I just can’t figure out how to make random points for patrolling, I went through 100 manuals, but I can’t do it.
No need to write about NavMeshAgent. Not used.
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public sealed class Manikin : MonoBehaviour {
private Vector3 StartManikin = Vector3.zero,
NewPosition = Vector3.zero;
private readonly float Speed = 2.0f;
void Start() {
StartManikin = transform.position;
void Update() {
if (Vector3.zero == NewPosition) {
NewPosition = StartManikin + Random.onUnitSphere * 2;
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, NewPosition) < 0.1f) {
StartManikin = transform.position;
NewPosition = Vector3.zero;
} else {
transform.LookAt(new Vector3(NewPosition.x, StartManikin.y, NewPosition.z));
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, NewPosition, Speed * Time.deltaTime);
The problem is that there may be obstacles in the form of a fence, a tree, houses, cars, etc.
I need that when the enemy appears, random points are generated in his radius so that he does not leave further.
Help me out, I can’t figure out what needs to be done to make everything work ...
It turns out that I just did not see that the Pivot of the model is not clear where, it flies in another dimension, the problem is solved, it is necessary to reset all transformations and the world point of the model's coordinates.
I didn’t see it right away, all the options turned out to be working ...
And also, it was necessary to fix the problem with the take-off along the y-axis, so that this does not happen, you need to look at the bottom point of the object from which we will spawn the coordinate for it.
if (Vector3.zero == NewPosition) {
NewPosition = StartManikin + (Random.onUnitSphere * 5);
NewPosition.y = transform.GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().bounds.min.y;
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, NewPosition) < 0.1f) {
StartManikin = transform.position;
NewPosition = Vector3.zero;
} else {
transform.LookAt(new Vector3(NewPosition.x, transform.position.y, NewPosition.z));
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, NewPosition, Speed * Time.deltaTime);
So I am making game and I need good PlayerMovement Script but there is little problem. You see I made so that my player is following this path (I didn't make it I downloaded it from marketplace) and he can go only forward. Then I put another Vector3 (horizontalMove) value and hooked it to transform.position and didn't get what I really wanted. When I hit play everything works and I can go Left to Right but my position does not stay the same. The moment I let go of my keys (a, d) my player returns to track, resets in middle. I need it to stay in the position I left him. And too, just adding rb.position in my transform.position just send me flying in the air. I need help.
`public class PathFollower : MonoBehaviour
public PathCreator pathCreator;
public EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction;
public float speed = 5;
float distanceTravelled;
float horizontalInput;
[SerializeField] float horizontalMultiplier = 2;
public Rigidbody rb;
void Start() {
if (pathCreator != null)
// Subscribed to the pathUpdated event so that we're notified if the path changes during the game
pathCreator.pathUpdated += OnPathChanged;
void Update()
if (pathCreator != null)
horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
Vector3 horizontalMove = transform.right * horizontalInput * speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime * horizontalMultiplier;
distanceTravelled += speed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = pathCreator.path.GetPointAtDistance(distanceTravelled, endOfPathInstruction) + new Vector3 (0,1,0) + horizontalMove;
transform.rotation = pathCreator.path.GetRotationAtDistance(distanceTravelled, endOfPathInstruction);
// If the path changes during the game, update the distance travelled so that the follower's position on the new path
// is as close as possible to its position on the old path
void OnPathChanged() {
distanceTravelled = pathCreator.path.GetClosestDistanceAlongPath(transform.position);
You need a global variable that holds the value of horizontalMove, so it isn't reset in the update loop.
Vector3 horizontalMove;
void Update()
if (pathCreator != null)
horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
Vector3 horizontalMove += transform.right * horizontalInput * speed * Time.deltaTime * horizontalMultiplier;
distanceTravelled += speed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = pathCreator.path.GetPointAtDistance(distanceTravelled, endOfPathInstruction) + new Vector3 (0,1,0) + horizontalMove;
transform.rotation = pathCreator.path.GetRotationAtDistance(distanceTravelled, endOfPathInstruction);
I also took the liberty to change fixedDeltaTime to deltaTime, since that is the appropriate variable for an Update context.
So, Hey guys I am new to unity. I have a small doubt. I have a player who is a child of the topcube in a 3 stackcube placed upon eachother.
These cubes have a target position to move once the user clicks on them.
Like imagine there are 3 points in my world. POINT A with location coordinates as(0,0,1),POINT B with (0,0,2),POINT C with (0,0,3) and the 3 stack cube is place on (0,0,0) with the player attached as a child to topcube in that 3stackcube.
All these points(A,B,C) has a script called targetpoint with a variable bool isFilled(default as false) in them which becomes true when one of the cube reaches to its target position.
Further im checking whenever the cubes reaches their target position make isFilled true and check to see if there is a child attached if yes get the animator of the child and trigger jump animation. The jump animation is an inplace animation.
So I want to programmatically move my character +1 towards the direction he is facing (if he is facing z move + 1 in z, if x move +1 in x like this)when the cube he is attached reached its target position while also playing jump animation.
I did a code. it doesnt seem to be working. And sorry for huge paragraphs. Im totally new to coding and asking doubts. Any help will be helpful thanks.
[SerializeField] public List<targetpoint> waypoints;
[SerializeField] float moveSpeed = 2f;
[SerializeField] AudioClip[] surferSounds;
[SerializeField] GameObject particleToPlay;
int waypointIndex = 0;
float t;
//Cached Reference
AudioSource audioSource;
public bool move = false;
void Start()
transform.position = this.transform.position;
t = 0f;
void FixedUpdate()
if (move == true)
void MoveTarget()
//Time.timeScale = 0.1f;
if (waypointIndex <= waypoints.Count - 1)
var targetPosition = waypoints[waypointIndex].transform.position;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (transform.position == targetPosition)
if (waypoints[waypointIndex].isFilled == false)
waypoints[waypointIndex].isFilled = true;
AudioClip clip = surferSounds[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, surferSounds.Length)];
var storeToDestroy = Instantiate(particleToPlay, targetPosition, Quaternion.identity);
Destroy(storeToDestroy , 5f);
move = false;
else if(waypoints[waypointIndex].isFilled == true)
targetPosition = waypoints[waypointIndex].transform.position;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (this.gameObject.transform.childCount > 0)
var storeChild = gameObject.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
IEnumerator GravityAndJump(GameObject child, Vector3 newPosition , float time)
var elapsedTime = 0f;
var startingPosition = child.transform.position;
while(elapsedTime < time)
child.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startingPosition, newPosition, (elapsedTime / time));
elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
yield return null;
//storeChild.GetComponent<Animator>().SetFloat("JumpSpeed", 1f);
//yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
//gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>().useGravity = true;
So I want to programmatically move my character +1 towards the direction he is facing (if he is facing z move + 1 in z, if x move +1 in x like this)
You can get the forward direction for a GameObject using with transform.forward you can use this to calculate target position in front of the GameObject.
Set target position some distance in front of the transform
targetPosition = transform.position + (transform.forward * distance);
Move towards target position at some speed.
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, Time.deltaTime * followSpeed);
Determining arrival to targetPosition
When it comes to determining if transform has arrive to target destination you should measure the distance instead of comparing that the vectors are the same.
So replace this:
if (transform.position == targetPosition){}
With something like this:
if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetPosition) < .001f){
transform.position = targetPosition;
Unless you strictly set two vectors to same values it's likely that they will never be considered equal due to how floating point numbers work.
I was making a 2D player controller and it worked until the day after I made a follow camera script, and now my character can't move but the animation still works. I tried using AddForce() instead of changing Rigidbody2D.velocity but that didn't work either, and after 2 or 3 days I still couldn't find a solution. Here is the code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
Rigidbody2D rb2d;
Animator animator;
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
float direction;
public float speed;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
direction = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
void Update()
transform.position = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.x, -199, 197),
transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) && ((Input.GetKey("right") || Input.GetKey("d")) || Input.GetKey("left") || Input.GetKey("a")))
speed = 20f;
else if (!(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) && (Input.GetKey("right") || Input.GetKey("d")))
speed = 10f;
else if (!(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) && (Input.GetKey("left") || Input.GetKey("a")))
speed = 10f;
speed = 0f;
void walk()
if (speed > 0) {
else if (speed < 0)
//rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(speed * direction * Time.deltaTime, 0));
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(speed * direction * Time.deltaTime, rb2d.velocity.y);
void run()
if (speed > 0)
else if (speed < 0)
//rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(speed * direction * Time.deltaTime, 0));
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(speed * direction * Time.deltaTime, rb2d.velocity.y);
Here is an image of the inspector
If someone could help that would be appreciated.
If we look at your code, the problematic statement should be here:
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(speed * direction * Time.deltaTime, rb2d.velocity.y);
One of these three variables must be zero to cause your problem.
Potential Problem 1: direction
You seem to only be setting direction once, in Start():
direction = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
You are probably not pressing any keys/moving any joysticks the frame that the scene starts up. That means direction ends up being 0 and is never changed again.
Either change your line to
rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(speed * Time.deltaTime, rb2d.velocity.y);
(excluding direction) or move the direction assignment statement to your Update() method.
Potential Problem 2: Time.deltaTime
As said by #Daniel in the comments, the Time.deltaTime statement might be problematic.
Check your project settings/other scripts to make sure Time.timeScale is not equal to zero.
You could remove Time.deltaTime if #1 doesn't work, but I agree with you that the statement should be in there to keep the game consistent across framerates. Try changing Update() to FixedUpdate(); if you do this you will need to use Time.fixedDeltaTime instead.
How to debug in the future
To debug this problem in the future, try inserting a breakpoint at the problematic line and attaching your IDE to Unity. If you hover over each of the variables, you should be able to see which variable is equal to zero.
I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now, and I'm very sure it has something to do with my code. What I want the enemy monster to do is to stop moving forward when the player right next to it and run the attack animation. What it actually does is run the attack animation while orbiting around the player like a planet, and you can't really outrun it.
I'm using Unity3d as the engine and my code is written in C#. It's very simple so I'm worried I'm missing something important.
public class enemyAITest : MonoBehaviour
public Transform player; // target
public float playerDistance; // determines how far from target before action takes place
public float rotationDamping; // determines how quickly rotation occurs
public float chaseSpeed; // determines how quickly to pursue target
public float wanderSpeed; // determines how quickly to move around map
public float maxDist;
static Animator anim;
Vector3 wayPoint;
void Awake()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
transform.position += transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * wanderSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
playerDistance = Vector3.Distance(player.position, transform.position);
while ((transform.position - wayPoint).magnitude < 3)
if (playerDistance < 20f)
wanderSpeed = 0;
anim.SetBool("isIdle", true);
if (playerDistance < 10f)
anim.SetBool("isIdle", false);
anim.SetBool("isWalking", false);
anim.SetBool("isRunning", true);
if(playerDistance < 1f)
wanderSpeed = 0;
anim.SetBool("isRunning", false);
anim.SetBool("isAttacking", true);
else anim.SetBool("isWalking", true);
void LookAtPlayer()
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(player.position - transform.position);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * rotationDamping);
wanderSpeed = 0;
void Chase()
Vector3 direction = player.position - transform.position;
direction.y = 0;
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * chaseSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
void Wander()
Vector3 MonsterPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(transform.position.x - maxDist, transform.position.x + maxDist), 1, Random.Range(transform.position.z - maxDist, transform.position.z + maxDist));
wayPoint.y = 1;
//Debug.Log(wayPoint + " and " + (transform.position - wayPoint).magnitude);
Any advice will help (Please forgive the strange formatting, I was having trouble with keeping the entire Wander method and the on Awake line in the code block).
The base is a red cube.
The spaceship is moving already when the game start.
When I click/press the L button the spaceship rotates to face the base and starts moving to it but then when it's getting close to the base it's behaving unexpectedly and the spaceship starts rolling around the base nonstop.
What I want is to make the landing automatic like this youtube video of blender.
I don't want the graphics but the way it's landing.
Blender landing spaceship
And this is a short video clip showing my spaceship when it's start landing:
Landing test
This is the script i'm using for controlling the spaceship and the landing part should be automatic.
The script is attached to the spaceship.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ControlShip : MonoBehaviour {
public int rotationSpeed = 75;
public int movementspeed = 10;
public int thrust = 10;
public float RotationSpeed = 5;
private bool isPKeyDown = false;
private float acceleration = .0f;
private Vector3 previousPosition = Vector3.zero;
private Rigidbody _rigidbody;
private bool landing = false;
private Vector3 originPosition;
private Vector3 lastPosition;
private const float minDistance = 0.2f;
private Transform baseTarget;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
baseTarget = GameObject.Find("Base").transform;
originPosition = transform.position;
_rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
Debug.Log("Acc Speed: " + thrust);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (landing == false)
var v3 = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0.0f);
transform.Rotate(v3 * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.position += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * movementspeed;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z))
transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R))
transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.P))
isPKeyDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.P);
float distance = Vector3.Distance(previousPosition, transform.position);
acceleration = distance / Mathf.Pow(Time.deltaTime, 2);
previousPosition = transform.position;
_rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(0f, 0f, thrust, ForceMode.Acceleration);
transform.position += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * movementspeed;
var targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(baseTarget.position - transform.position);
var str = Mathf.Min(.5f * Time.deltaTime, 1);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, str);
if (landed == true)
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.L))
landing = true;
lastPosition = transform.position;
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (landing == true && other.gameObject.name == "Base")
bool landed = false;
IEnumerator Landed()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
landed = true;
private void TakeOff()
if (transform.position != originPosition)
_rigidbody.AddForce(transform.up * 10);
if ((transform.position - originPosition).sqrMagnitude <= (1f * 1f))
landed = false;
_rigidbody.useGravity = false;
void OnGUI()
if (isPKeyDown)
GUI.Label(new Rect(100, 100, 200, 200), "Acc Speed: " + acceleration);
This is the part of the landing, should be the part of the landing:
transform.position += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * movementspeed;
var targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(baseTarget.position - transform.position);
var str = Mathf.Min(.5f * Time.deltaTime, 1);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, str);
The spaceship have two components: Rigidbody, Use Gravity set to true. And a Box Collider.
The Base have a box collider component.
You appear to have a box collider on your vehicle and it looks as though it is colliding with the terrain when your code tries to bring it in for a landing. Try switching the collider to be a trigger(tick option on collider component).
Then try it again, as this will not cause physical collisions. If it works or fails for a totally different reason you know this is the cause or a contributing factor.
EDIT: It is worth also noting that when trying to achieve this kind of effect it can be much easier to trigger an animation than try to achieve it in physics based code. Unity offers some great animation controllers and you can call an animation when you need to land since you are taking control away from the player anyway.
While doing this you could turn off the collider so you don't get any strange collision then turn it on when the ship needs to take off, provided you need that of course.
Hope it helps.