SendMessage ReceiveDamage has no reciever! Error in Unity - c#

I am very new to game development and am having an issue with some scripts in unity. I am recieving the error SendMessage RecieveDamage has no reciever! and cannot find the issue.
All of my code is above any help on what i have done wrong would be great, im very new and cannot figure this out.
Im not sure what to try as i am very new to have development.


Cant build my unity project. "The type or namespace name 'Speech' does not exist in the namespace"; What can I do to fix? (VR Unity)

I have a problem to build my unity project. I have a VR unity project I want to build to use my oculus quest 2 to test my game. But when building I get 5 errors for a class of mine. I dont really know what I did wrong and the error message isnt much helping. Please help me!
first error in code
second error in code
third error in code
fourth error in code
I couldnt do much, because in the code, the lines arent even red and I can run the project without much issue.
The errors occur if I want to build the game, but not if I just run it.
I want to build the game so i can interact with it with the oculus quest 2.
You have to use something else to detect speech.
You can not use UnityEngine.Windows.Speech on Android platform. It does not exist like the error describes.

Unable to create a RuntimeReferenceLibrary with AR Foundation in Unity

I'm trying to create a simple app for Android that recognizes images using AR Foundation in Unity. Using the normal ReferenceLibrary and filling it within the editor works perfectly without any issues. The reason I want to use the RuntimeLibrary is to be able to fill it up using an api.
I've tried everything on the documentation as shown here:
I'm using AR Foundation 4.1.9 and Unity LTS 2021.
The problem is that when debugging (using LogCat or a serialized text field on the canvas) I do get a message saying the image is being added but when running the app it can't find it and instantiate a prefab on it.
Also have tried looking it up on the AR Foundation fora but no luck either.
Does anyone else have this issue or a solution for this strange behaviour?

Unity 3D Scene loading Issue in iOS Build

I've got a problem with screen loading issue in iOS build, It works well in Android but the same build is not working properly in iOS.
While loading to the other screen sometimes it takes time to load and sometimes it may crash with an error in Xcode console.
iOS Console Error: "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Ignored (for causing prior/excessive GPU errors) (IOAF code 4)".
I wrote this code in my game manager script for loading the screen.
AsyncOperation asyncOperationScene = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("level"+ (DataManager.levelNumber + 1), LoadSceneMode.Additive);
loadingPanel.GetComponent<LoadingLevels>().async = asyncOperationScene;
asyncOperationScene.completed += AsyncOperationScene_completed;
If someone could enlighten me I would really appreciate it!
Thanks for your time!
After search some on the internet, maybe your problem is not related to the loading way of the scene, but the scene has some problems with lighting or shader, I have read about some other guys have a similar problem and is related to some drivers of new phones that have changed and then unity it's working with it, but it also has to do with custom shader things that need to be different, so maybe your error doesn't come from the loading way of the scene, but from some material, I have read that it can be something about ambient lighting and exr. files, wish to help more but that's was what I can share with you.
Anyways would be nice for all of us that you share here the debug log where we can see what's going on and particular to you make sure that is not about loading the scene but something that the scene you try to load had something that its not well for this new phones and their driver related to lightmapping shaders etc.
Thanks for your response, In my script I added some other functions as well like clear cache memories once I commented those code for cache memory then the scene loading issues resolved.
Let me show you my codes, Someone please go through it and do let me know whether it is correct or having some mistakes on it.
void ClearMemory()
MediaPlayer[] ar_mp = FindObjectsOfType<MediaPlayer>();
foreach (MediaPlayer mp in ar_mp)
GL.Clear(true, true,;

YDrive,XDrive,and ZDrive don't show a mode dropdown (Unity Editor)

I am trying to learn to build a game with unity and the video tutorial I am following shows him changing the YDrive mode to position and as I went to do that I noticed that My YDrive along with all of the other drives did not have a mode that I could change. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and how you resolved it. Thank you very much for your help.


Is all I'm getting once the game crashes, It started happening few weeks ago, but I didn't mind it because it happened once in a blue moon. But now it's happening every few seconds, and its really frustrating. I don't know what is causing it and I cant find any information regarding it.
At first I thought simple re-install of monogame will fix it, but yesterday I formatted my pc, installed windows 10, new visual studio and fresh new Monogame, and its still happening! Anyone knows what this is and what can I do?

