System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AttributedMetaDataMember High memory consumption - c#

I'm analyzing the dump file for the Windows service project, and it is using LinqToSQL to connect databases. Attached dumpe heap memory analysis summary.
I can see the System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AttributedMetaDataMember taking more memory and It's resides in Gen2 bucket.
Can anyone guide me why it's taking more memory here?
Sample Code
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var detailsDataContext = new DetailsContext();
var details = detailsDataContext.GetDetails(//param);
public class DetailsContext
private readonly IDetailsDataContextRepository _detailsDataContextRepository;
public DetailsContext()
_detailsDataContextRepository = new DetailsDataContextRepository();
public Details GetDetails(string id)
List<Details> detailsList = _detailsDataContextRepository.GetDetails(id)?.ToList();
if (detailsList != null && detailsList.Count > 0)
Detail detail = detailsList.FirstOrDefault();
return detailsList;
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
//Error log
return null;
public class DetailsDataContextRepository : DataContext, IDetailsDataContextRepository
[Function(Name = "dbo.sp_GetDetails")]
public IEnumerable<Details> GetDetails([Parameter(Name = "Id", DbType = "VARCHAR(255)")] string id)
IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), id);
ISingleResult<Details> mRecord = ((ISingleResult<Details>)(result.ReturnValue));
return mRecord;
catch (Exception ex)
TraceError("DetailsDataContext", "GetDetails", ex);
return new List<Details>();
Thanks in Advance.

I'll focus on DetailsContext.GetDetails(string id) method as one example of how to improve things.
Instead of this:
public Details GetDetails(string id)
List<Details> detailsList = _detailsDataContextRepository.GetDetails(id)?.ToList();
if (detailsList != null && detailsList.Count > 0)
Detail detail = detailsList.FirstOrDefault();
return detailsList;
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
//Error log
return null;
You can get equivalent functionality like this:
public Details GetDetails(string id)
return _detailsDataContextRepository.GetDetails(id).FirstOrDefault();
catch (Exception ex)
//Error log
return null;
Not only is this MUCH less code, but it's faster and far more memory efficient. As mentioned in the comment, one of the main improvements here is eliminating the spurious ToList() call, which accomplished nothing useful. I see a lot of programmers adopt this crutch, and learning to work without it can dramatically help your code.
Furthermore, based on a review of the repository's GetDetails() method, I might also remove the try/catch block, since that method itself uses a try/catch around anything that's likely to throw and provides a sensible default. It means we can safely get down to this one-liner with no loss of function:
public Details GetDetails(string id)
return _detailsDataContextRepository.GetDetails(id).FirstOrDefault();


Class Level Error Handler For DAO

I am using Entity Framework. Below is an example of a list method for an Actors context in my ActorsDao class. If you imagine my application is like imdb, there will be CRUD methods for various other contexts such as Movies, Directors, Genres, Reviews, Studios etc.
Regardless of the method or context, I handle errors in the same way. Due to my many methods across many contexts, my catch section is always exactly the same.
Obviously, I could create an error handling class, put the code in there, and just call a method in that class from the catch block.
However, I'm wondering if there a way to omit the TRY...CATCH from each method and set up a global error handler for the methods in my entity framework layer?
I would only want this global error handler to handle these errors and not errors from the rest of the application.
I seem to remember in Java Spring, you could annotate a class or method with the name of a method, and all errors would be passed to that without the need of a TRY...CATCH. I'm wondering if there is something similar for .NET (or a third party library with such functionality)?
public List<Actor> ListActors()
List<Actor> actorList = new List<Actor>();
using (var context = new ActorContext())
actorList = context.Actors.ToList<Actor>();
catch (Exception e)
//Handle error code
return actorList;
I did some more research and found this code from here
private void GlobalTryCatch(Action action)
catch (ExpectedException1 e)
throw MyCustomException("Something bad happened", e);
catch (ExpectedException2 e)
throw MyCustomException("Something really bad happened", e);
public void DoSomething()
GlobalTryCatch(() =>
// Method code goes here
Would using a delegate like this be OK? It certainly meets my requirements.
You can create a class like this and extend the controller from this class.
Error Handler class looks like this :
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
import com.wes.essex.bean.ErrorResponse;
public class SkyNewsController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SkyNewsController.class);
public ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse> handleError(Exception ex) {"start");
LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
ErrorResponse error = new ErrorResponse();
LOGGER.debug("error : {} ", error);
ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse> response = null;
if (ex instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
ConstraintViolationException constraintException = (ConstraintViolationException) ex;
Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> set = constraintException.getConstraintViolations();
String errorMessage = "Input Validation Failed:";
for (ConstraintViolation<?> constraintViolation : set) {
errorMessage += constraintViolation.getMessageTemplate() + ",";
errorMessage = errorMessage.substring(0, errorMessage.length() - 1);
response = new ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse>(error, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
} else {
response = new ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
return response;
This would be the baean class for error response :
package com.wes.essex.bean;
public class ErrorResponse {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5776681206288518465L;
private String timestamp;
private String errorMessage;
private int reasonCode;
public String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage;
public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
public int getReasonCode() {
return reasonCode;
public void setReasonCode(int reasonCode) {
this.reasonCode = reasonCode;
public String getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(String timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public static long getSerialversionuid() {
return serialVersionUID;

Generic method that returns list [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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We are developing Data access framework library to be called by Business components to access SQLlite DB for Xamarin app.
To execute SELECT Sql against DB, following method have been written. Am new to anonymous methods and using new features, so need suggestions
Am looking for anyways to improve efficiency in this implementation.
private static readonly Lazy<AppDB> Lazy = new Lazy<AppDB>(() => new AppDB());
public static AppDB Instance => Lazy.Value;
private SQLiteAsyncConnection _conn =null;
static object locker = new object();
private SQLiteAsyncConnection DbConnection
if (_conn == null)
LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref _conn, DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetAsyncConnection);
return _conn;
public List<T> ExecuteQuery<T>(string sqlQuery, object[] parameters = null) where T: class
List<T> l = new List<T>();
l = parameters !=null ? DbConnection.QueryAsync<T>(sqlQuery,parameters).Result : DbConnection.QueryAsync<T>(sqlQuery).Result;
catch (Exception e)
{ }
return l;
Your code should be more like this:
public List<T> ExecuteQuery<T>(string sqlQuery, object[] parameters = null) where T : class
if (parameters != null)
return DbConnection.Query<T>(sqlQuery, parameters)
return DbConnection.Query<T>(sqlQuery);
Or better yet, something like this:
public List<T> ExecuteQuery<T>(string sqlQuery, object[] parameters = null) where T : class
using (var dbc = new DbConnection())
if (parameters != null)
return dbc.Query<T>(sqlQuery, parameters).ToList();
return dbc.Query<T>(sqlQuery).ToList();
There are just so many issues in your existing code. You really should post more of your code if you really want to get some good guidance.
In the catch block, you can assign null value to list so that you can do proper message and error handling on the screen based on the null condition.
catch (Exception e)
l = null;
//You can log the exception details in windows event viewer to see complete details.
You should rethrow exception or throw new exception and catch it when you call it.
public List<T> ExecuteQuery<T>(string sqlQuery, object[] parameters = null) where T: class
var l = parameters !=null ? DbConnection.QueryAsync<T>(sqlQuery,parameters).Result : DbConnection.QueryAsync<T>(sqlQuery).Result;
return l;
catch (Exception e)
// or throw new MyCustomRepositoryException(e);
// Usage:
var documents = myClass.ExecuteQuery<Document>(...);
catch (Exception ex) // or catch (MyCustomRepositoryException ex)
// do whatever your system is expected to do in case of error
Tehnically, you can just ignore error and return null or new List<T>, but in most cases it is wrong architecturally:
"give me list or throw exception" is an expected behavior for a method with List<T> return value
a callee won't be able to distinguish empty list and error (in case of List<T>) / not found object or error (in case of T)
it adds some requirements on DbConnection, it should be recoverable. some objects cannot recover from exceptions, and therefore you can try to continue working with object in faulted state
it does not guarantee to stop code execution and it can cause unexpected behavior in callee method or even other places of code

AppDomain await async Task prevent SerializationException

I have a windows service, which loads assembly in another AppDomain at runtime. Then it executes them and finally unloads the AppDomain. The problem is the execute method from the plugins are async tasks and I get the SerializationException because Task does not inherit from MarshalByRefObject.
I wrapped the plugin in a proxy which inherits from MarshalByRefObject, but I dont know how to get rid of the SerializationException?
public interface IPlugin : IDisposable
Guid GUID { get; }
string Name { get; }
string Description { get; }
Task Execute(PluginPanel panel, string user);
The proxy:
public class PluginProxy : MarshalByRefObject, IPlugin
private IPlugin m_Plugin;
public bool Init(string file)
Assembly ass = Assembly.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(file));
if (ass == null || ass.GetTypes() == null || ass.GetTypes().Length == 0)
return false;
foreach (Type type in ass.GetTypes())
if (type.IsInterface || type.IsAbstract)
if (type.GetInterface(typeof(IPlugin).FullName) != null)
m_Plugin = (IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
return true;
return false;
public Guid GUID { get { return m_Plugin.GUID; } }
public string Name { get { return m_Plugin.Name; } }
public string Description { get { return m_Plugin.Description; } }
// I debugged and found out the error happens AFTER m_Plugin.Execute
// so the method runs well, but the return back to the pProxy.Execute is throwing the SerializationException
public async Task Execute(PluginPanel panel, string user) { await m_Plugin.Execute(panel, user); }
And the Method which loads the Assembly and gets the SerializationException:
AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
// some setup stuff
AppDomain dom = AppDomain.CreateDomain(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, setup);
PluginProxy pProxy = (PluginProxy)dom.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase, typeof(PluginProxy).FullName);
// I await the task later in code, because the user can cancel the execution
try { tExe = pProxy.Execute(panel, user.Username); }
catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException e)
// runs always in this catch, even if no Exception from the plugin was thrown
catch (Exception e) { AddToErrorLog(panel.PanelName, e); }
Maybe my whole concept of loading Plugins is wrong?
Thanks to Hamlet Hakobyan and the post from Stephen Toub, I think I was able to solve the problem.
I replaced the line from the caller
try { tExe = pProxy.Execute(panel, user.Username); }
tExe = DoWorkInOtherDomain(pProxy, panel, user.Username);
and the method DoWorkInOtherDomain:
private Task DoWorkInOtherDomain(PluginProxy pProxy, PluginPanel panel, string user)
var ch = new MarshaledResultSetter<string>();
pProxy.Execute(panel, user, ch);
return ch.Task;
and finally the proxy class:
Task.Run(() =>
m_Plugin.Execute(panel, user).Wait();
catch (AggregateException e)
if (e.InnerExceptions != null)
foreach (Exception ein in e.InnerExceptions)
AddToErrorLog(panel.PanelName, ein);
catch (Exception e) { AddToErrorLog(panel.PanelName, e); }
finally { ch.SetResult(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); }
I need to call Wait() in
m_Plugin.Execute(panel, user).Wait();
it catches the Exceptions from the plugin so everything is doing fine. The Wait() call should only blocking the Task.Run and not the other Tasks.
Can anyone tell me if this is a good solution or should I change something? I dont need a result so I just do:
because I dont know how I should do it without a result.

how can i set return so it accepts class1 or class2?

how can i, in my function start to fill the parameters for the class it is supposed to return, but if an exception occurs i'll return my error class instead?
public **** function()
Articles articles = new Articles();
articles.articleid = 234;
articles.articlename = "Milk";
articles.deleted = 0;
//continue fill Articles
//and an exception occurs
return articles;
catch (Exception e)
Errors Error = new Errors();
Error.exceptionmessage = e.Message;
Error.exceptionname = e.ToString();
Error.httpcode = 500;
return Error;
is this possible and a good thing to do? or should i just extend all return classes with my error class, even though i will return much info with allot of null values.
i would like to send as little data as possible and if my function fails i'll just send back the error.
sorry for not giving enough inforamtion about my situation this is a function that i want to use in a webservice
ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
**** Function();
so i dont think i can just throw an exception. i would like to return a class of articles if all is well so i dont have to convert my data to JSON but if something goes wrong i would like to send http code 500 Internal Server Error to the client.
i have not yet read all answers but i think i'll have to include my error class in all my other return classes so the client can now when something went wrong?
That gives more insight on what you want to do. Since you can't throw exceptions, you should have a base result class. I usually do this for WCF methods I call through javascript, since it can't handle the exceptions nicely.
So you'll want a base class like:
public class AjaxResult
public static AjaxResult GetSuccessResult()
return new AjaxResult();
public int Status { get; set; }
public string Error { get; set; }
Then you can inherit this, adding any data you would want to return. This example returns a single product object and a list of validation errors.
public class SingleProductResult : AjaxResult
public Product Data { get; set; }
public IList<int> ValidationErrors { get; set; }
You can also opt to create a generic wrapper so you don't have to write to much code in your methods. I usually put this in a base class and let all WCF services inherit from that class.
protected T PerformAjaxOperation<T>(Func<T> action) where T : AjaxResult, new()
return action();
catch (AccessDeniedException ade)
// -- user tried to perform an invalid action
return new T()
Status = AjaxErrorCodes.AccessDenied,
Error = ade.ToString()
catch (Exception ex)
return new T()
Error = ex.ToString(),
Status = 1
Then just use it like so:
public SingleProductResult GetProduct(int productId)
return PerformAjaxOperation(() =>
return retval = new SingleProductResult()
Data = ProductServiceInstance.GetProduct(productId)
public AjaxResult DeleteProduct(int productId)
return PerformAjaxOperation(() => {
return AjaxResult.GetSuccessResult();
So, if everything proceeds smoothly, error will be 0 and message will be null. If an exception is thrown, then it will be caught by the PerformAjaxOperation() function and stuffed inside the AjaxResult object (or a derivative of it) and return to the client.
Previous answer:
I don't think this is a good idea. What you can do is create a custom exception by creating a class that inherits from Exception and add properties there that you want to save. Then when an exception occurs, you just catch it and stuff it inside this new exception along with other details. Then throw this exception instead. You can then catch this exception in the higher levels and display the proper message.
an example:
public IList<Articles> GetArticles()
return GetSomeArticlesFromDatabase();
catch (Exception innerException)
throw new MyCustomException("some data", 500, innerException);
public class MyCustomException : Exception
public int HttpCode { get; set; }
public MyCustomException(string errorMessage, int httpCode, Exception innerException)
: base(errorMessage, innerException) {
HttpCode = httpCode;
public void EntryPoint()
var result = GetArticles();
catch (MyCustomException ex)
ReturnHttpError(ex.Message, ex.HttpCode);
I would honestly advise against doing what you suggest. Instead, either use an existing Exception type or create a new subclass of Exception and throw it. You can even retain the causing exception information in the new exception's InnerException if so desired.
If the situation does not warrant an exception, however (you have not given enough details about what you are doing), you can create a Result class that contains error/warning information. This kind of thing would be better suited for warnings, though. That is, it is not an error condition that prevents things from continuing (exception), but instead a message that the calling code could choose to ignore without drastic side-effects.
For example:
class Result<T>
public Result(T Value, Errors Errors = null)
this.Value = Value;
this.Errors = Errors;
public T Value {get; private set;}
public Errors Errors {get; private set;}
Usage (as per your example code):
public Result<Articles> function()
Articles articles = new Articles();
articles.articleid = 234;
articles.articlename = "Milk";
articles.deleted = 0;
//continue fill Articles
//and an exception occurs
return new Result(articles);
catch (Exception e)
Errors Error = new Errors();
Error.exceptionmessage = e.Message;
Error.exceptionname = e.ToString();
Error.httpcode = 500;
return new Result<Articles>(null, Error);
If class1 and class2 have a common base type or common interface, use that. But in this case, you could create a wrapper class to encapsulate both result types, like this:
class MethodResult<T>
public T Result { get; private set; }
public Errors Errors { get; private set; }
public MethodResult(T result) { this.Result = result; }
public MethodResult(Errors errors) { this.Errors = errors; }
public MethodResult<Articles> MyMethod()
return new MethodResult<Articles>(articles);
catch(Exception e)
return new MethodResult<Articles>(errors);
In light of additional information in the question, since this is a WCF service, you could throw a WebFaultException:
public Articles function()
Articles articles = new Articles();
articles.articleid = 234;
articles.articlename = "Milk";
articles.deleted = 0;
//continue fill Articles
//and an exception occurs
return articles;
catch (Exception e)
throw new WebFaultException(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
Message = e.Message
The ways that other answers have handled this involve technical methods of how to define the two classes, using interfaces and subclassing.
However, fundamentally you're actually solving the wrong problem. You will still need to write code in the caller that distinguishes between the two types of object, as well as documenting the way in which your function works.
Personally, I would create a new Exception class for the type of error you may be handling, and throw that instead, for example:
public class InvalidArticleException: Exception {
public string ExceptionMessage { get; set; }
public string ExceptionName { get; set; }
public int HttpCode { get; set; }
public **** function()
return articles;
catch (InvalidArgumentException e)
throw new InvalidArticleException() {
ExceptionMessage = e.Message,
ExceptionName = e.ToString(),
HttpCode = 500
catch (Exception ex) { // Not actually required; left in for future debugging
throw ex;
Callers would then be able to catch the exception and examine it for the error details, with code that is kept separated from that which processes the returned articles.
You can try out keyword,
public Articles function(out Error err)
Articles articles = null;
err = null;
articles = new Articles();
articles.articleid = 234;
articles.articlename = "Milk";
articles.deleted = 0;
// Set your article values
catch (Exception e)
Errors ex = new Errors();
ex.exceptionmessage = e.Message;
ex.exceptionname = e.ToString();
ex.httpcode = 500;
err = ex;
return articles;
I'm not sure why would you want swallowing the exeptions, but if you do whatn this behgaviour make a return type common for both type. The both classes inherit from object so you can change the method signature to public object function()

Repeating code pattern

I have certain code pattern (which log performance and other variable for each function) which need to be present in every function, and I do not want to repeat the code over and over again. Here is what the code looks like:
public OutClass FUNC-X
if (IsDebugEnabled)
Logger("Start DataLibrary: FUNC-X");
var dm = new Manager();
var output = dm.FUNC-X(...);
if (IsDebugEnabled)
var data = Serialize(output);
return output;
catch (WebFaultException)
catch (OtherException ex)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.LogError("Exception in FUNC-X", ex);
throw new OtherException("Some Message");
catch (Exception ex)
if (IsErrorEnabled)
Logger("Exception in FUNC-X", ex);
throw new Exception("Generic Exception");
if (IsDebugEnabled)
Logger("End FUNC-X");
Essentially, I just need to replace FUNC-X with FUNC-Y or FUNC-Z everywhere this name occurs, is there some kind of design pattern which I can follow?
I'm sorry if the question is vague, I shall be happy to provide any details you ask.
Yeah, there are many ways to provide nice log code.
Use aspect-oriented programming. There is PostSharp and Spring.NET. You can use log4net library. All of them after config supports writing of method name.
You can use T4 and generate code for all funcs before compile.
You can write one global logging method that accepts Func<object> method and string methodName. Suppose you named your logging method LogAndExecute. Then to call you must write smth like:
LogAndExecute("func-x", () => dm.Func-X(/*your args*/))
If you got problems with different different return types of your funcs, use generics
You can use simple delegate to accept the variable part as parameter (if no. of parameters to function call in single line are same)
public void Function_X(Func<object,..> func)
if (IsDebugEnabled)
Logger("Start DataLibrary: FUNC-X");
var dm = new Manager();
// var output = dm.FUNC-X(...);
var output = func(...);
if (IsDebugEnabled)
var data = Serialize(output);
return output;
catch (WebFaultException)
catch (OtherException ex)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.LogError("Exception in FUNC-X", ex);
throw new OtherException("Some Message");
catch (Exception ex)
if (IsErrorEnabled)
Logger("Exception in FUNC-X", ex);
throw new Exception("Generic Exception");
if (IsDebugEnabled)
Logger("End FUNC-X");
You can create a common function that accepts a Func delegate:
static public TOutClass CommonFunc<TOutClass>(Func<Manager, TOutClass> func)
if (IsDebugEnabled)
Logger("Start DataLibrary: FUNC-X");
var dm = new Manager();
TOutClass output = func(dm);
if (IsDebugEnabled)
var data = Serialize(output);
return output;
Your would write your functions as:
public OutClass FUNC-X(...)
return CommonFunc(dm=>dm.FUNC-X(...));

