How to drop parameters which can be null in API endpoint [closed] - c#

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Closed 3 days ago.
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Im testing an endpoint 1/test?P1=V1&P2=V2&P3=V3&P4=V4.
P- Parameters
V- ParameterValues in which all the ParameterValues can be null/empty.
So how to write a code in C# that drop the parameters if the ParameterValues are null and only hit the endpoint with the parameters having values in it.

You can use a dictionary, add all your parameters to it and then filter out only them which are not empty
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// add the parameters and their values
parameters.Add("P1", "V1");
parameters.Add("P2", "");
parameters.Add("P3", "V3");
parameters.Add("P4", null);
// filter out entries where the value is null or empty
var filteredParams = parameters.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value));
// construct the query string from the remaining parameters
string queryString = string.Join("&", filteredParams.Select(p => $"{p.Key}={p.Value}"));
string endpoint = "";
string url = $"{endpoint}?{queryString}";


SessionBag missing in servicestack version 4.5.0 [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new to servicestack and using servicestack version 4.5.0.
With reference to the ServiceStack 'session' missing?
Where can I find this base.SessionBag property ? with base keyword I am getting
these intellisense
please help me.
what does this line means:
Inside a Service the dynamic untyped Session Bag was renamed to base.SessionBag.
what does this line means:
Inside a Service the dynamic untyped Session Bag was renamed to base.SessionBag.
when I write base. I find following intellisense
base.Session //-- Property Method
base.SaveSession //--- Extension
base.SessionFactory //-- Property Method
public class EntryService : Service
public object Post(Entry request)
var date = request.Time.Date;
var trackedData = (TrackedData)Session= date.ToString();
if(trackedData == null)
trackedData = new TrackedData { Goal = 300 };
trackedData.Total += request.Amount;
Session[date.ToString()] = trackedData;
return new EntryResponse { Id = 1};
i want like this
Session[date.ToString()] = trackedData;
but an error occurs Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type ServiceStack.CacheAccess.ISession
You have to inherit from ServiceStack's Service base class. You can then access the dynamic Session Bag with base.SessionBag.

Can i create List<class> by class name? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to do a function such that when the user selects the class name and clicks the button, it create a new List<SelectedClass>. Currently I am using a switch statement like so:
case"a" : List<a> X=new List<a>();
case"b" : List<b> X=new List<b>();
Is there another method to do this?
Try it with Activator.CreateInstance (so you won't need any switch statement):
Type type = Type.GetType(Name); // Example: Type.GetType("NamespaceName.ClassName")
Type listType = typeof(List<>);
var listWithType = listType.MakeGenericType(new [] { type });
var instanceOfList = Activator.CreateInstance(listWithType);

copying one objects data to other? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to update EF record, in method I have EF object and another new objct which I want to use to update data from. But I m not sure how to copy data from new object to existing one.
Help please.
Here is my code:
public int PostHomeLead(string _lead)
int result = 0;
Lead lead = new Lead();
lead = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Lead>(_lead);
//check if lead exist with same session id, if so update it other wise add new.
Lead existingLead = new Lead();
existingLead = db2.HomeLoanCustRepo.GetByID(lead.Lead_id);
if (existingLead == null)
result = 1;
result = 1;
return result;
catch(Exception ex)
throw ex;
Either map the properties manually:
existingLead.Foo = deserializedLead.Foo;
existingLead.Bar = deserializedLead.Bar;
existingLead.Baz = deserializedLead.Baz;
Or use a library that does this, like AutoMapper.
As for your comment, creating a deep copy is what you seem to be after. Note this allows for overposting or mass assignment when you don't verify which properties may be updated. You'll need to Attach() the cloned object when using cloning or mapping, as it will not be the same object as returned by GetByID(), so Entity Framework's change tracker won't recognize it.

How can you create a c# dependent variable? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to create a c# method that can be reused multiple times,but depending on the condition of the variable type, i would like to be able to construct the name of a text field.
For example, if type="TY" then I would like to call
if ((String)this.TYIdlabelChange.Value == null)
However, if type="CA", then I would like to call
if ((String)this.CAIdlabelChange.Value == null)
Other examples:
if ((String)this.DIIdlabelChange.Value == null)
if ((String)this.LOIdlabelChange.Value == null)
if ((String)this.REIdlabelChange.Value == null)
Any ideas?
Thank you!
You need use Page.FindControl, something like this
var tb = FindControl(type+"IdlabelChange") as Textbox;
if(tb != null && tb.Value != null){

C# get name of object as string [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an object named 'Account' and the following code:
Account objAcc = new Account();
objAcc.Name = "Test";
The above is working fine, as expected. I now have a list of values as follows:
string props = "Name,Address,Telephone";
Now, what I want to do is see if "Name" exists in that list. I only have the object to use though (hard coding a case statement etc isn't possible as the object is dynamic), so from objAcc.Name, I somehow need to get "Name" from that, and then see if it's in the list.
Thanks in advance, I hope it's clear enough,
You can use reflection, by doing that :
var properties = objAcc.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach(var property in properties)
//Do you stuff
string test = objAcc.GetType().GetProperty("Name") == null ? "" : objAcc.GetType().GetProperty("Name").Name;
bool result = "Name,Address,Telephone".Split(',').Contains(test);
You may use the following method if you like:
public bool PropertyExists<T>(string propertyName, IEnumerable<string> propertyList,T obj)
string test = obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName) == null ? "" : obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).Name;
bool result = propertyList.Contains(test);
return result;

