sleep(time); lock(p) { pct += 1 / (double)iter; }});
Done = true;
}, () =>
while (!Done)
Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(pct*100,2) + " : " + ((pct < 0.1) ? "oo" : (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / pct /1000.0).ToString()));
Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(pct * 100, 2) + " : " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / pct / 1000.0);
This is almost impossible to answer.
First of all, it's not clear what all the steps do. Some steps may be I/O-intensive, or computationally intensive.
Furthermore, Parallel.For is a request -- you are not sure that your code will actually run in parallel. It depends on circumstances (availability of threads and memory) whether the code will actually run in parallel. Then if you have parallel code that relies on I/O, one thread will block the others while waiting for the I/O to complete. And you don't know what other processes are doing either.
This is what makes predicting how long something will take extremely error-prone and, actually, an exercise in futility.
This problem is a tough one to answer. The problems with timing that you refer to using very long steps or a large number of very short steps are likley related to that your loop will be working at the edges of what the parallel partitioner can handle.
Since the default partitioner is very dynamic and we know nothing about your actual problem there is no good answer that allows you to solve the problem at hand while still reaping the benefits of parallel execution with dynamic load balancing.
If it is very important to achive a reliable estimation of projected runtime perhaps you could set up a custom partitioner and then leverage your knowledge about the partioning to extrapolate timings from a few chunks on one thread.
Here's a possible solution to measure the average of all previously finished tasks. After each task finishes, an Action<T> is called where you could summarize all times and divide it by the total tasks finished. This is however just the current state and has no way to predict any future tasks / averages. (As others mentioned, this is quite difficult)
However: You'll have to measure if it fits for your problem because there is a possibility for lock contention on both the method level declared variables.
static void ComputeParallelForWithTLS()
var collection = new List<int>() { 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 }; // values used as sleep parameter
var sync = new object();
TimeSpan averageTime = new TimeSpan();
int amountOfItemsDone = 0; // referenced by the TPL, increment it with lock / interlocked.increment
Parallel.For(0, collection.Count,
() => new TimeSpan(),
(i, loopState, tlData) =>
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
DoWork(collection, i);
return sw.Elapsed;
threadLocalData => // Called each time a task finishes
lock (sync)
averageTime += threadLocalData; // add time used for this task to the total.
Interlocked.Increment(ref amountOfItemsDone); // increment the tasks done
Console.WriteLine(averageTime.TotalMilliseconds / amountOfItemsDone + ms.");
/*print out the average for all done tasks so far. For an estimation,
multiply with the remaining items.*/
static void DoWork(List<int> items, int current)
I would propose having the method being executed at each step report when it is done. This is slightly tricky with thread safety of course, so that is something to remember when implementing. This will let you keep track of number of finished tasks out of the total, and also makes it (sort of) easy to know the time spent on each individual step, which is useful to remove outliers etc.
EDIT: Some code to demonstrate the idea
Parallel.For(startIdx, endIdx, idx => {
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var dur = sw.Elapsed;
ReportFinished(idx, dur);
The key here is that ReportFinished will give you continuous information about number of finished tasks, and the duration of each of them. This enables you to do some better guesses about how long time remains by doing statistics on this data.
Here i wrote class that mesures time and speed
public static class Counter
private static long _seriesProcessedItems = 0;
private static long _totalProcessedItems = 0;
private static TimeSpan _totalTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
private static DateTime _operationStartTime;
private static object _lock = new object();
private static int _numberOfCurrentOperations = 0;
public static void StartAsyncOperation()
lock (_lock)
if (_numberOfCurrentOperations == 0)
_operationStartTime = DateTime.Now;
public static void EndAsyncOperation(int itemsProcessed)
lock (_lock)
if (_numberOfCurrentOperations < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("EndAsyncOperation without StartAsyncOperation");
_seriesProcessedItems +=itemsProcessed;
if (_numberOfCurrentOperations == 0)
_totalProcessedItems += _seriesProcessedItems;
_totalTime += DateTime.Now - _operationStartTime;
_seriesProcessedItems = 0;
public static double GetAvgSpeed()
if (_totalProcessedItems == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("_totalProcessedItems is zero");
if (_totalProcessedItems == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("_totalTime is zero");
return _totalProcessedItems / (double)_totalTime.TotalMilliseconds;
public static void Reset()
_totalProcessedItems = 0;
_totalTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
Example of usage and test:
static void Main(string[] args)
var st = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Parallel.For(0, 100, _ =>
Console.WriteLine("Speed correct {0}", 100 / (double)st.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Console.WriteLine("Speed to test {0}", Counter.GetAvgSpeed());

How to limit the execution time of a function in c sharp?

I've got a problem. I'm writing a benchmark and I have a function than is either done in 2 seconds or after ~5 minutes(depending on the input data). And I would like to stop that function if it's executed for more than 3 seconds...
How can I do it?
Thanks a lot!
Well..., I had the same question, and after reading all the answers here and the referred blogs, I settled for this,
It Lets me execute any block of code with a time limit, Declare the wrapper method
public static bool ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan timeSpan, Action codeBlock)
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => codeBlock());
return task.IsCompleted;
catch (AggregateException ae)
throw ae.InnerExceptions[0];
And use that to wrap any block of code like this
// code here
bool Completed = ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), () =>
// Write your time bounded code here
//More code
The best way would be that your function can check its execution time often enough to decide to stop it it takes too long.
If this is not the case, then run the function in a separate thread. In your main thread start a 3 seconds timer. When timer elapses, kill the separate thread using Thread.Abort() (of course unless the function is already over). See sample code and preacuations of usage in the function docs.
The best way in C# to stop function in middle is the return keyword in function, but how do I know when to use the return keyword to stop the function in middle, after it lasts at least 3 seconds? The Stopwatch class from System.Diagnostics is the answer. This complicated function that lasts between 2 seconds to 5 minutes (depending on the input data) logically uses many loops, and maybe even recursion, so my solution for you is that, at the first line code of that function, create an instance of Stopwatch using System.Diagnostics with the new keyword, start it by calling the Start() function of the Stopwatch class, and in for each loop and loop, at the beginning, add the following code:
if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 3000) {
// or
(tip: you can type it with hands once, copy it Ctrl+C, and then just paste it Ctrl+V). If that function uses recursion, in order to save memory, make the Stopwatch global instance rather than creating it as local instance at first, and start it if it does not running at the beginning of the code. You can know that with the IsRunning of the Stopwatch class. After that ask if elapsed time is more than 3 seconds, and if yes (true) stop or reset the Stopwatch, and use the return keyword to stop the recursion loop, very good start in function, if your function lasts long time due mainly recursion more than loops. That it is. As you can see, it is very simple, and I tested this solution, and the results showed that it works! Try it yourself!
private static int LongRunningMethod()
var r = new Random();
var randomNumber = r.Next(1, 10);
var delayInMilliseconds = randomNumber * 1000;
return randomNumber;
var task = Task.Run(() =>
return LongRunningMethod();
bool isCompletedSuccessfully = task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
if (isCompletedSuccessfully)
return task.Result;
throw new TimeoutException("The function has taken longer than the maximum time allowed.");
it work for me!
You can use the fork/join pattern, in the Task Parallel Library this is implemented with Task.WaitAll()
using System.Threading.Tasks;
void CutoffAfterThreeSeconds() {
// start function on seperate thread
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
Task loop = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Loop(cts.Token));
// wait for max 3 seconds
if(Task.WaitAll(new Task[]{loop}, 3000)){
// Loop finished withion 3 seconds
} else {
// it did not finish within 3 seconds
// this one takes forever
void Loop() {
while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested) {
// your loop goes here
Console.WriteLine("Got Cancelled");
This will start the other task on a seperate thread, and then wait for 3000 milliseconds for it to finish. If it did finish within the timeout, it return true, else false so you can use that to decide what to do next.
You can use a CancellationToken to communicate to the other thread that it result is no longer needed so it can stop gracefully.
Regards Gert-Jan
Run this function in thread and kill it after 3 seconds or check elapsed time inside this function(I think it's loop there).
Use an OS callbacks with a hi performance counter, then kill your thread, if exists
It is possible to execute a function in a separate thread and limit its execution with Thread.Join(millisecondsTimeout):
using System.Threading;
Thread workThread = new Thread(DoFunc);
if (!workThread.Join(3000))
// DoFunc() took longer than 3 seconds. Thread was aborted
private void DoFunc(object param)
// do some long work
Since C# and .net framework are not real-time environments, you can't guarantee even the 3 seconds count. Even if you were to get close to that, you would still have to call the
if(timeSpan > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) then goto endindentifier; before every other call in the method.
All this is just wrong so no, there is just no reliable way to do it from what I know.
Although you can try this solution
but I just wouldn't do such things in .net application.

Multithreading in WCF with accurate timer requirement

I have a WCF app that accepts requests to start a job. Each job needs to do something after exactly X minutes (e.g. 5 mins.), there can also be a job request at any time and simultaneously.
This is what I have in mind,
// WCF class
public class RequestManager
// WCF method
public void StartNewJob()
// start a new thread with timer for each job?
public class Job
public Job()
// do some initializations
// do something after x mins
// sleep or timer?
private void DoSomething()
// do some follow-ups
With my approach, I'm afraid that there will be too many threads that's doing nothing for X mins. Per-second accuracy would be a requirement as well (say it starts a job at 0:05:01, the follow up should be at 0:10:01).
What would be the best way to approach this?
I would suggest you looking at the RegisterWaitForSingleObject function:
var waitObject = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// Execute the callback on a new thread 10 seconds after this call
// and execute it only once
(state, timeout) => { Console.WriteLine("ok"); },
// Execute the callback on a new thread 10 seconds after this call
// and continue executing it at 10 seconds intervals until the
// waitHandle is signaled.
(state, timeout) => { Console.WriteLine("ok"); },
Sounds like you need the serives of the Timer class:
// WCF class
public class RequestManager
// WCF method
public void StartNewJob()
Job myJob = new Job();
// Initialise myJob...
public class Job
private Timer myTimer = new Timer();
public Job()
myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(this.OnTimedEvent);
public void Start(int Miniutes)
myTimer.Interval = 60000 * Miniutes;
myTimer.Enabled = true;
private static void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
// So something
The above code assumes that:
You dont do anything silly like attempt to call Start() twice on the same instance of timer.
There is some other non-background thread active elsewhere in the application preventing the application from closing.
Its not a full example, but hopefully it should give you the idea - the Timer class will deal with keeping time without needing a thread active for each job.
You need to use some timing/scheduling framework like Quartz.NET or create your own one (lightweight).
Using timer seems to be good (and easier to implement) for me.
There are several timer classes you can use in .NET. Please see the following document (even though it's bit aged, but it seems to be a good start): Comparing the Timer Classes in the .NET Framework Class Library
However, you can still achieve this behavior with Thread.Sleep() as well by calculating the offset while taking timestamps on a thread wake-up and on a completion of Job.DoSomethig().
You may want to consider the followings carefully:
Any contentions between threads executing Job.DoSomething()?
You should be very careful in the following scenario: what if Job.DoSomething() sometimes takes more than the period (i.e. it starts at 0:05 and completes 0:13 in the example above). What does this mean to your application and how will it be handled?
a. Total failure - abort the current(0:05) execution at 0:10 and launch 0:10 execution.
b. Not a big deal (skip 0:10 one and run Job.DoSomething() at 0:15).
c. Not a big deal, but need to launch 0:10 execution immediately after 0:05 task finishes (what if it keeps taking more than 5 sec??).
d. Need to launch 0:10 execution even though 0:05 execution is currently running.
e. anything else?
For the policy you select above, does your choice of implementation (either any of timer classes listed above or Thread.Sleep()) easy to support your policy?

