I have built a MQTT client that listens for certain status data. For each message I run a method which can take a while (up to 1 second). Since a lot of messages can arrive at once, I want to run the whole thing in parallel. My problem now is, when I receive a message belonging to topic A, I want to make sure that the previous task belonging to topic A has already finished before I start the new one. But I also need to be able to receive new messages during the time I am waiting for Task A to finish and add them to the queue if necessary. Of course, if the new message belongs to topic B, I don't care about the status of task A and I can run this method call in parallel.
In my mind, this is solved with a kind of dictionary that has different queues.
What about to use a lock on an object related to the topic?
When a new item come in the system you could retrieve/create a lock object from a ConcurrentDictionary and then you could use this object to lock the execution.
something like this.
static ConcurrentDictionary<string,object> _locksByCategory =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string,object>();
async void ProcessItem(ItemType item) {
var lockObject = _locksByCategory(item.Category, new object(), (k, o) => o);
lock (lockObject) {
// your code
This isn't a production ready solution but could help to start with.
I don't know exactly how you would do it, but it goes along the lines of:
On startup, create a (static? singleton?) Dictionary<Topic, ConcurrentQueue> and for each topic create a thread that does the following:
Wrap the ConcurrentQueue in a BlockingCollection
infinitely loop with BlockingCollection.Take at the start of the loop. This should block until an item is ready, execute the rest of the loop and listen for more items afterwards.
Whenever a message comes in, add it to the corresponding ConcurrentQueue.
Can someone tell me what the best practice/proper way of doing this is?
I'm also using WPF, not a console or ASP.NET.
Using Listener to accept clients and spin off a new "thread" for each client that handles all the I/O and Exception catching for that client.
Method 1: Fire and forget, and just throw it into a variable to get rid of the warning.
public static async Task Start(CancellationToken token)
m_server = TcpListener.Create(33777);
running = true;
clientCount = 0;
// TODO: Add try... catch
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
var client = await m_server.AcceptTcpClientAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Client c = new Client(client);
var _ = HandleClientAsync(c);
Here's the Client Handler code:
public static async Task HandleClientAsync(Client c)
// TODO: add try...catch
while (c.connected)
string data = await c.reader.ReadLineAsync();
// Now we will parse the data and update variables accordingly
// Just Regex and some parsing that updates variables
Method 2: The same thing... but with Task.Run()
var _ = Task.Run(() => HandleClientAsync());
Method 3: an intermediate non async function (doubt this is good. Should be Async all the way)
But this at least gets rid of the squiggly line without using the variable trick which kinda feels dirty.
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
var client = await m_server.AcceptTcpClientAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Client c = new Client(client);
public static void NonAsync(VClient vc)
Task.Run(() => HandleClientAsync(vc));
Method 4: Make HandleClientAsync an Async void instead of Async Task (really bad)
public static async Task HandleClientAsync(Client c)
// Would change to
public static async Void HandleClientAsync(Client c)
Is it any better to use Task.Run() When doing a fire and forget task?
Is it just accepted that you need to use the var _ = FireAndForget() trick to do fire and forget? I could just ignore the warning but something feels wrong about it.
If I wanted to update my UI from a Client, how would I do that? Would I just use a dispatcher?
Thanks guys
I've never been a fan of background workers which you expect to run for a long time, being run in a task. Tasks get scheduled to run on threads drawn from a pool. As you schedule these long running tasks, the thread pool gets smaller and smaller. Eventually all of the threads from the pool are busy running your tasks, and things get really slow and unmanageable.
My recommendation here? Use the Thread class and manage them yourselves. In this way, you keep your thread pool and the overhead for for tasks out of the picture.
Addendum - Producer Consumer Model
Another interesting question to consider: Do you really need a thread for every client? Threads are reasonably costly to create and maintain in terms of memory overhead, and if your client interaction is such that the client threads spend the vast majority of their time waiting around on something to do, then perhaps a producer consumer model is more suited to your use case.
Client connects on listening thread, gets put in a client queue
Worker thread responsible for checking to see if the clients need anything comes along through that queue every so often and checks - does the client have a new message to service? If so, it services all messages the client has, then moves on
In this way, you limit the number of threads working to just the number needed to manage the message queue. You can even get fancy and add worker threads dynamically based on how long its been since all the clients have been serviced.
If you insist
If you really like what you have going, I suggest refactoring what youre doing a bit so that rather than HandleClientAsync you do something more akin to CreateServiceForClient(c);
This could be a synchronous method that returns something like a ClientService. ClientService could then create the task that does what your HandleClientAsync does now, and store that task as a member. It could also provide methods like
ClientService.Disconnect() (which could set a cancellation token, also stored as a member variable)
I asked a question here about why starting a process using Thread.Run did not execute as many concurrent requests as I expected.
The reason behind this question was that I was trying to create a class which can pull messages off a rabbitmq queue and process them concurrently up to a maximum number of concurrent messages.
To do this I ended up with the following in the Received handler of the EventingBasicConsumer class.
async void Handle(EventArgs e)
await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
var thread = new Thread(() =>
However the comments on the previous post were not to start a thread unless doing CPU bound work.
The above handler does not know whether the work will be CPU bound, Network, Disk or otherwise. (Process is an abstract method).
Even so I think I have to start a thread or task here, otherwise the Process method blocks the rabbitmq thread and the event handler is not called again until it is finished. So I can only handle one method at once.
Is starting a new Thread here okay? Originally I had used Task.Run but this didn't produce as many workers as wanted. See other post.
FYI. The number of concurrent threads is capped by setting the InitialCount on the semaphore.
As already been said in linked question, big number of threads doesn't guarantee the performance, as if their number gets more than the number of logical cores, you got a thread starvation situation with no real work being done.
However, if you still need to handle the number of a concurrent operations, you may give a try to the TPL Dataflow library, with settings up the MaxDegreeOfParallelism, like in this tutorial.
var workerBlock = new ActionBlock<EventArgs>(
// Process event
e => Process(e),
// Specify a maximum degree of parallelism.
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = InitialCount
var bufferBlock = new BufferBlock();
// link the blocks for automatically propagading the messages
// asynchronously send the message
await bufferBlock.SendAsync(...);
// synchronously send the message
BufferBlock is a queue, so the order of messages will be preserved. Also, you can add the different handlers (with a different degree of parallelism) with linking the blocks with filter lambda:
bufferBlock.LinkTo(cpuWorkerBlock, e => e is CpuEventArgs);
bufferBlock.LinkTo(networkWorkerBlock, e => e is NetworkEventArgs);
bufferBlock.LinkTo(diskWorkerBlock, e => e is DiskEventArgs);
but in this case you should setup a default handler at the end of the chain, so the message wouldn't disappear (you may use a NullTarget block for this):
Also, the block could be an observers, so they perfectly work with Reactive Extensions on UI side.
I am writing a multi player game server and am looking at ways the new C# async/await features can
help me. The core of the server is a loop which updates all the actors in the game as fast as it
while (!shutdown)
foreach (var actor in actors)
// Send and receive pending network messages
// Various other system maintenance
This loop is required to handle thousands of actors and update multiple times per second to keep the
game running smoothly. Some actors occasionally perform slow tasks in their update functions, such
as fetching data from a database, which is where I'd like to use async. Once this data is retrieved
the actor wants to update the game state, which must be done on the main thread.
As this is a console application, I plan to write a SynchronizationContext which can dispatch
pending delegates to the main loop. This allows those tasks to update the game once they complete
and lets unhandled exceptions be thrown into the main loop. My question is, how do write the async
update functions? This works very nicely, but breaks the recommendations not to use async void:
Thing foo;
public override void Update()
if (someCondition) {
async void UpdateAsync()
// Get data, but let the server continue in the mean time
var newFoo = await GetFooFromDatabase();
// Now back on the main thread, update game state
this.foo = newFoo;
I could make Update() async and propogate the tasks back to the main loop, but:
I don't want to add overhead to the thousands of updates that will never use it.
Even in the main loop I don't want to await the tasks and block the loop.
Awaiting the task would cause a deadlock anyway as it needs to complete on the awaiting thread.
What do I do with all these tasks I can't await? The only time I might want to know they've all
finished is when I'm shutting the server down, but I don't want to collect every task generated by
potentially weeks worth of updates.
My understanding is that the crux of it is that you want:
while (!shutdown)
//This should happen immediately and completions occur on the main thread.
foreach (var actor in actors)
actor.Update(); //includes i/o bound database operations
// The subsequent code should not be delayed
Where the while loop is running in your main console thread. This is a tight single-threaded loop. You could run the foreach in parallel, but then you would still be waiting for the longest running instance (the i/o bound operation to get the data from the database).
await async is not the best option within this loop, you need to run these i/o database tasks on a thread pool. On the thread pool async await would be useful to free up pool threads.
So, the next question is how to get these completions back to your main thread. Well, it seems like you need something equivalent to a message pump on your main thread. See this post for information on how to do that, though that may be a bit heavy handed. You could just have a completion queue of sorts that you check on the main thread in each pass through your while Loop. You would use one of the concurrent data structures to do this so that it is all thread safe then set Foo if it needs to be set.
It seems that there is some room to rationalise this polling of actors and threading, but without knowing the details of the app it is hard to say.
A couple of points: -
If you do not have a Wait higher up on a task, your main console thread will exit and so will your application. See here for details.
As you have pointed out, await async does not block the current thread, but it does mean that the code subsequent to the await will only execute on completion of the await.
The completion may or may not be completed on the calling thread. You have already mentioned Synchronization Context, so I won't go into the details.
Synchronization Context is null on a Console app. See here for information.
Async isn't really for fire-and-forget type operations.
For fire and forget you can use one of these options depending on your scenario:
Use Task.Run or Task.StartNew. See here for differences.
Use a producer/consumer type pattern for the long running scenarios running under your own threadpool.
Be aware of the following: -
That you will need to handle the exceptions in your spawned tasks / threads. If there are any exceptions that you do not observe, you may want to handle these, even just to log their occurence. See the information on unobserved exceptions.
If your process dies while these long running tasks are on the queue or starting they will not be run, so you may want some kind of persistence mechanism (database, external queue, file) that keeps track of the state of these operations.
If you want to know about the state of these tasks, then you will need to keep track of them in some way, whether it is an in memory list, or by querying the queues for your own thread pool or by querying the persistence mechanism. The nice thing about the persistence mechanism is that it is resilient to crashes and during shutdown you could just close down immediately, then pick up where you ended up when you restart (this of course depends on how critical it is that the tasks are run within a certain timeframe).
First, I recommend that you do not use your own SynchronizationContext; I have one available as part of my AsyncEx library that I commonly use for Console apps.
As far as your update methods go, they should return Task. My AsyncEx library has a number of "task constants" that are useful when you have a method that might be asynchronous:
public override Task Update() // Note: not "async"
if (someCondition) {
return UpdateAsync();
else {
return TaskConstants.Completed;
async Task UpdateAsync()
// Get data, but let the server continue in the mean time
var newFoo = await GetFooFromDatabase();
// Now back on the main thread, update game state
this.foo = newFoo;
Returning to your main loop, the solution there isn't quite as clear. If you want every actor to complete before continuing to the next actor, then you can do this:
AsyncContext.Run(async () =>
while (!shutdown)
foreach (var actor in actors)
await actor.Update();
Alternatively, if you want to start all actors simultaneously and wait for them all to complete before moving to the next "tick", you can do this:
AsyncContext.Run(async () =>
while (!shutdown)
await Task.WhenAll(actors.Select(actor => actor.Update()));
When I say "simultaneously" above, it is actually starting each actor in order, and since they all execute on the main thread (including the async continuations), there's no actual simultaneous behavior; each "chuck of code" will execute on the same thread.
I highly recommend watching this video or just taking a look at the slides:
Three Essential Tips for Using Async in Microsoft Visual C# and Visual Basic
From my understanding what you should probably be doing in this scenario is returning Task<Thing> in UpdateAsync and possibly even Update.
If you are performing some async operations with 'foo' outside the main loop what happens when the async part completes during a future sequential update? I believe you really want to wait on all your update tasks to complete and then swap your internal state over in one go.
Ideally you would start all the slow (database) updates first and then do the other faster ones so that the entire set is ready as soon as possible.
[This appears to be a loooong question but I have tried to make it as clear as possible. Please have patience and help me...]
I have written a test class which supports an Async operation. That operation does nothing but reports 4 numbers:
class AsyncDemoUsingAsyncOperations
AsyncOperation asyncOp;
bool isBusy;
void NotifyStarted () {
isBusy = true;
Started (this, new EventArgs ());
void NotifyStopped () {
isBusy = false;
Stopped (this, new EventArgs ());
public void Start () {
if (isBusy)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Already working you moron...");
asyncOp = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation (null);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (new WaitCallback (StartOperation));
public event EventHandler Started = delegate { };
public event EventHandler Stopped = delegate { };
public event EventHandler<NewNumberEventArgs> NewNumber = delegate { };
private void StartOperation (object state) {
asyncOp.Post (args => NotifyStarted (), null);
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
asyncOp.Post (args => NewNumber (this, args as NewNumberEventArgs), new NewNumberEventArgs (i));
asyncOp.Post (args => NotifyStopped (), null);
class NewNumberEventArgs: EventArgs
public int Num { get; private set; }
public NewNumberEventArgs (int num) {
Num = num;
Then I wrote 2 test programs; one as console app and another as windows form app. Windows form app works as expected when I call Start repeatedly:
But console app has hard time ensuring the order:
Since I am working on class library, I have to ensure that my library works correctly in all app models (Haven't tested in ASP.NET app yet). So I have following questions:
I have tested enough times and it appears to be working but is it OK to assume above code will always work in windows form app?
Whats the reason it (order) doesn't work correctly in console app? How can I fix it?
Not much experienced with ASP.NET. Will the order work in ASP.NET app?
[EDIT: Test stubs can be seen here if that helps.]
Unless I am missing something then given the code above I believe there is no way of guaranteeing the order of execution. I have never used the AsyncOperation and AsyncOperationManager class but I looked in reflector and as could be assumed AsyncOperation.Post uses the thread pool to execute the given code asynchronously.
This means that in the example you have provided 4 tasks will be queued to the thread pool synchronously in very quick succession. The thread pool will then dequeue the tasks in FIFO order (first in first out) but it's entirely possible for one of later threads to be scheduled before an earlier one or one of the later threads to complete before an earlier thread has completed its work.
Therefore given what you have there is no way to control the order in the way you desire. There are ways to do this, a good place to look is this article on MSDN.
I use a Queue you can then Enqueue stuff and Dequeue stuff in the correct order. This solved this problem for me.
The documentation for AsyncOperation.Post states:
Console applications do not synchronize the execution of Post calls. This can cause ProgressChanged events to be raised out of order. If you wish to have serialized execution of Post calls, implement and install a System.Threading.SynchronizationContext class.
I think this is the exact behavior you’re seeing. Basically, if the code that wants to subscribe to notifications from your asynchronous event wants to receive the updates in order, it must ensure that there is a synchronization context installed and that your AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation() call is run inside of that context. If the code consuming the asynchronous events doesn’t care about receiving them in the correct order, it simply needs to avoid installing a synchronization context which will result in the “default” context being used (which just queues calls directly to the threadpool which may execute them in any order it wants to).
In the GUI version of your application, if you call your API from a UI thread, you will automatically have a synchronization context. This context is wired up to use the UI’s message queueing system which guarantees that posted messages are processed in order and serially (i.e., not concurrently).
In a Console application, unless if you manually install your own synchronization context, you will be using the default, non-synchronizing threadpool version. I am not exactly sure, but I don’t think that .net makes installing a serializing synchronization context very easy to do. I just use Nito.AsyncEx.AsyncContext from the Nito.AsyncEx nuget package to do that for me. Basically, if you call Nito.AsyncEx.AsyncContext.Run(MyMethod), it will capture the current thread and run an event loop with MyMethod as the first “handler” in that event loop. If MyMethod calls something that creates an AsyncOperation, that operation increments an “ongoing operations” counter and that loop will continue until the operation is completed via AsyncOperation.PostOperationCompleted or AsyncOperation.OperationCompleted. Just like the synchronization context provided by a UI thread, AsyncContext will queue posts from AsyncOperation.Post() in the order it receives them and run them serially in its event loop.
Here is an example of how to use AsyncContext with your demo asynchronous operation:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Starting SynchronizationContext");
Console.WriteLine("SynchronizationContext finished");
// This method is run like it is a UI callback. I.e., it has a
// single-threaded event-loop-based synchronization context which
// processes asynchronous callbacks.
static Task Run()
var remainingTasks = new Queue<Action>();
Action startNextTask = () =>
if (remainingTasks.Any())
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, 4))
() =>
var demoOperation = new AsyncDemoUsingAsyncOperations();
demoOperation.Started += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Started");
demoOperation.NewNumber += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Received number {e.Num}");
demoOperation.Stopped += (sender, e) =>
// The AsyncDemoUsingAsyncOperation has a bug where it fails to call
// AsyncOperation.OperationCompleted(). Do that for it. If we don’t,
// the AsyncContext will never exit because there are outstanding unfinished
// asynchronous operations.
((AsyncOperation)typeof(AsyncDemoUsingAsyncOperations).GetField("asyncOp", BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(demoOperation)).OperationCompleted();
// Start the next task.
// Start the first one.
// AsyncContext requires us to return a Task because that is its
// normal use case.
return Nito.AsyncEx.TaskConstants.Completed;
With output:
Starting SynchronizationContext
Received number 1
Received number 2
Received number 3
Received number 4
Received number 1
Received number 2
Received number 3
Received number 4
Received number 1
Received number 2
Received number 3
Received number 4
Received number 1
Received number 2
Received number 3
Received number 4
SynchronizationContext finished
Note that in my example code I work around a bug in AsyncDemoUsingAsyncOperations which you should probably fix: when your operation stops, you never call AsyncOperation.OperationCompleted or AsyncOperation.PostOperationCompleted. This causes AsyncContext.Run() to hang forever because it is waiting for the outstanding operations to complete. You should make sure that your asynchronous operations complete—even in error cases. Otherwise you might run into similar issues elsewhere.
Also, my demo code, to imitate the output you showed in the winforms and console example, waits for each operation to finish before starting the next one. That kind of defeats the point of asynchronous coding. You can probably tell that my code could be greatly simplified by starting all four tasks at once. Each individual task would receive its callbacks in the correct order, but they would all make progress concurrently.
Because of how AsyncOperation seems to work and how it is intended to be used, it is the responsibility of the caller of an asynchronous API that uses this pattern to decide if it wants to receive events in order or not. If you are going to use AsyncOperation, you should document that the asynchronous events will only be received in order by the caller if the caller has a synchronization context that enforces serialization and suggest that the caller call your API on either a UI thread or in something like AsyncContext.Run(). If you try to use synchronization primitives and whatnot inside of the delegate you call with AsyncOperation.Post(), you could end up putting threadpool threads in a sleeping state which is a bad thing when considering performance and is completely redundant/wasteful when the caller of your API has properly set up a synchronization context already. This also enables the caller to decide that, if it is fine with receiving things out of order, that it is willing to process events concurrently and out of order. That may even enable speedup depending on what you’re doing. Or you might even decide to put something like a sequence number in your NewNumberEventArgs in case the caller wants both concurrency and still needs to be able to assemble the events into order at some point.
Sorry the title is a bit crappy, I couldn't quite word it properly.
Edit: I should note this is a console c# app
I've prototyped out a system that works like so (this is rough pseudo-codeish):
var collection = grabfromdb();
foreach (item in collection) {
SmtpClient mailClient = new SmtpClient;
mailClient.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(SendComplete);
mailClient.SendAsync('the mail message');
if (anyErrors) {
else {
Obviously this setup is not ideal. If the initial collection has, say 10,000 records, then it's going to new up 10,000 instances of smtpclient in fairly short order as quickly as it can step through the rows - and likely asplode in the process.
My ideal end game is to have something like 10 concurrent email going out at once.
A hacky solution comes to mind: Add a counter, that increments when SendAnEmail() is called, and decrements when SendComplete is sent. Before SendAnEmail() is called in the initial loop, check the counter, if it's too high, then sleep for a small period of time and then check it again.
I'm not sure that's such a great idea, and figure the SO hive mind would have a way to do this properly.
I have very little knowledge of threading and not sure if it would be an appropriate use here. Eg sending email in a background thread, first check the number of child threads to ensure there's not too many being used. Or if there is some type of 'thread throttling' built in.
Following in the advice of Steven A. Lowe, I now have:
A Dictionary holding my emails and a unique key (this is the email que
A FillQue Method, which populates the dictionary
A ProcessQue method, which is a background thread. It checks the que, and SendAsycs any email in the que.
A SendCompleted delegate which removes the email from the que. And calls FillQue again.
I've a few problems with this setup. I think I've missed the boat with the background thread, should I be spawning one of these for each item in the dictionary? How can I get the thread to 'hang around' for lack of a better word, if the email que empties the thread ends.
final update
I've put a 'while(true) {}' in the background thread. If the que is empty, it waits a few seconds and tries again. If the que is repeatedly empty, i 'break' the while, and the program ends... Works fine. I'm a bit worried about the 'while(true)' business though..
Short Answer
Use a queue as a finite buffer, processed by its own thread.
Long Answer
Call a fill-queue method to create a queue of emails, limited to (say) 10. Fill it with the first 10 unsent emails. Launch a thread to process the queue - for each email in the queue, send it asynch. When the queue is empty sleep for a while and check again. Have the completion delegate remove the sent or errored email from the queue and update the database, then call the fill-queue method to read more unsent emails into the queue (back up to the limit).
You'll only need locks around the queue operations, and will only have to manage (directly) the one thread to process the queue. You will never have more than N+1 threads active at once, where N is the queue limit.
I believe your hacky solution actually would work. Just make sure you have a lock statement around the bits where you increment and decrement the counter:
class EmailSender
object SimultaneousEmailsLock;
int SimultaneousEmails;
public string[] Recipients;
void SendAll()
foreach(string Recipient in Recipients)
while (SimultaneousEmails>10) Thread.Sleep(10);
void SendAnEmail(string Recipient)
... send it ...
void FinishedEmailCallback()
... etc ...
I would add all my messages to a Queue, and then spawn i.e. 10 threads which sent emails until the Queue was empty. Pseudo'ish C# (probably wont compile):
class EmailSender
Queue<Message> messages;
List<Thread> threads;
public Send(IEnumerable<Message> messages, int threads)
this.messages = new Queue<Message>(messages);
this.threads = new List<Thread>();
while(threads-- > 0)
threads.Add(new Thread(SendMessages));
threads.ForEach(t => t.Start());
while(threads.Any(t => t.IsAlive))
private SendMessages()
Message m;
m = messages.Dequeue();
// No more messages
// Send message in some way. Not in an async way,
// since we are already kind of async.
Thread.Sleep(); // Perhaps take a quick rest
If the message is the same, and just having many recipients, just swap the Message with a Recipient, and add a single Message parameter to the Send method.
You could use a .NET Timer to setup the schedule for sending messages. Whenever the timer fires, grab the next 10 messages and send them all, and repeat. Or if you want a general (10 messages per second) rate you could have the timer fire every 100ms, and send a single message every time.
If you need more advanced scheduling, you could look at a scheduling framework like Quartz.NET
Isn't this something that Thread.Sleep() can handle?
You are correct in thinking that background threading can serve a good purpose here. Basically what you want to do is create a background thread for this process, let it run its own way, delays and all, and then terminate the thread when the process is done, or leave it on indefinitely (turning it into a Windows Service or something similar will be a good idea).
A little intro on multi-threading can be read here (with Thread.Sleep included!).
A nice intro on Windows Services can be read here.