How to display details from an object to a TextBox - c#

I am making a program which will test if an airplane is allowed to fly or not. It's my very first personal project using Windows Form and C#. I made a lot of progress, however, I am having a huge problem with a feature I want to have. I have two forms called Main & FlightSetup and the second form uses a class called AircraftClass which contains constructors, behaviours, and properties.
I will try to make it simple and understandable. I am calling class AircraftClass inside public void addaircraftButton_Click to make an object and store all necessary details like aircraftModel,airlineName, etc. However, I have a ListBox called aircraftList which shows only the aircraft name. The idea is to display all that data/details depending on what the user selects from the aircraftList inside a TextBox called detailsList (yes, I called it like that, but it's a textbox). This is when the issue happens, it is not displaying the correct information, and it's showing the properties value for AircraftClass
aircraftList & detailsList are inside Main Form - I do know that there are some obvious mistakes here, but I am still learning, please go easy on me :(
Variables Inside Main Form
int planeCount = 0; int tailNumber = 0; int planeIndex;
string planeModel = "NONE"; string airline = "NONE";
double distanceM = 0.0; double fuelG = 0.0; double maxKG = 0.0; double totalKG = 0.0;
int passengers= 0; int bag1=0; int bag2 = 0;
Main Code (Only addbuttom method)
public void addaircraftButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FlightSetup addAircraft = new FlightSetup(); //CREATES INFO INSIDE DETAILS
string nl = "\r\n";
using (addAircraft)
DialogResult result = addAircraft.ShowDialog();
planeModel = addAircraft.planeModel_textbox.Text;
airline = addAircraft.airline_textbox.Text;
tailNumber = int.Parse(addAircraft.tailno_textbox.Text);
passengers= int.Parse(addAircraft.passengerTextBox.Text);
bag1 = int.Parse(addAircraft.carryonTextBox.Text);
bag2= int.Parse(addAircraft.checkedBagsTextBox.Text);
distanceM = double.Parse(addAircraft.distance_textbox.Text);
fuelG = double.Parse(addAircraft.fuel_textbox.Text);
maxKG = double.Parse(addAircraft.maxweight_textbox.Text);
AircraftDetails test = new AircraftDetails(planeModel,airline,tailNumber,passengers,bag1,bag2,distanceM,fuelG,maxKG,totalKG);
test.AircraftModel = addAircraft.planeModel_textbox.Text;
MessageBox.Show("Flight Setup is COMPLETED! \n\nPerfom Unit Testing For Take-Off Permission", "FLIGHT SAVED!");
noaircraft_label.Text = planeCount.ToString();
aircraftList.Items.Add(planeModel + " - REGULAR ROLE");
Main Code (Only aircraftList method)
public void aircraftList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //PENDING SOLUTION
AircraftDetails getData = new AircraftDetails();
StringBuilder insertData = new StringBuilder(String.Empty);
string nl = "\r\n";
planeIndex = aircraftList.SelectedIndex;
if (planeIndex > -1)
detailsList.Text = insertData.ToString();
AircraftClass Code
public class AircraftDetails
string aircraftModel = "UNKNOWN";
string airlineName = "UNKNOWN";
int id = 0; //not in use
int tailNumber = 0;
int passengerNo = 0;
int carrybag = 0;
int checkbag = 0;
double distance = 0.0;
double fuel = 0.0;
double mWeight = 0.0;
double totalWeight = 0.0;
int errorCount = 0;
public AircraftDetails()
aircraftModel = "UNKNOWN";
airlineName = "UNKNOWN";
id = 0;
tailNumber = 0;
passengerNo = 0;
carrybag = 0;
checkbag = 0;
distance = 0.0;
fuel = 0.0;
mWeight = 0.0;
totalWeight = 0.0;
public AircraftDetails(string aircraftModel, string airlineName, int tailNumber, int passengerNo, int carrybag, int checkbag, double distance, double fuel, double mWeight, double totalWeight)
this.aircraftModel = aircraftModel;
this.airlineName = airlineName;
this.tailNumber = tailNumber;
this.passengerNo = passengerNo;
this.carrybag = carrybag;
this.checkbag = checkbag;
this.distance = distance;
this.fuel = fuel;
this.mWeight = mWeight;
this.totalWeight = totalWeight;
public override string ToString()
if (this.passengerNo >= 1)
return "Aircraft: " + aircraftModel + "\r\n Tail Number:" + tailNumber + "\r\nOperator: " + airlineName + "\r\nAircraft: " + "\r\nFlight Distance: " + distance + "\r\nFuel: " + fuel +
"\r\nMax Weight Allowed: " + mWeight + "\r\nTotal Weight: " + totalWeight + "\r\nPassengers: "+passengerNo+ "\r\nCarry-On Bags: "+carrybag+ "\r\nChecked Bags: "+checkbag;
return "Passengers were less than 0\r\nIt means error was recorded\r\nError Count: "+errorCount;
public string AircraftModel
get { return aircraftModel; }
set { aircraftModel = value; }
public string Airline
get { return airlineName; }
set { airlineName = value; }
public int TailNumber
get { return tailNumber; }
set { tailNumber = value; }
public int PassengerNo
get { return passengerNo; }
set { passengerNo = value; }
public int OnBoardBags
get { return carrybag; }
set { carrybag = value; }
public int CheckedBags
get { return checkbag; }
set { checkbag = value; }
public double FlightDistance
get { return distance; }
set { distance = value; }
public double Fuel
get { return fuel; }
set { fuel = value; }
public double MaxWeight
get { return mWeight; }
set { mWeight = value; }

Your question is how to display details from an object to a TextBox.
I see in your code that you've done a good job of overriding the ToString method. In a sense, you answered your own question because that's what it takes!
But let's try and boil all that code into a minimal reproducible example that will include data binding as Jimi so rightly recommended. The bare bones of our bindable class has this override:
// Minimal example of a class
class AircraftDetails : INotifyPropertyChanged
public override string ToString()
List<string> builder = new List<string>();
builder.Add($"{Airline} {Flight}");
builder.Add($"FlightStatus: {FlightStatus}");
builder.Add($"{OnboardBags} bags onboard");
builder.Add($"{CheckedBags} bags checked");
builder.Add($"Total bags: {TotalBags}");
builder.Add($"Fuel onboard: {Fuel.ToString("F2")}");
return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, builder);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
Next, write the main form code to display details from an object to a TextBox.
One salient point is that ToString() can just be called on object because it's virtual.
public partial class MainForm : Form
public MainForm()
buttonShowObjectInTextbox.Click += onButtonShowObjectInTextbox;
private void onButtonShowObjectInTextbox(object? sender, EventArgs e)
// For demonstration purposes, make an object.
// (Make sure parameterless constructor `AircraftDetails(){ }` is present)
object o = new AircraftDetails
Flight = "UA2907",
Airline = Airline.United,
Fuel = 50000,
OnboardBags = 237,
CheckedBags = 500,
textBoxMultiline.Text = o.ToString();
Your question also states I have a ListBox called aircraftList....
When a listbox is bound to BindingList<AircraftDetails> you can choose a property of your AircraftDetails class to show as the DisplayMember property.
Add code to the main form's Load event to set up the data source and the ListBox:
public partial class MainForm : Form
BindingList<AircraftDetails> Details = new BindingList<AircraftDetails>();
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
aircraftDetails.DataSource = Details;
aircraftDetails.DisplayMember = nameof(AircraftDetails.Flight);
aircraftDetails.SelectedIndexChanged += onAircraftDetailsSelection;
// Add a few flights
Details.Add(new AircraftDetails
Flight = "UA6026",
Airline = Airline.United,
Fuel = 45250,
OnboardBags = 155,
CheckedBags = 97,
Details.Add(new AircraftDetails
Flight = "UA8888",
Airline = Airline.United,
Fuel = 27620,
OnboardBags = 301,
CheckedBags = 134,
Details.Add(new AircraftDetails
Flight = "WN8610",
Airline = Airline.Southwest,
Fuel = 200,
OnboardBags = 5,
CheckedBags = 614,
aircraftDetails.SelectedIndex = -1;
In response to selection changes, call this method to show object in textbox:
private void onAircraftDetailsSelection(object? sender, EventArgs e)
if(aircraftDetails.SelectedItem != null)
textBoxMultiline.Text = aircraftDetails.SelectedItem.ToString();


Why can't I create an array of an object I created?

The objective is to create a spreadsheet kind of program such as Microsoft Excel. I have created a cell class which I want to create multiple instances of. Is the syntax incorrect or am I missing something logically?
What I did so far:
- Create a cell class.
- Initialized array, only to get an error.
public partial class form_welcomeScreen : Form
Label[] cellLetters = new Label[26];
Label[] cellNumbers = new Label[26];
Cell cell[] = new Cell[26];
char cellLetter = 'A';
int cellNumber = 1;
public form_welcomeScreen()
private void Btn_newSheet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
Cell cell = new Cell();
cell.CellLetter = cellLetter;
cell.CellNumber = cellNumber;
class Cell : System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
private char cellLetter;
private int cellNumber;
private string cellID;
public char CellLetter
get { return cellLetter; }
set { cellLetter = value; }
public int CellNumber
get { return cellNumber; }
set { cellNumber = value; }
public string CellID
get { return cellID; }
set { cellID = CellLetter + Convert.ToString(CellNumber); }
public TextBox createCell()
TextBox cell = new TextBox();
cell.AcceptsReturn = true;
cell.Name = cellID;
cell.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 25);
return cell;
I expect an array to be created so I can be able to create a whole spreadsheet of cells rather than just the one.
The line:
Cell cell[] = new Cell[26];
gives you mismatched types (cell vs cell[]). It should be:
Cell[] cell = new Cell[26];

How can I get the usercontrol to pass the values from the form it is initiated in to another one?

I am creating this simple video game ordering application. I have create an userControl named productControl. Code:
public partial class productControl : UserControl
private string pName;
private float pPrice;
private string pDesc;
private string pImgUrl;
public productControl() => InitializeComponent();
public string getName
get => pName;
pName = value;
productName.Text = pName;
public float getPrice
get => pPrice;
pPrice = value;
productPrice.Text = pPrice.ToString("c");
public string getDescription
get => pDesc;
pDesc = value;
descriptionText.Text = pDesc;
public string getImage
get => pImgUrl;
pImgUrl = value;
prodImage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
public int getProdId { get; set; }
private void buyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
orderConfirmation o = new orderConfirmation();
And a Windows Forms named accountMain. Which retrieves data from SQL and calls the productControl to fill it up.
private string productRetriever = "SELECT prodId, prodName, prodPrice, prodImg, prodDesc FROM [dbo].[products]";
private void accountMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void createFunctions()
SqlCommand retProduct = new SqlCommand(productRetriever, connection);
using (var reader = retProduct.ExecuteReader())
int count = 0;
p[count] = new productControl();
p[count].Name = count.ToString();
p[count].getProdId = (int)reader[0];
p[count].getName = (string)reader[1];
p[count].getPrice = (float)reader[2];
p[count].getImage = (string)reader[3];
p[count].getDescription = (string)reader[4];
Above I am using a while loop to populate the panel1 with productControl inside of the accountMain Form. How can I get userControl to hide the accountForm and show another form (passing the values into the new form like title and price) when I click the "Buy" button which is inside the userControl.
Also I am new to implementing SQL into C# is it the correct way to populate the panel1 in accountMain using executeReader() or is there a better approach of retrieving data from SQL and showing it in userControl?

How to get selected values from a table row in a table layout in xamarin android

I am a beginner in xamarin android,I want to get the data in a particular row in the table layout.
Please help me..
Here is my Adapter code
public class CaseDetailsAdapter : BaseAdapter<CaseDetails>
private readonly Activity context;
private readonly List<CaseDetails> _cases;
int _count;
public TableRow _row;
public static TableLayout _tbLayout;
public TextView _value;
public TableLayout _temp;
public CaseDetailsAdapter(Activity context, List<CaseDetails> model)
this.context = context;
this._cases = model;
public List<CaseDetails> GetList()
return _cases;
public override long GetItemId(int position)
return position;
public override int Count
get { return _cases.Count; }
public override CaseDetails this[int position]
get { return _cases[position]; }
public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
var view = convertView;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cases[position].Description) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cases[position].Title) && _cases[position].Files != null)
_count = (_cases[position].Files).Count;
view = context.LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.DetailsTable, null);
_temp = (TableLayout)view.FindViewById(Resource.Id.tablelayout_file);
_row = new TableRow(context);
_row.SetPadding(10, 0, 10, 0);
_row.LayoutParameters = new TableLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.WrapContent, TableLayout.LayoutParams.FillParent);
for (int i = 1; i <= _count; i++)
_row = new TableRow(context);
_row.SetPadding(10, 0, 10, 0);
_row.LayoutParameters = new TableLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.WrapContent, TableLayout.LayoutParams.FillParent);
TextView _title = new TextView(context);
string _tempTitle = (_cases[position].Files.ElementAt(i).Title);
_title.Text = _tempTitle + "\n";
_title.Id = i ;
_value = new TextView(context);
string _tempValue = (_cases[position].Files.ElementAt(i).Value);
if (_tempValue.Length > 35)
_value.Text = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(_tempValue, ".{35}", "$0\n");
int _length = _tempValue.Length;
for (int j = _length; j < 35; j++)
_valueImgName = _tempValue + " ";
_value.Text = _valueImgName + "\n";
_row.Click += _row_Click;
view = context.LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.CaseDetailsDesign, null);
//else case code...
return view;
} private void _row_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//not working
When I clicking row in the table layout,I want to get the contents in that row (_value.text). And the DetailsTable is located in a single row of a list view.How could I get the data.I think here didn't assign a id to the textview or table row may be that's the reason can't get the data.
You could try to use the GetChildAt() method in your click event.
For example:
private void _row_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TableRow tableRow = (TableRow)sender;
TextView title = (TextView)tableRow.GetChildAt(0);
TextView value = (TextView)tableRow.GetChildAt(1);

How to show the attributes of an object when clicking a button in Windows forms?

I want to show the attributes of an object when I click on a button in Windows Forms using c# and I don't know how to do it. Part of my code looks like this until now. I'm a beginner in c#.
class Pizza: ICloneable
private string nume;
private int nrIngrediente;
private string[] ingrediente;
public Pizza()
nume = "Margherita";
nrIngrediente = 2;
ingrediente = new string[nrIngrediente];
for (int i = 0; i < nrIngrediente; i++)
ingrediente[0] = "Sos rosii";
ingrediente[1] = "Mozzarella";
public Pizza(string den, int nri, string[] ing)
nume = den;
nrIngrediente = nri;
ingrediente = new string[nrIngrediente];
for (int i = 0; i < nrIngrediente; i++)
ingrediente[i] = ing[i];
public Pizza(Pizza p)
nume = p.nume;
nrIngrediente = p.nrIngrediente;
ingrediente = new string[nrIngrediente];
for (int i = 0; i < nrIngrediente; i++)
ingrediente[i] = p.ingrediente[i];
public string PizzaName
get { return nume; }
set { nume = value; }
public int PizzaNrIng
get { return nrIngrediente; }
set { nrIngrediente = value; }
//also, i don't know how to write the getter and setter for this one
public string PizzaIngredients
// get
// {
// for(int i=0;i<nrIngrediente;i++)
// return ingrediente[i];
// }
// set { ingrediente = value; }
And now, the form code is the following(note that i designed it already):
public partial class ListaPizza : Form
public ListaPizza()
private void Margherita_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] ingrMargh = new string[2] { "Sos rosii", "Mozzarella" };
Pizza Margherita = new Pizza("Margherita", 2, ingrMargh);
//here i want the object created above to be shown in a messagebox when i click the button in the form but i don't know how
Thank you!
has to be a string value so any parts of your object that is not a string will need the .ToString() method
Or if you want to customize the view you could pass the object to a new form and create a whole nice layout for it with the designer.
You can set the getter and setter in below way.
public string PizzaIngredients
return String.Join(",",nringrediente);
nringrediente = value.Split(',');
And Show(Margherita); can be implemented like in Pizza Class :
public string GetDisplayMessageForPizza()
return "My Pizza is " + nume + ". It contains " + nringrediente + " ingredients : " + PizzaIngredients;
And in form ListaPizza :
private void Margherita_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] ingrMargh = new string[2] { "Sos rosii", "Mozzarella" };
Pizza Margherita = new Pizza("Margherita", 2, ingrMargh);
As for the getter - you should return an array of strings, not just a string:
public string[] PizzaIngredients
ingrediente = value;
As for the showing - just use MessageBox.Show():
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} {1}", Margherita.Name, Margherita.nrIngrediente));

Access list in class from another class

I know this is asked before, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I have a class which makes a list from a datagridview. I want to do stuff with this list in another class but I cant't access it. I can access it from Form1.cs like the code underneath. How do I access the list from a random class like I can in Form1.cs?
//Opens the file dialog and assigns file path to Textbox
OpenFileDialog browseButton = new OpenFileDialog();
private void browse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
browseButton.Filter = "Excel Files |*.xlsx;*.xls;*.xlsm;*.csv";
if (browseButton.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
ExcelPath.Text = browseButton.FileName;
fileExcel = ExcelPath.Text;
//SetAttributeValue(ExcelPath, fileExcel);
tenTabLine.fileExcel = fileExcel;
nylpLine.fileExcel = fileExcel;
vertElementer.vertBueDGV(nylpDgv, vertElementerDgv);
GetVertElementasList getList = new GetVertElementasList();
var TEST = getList.vertList(vertElementerDgv);
else return;
When I try to do something like this I get lot of errors in Error List:
class GetKoord
GetVertElementasList getList = new GetVertElementasList();
var TEST = getList.vertList(vertElementerDgv);
This is my list class
class GetVertElementasList
private List<vertEl> vertElementList = new List<vertEl>();
public List<vertEl> vertList(DataGridView VertElementer)
for (int i = 0; i<VertElementer.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
vertElementList.Add(new vertEl
elNr = (int)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value,
p1 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value,
p2 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value,
z1 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value,
z2 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value,
heln1 = Convert.ToDouble(VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value),
heln2 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value
return vertElementList;
public class vertEl
private int _elNr;
private double _p1;
private double _p2;
private double _z1;
private double _z2;
private double _nylpRad;
private double _heln1;
private double _heln2;
public int elNr
get { return _elNr; }
set { _elNr = value; }
public double p1
get { return _p1; }
set { _p1 = value; }
public double p2
get { return _p2; }
set { _p2 = value; }
public double z1
get { return _z1; }
set { _z1 = value; }
public double z2
get { return _z2; }
set { _z2 = value; }
public double nylpRad
get { return _nylpRad; }
set { _nylpRad = value; }
public double heln1
get { return _heln1; }
set { _heln1 = value; }
public double heln2
get { return _heln2; }
set { _heln2 = value; }
I've made it work now except that I get a out of range exception.
class code is:
class GetKoord
public GetVertElementasList getList = new GetVertElementasList();
BridgGeometry obj = new BridgGeometry();
public void foo()
var TEST = getList.vertList(obj.vertElementerDgv);
In form1 or BridgGeometry as it is called in my project I have which is giving me out of range exception.
GetKoord getZ = new GetKoord();;
The code underneath works and gives a message box with some value in list. But the method foo() in class above gives a out of range error.
private void browse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
browseButton.Filter = "Excel Files |*.xlsx;*.xls;*.xlsm;*.csv";
if (browseButton.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
GetVertElementasList getVertList = new GetVertElementasList();
var TEST = getVertList.vertList(vertElementerDgv);
else return;
I think you are trying to access the variable directly in the class; which will not work. Try following
class GetKoord
GetVertElementasList getList = new GetVertElementasList();
public void foo()
var TEST = getList.vertList(vertElementerDgv);
I tested your code and it seemed to worked. My code for you and #Anand
No Errors, except for empty Lists. But thats because I didn't fed it any information. So, there shouldn't be a problem.
#Grohl maybe try my code and comment where the error is displayed. This should be the most easy way to find the problem.
TestClass which represents class GetKoord
namespace TestForm
class TestClass
public TestClass()
DataGridView tmp = new DataGridView();
GetVertElementasList getList = new GetVertElementasList();
var TEST = getList.vertList(tmp);
The GetVertElementasList
namespace TestForm
class GetVertElementasList
private List<vertEl> vertElementList = new List<vertEl>();
public List<vertEl> vertList(DataGridView VertElementer)
for (int i = 0; i < VertElementer.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
vertElementList.Add(new vertEl
elNr = (int)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value,
p1 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value,
p2 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value,
z1 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value,
z2 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value,
heln1 = Convert.ToDouble(VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value),
heln2 = (double)VertElementer.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value
return vertElementList;
//Some other stuff
Last but not least. the code from the button click event:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataGridView tmp = new DataGridView();
GetVertElementasList getList = new GetVertElementasList();
var TEST = getList.vertList(tmp);
TestClass tmpClass = new TestClass();
To #Grohl EDIT2:
It hurts to see that you are trying to read data without checking if there is any. In such cases, check!
Like this:
if(TEST.Count() >= 3)
It should debug at be smooth at runtime. I think your problem is getting the data.
Make sure you load the needed data and check if it isn't null.

