Restart serielized field in unity editor - c#

In Unity, I could use the SerializedField before a property so that I could change the value on runtime. However, when I change the value in the script, the value in the editor will not immediately be updated. How could I do that?


How to use UISLider to constantly keep updating the value through out the program?

Hi I have been working in Xamarin.ios app where i have declared 2 functions
Initialization elements
Initialization Elements is supposed to initialize the elements during the app initialization and the AllUI part to keep track of other UI Elements like labels etc.
There is a slider called X1 which is supposed to update the value of how the scene is to be displayed and i have initialized a variable in globalscope and asked it update the variable here based on how the slider is moved, the thing i noticed is that the value gets updated like atmost once or none, how do i keep it so that it keeps updating all the time

Unity3d Input field text cut off when getting from script?

When is entered into the input field, I am able to get the value "" from MonoDevelop.
However, when is entered into the input field, I am only able to get the value "". In this case, the characters "extra" seem to be cut off when I get the input field value from MonoDevelop. It also appears that any text in the text field that exceeds the visible area will be cut off.
Does anyone know how do I resolve this issue?
It seems that i should have took the text from the input field component but instead i was talking the text from the where it is displaying.
Now i am able to correctly retrieve the text.
found the answer on unity,
Input Field
To obtains the text of the Input Field, use the text property on the InputField component itself, not the text property of the Text component that displays the text. The text property of the Text component may be cropped or may consist of asterisks for passwords.
In inspector of İnputField, there is a script component named "İnput Field" and there is "Character Limit" variable. Change it to 25 for or more.

WPF DataTrigger on PropertyChanged

I have a view model property that is set to runtime objects. I want to trigger an animation whenever this property changes, so I was planning to use DataTrigger. However, DataTrigger obviously has the requirement for a Value property--one that I don't know at design-time.
Is there a built in way to trigger an animation whenever a value changes, regardless of what it changes into?
I saw this question but I was wondering if there was anyway to do it purely in XAML. Otherwise I figure I could probably fire an event from my View Model whenever the property changes and listen to that.
One method would be to create a User Control with a dependency property and then bind both of your other properties to that i.e. one at compile time and the other at runtime. Alternatively you could use an Attached Behaviour to do the same thing.
Can add a boolean property and trigger the animation based on the bool property. Whenever the original property changes, set and reset the boolean property so that it triggers the animation and also goes back to default value for next notification.

Setting default values for properties in C#

I am creating a simple control in C#, and I have come across a problem. I have created 2 properties for my control(it's a button), and the 2 properties are GradientColor1 and GradientColor2. The only problem I am having while creating these, is that I do not know how to set them to have a default property. I know I could do:
GradientColor1 = Color.Black;
GradientColor2 = Color.DarkGray;
Under my constructor, but I want it so they have the ability to click the 'Reset' item in the context menu under the properties panel. As you can see, right now it's disabled: - Can't post images yet.
I verified that attributing your property with the DefaultValueAttribute will enable the Reset menu item. However, you will also need to initialize the value of the property in the constructor.

Which types use a FileNameEditor in a PropertyGrid?

I need to change the editor for a property attached to a .net PropertyGrid, but I cannot set the Editor attribute of that property, because the property was generated by a tool, including all attributes.
The desired editor is
I can find many tutorials on the web to assign this editor to string properties by setting the editor attribute, but I cannot set the editor attribute in this case. However, I can advise the code generation tool to behave such that the string property which I want to be edited with the FileNameEditor becomes converted to another property with different type.
In order to do so, I would need to know which type is edited by the FileNameEditor as default. I didn't find any list on the web which would tell me for a given editor which types employ this editor automatically when displayed in a PropertyGrid.
This editor works with strings only and is not attached automatically to any other type.
According to Reflector, it's used only for 2 properties :

