VR in unity3d issues - c#

it shows to me 2 screens in VR and I want to display only one screen at a time in the VR headset
Can please someone help me with that
I tried to restart the app and it doesn’t work


Unity LowLevel Touch Screen Detect android

I was Working on a new application on unity and i wanted to make the perfamonce good for phones so what i did is i killed the playerloop that's mean i switched to the lowlevel unsing unityengine.lowlevel (playerloop) but the problem is i can't detect any touches i tried everything :
button click (normal) - dosn't worked
event systems - dosn't worked
addlistener button - dosn't worked
mouse click on the update - dosn't worked
so i read some unity articles and everything in stackoverflow and i didn't find anything .
will i killed the playerloop because a developer named "Jon Manning" sad sow and he explained how to detect touches on iphone and he did say that detect touches on android is possible but he didn't say how you can see the video here to better understand : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7CZyqHGKXw&t=1812s
so if anuone can help i will be very greatfull
I personally have created an Android app before, and the easiest way to detect touches on Android phones are with these functions:
private void OnMouseDrag() { // called every frame the user has their finger held down while touching the collider or GUI element }
private void OnMouseDown() { // called when the user presses the collider with their finger }
They work perfectly for single-touch applications, if you want multi-touch capability there are other methods you can use.
The only caveat is that these functions are only called when the user's finger touches the collider, so every object you want to have interacted with must have a collider attached, along with this script.
There are also other OnMouse functions which you can look up on the Unity Docs, if you want more control.
I don't Really understand Why unity realised the UnityEngine.lowlevel if there is no way to keep using the app or the game ones you kill the playerloop ,Will i know that it work on ios but What about android i think android is really important than ios because there is like 7% of the world using ios and the rest using android ,Will i know that the propably 7% are reach but i thnik that is not good reason
I will be using android studio and java for my app , and i hope unity team will do something about that and if anyone searching how to wake up from the lowlevel if you're not building for ios don't bother you're self go create plugin if possible or just don't use the low level and of course google play will not give you a nice number of downloads because of the perfamonce and the battery , unity is only for games stick with that i already made a lot of apps non of them got more than 10k downloads because of the perfamonce and the battery

Unity - build camera is different to editor's "game" camera

Ive just started developing for the windows mixed reality headset in unity and it seems to be going well; until i build the program.
The point of my game is simple, one player navigates through a maze in VR and another watches the monitor and guides them through.
In the unity editor under the "game" tab, the cameras work as expected. I used RenderTextures to display two cameras (one of the VR view and one an overview of the entire maze) onto a canvas, which was the game view.
However, when i build my game the only thing that appears on the monitor is the VR's perspective.
I have set the target eye for the vr camera to "both" and the main camera to "None (main display) as others have suggested, but no luck.
Is this a small error ive overlooked or is there a larger problem?

Setting Screen to Format on all Windows PC sizes

The game looks fine inside the Unity screen view, but if I build and choose a different resolution screen size the game looks goofy and dis-proportioned. Especially when I go into full screen mode. I'm using Unity 2019.1.1a (I think it's still in beta?). I'm developing a top down 2D game for Windows PC.
How can I fix it to where the game will look the same on any screen size?
Unity has some good tutorials on this topic:

Cannot display Ovrvision image on Unity application

I am Using Unity 5.4.0f3 Personal(32bit), I developed demonstration application to display camera picture and three-dimensional AR which I acquired in Ovrvision Pro on Oculus Rift.
So I place prefabs, OVRCameraRig (view point camera) and OvrvisionSDK (Ovrvision imaging) from package ovrvision_unity5_includeOVR.unitypackage, and locate moving 3D objects. I intend an application that the 3D objects are moving in front of the video captured at Ovrvision.
Placing image
However, Ovrvision seems not to be recognized. The inspector of OvrvisionSDK says "Ovrvision status closed". And pressing [Play] button, "Ovrvision Open Error" occurs.
Ovrvision Open Error on Play
And when I connect Oculus Rift into the PC, the Unity editor crashes.
The version of Unity editor is 5.4.0f3, and the firmware version of Ovrvision Pro is 1.1, the latest.
I started developing with Unity only one and half month ago, and I may misunderstand the role of various packages and prefabs of Unity.
Best regards,
I am not sure if this is the solution to your problem, but I had similar issues with ovrvision (not using Unity, though). Turns out that in my case one USB port I was using was not a USB3 port (needs to be blue).
Might be worth a try...
Good luck!

Chartboost ad causes background music to pause in unity 3d android/ios app

I am working on my first mobile game which is mainly music based.
Whenever I show a chartboost interstital ad in my app(ios and android), the background music in my app pauses until the user closes the ad. Is there any way to change this behavior to keep background music playing while an add is shown(or possible never allow audio to be paused in unity or keep it playing during an application pause)?
I've tried searching all over, but couldn't find any info about this. Tried contacting chartboost support a few days ago, haven't herd a response yet either.
Any advice would be much appreciated ^_^

