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Closed 3 days ago.
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In many languages the intention to use external entities (libraries, modules, namespaces) is expressed with verbs. It sounds like an instruction to the compiler. For example,
import in Java, JavaScript and Python
imports in VB.NET (3rd person verb, describes the program instead of commanding)
open in F#
use in some SQL dialects
uses in Pascal
Then why did C# (and C++) authors choose the using form?
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Closed 1 year ago.
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So I worked with Panda's Dataframe and it is as you know very good in Data Analysis such as filtering. I am wondering what C# has to offer? I came across C# DataTable! is this C# take on DataFrame?
For data analysis Ml.Net introduced a similar Data Frame
But for routine business apps, there’s the DataTable as you have found.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is it good practice to name preface project names within a solution like so?
Or is it safer to use a convention like this?
To me, the [.] separator looks nicer, and provides intellisense, but is there any caveat to using it?
Most of the solutions I came across follow the following convention:
So basically in a company named COMP and a Project Named StackOverflow, you would end up with a project that looks like this:
This allows you to easily manage the generated assembly, so if you need to create a common library to be used in your company. You would name it:
That would easily seperate your company's (or Team's) Dlls from external Dlls and Nuget Packages.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have algorithm (c++ dll) wrapped in C#. The execution is on a web server.
Considering throughput/speed/memory etc. Should i write all functions in one dll or each function one dll? which way is better ?
All functions, classes and other structures may contain in one dll. This is better option. If you create more dll for each functions, management of the project, implementation and maintanence will be harder.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Given the fact that I need in specific parts of my projects,
to interop / interact a .net c# code with a code that's within a dll produced by an unmanaged language:
which language other than c\c++ has good compatibility and is as fast or preferably faster?
I have searched and found few ( looks promising) less popular names I couldn't decide on any of them as I have no clue how to if it's possible at all to interact with their dll.
Haskell, Rust, D, Fortran, Nim... and more..
Did you try to implement this approach with any of them?
Use C++/CLI. This give you an bridge with managed and unmanaged in the best performance possible.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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As a part of my academics, i'm asked to build a web content management system using .Net framework and xml databases. I have heard that .net itself provides a XML parser. Is it good enough for academic projects or is there any other 3rd party applications I can use?
I would go with Linq to XML
That is the standard way of interacting with xml from .Net.