Capturing mouse clicks in c# [closed] - c#

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Closed yesterday.
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So, i am trying to create a very basic c# program, that just registers when the left mouse button is being held/pressed. I need this program to also be able to run over other applications, to register when you click while playing a game.
ps: im a complete beginner and have no clue what im doing.
i have looked through librarys but cant find one that would work


How to connect two objects with a laser [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I'm absolutely new game developer. I created an idea when two objects are connected by laser (which can kills enemies). I'm going to make 2d game. I already downloaded Unity and C#.
Oohh, second question ==> what I need for move the game into Android?
Of course I can study this alone, but i want know this now😁)) Thanks
Go to this path: File > Build Settings...
In the Build Settings window select Android from the platforms list on the left side, then click the Switch Platform button.

How do I make my code run when it is not selected? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm writing a c# console application and I want it to monitor all keyboard input, even when other programs have focus, so that if a person hits a specific key combination (from anywhere), my code will be activated.
Currently when I run my program and then select another program, my program does not do anything when I enter the key combination.
A thread might be a good idea.
Sorry for my grammar and English. I try to explain it good.
Console application is not suitable for that. you should be looking for Keyboard Hook.
Have a look at this question.

How to play an animation on click in Unity? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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All I want is to play a 2D animation when I click. The problem Is that I have no idea how the animator controller works.
After going to googles third page, I found a question with an answer which had animator.Play("anim"); and that finally worked. Of course I had to make the animation controller, but I didn't have to make any transitioning stuff. All i could see before is some complicated Animator Controller transitioning and too old code like animation.Play. Oh and I found that on freaking .

how to develop UI for desktop application using TELERIK [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i want my interface to look more elegant though professional and i want to make it good as web/android UI's. But how do i do it? I have heard about TELERIK UI. but i have no idea about how to use it. I have downloaded it and initialised it but do not know what and how to do next. any help would be really appreciated.Thanks.
You can start here
If you are not super attached to Telerik you can also look at Electron for native desktop apps (as it should have slightly easier learning curve):

How to set system volume on ENTER keypress in c# console application? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to make a console application in which if a certain user types "volume up" and presses the ENTER key then the system volume to go up.
Any ideas?
For creating a console application in c#:
How to: Create a C# Console Application
To read the input text from a console application: Console.ReadLine Method
To set the system volume programmatically: Paedow's question and answer
Having these links your job is quite easy now. :)

