Why asking
I already found a way to fix it, but it duplicates the code in Equals method and moreover I would like to understand the behavior.
Querying DbContext list of objects and filtering using a where clause that uses the Equals method of the object doesn't return the proper SQL query.
So, here is my Equals method:
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj is not MetaMovie other) return false;
if (other.Id > 0 && Id > 0) return other.Id == Id;
return other.MetaSource == MetaSource && other.ExternalId == ExternalId;
var existingMovie = await db.MetaMovies.Where(m => m.Equals(movie)).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
Generate a where using Id even if movie.Id == 0 and I was expecting having a query that would have used the alternate key (ExternalId + MetaSource). But no!
Patch that would prefer to skip
Instead, I created this method in the MetaMovie class:
public static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<MetaMovie, bool>> IsEqual(MetaMovie other)
if (other.Id > 0) return m => other.Id == m.Id;
return m => other.MetaSource == m.MetaSource && other.ExternalId == m.ExternalId;
And now it returns the proper query depending if movie.Id == 0 or not using:
var existingMovie = await db.MetaMovies.Where(MetaMovie.IsEqual(movie)).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
Could someone tell me what is difference? Or even better, how could I only have the Equals method having the same behavior?
Can you try movie.Equals(m))
instead? Without seeing the rest of the code, it's a little tough.
if (obj is not MetaMovie other) return false;
could also be the issue... But as I said it's a little tough to figure it out without seeing the rest.
I think the difference is you are sending in an arbitrary Equals method and EF does not know how to interpret that. The one that works is a LINQ expression body and EF can understand those and is able to create the proper SQL for it.
You can also simply inline the lambda expression.
await db.MetaMovies.Where(m =>
movie.Id > 0
? movie.Id == m.Id
: movie.MetaSource == m.MetaSource && movie.ExternalId == m.ExternalId)
EF Core can only translate LambdaExpressions, what you have is a compiled function.
You could write a helper method to apply the where expression to a query.
public static IQueryable<MetaMovies> WhereEqual(this IQueryable<MetaMovies> query, MetaMovie movie)
=> movie.Id > 0
? query.Where(m => movie.Id == m.Id)
: query.Where(m => movie.MetaSource == m.MetaSource && movie.ExternalId == m.ExternalId);
await db.MetaMovies.WhereEqual(movie).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
At least then, this common query is defined in a single location.
I have a problem with Entity Framework using the DefaultIfEmpty method. The following query is returning empty when it should return an offer that matches all criteria in the database.
If I remove one or both DefaultIfEmpty method calls it works, but with them it doesn't. I need those to prevend another problem in the query.
When I execute the generated SQL query directly on the database it works and it returns the offer.
I also made an Unit Test reproducing the same example and it also passes so it must be an Entity Framework issue.
Here's the query:
private static Expression<Func<Offer, bool>> AddFilter(Service criteria)
return offer => offer.Restrictions.
SelectMany(rest => rest.OperatorRange.DefaultIfEmpty(), (rest, alop) => new { Restriction = rest, OperatorRange = alop.Id }).
Where(alop => criteria.ServiceUseNet == null || alop.OperatorRange.ToUpper() == criteria.ServiceUseNet.ToUpper()).
SelectMany(rest => rest.Restriction.CallType.DefaultIfEmpty(), (rest, till) => new { Restriction = rest, CallType = till.Id }).
Any(till => criteria.UseServiceCoverage == null || till.CallType.ToUpper() == criteria.UseServiceCoverage.ToUpper());
Change it into two Any calls:
return offer => offer.Restrictions
=> rest.OperatorRange
.Where(alop => criteria.ServiceUseNet == null
|| alop.OperatorRange.ToUpper() == criteria.ServiceUseNet.ToUpper())
.Any(till => criteria.UseServiceCoverage == null
|| till.CallType.ToUpper() == criteria.UseServiceCoverage.ToUpper()));
The predicate is supposed to test whether there are any OperatorRanges (meeting some criteria) having any CallTypes meeting some criteria. If there are no OperatorRanges, there won't be any CallTypes either, let alone matching CallTypes.
In this form, the predicate always returns true or false.
I have a method in a class that allows me to return results based on a certain set of Customer specified criteria. The method matches what the Customer specifies on the front end with each item in a collection that comes from the database. In cases where the customer does not specify any of the attributes, the ID of the attibute is passed into the method being equal to 0 (The database has an identity on all tables that is seeded at 1 and is incremental). In this case that attribute should be ignored, for example if the Customer does not specify the Location then customerSearchCriteria.LocationID = 0 coming into the method. The matching would then match on the other attributes and return all Locations matching the other attibutes, example below:
public IEnumerable<Pet> FindPetsMatchingCustomerCriteria(CustomerPetSearchCriteria customerSearchCriteria)
if(customerSearchCriteria.LocationID == 0)
return repository.GetAllPetsLinkedCriteria()
.Where(x => x.TypeID == customerSearchCriteria.TypeID &&
x.FeedingMethodID == customerSearchCriteria.FeedingMethodID &&
x.FlyAblityID == customerSearchCriteria.FlyAblityID )
.Select(y => y.Pet);
The code for when all criteria is specified is shown below:
private PetsRepository repository = new PetsRepository();
public IEnumerable<Pet> FindPetsMatchingCustomerCriteria(CustomerPetSearchCriteria customerSearchCriteria)
return repository.GetAllPetsLinkedCriteria()
.Where(x => x.TypeID == customerSearchCriteria.TypeID &&
x.FeedingMethodID == customerSearchCriteria.FeedingMethodID &&
x.FlyAblityID == customerSearchCriteria.FlyAblityID &&
x.LocationID == customerSearchCriteria.LocationID )
.Select(y => y.Pet);
I want to avoid having a whole set of if and else statements to cater for each time the Customer does not explicitly select an attribute of the results they are looking for. What is the most succint and efficient way in which I could achieve this?
Criteria that are not selected are always zero, right? So how about taking rows where the field equals the criteria OR the criteria equals zero.
This should work
private PetsRepository repository = new PetsRepository();
public IEnumerable<Pet> FindPetsMatchingCustomerCriteria(CustomerPetSearchCriteria customerSearchCriteria)
return repository.GetAllPetsLinkedCriteria()
.Where(x => (customerSearchCriteria.TypeID == 0 || x.TypeID == customerSearchCriteria.TypeID)&&
(customerSearchCriteria.FeedingMethodID == 0 || x.FeedingMethodID == customerSearchCriteria.FeedingMethodID) &&
(customerSearchCriteria.FlyAblityID == 0 || x.FlyAblityID == customerSearchCriteria.FlyAblityID) &&
(customerSearchCriteria.LocationID == 0 || x.LocationID == customerSearchCriteria.LocationID))
.Select(y => y.Pet);
Alternatively, if this is something you find yourself doing alot of, you could write an alternate Where extension method that either applies the criteria or passes through if zero, and chain the calls instead of having one condition with the criteria anded. Then you'd do the comparision for the criteria == 0 just once per query, not for every unmatched row. I'm not sure that it's worth the - possible - marginal performance increase, you'd be better off applying the filters in the database if you want a performance gain.
Here it is anyway, for the purposes of edification . . .
static class Extns
public static IEnumerable<T> WhereZeroOr<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, int> idAccessor, int id)
if (id == 0)
return items;
return items.Where(x => idAccessor(x) == id);
private PetsRepository repository = new PetsRepository();
public IEnumerable<Pet> FindPetsMatchingCustomerCriteria(CustomerPetSearchCriteria customerSearchCriteria)
return repository.GetAllPetsLinkedCriteria()
.WhereZeroOr(x => x.TypeID, customerSearchCriteria.TypeID)
.WhereZeroOr(x => x.FeedingMethodID, customerSearchCriteria.FeedingMethodID)
.WhereZeroOr(x => x.FlyAblityID, customerSearchCriteria.FlyAblityID)
.WhereZeroOr(x => x.LocationID, customerSearchCriteria.LocationID);
Looks like you're using a stored procedure and you're getting all records first and then doing your filtration. I suggest you filter at the stored procedure level, letting the database do the heavy lifting and any micro filtration that you need to do afterwords will be easier. In your sproc, have your params default to NULL and make your properties nullable for the criteria object so you can just pass in values and the sproc will(should) be corrected to work with these null values, i.e.
private PetsRepository repository = new PetsRepository();
public IEnumerable<Pet> FindPetsMatchingCustomerCriteria(CustomerPetSearchCriteria customerSearchCriteria)
return repository.GetAllPetsLinkedCriteria(customerSearchCriteria.TypeID,customerSearchCriteria.FeedingMethodID,customerSearchCriteria.FlyAblityID,customerSearchCriteria.LocationID).ToList();
I'm not seeing an elegant solution. May be this:
IEnumerable<Pet> FindPetsMatchingCustomerCriteria(CustomerPetSearchCriteria customerSearchCriteria)
return repository.GetAllPetsLinkedCriteria()
.Where(x =>
Check(x.TypeID, customerSearchCriteria.TypeID) &&
Check(x.FeedingMethodID, customerSearchCriteria.FeedingMethodID) &&
Check(x.FlyAblityID, customerSearchCriteria.FlyAblityID) &&
Check(x.LocationID, customerSearchCriteria.LocationID))
.Select(x => x.Pet);
static bool Check(int petProperty, int searchCriteriaProperty)
return searchCriteriaProperty == 0 || petProperty == searchCriteriaProperty;
This code doesn't work:
return this.Context.StockTakeFacts.Select(stf => ((stf.StockTakeId == stocktakeid) && (stf.FactKindId == ((int)kind)))).ToList<IStockTakeFact>();
This statement does:
var f = from stf in this.Context.StockTakeFacts
where (stf.StockTakeId == stocktakeid) && (stf.FactKindId == ((int)kind))
select stf;
return f.ToList<IStockTakeFact>();
What is the difference?? The first complains that IQueryable does not have a toList method so I gather I've written the first statement incorrectly.
You need to use a Where call in order to filter elements (not Select)
return this.Context.StockTakeFacts
.Where(stf => ((stf.StockTakeId == stocktakeid) && (stf.FactKindId == ((int)kind))))
When using explicit LINQ API queries the select item is implicit. It can be made explicit with a call to Select but it's not necessary (unless you map the values in some way)
You have to use Where() in order to be able filtering by the predicate:
return this.Context.StockTakeFacts
.Where(stf => stf.StockTakeId == stocktakeid
&& stf.FactKindId == (int)kind)
I have a scenario where I have to use a dynamic where condition in LINQ.
I want something like this:
public void test(bool flag)
from e in employee
where e.Field<string>("EmployeeName") == "Jhom"
If (flag == true)
e.Field<string>("EmployeeDepartment") == "IT"
select e.Field<string>("EmployeeID")
I know we can't use the 'If' in the middle of the Linq query but what is the solution for this?
Please help...
Please check out the full blog post: Dynamic query with Linq
There are two options you can use:
Dynamic LINQ library
string condition = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text))
condition = string.Format("Name.StartsWith(\"{0}\")", txtName.Text);
EmployeeDataContext edb = new EmployeeDataContext();
if(condition != string.empty)
var emp = edb.Employees.Where(condition);
///do the task you wnat
//do the task you want
Predicate Builder
Predicate builder works similar to Dynamic LINQ library but it is type safe:
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Employee>();
predicate = predicate.And(e1 => e1.Address.Contains(txtAddress.Text));
EmployeeDataContext edb= new EmployeeDataContext();
var emp = edb.Employees.Where(predicate);
difference between above library:
PredicateBuilder allows to build typesafe dynamic queries.
Dynamic LINQ library allows to build queries with dynamic Where and OrderBy clauses specified using strings.
So, if flag is false you need all Jhoms, and if flag is true you need only the Jhoms in the IT department
This condition
!flag || (e.Field<string>("EmployeeDepartment") == "IT"
satisfies that criterion (it's always true if flag is false, etc..), so the query will become:
from e in employee
where e.Field<string>("EmployeeName") == "Jhom"
&& (!flag || (e.Field<string>("EmployeeDepartment") == "IT")
select e.Field<string>("EmployeeID")
also, this e.Field<string>("EmployeeID") business, smells like softcoding, might take a look into that. I guess
from e in employee
where e.EmployeeName == "Jhom"
&& (!flag || (e.EmployeeDepartment == "IT")
select e.EmployeeID
would be more compact and less prone to typing errors.
EDIT: This answer works for this particular scenario. If you have lots of this kinds of queries, by all means investingate the patterns proposed in the other answers.
You can chain methods :
public void test(bool flag)
var res = employee.Where( x => x.EmployeeName = "Jhom" );
if (flag)
res = res.Where( x => x.EmployeeDepartment == "IT")
var id = res.Select(x => x.EmployeeID );
from e in employee
where e.Field<string>("EmployeeName") == "Jhom" &&
(!flag || e.Field<string>("EmployeeDepartment") == "IT")
select e.Field<string>("EmployeeID")
You can call LINQ methods explicitly and chain them conditionally.
public IEnumerable<string> FilterEmployees (IEnumerable<Employee> source, bool restrictDepartment)
var query = source.Where (e => e.Field<string>("EmployeeName") == "Jhom");
if (restrictDepartment) // btw, there's no need for "== true"
query = query.Where (e => e.Field<string>("EmployeeDepartment") == "IT");
return query.Select (e => e.Field<string>("EmployeeID"));
Does anyone know if there is a way to test for list membership utilizing a list. For example I have a class named Membership which has a property Rebates which is of type List<Enums.RebateType>. I want to test using a lambda expression to see if that list contains any rebates that are of a specific type. My orginal lambda expression is as follows
return Membership.Rebates.Exists(rebate =>
rebate.RebateType == Enums.RebateType.A &&
rebate.RebateStatus == Enums.RebateStatus.Approved);
Instead of having to do the following:
return Membership.Rebates.Exists(rebate =>
(rebate.RebateType == Enums.RebateType.A &&
rebate.RebateStatus == Enums.RebateStatus.Approved) ||
(rebate.RebateType == Enums.RebateType.B &&
rebate.RebateStatus == Enums.RebateStatus.Approved));
I was wondering if something similar to the following mocked up SQL syntax could be done via one Lambda expression.
FROM Membership.Rebates
WHERE RebateType IN (ValidRebateTypes) AND Approved = true
ValidRebateTypes is curently a List<Enums.RebateType> that I am testing for i.e. ValidRebateTypes = (Enums.RebateType.A, Enums.RebateType.B).
The work around I currently have is as follows:
bool exists = false;
foreach (Enums.RebateType rebateType in ValidRebateTypes())
exists = Membership.Rebates.Exists(
rebate =>
rebate.RebateType == rebateType &&
rebate.RebateStatus == Enums.RebateStatus.Approved);
if (exists) { break; }
return exists;
Sounds like you want:
Membership.Rebates.Where(r => ValidRebateTypes.Contains(r.RebateType)
&& r.RebateStatus == Enums.RebateStatus.Approved);
You can then use .Count() for the count:
Membership.Rebates.Where(r => ValidRebateTypes.Contains(r.RebateType)
&& r.RebateStatus == Enums.RebateStatus.Approved)
Or .Any() to determine the existence of any that satisfy that condition
Membership.Rebates.Any(r => ValidRebateTypes.Contains(r.RebateType)
&& r.RebateStatus == Enums.RebateStatus.Approved);
In addition to Marc's suggestion, I would recomment making ValidRebateTypes a HashSet<Enums.RebateType>. Not only is this likely to be more efficient (although possibly not for a small set), it also reveals your intent (ie. that there only be one of each value of RebateType in it).