The Problem
I have a collection fixture in xunit test that lets me group all my tests together to allow for 1) a docker db setup and 2) each test to have their own service collection for activities.
The problem is that the since the tests are all in a collection fixture, the tests classes don't run in parallel. I've tried a few different things in their parallelization docs with no luck. They still run pretty fast but it seems like this would be a big bump in perf that should be doable. Any thoughts here?
The Code
i have a test collection fixture like this
public class TestFixtureCollection : ICollectionFixture<TestFixture> {}
public class TestFixture : IAsyncLifetime
public static IServiceScopeFactory BaseScopeFactory;
public async Task InitializeAsync()
// docker db setup
var services = builder.Services;
var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
BaseScopeFactory = provider.GetService<IServiceScopeFactory>();
public Task DisposeAsync()
return Task.CompletedTask;
public static class ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions
public static IServiceCollection ReplaceServiceWithSingletonMock<TService>(this IServiceCollection services)
where TService : class
services.AddScoped<TService>(_ => Mock.Of<TService>());
return services;
testing service scope
public class TestingServiceScope
private readonly IServiceScope _scope;
public TestingServiceScope()
_scope = BaseScopeFactory.CreateScope();
public TScopedService GetService<TScopedService>()
var service = _scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<TScopedService>();
return service;
public async Task<T> ExecuteScopeAsync<T>(Func<IServiceProvider, Task<T>> action)
=> await action(_scope.ServiceProvider);
public Task<T> ExecuteDbContextAsync<T>(Func<CoreDomainDbContext, Task<T>> action)
=> ExecuteScopeAsync(sp => action(sp.GetService<CoreDomainDbContext>()));
public Task<int> InsertAsync<T>(params T[] entities) where T : class
return ExecuteDbContextAsync(db =>
foreach (var entity in entities)
return db.SaveChangesAsync();
example test:
public class AddRecipeCommandTests
public async Task can_add_new_recipe_to_db()
// Arrange
var testingServiceScope = new TestingServiceScope();
var fakeRecipeOne = new FakeRecipeForCreationDto().Generate();
// Act
var command = new AddRecipe.Command(fakeRecipeOne);
var recipeReturned = await testingServiceScope.SendAsync(command);
var recipeCreated = await testingServiceScope.ExecuteDbContextAsync(db => db.Recipes
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(r => r.Id == recipeReturned.Id));
// Assert
I have consumer CarCreatedConsumer which I want to unit test
public class CarCreatedConsumer: IConsumer<CarCreatedEvent>
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
public CarCreatedConsumer(IMediator mediator)
_mediator = mediator;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<CarCreatedEvent> context)
Using MassTransit.Testing I'm trying to write test for event consumer
public class MyTests
private ServiceProvider _provider;
private InMemoryTestHarness _harness;
public void SetUp()
_provider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddMassTransitInMemoryTestHarness(cfg =>
_harness = _provider.GetRequiredService<InMemoryTestHarness>();
public async Task MessageShouldBeConsumed()
await _harness.Start();
await _harness.InputQueueSendEndpoint.Send<CarCreatedEvent>(new
CarId = Guid.NewGuid.ToString(),
CarOwnerName = "John Stuart"
// Always false
await _harness.Stop();
I'm expect this to return true but it fails (returns false). Obviously I'm doing something wrong, any ideas?
Your test harness usage is suspect, and is also using an obsolete version of the configuration. I'd suggest reading the documentation on the current test harness and how to test your consumer.
I have a multi tenant web API where I seed a database with initial data.
I also have a transient IUserService which has a GetCustomerId function to retrieve the current customerId. This service is used in the databaseContext to store the CustomerId foreign key on the created domain entity "under the hood".
So when I seed the database I create a new scope and use a ICurrentUserInitializer to set the CustomerId in the IUserService for that scope, so the CustomerId is valid when the database context stores the entity.
This works just fine in development, but not for testing. Since I want to mock the IUserService when I test, this means that Moq overrides the GetCustomerId. But I only want to mock that service AFTER I've finished seeding the test database.
I've also tried not mocking the IUserService, and instead use a ICurrentUserInitializer for every test that runs, i.e. for every test, create a new scope, set the CustomerId with the ICurrentUserInitializer in that scope, and run the test in that scope, and then reset for the next test. This seems to work, but isn't as flexible when you want to run tests as different users and it doesn't seem as elegant, since I have to write more code to handle the scope correctly.
I Use xUnit, Moq, Respawn, and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing
DbContext :
public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
int? customerId = CurrentUser.GetCustomerId();
int result = await base.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
return result;
private void HandleAuditingBeforeSaveChanges(int? customerId)
foreach (var entry in ChangeTracker.Entries<IMustHaveTenant>().ToList())
entry.Entity.CustomerId = entry.State switch
EntityState.Added => customerId.Value,
_ => entry.Entity.CustomerId
DatabaseInitializer :
public async Task InitializeApplicationDbForCustomerAsync(Customer Customer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// First create a new scope
using var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope();
// This service injects a CustomerId, so that ICurrentUser retrieves this value, but
// doesn't work, since Moq overrides the value
// Then run the initialization in the new scope
await scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbSeeder>()
.SeedDatabaseAsync(_dbContext, cancellationToken);
public class CustomWebApplicationFactory : WebApplicationFactory<Program>
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureAppConfiguration(configurationBuilder =>
var integrationConfig = new ConfigurationBuilder()
builder.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>((sp, options) =>
builder => builder.MigrationsAssembly(typeof(ApplicationDbContext).Assembly.FullName));
builder.ConfigureTestServices(services =>
.AddTransient(_ => Mock.Of<ICurrentUser>(s =>
s.GetCustomerId() == GetCurrentCustomerId()));
Testing / CollectionFixture :
public class DatabaseCollection : ICollectionFixture<Testing>
public partial class Testing : IAsyncLifetime
private static WebApplicationFactory<Program> _factory = null!;
private static IConfiguration _configuration = null!;
private static IServiceScopeFactory _scopeFactory = null!;
private static Checkpoint _checkpoint = null!;
private static int? _currentCustomerId = null;
public Task InitializeAsync()
_factory = new CustomWebApplicationFactory();
_scopeFactory = _factory.Services.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>();
_configuration = _factory.Services.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>();
_checkpoint = new Checkpoint
TablesToIgnore = new[] { new Table("__EFMigrationsHistory") },
return Task.CompletedTask;
public static int? GetCurrentCustomerId()
return _currentCustomerId;
public static void RunAsDefaultUserAsync()
_currentCustomerId = DefaultValues.Customer.Id;
public static async Task<TResponse> SendAsync<TResponse>(IRequest<TResponse> request)
using var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope();
var mediator = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ISender>();
return await mediator.Send(request);
public static async Task<TEntity?> FindAsync<TEntity>(params object[] keyValues)
where TEntity : class
using var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope();
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
return await context.FindAsync<TEntity>(keyValues);
public static async Task AddAsync<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
where TEntity : class
using var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope();
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public static async Task ResetState()
await _checkpoint.Reset(_configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"));
await _factory.Services.InitializeDatabasesAsync();
_currentCustomerId = null;
public Task DisposeAsync()
return Task.CompletedTask;
[Collection("Database collection")]
public class GetDepartmentsTest : BaseTestFixture
public async Task ShouldReturnDepartments()
var query = new ListDepartmentRequest();
var result = await SendAsync(query);
public async Task ShouldReturnAllDepartments()
await AddAsync(new Department
Description = "Department 1",
await AddAsync(new Department
Description = "Department 2",
var query = new ListDepartmentRequest();
var result = await SendAsync(query);
public class BaseTestFixture : IAsyncLifetime
public async Task InitializeAsync()
await ResetState();
public async Task DisposeAsync()
await ResetState();
//return Task.CompletedTask;
I have the following xunit test using Moq
public async void Add_Valid()
// Arrange
var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<CategoryDao>>();
var mockContext = new Mock<Data.Context.AppContext>();
mockContext.Setup(m => m.Categories).Returns(mockSet.Object);
var categoryProfile = new CategoryVoProfile();
var configMapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(categoryProfile));
IMapper mapper = new Mapper(configMapper);
var service = new InDbCategoryService(mockContext.Object, mapper);
// Act
await service.Add(new CategoryVo() { Name = "CreatedName1" });
// Assert
mockSet.Verify(m => m.Add(It.IsAny<CategoryDao>()), Times.Once()); // DbSet verification
mockContext.Verify(m => m.SaveChanges(), Times.Once()); // DbContext verification
And it throws this error:
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: m => m.Add(It.IsAny())
Performed invocations:
Mock<DbSet:1> (m):
No invocations performed.
When I delete the DbSet verification line and ask to verify only the DbContext, it throws this:
Moq.MockException :
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: m => m.SaveChanges()
Performed invocations:
MockAppContext:1 (m):
AppContext.Categories = InternalDbSet
The simplified service looks like this:
public class InDbCategoryService : IDataServiceAsync<CategoryVo>
private readonly Data.Context.AppContext context;
private readonly IMapper mapper;
public InDbCategoryService(Data.Context.AppContext context, IMapper mapper)
this.context = context;
this.mapper = mapper;
public async Task Add(CategoryVo item)
context.Add(entity: mapper.Map<CategoryDao>(item));
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
The category profile:
public class CategoryVoProfile : Profile
public CategoryVoProfile()
CreateMap<CategoryDao, CategoryVo>()
Database context:
public class AppContext : DbContext
public AppContext() { }
public AppContext (DbContextOptions<AppContext> options) : base(options) { }
public virtual DbSet<CategoryDao> Categories { get; set; }
I've used this microsoft docs example for my test, but it's clear I'm missing something. Any help or advice is appreciated.
You are not testing the methods that you've called in your service. Your add method:
public async Task Add(CategoryVo item)
context.Add(entity: mapper.Map<CategoryDao>(item));
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
You'll note you're calling the DbContext.Add not the context.Categories.Add which is what you verify in your test:
mockSet.Verify(m => m.Add(It.IsAny<CategoryDao>()), Times.Once());
The same is true for your SaveChanges. You're verifying the synchronous version but calling the async one. So you need to modify what you're verifying to match what you're using.
I have created small kind of xunit test case but I don't know how to create this controller which i have mention below.
public class PropertyController : ControllerBase
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
private readonly ILogger<PropertyController> _logger;
public PropertyController(IMediator mediator, ILogger<PropertyController> logger)
_mediator = mediator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mediator));
_logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
public async Task<IActionResult> AddProperty([FromBody] AddPropertyCommand command)
bool commandResult = false;
"----- Sending command: {CommandName} - {IdProperty}: {CommandId} ({#Command})",
commandResult = await _mediator.Send(command);
if (!commandResult)
return BadRequest();
return Ok();
I have created like this. i have mock the dependency and create a test case for add command is working fine or not
public class PropertyControllerTest
private readonly PropertyController _it;
private readonly Mock<IMediator> _mediatorMock;
private readonly Mock<ILogger<PropertyController>> _loggerPropertycontrollerMock;
public PropertyControllerTest()
_mediatorMock = new Mock<IMediator>();
_loggerPropertycontrollerMock = new Mock<ILogger<PropertyController>>();
_it = new PropertyController(_mediatorMock.Object, _loggerPropertycontrollerMock.Object);
public void it_Should_add_information_successfully_and_returns_200_status_result()
//How can i write xunit test case. I'm creating like this
_mediatorMock.Setup(x => x.Send().Returns(property);
The test below covers the 200 status result - a similar test for bad requests would be very similar.
public void it_Should_add_information_successfully_and_returns_200_status_result()
// Arrange
var expected = new AddPropertyCommand();
_mediatorMock.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<AddPropertyCommand>())).Returns(true);
// Act
var actionResult = _it.AddProperty(expected);
// Assert
_mediatorMock.Verify(x => x.Send(expected));
N.B. actionResult.ShouldBeAssignableTo<OkResult>(); is written using the Shouldly assertion framework, you can swap that out for anything you like. The one built into XUnit would be like this: Assert.IsType(typeof(OkResult), actionResult);
I've been trying to write a few tests in NUnit for my generic methods, without success. I hope I can make my situation clear, since I had to heavily paraphrase my code.
DoBusinessLogic() is the method I want to test. It calls two other methods from the base class:
public class MySvc : BaseSvc, IMySvc
private readonly IMyRepo _repo;
private readonly IMyConnectorClass _connector
public MySvc(IMyRepo repo) : base(repo)
_repo = repo;
_connector = _repo.GetConnector();
public async Task DoBusinessLogic(int id1, int id2){
bool doesFirstObjectExist = await CheckMainObjExists<Foo>(id1, _connector);
await CheckSubObjExists<Bar>(id2, _connector);
// further business logic
Those methods, in turn, call the same repository method, but have different logic after it:
public abstract class BaseSvc : IBaseSvc
private readonly IBaseRepo _repo
protected BaseSvc(IBaseRepo repo)
_repo = repo;
protected async Task<bool> CheckMainObjExists<T>(int? id, IMyConnectorClass connector)
return await _repo.GetObjectByIdAsync<T>(Id, connector) != null;
protected async Task CheckSubObjExists<T>(int? id, IMyConnectorClass connector)
if (await _repo.GetObjectByIdAsync<T>(Id, connector) == null)
{ throw new Exception("Object not found!"); }
Next, I want to write unit a test for DoBusinessLogic() in the MySvc class. Unfortunately, it seems I can't mock the responses from the repository.
public class MySvcTests
private MySvc _svc;
private Mock<IMyRepo> _repoMock;
private Mock<IMyConnectorClass> _connectorMock;
public void SetUp()
_repoMock = new Mock<IMyRepo>() {};
_connectorMock = new Mock<IMyConnectorClass>();
_repo.SetUp(r => r.GetConnector()).Return(_connectorMock.Object);
_svc = new MySvc(_repoMock);
My intent in this test, is to make CheckMainObjExists() pass,
but make CheckSubObjExist() fail.
public async Task DoBusinessLogic_If2ndObjectNotExist_ThrowException()
// This should return an object
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Foo>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
.ReturnsAsync(new Foo());
// This should return null
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Bar>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
.ReturnsAsync((Bar) null);
Assert.Throws<Exception>(await _svc.DoBusinessLogic());
However, when I run the test, both methods that I set up for my mock repo return null, whereas I expect a "true" from the first.
I do not know where the problem is situated, but I have my suspicions:
Is it possible to setup a method, using a mocked object as a parameter? In this case, is it possible to use _connectorMock.Object as a setup parameter?
Is it possible to setup the same generic method multiple times, but for a different type each time? It's first setup for Foo, then for Bar.
I just tested this code and it runs as expected. Now I had to make a lot of assumptions just to get the code to compile and run which would mean that my test of your code is flawed as I may have fixed something that was omitted in your example.
I made no changes to your test setup code, which worked.
public class MySvcTests {
public async Task DoBusinessLogic_If2ndObjectNotExist_ThrowException() {
var _repoMock = new Mock<IMyRepo>() { };
var _connectorMock = new Mock<IMyConnectorClass>();
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetConnector()).Returns(_connectorMock.Object);
var _svc = new MySvc(_repoMock.Object);
// This should return an object
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Foo>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
.ReturnsAsync(new Foo());
// This should return null
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Bar>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
await _svc.DoBusinessLogic(0, 0);