How to Get Single Column Value in c# LINQ? - c#

DataTable Master_Table = Execute_Manager.getTableDataSet(connection, select_query, master_table);
string RuleName = (From EachRow in Master_Table
where EachRow.Field<string>("RuleID") == "123456"
Select EachRow.Field<string>("RuleName")).CopyToDataTable().ToString();
I need to get single Column Value using LINQ in Datatable c#

You could do something like the following I have added in the two examples below:
string carManufacturer = "BMW";
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
int id = (from DataRow dr in dt.Rows
where (string)dr["CarManufacturer"] == carManufacturer
select (int)dr["id"]).FirstOrDefault();
string columnValue = dt.Rows[0]["ColumnName"].ToString();
What column value are you trying to fetch from your data table?


should i change data table column datatype after filled with data

I am trying to change data table column datatype using c#.
i have tried like below code :
DataTable dtCloned = dt.Clone();
dtCloned.Columns[0].DataType = typeof(Int32);
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
but it throw an exception where fees column come to import.Error Comes Like you can not change datatype of fees column after filled data table.
int startvalue = Convert.ToInt32(lblSelectionStart.Text);
int endvalue = Convert.ToInt32(lblSelectionEnd.Text);
var dv1 = new DataView { Table = dt };
dv1.RowFilter = "fees >=" + startvalue + " and fees <=" + endvalue;
dt = dv1.ToTable();
i want to change fees column into int from string.
If the data in dt came out of a database, modify the database query to perform the int conversion
--oracle example
SELECT to_number(fees) as feesint FROM ...
--sqls example
SELECT convert(int, fees) as feesint FROM ...
--MySQL example
SELECT convert(fees, integer) as feesint FROM ...
If the data in dt did not come from a database, add another column to dt, of type int and parse all the data into it:
dt.Columns.Add("feeint", typeof(Int)32);
foreach(var ro in dt.Rows)
ro["feeint"] = int.Parse((string)ro["fees"]);
Later when you want to put a row filter:
dv1.RowFilter = $"FeesInt >= {startValue} AND FeesInt <= {endValue}";
Remember to use the feesint converted column, not the fees column, which is a string

Check if column exists before execute select clause

I use a DataTable in a foreach loop from sql like:
foreach(var i in tasks)
// query sql
var timeOfTasks = db.GetTableBySQL($"exec usp_Get_WorkedProyectTime #TaskTypeCategoryId = '{i.TaskTypeCategoryId}', #TaskId= '{i.TaskId}'");
// read columns (different rows have different columns)
var progressToBackCheck = (from DataRow dr in timeOfTasks.Rows select dr["ProgressToBackCheck"]).FirstOrDefault();
var backcheckToCorrection = (from DataRow dr in timeOfTasks.Rows select dr["BackcheckToCorrection"]).FirstOrDefault();
var correctionsToCompleted = (from DataRow dr in timeOfTasks.Rows select dr["CorrectionsToCompleted"]).FirstOrDefault();
var progressToCompleted = (from DataRow dr in timeOfTasks.Rows select dr["ProgressToCompleted"]).FirstOrDefault();
Not all task results have the same data rows. And each row doesn't contain all fields. Is there a way to check if a column exists in the result, before I use query for it?
You can try to use DataColumnCollection.Contains to check the column is exists in the data table.
if (timeOfTasks.Columns.Contains("ProgressToBackCheck"))
You can use this linq to get field, add where linq
where timeOfTasks.Columns.Contains("ProgressToBackCheck")
look like this.
var progressToBackCheck = (
from DataRow dr in timeOfTasks.Rows
where timeOfTasks.Columns.Contains("ProgressToBackCheck")
select dr["ProgressToBackCheck"]

Compare 2 excel columns for similarity and return the matched values in datatable using openxml

I have to compare 2 columns present in different excel sheets and return the matched values using openxml(C#).Both the columns have some account Numbers.
I am able to get the unmatched values using the below code.But I need the matched values.Please suggest.
public static DataTable DocomparisionCOA_ACCT(DataSet dtPrimaryFile, DataSet dtValidationFile)
DataTable COA_BU = new DataTable();
DataTable validationsheet1 = dtValidationFile.Tables["COA"];
DataTable primarydatafile = dtPrimaryFile.Tables["JE"];
var qry1 = validationsheet1.AsEnumerable().Select(a => new { bu = a["Acct"].ToString() });
var qry2 = primarydatafile.AsEnumerable().Select(b => new { bu = b["ACCT"].ToString() });
var exceptAB = qry1.Except(qry2);
COA_BU = (from a in validationsheet1.AsEnumerable()
join ab in exceptAB on a["ACCT"].ToString() equals ab.bu
select a).CopyToDataTable();
DataColumn AcctColumn = COA_BU.Columns["Accts"];
return COA_BU;

How I can filter my DataTable by Column Value?

I have a question about DataTable. I retrieve a DataTable from the database, and one of these columns contains either a 1 or a 0. Now I want to retrieve only the rows with a 1 value of 1 in that column.
The name of the column is ACTIVATE.
Here is my DataTable:
DataTable table = new DataTable(TABLE);
//How can I filter here so ACTIVATE == 1?
return table;
Via SQL (preferred)
Via Linq-To-Datatable (in memory):
DataTable tblFiltered = table.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<int>("ACTIVATE") == 1)
If you're still on .NET 2, you can use DataTable.Select:
DataRow[] filteredRows = table.Select("ACTIVATE = 1");
Apart from that, you don't need selectcommand.ExecuteReader() to fill the table.
DataTable table = new Datatable();
using(var con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using(var cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.Table WHERE ACTIVATE = 1", con))
using(var da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
da.Fill( table );
DataTable results = table.Select("ACTIVATE = 1").CopyToDataTable();
That should achieve what you want, basically you can query data tables much like SQL.
You simply use DataTable.Select like this:
foundRows = table.Select("ACTIVATE = '1'");
It returns an array of DataRow objects.
return table;
DataTable results = table.Select("ACTIVATE = 1").CopyToDataTable();

How to query C# DataTable?

I have created and returned datatable, this table has 10 columns. Now i want to filter from this table based on some dynamic search parameters. How to do this? any idea would be timely help.
// This function will create and return the source table.
var DisplayTable = CreateQueryTable();
Here I want to do dynamic search like If col1=MyName and Col2=MyCity
ResultGrid.DataSource = DisplayTable;
You can do this in these way,
1.Creating DataView Like
var dv = dataTable.DefaultView;
dv.RowFilter = "col1='MyName' and Col2='MyCity'"; // if MyName and MyCity are literal string.
dv.RowFilter = "col1='"+MyName+"' and Col2 ='"+ MyCity +"'";// if MyName and MyCity are string variable.
2.With DataTable Select Method, It will return array of DataRow
var rows = dataTable.Select("col1='MyName' and Col2='MyCity'"); //if string literal
var rows = dataTable.Select("col1='"+MyName+"' and Col2='"+MyCity+"'"); // if string variable
3.By Linq
var filterdData = from row in dataTable.AsEnumerable()
where row.Field<string>("col1") == "MyName"
&& row.Field<string>("col2") == "MyCity"
select row;
you create DataView of your datatable and use Filter
// Create a DataView
DataView dv = new DataView(yourDataTable);
dv.RowFilter = "col1='MyName' and Col2='MyCity'";
//Bind your grid with DataView
You can also use select method on your table
DataRow[] foundRows;
foundRows = yourDataTable.Select("col1='MyName' and Col2='MyCity'");
You can also use Linq To DataTable
var results = from myRow in yourDataTable.AsEnumerable()
where myRow.Field<string>("col1") == Myname &&
myRow.Field<string>("Col2") == MyCity
select myRow;

