I am trying to perform validation using custom class attributes. I have to keep my model validation rules inside XML files. Custom Class attribute specifies the path to the XML file and custom attributes will contain the logic to read XML files and get the validation rules for that class. When I will call Model.Isvalidate() that time Validation will get executed. I already have this working in .Net 4.5 MVC application. The same thing I am trying in .Net 6 its not working.
public class CustomDynamicModelValidatorProvider : DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider,IModelValidatorProvider
protected override IEnumerable<ModelValidator> GetValidators(ModelMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<ModelValidatorProvider> validatorProviders, IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes)
string resourceKeyPath = string.Empty;
IList<Attribute> newAttributes = new List<Attribute>(attributes);
CustomDynamicValidatorsAttribute resourceMapperAttr = attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is CustomDynamicValidatorsAttribute) as CustomDynamicValidatorsAttribute;
if (resourceMapperAttr == null)
System.Reflection.MemberInfo classInfo = metadata.ContainerType;
if (classInfo != null)
var resourceMapperRootAttr = classInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ResourceMappingRootAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as ResourceMappingRootAttribute;
if (resourceMapperRootAttr != null)
resourceKeyPath = resourceMapperRootAttr.Path + "." + metadata.PropertyName;
resourceKeyPath = resourceMapperAttr.ResourceKeyPath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceKeyPath))
string[] validators = ResourceManager.GetValidators(resourceKeyPath).Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
var maxLength = ResourceManager.GetMaxLength(resourceKeyPath);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxLength))
var required = new MaxLengthAttribute(maxLength.ToInteger());
required.ErrorMessage = string.Format(CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.MaximumLengthExceeded"), maxLength);
for (int i = 0; i < validators.Length; i++)
if (string. Equals(validators[i], "required", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var required = new CustomRequiredAttribute();
else if (validators[i].StartsWith("email", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var email = new CustomEmailAttribute();
return base.GetValidators(metadata,validatorProviders);
public static IDictionary<string, object> GetValidatorAttributes(string validators)
IDictionary<string, object> attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
string[] validatorList = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(validators) ? validators.Replace(" ", "").Split(',') : new string[] { };
foreach (var item in validatorList)
if (!attributes.Keys.Contains("data-val"))
attributes.Add("data-val", "true");
if (string.Equals(item, "required", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
attributes.Add("data-val-required", CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.Mandatory"));
else if (item.StartsWith("email", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
attributes.Add("data-val-email", CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.vEmailField"));
else if (item.StartsWith("phone", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
attributes.Add("data-val-phone", CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.vPhoneField"));
else if (item.StartsWith("zipcode", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
attributes.Add("data-val-zipcode", CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.vZipCodeField"));
else if (item.StartsWith("mark", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string min = string.Empty;
string max = string.Empty;
string rangeValidatorMessage = string.Empty;
if (item.Contains("-"))
var rangeArray = item.Split('-');
if (rangeArray.Length > 2)
min = rangeArray[1];
max = rangeArray[2];
rangeValidatorMessage = CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.NumberRange");
max = rangeArray[1];
rangeValidatorMessage = CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.vNumericLimited");
max = "10000";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(min))
attributes.Add("data-val-range-min", min);
attributes.Add("data-val-range-max", max);
attributes.Add("data-val-range", rangeValidatorMessage);
else if (item.StartsWith("number", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
attributes.Add("data-val-number", CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.NumberRange"));
else if (item.StartsWith("number", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
attributes.Add("data-val-decimal", string.Format(CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Messages.DecimalRange"), CustomAttributeHelper.GetResourceText("Shared.Limits.Decimal")));
else if (item.StartsWith("file-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
attributes.Add("data-val-filetype", item.Split('-')[1]);
return attributes;
public void CreateValidators(ModelValidatorProviderContext context)
Good day,
I try that when I connect two documents, the numbered lists are reset. As in the example below.
I use the Xceed.Words.NET DocX libary.
In this Sample, the Template is :
Test Header
1) <-This should be one
And the Result is:
Test Header
1) <-This should be one
Test Header
2) <-This should be one
Test Header
3) <-This should be one
With the following code I am able to create the lists with similar formatting, but the formatting does not match 100%. Does anyone have any idea which way to try otherwise?
Note the number of existing paragraphs and call the function to reset the list after inserting the document.
/// <summary>
/// Insert complete WordFile
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wordFile"></param>
public void InsertWordTemplate(IWordFile wordFile, bool InsertPageBreak)
if (wordFile != null && wordFile.IsFileOk)
int pargraphCount = Document.Paragraphs.Count - 1;
// NotNeeded for this Problem wordFile.RemoveStyles();
// NotNeeded for this Problem RemoveHeaderAndFooter(wordFile);
// NotNeeded for this Problem ReplaceSectionBreak(InsertPageBreak, pargraphCount);
logger.Info("Word file inserted: " + wordFile.File.FullName);
logger.Warn("Word file is not okay - will not be inserted: " + wordFile?.File?.FullName);
In the Word document, three different names are used in a list, only from the 4th level is worked with a level. For other Word templates they are called different.
private void ResetNumberedList(int pargraphCount)
string styleName1 = "ListNumbers";
string styleName2 = "PIgeordneteListe2Ebene";
string styleName3 = "PIgeordneteListe3Ebene";
NumberedListReset numberedListReset = new NumberedListReset(Document, styleName1, styleName2, styleName3);
bool OnlyFirstFoundList = true;
numberedListReset.Reset(pargraphCount, OnlyFirstFoundList);
Below is the helper class with which I try to reset the numbering. I do this by myself
I notice the formatting of the individual list items, create new lists, fill them with the old values, set the styles correctly again and then insert everything into old place.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Xceed.Document.NET;
using Xceed.Words.NET;
namespace PIB.Report.DataWriter.WordExport
public class NumberedListReset
private readonly DocX _Document;
private readonly string _StyleName1;
private readonly string _StyleName2;
private readonly string _StyleName3;
public NumberedListReset(DocX Document, string StyleName1, string StyleName2, string StyleName3)
_Document = Document;
_StyleName1 = StyleName1;
_StyleName2 = StyleName2;
_StyleName3 = StyleName3;
public void Reset(int StartParagraphNumber, bool OnlyFirstFinding)
for (int i = StartParagraphNumber; i < _Document.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
var paragraph = _Document.Paragraphs[i];
if (paragraph.IsListItem == true && paragraph.ListItemType == ListItemType.Numbered && paragraph.StyleName == _StyleName1)
//int? numId = GetNumId(paragraph);
//if (numId != -1)
ResetFoundList(ref i);
if (OnlyFirstFinding == true)
private void ResetFoundList(ref int ParagraphCounter)
List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes = CreateMemorizeListItems(ParagraphCounter);
if (ParagraphMemorizes.Count != 0)
List numberedList = CreateNewDocumentList();
FillDocumentList(ParagraphMemorizes, numberedList);
List<Paragraph> actualListData = numberedList.Items;
ResetSyleNames(ParagraphMemorizes, actualListData);
InsertNewParagraphsToDocument(ParagraphCounter, actualListData);
ParagraphCounter += ParagraphMemorizes.Count;
private List<ParagraphMemorize> CreateMemorizeListItems(int ParagraphCounter)
List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes = new List<ParagraphMemorize>();
for (int ii = ParagraphCounter; ii < _Document.Paragraphs.Count; ii++)
var paragraph = _Document.Paragraphs[ii];
if (!NameIsKnown(paragraph.StyleName))
ParagraphMemorize paragraphMemorize = new ParagraphMemorize(paragraph);
paragraphMemorize.ListLevel = GetListLevel(paragraph);
return ParagraphMemorizes;
private void RemoveOldParagraphsFromDocument(List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes)
ParagraphMemorizes.ForEach(m => _Document.RemoveParagraph(m.Paragraph));
private List CreateNewDocumentList()
return _Document.AddList(startNumber: 1);
private void FillDocumentList(List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes, List numberedList)
for (var ii = 0; ii < ParagraphMemorizes.Count; ii++)
//numberedList.AddItem(ParagraphMemorizes[ii].Paragraph); //Raised an Error
ParagraphMemorize paragraphMemorize = ParagraphMemorizes[ii];
int listLevel = GetListLevel(paragraphMemorize);
_Document.AddListItem(numberedList, paragraphMemorize.Text, listLevel);
private static void ResetSyleNames(List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes, List<Paragraph> actualListData)
for (int ii = 0; ii < actualListData.Count; ii++)
actualListData[ii].StyleName = ParagraphMemorizes[ii].StyleName;
private void InsertNewParagraphsToDocument(int i, List<Paragraph> actualListData)
Paragraph paragraph = _Document.Paragraphs[i];
for (int ii = 0; ii < actualListData.Count; ii++)
private bool NameIsKnown(string Name)
return Name == _StyleName1 | Name == _StyleName2 | Name == _StyleName3;
private int GetListLevel(ParagraphMemorize paragraphMemorize)
if (paragraphMemorize.StyleName == _StyleName1)
return 0;
else if (paragraphMemorize.StyleName == _StyleName2)
return 1;
else if (paragraphMemorize.StyleName == _StyleName3)
return (int)paragraphMemorize.ListLevel;
return 0;
private int? GetNumId(Paragraph paragraph)
var numIds = paragraph.ParagraphNumberProperties.Descendants().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName.Equals("numId"));
foreach (var numId in numIds)
XNamespace nsW = Namespace.WordNamespace;
var values = numId.Attributes(XName.Get("val", nsW.ToString()));
foreach (var value in values)
int resultId = 0;
int.TryParse(value.Value, out resultId);
return resultId;
return null;
private int? GetListLevel(Paragraph paragraph)
var numIds = paragraph.ParagraphNumberProperties.Descendants().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName.Equals("ilvl"));
foreach (var numId in numIds)
XNamespace nsW = Namespace.WordNamespace;
var values = numId.Attributes(XName.Get("val", nsW.ToString()));
foreach (var value in values)
int resultId = 0;
int.TryParse(value.Value, out resultId);
return resultId;
return null;
private class ParagraphMemorize
public Paragraph Paragraph { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public string StyleName { get; set; }
public int? ListLevel { get; set; }
public ParagraphMemorize(Paragraph Paragraph)
this.Paragraph = Paragraph;
this.Text = Paragraph.Text;
this.StyleName = Paragraph.StyleName;
I have a controller that calls an api to get a list of Positions and Employees . First it puts the api results into a model class - IDMSElements (1). Then the controller takes the IDMSElements object and converts it to a PositionSlots object (2). Then the PositionSlots object needs to be updated with additional data from a database (3). So in simplified version of my controller I have:
(1) IDMSElements elements = getslots.CopyDocToElements(doc);
(2) PositionSlots myslots = (PositionSlots)elements;
(3) myslots.UpdateDetails(db);
I am concerned about the myslots.UpdateDetails(db) because additional code in the controller depends on UpdateDetails having been run. I would like the UpdateDetails to be run by default when creating the PositionSlots object. But I think multiple database calls in a constructor probably should not be done. How can I make it so the UpdateDetails is automatically invoked after the PositionSlots object is instantiated?
Thank you very much!
public class PSListController : Controller
private static readonly log4net.ILog _logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private PositionControlContext db = new PositionControlContext();
private GetPositionSlots getslots = new GetPositionSlots();
public async Task<ActionResult> ByCostCenter(int costCenter)
string ssapiuri = getslots.BuildAPIuri($"/current/?UDAKunit={costCenter.ToString()}");
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
HttpResponseMessage result = await getslots.GetDataFromIDMSapi(ssapiuri);
_logger.Debug($"Response received. Milliseconds elapsed: {stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()}");
if (result.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
_logger.Debug("Error retrieving data from API. Milliseconds elapsed: " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString());
throw new HttpException(404, "NotFound");
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result);
_logger.Debug($"API result loaded into XDocument. Milliseconds elapsed: {stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()}\n");
IDMSElements elements = getslots.CopyDocToElements(doc);
XMLDocStats docstats = new XMLDocStats(elements);
PositionSlots myslots = (PositionSlots)elements;
//because this is dependent upon UpdatePositionSlotId having been run
//need to find a way to force UpdateDetails to run other than calling from Controller??
var mainPositionSlots = myslots.PositionsCurrentAndActive;
var budget = db.Database.SqlQuery<Budget>("GetBudgetForCostCenter #costCenter = {0}", costCenter);
List<Budget> budgetRows = budget.ToList();
JobClassGroups jobClassGroups = new JobClassGroups(mainPositionSlots, budgetRows);
Department dept = db.Departments.AsNoTracking().Where(d => d.CostCenter == costCenter).SingleOrDefault();
var model = new ByCostCenter_vm(dept, myslots, jobClassGroups);
ViewBag.stats = docstats.ToString();
return View("ByCostCenter", model);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
IDMSElements Class:
public class IDMSElements
public ICollection<IDMSElementData> Elements { get; set; }
public IDMSElements() { }
public IDMSElements(ICollection<IDMSElementData> elList)
Elements = elList;
public static explicit operator PositionSlots(IDMSElements obj)
//this is assuming we are looking at a list of elements
//that contains the "current" positions
Dictionary<string, PositionSlotDetail> positionSlots = new Dictionary<string, PositionSlotDetail>();
var sorted = from element in obj.Elements
orderby element.positionNbr
select element;
foreach (IDMSElementData el in sorted)
if (!positionSlots.ContainsKey(el.positionNbr))
PositionSlotDetail psd = new PositionSlotDetail
CostCenter = Int32.Parse(el.UDAKunit),
CostCenter_7Char = el.UDAKunit,
PositionNumber = el.positionNbr,
PositionSlotId = 0,
JobClassId = el.jobClassCode.Replace("-", ""),
JobClassFullDisplayCd = string.Empty,
JobTitle = string.Empty,
SalaryGradeCd = string.Empty,
FTE_percent = el.FTEpercent / 100,
EmployeeId = el.employeeID,
EmployeeName = String.Empty,
PositionEffDate = el.positionEffDate,
PositionEffDateNext = el.positionEffDateNext,
PositionBeginDate = el.positionBeginDate,
PositionEndDate = el.positionEndDate,
DirectLeaderID = string.Empty,
DirectLeaderName = string.Empty,
DirectLeaderNetID = string.Empty,
FLSAstatusCode = el.FLSAstatusCode,
FLSAstatusDesc = el.FLSAstatusDesc,
EmploymentTypeCode = el.employmentTypeCode,
EmploymentTypeDesc = el.employmentTypeDesc,
IsOverloaded = false,
positionSlots[el.positionNbr] = psd;
Assignment newAssignment = new Assignment
PvID = el.employeeID,
AssignBeginDate = el.assignBeginDate,
AssignEndDate = el.assignEndDate,
AssignEffDate = el.assignEffDate,
AssignEffDateNext = el.assignEffDateNext,
PositionSlotDetail thePSD = positionSlots[el.positionNbr];
if (thePSD.Assignments.Any(assignment => Regex.IsMatch(assignment.PvID, #"^\d+$")))
thePSD.Status = "FILLED";
if (thePSD.Assignments.Where(assignment => Regex.IsMatch(assignment.PvID, #"^\d+$")).Count() > 1)
thePSD.IsOverloaded = true;
thePSD.Status = "VACANT";
var output = new PositionSlots(positionSlots.Values.ToList());
return output;
PositionSlots class:
public class PositionSlots
public PositionSlots(ICollection<PositionSlotDetail> pslist)
Positions = pslist;
public ICollection<PositionSlotDetail> Positions { get; }
private bool DetailsUpdated { get; set; } = false;
public IEnumerable<PositionSlotDetail> PositionsCurrentAndActive
return from position in Positions
where position.PositionSlotId > 0 && position.PositionEndDate >= DateTime.Today
select position;
public IEnumerable<PositionSlotDetail> PositionsNotFoundInPositionControl
return from position in Positions
where position.PositionSlotId == 0
select position;
public IEnumerable<PositionSlotDetail> PositionsClosed
return from psd in Positions
where psd.PositionEndDate < DateTime.Today
&& psd.PositionSlotId > 0
select psd;
public decimal ActualFTETotal
return (from position in PositionsCurrentAndActive
from assignment in position.Assignments
where position.Assignments.Count() >= 1 && (!assignment.PvID.Equals("VACANT"))
select position.FTE_percent).Sum();
public int FilledTotal
return PositionsCurrentAndActive.Where(x => x.Status == "FILLED").Count();
public int VacantTotal
return PositionsCurrentAndActive.Where(x => x.Status == "VACANT").Count();
public int OverloadedTotal
return PositionsCurrentAndActive.Where(x => x.IsOverloaded).Count();
public void UpdateDetails(PositionControlContext db)
if (!DetailsUpdated)
UpdatePositionSlotId(db); //if not found, PositionSlotId = 0
DetailsUpdated = true;
private void UpdateJobClassificationInfo(PositionControlContext db)
string[] jobClassIds = (from x in Positions select x.JobClassId).Distinct().ToArray();
var JobClassList = (from jc in db.JobClassifications where jobClassIds.Contains(jc.JobClassId) select jc).ToDictionary(jc => jc.JobClassId, jc => jc, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (PositionSlotDetail psd in Positions)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(psd.JobClassId) && !psd.JobClassId.Equals("MISSING"))
JobClassification jobClassification;
if (JobClassList.TryGetValue(psd.JobClassId, out jobClassification))
psd.JobClassFullDisplayCd = jobClassification.JobClassFullDisplayCd;
psd.JobTitle = jobClassification.JobTitle;
psd.SalaryGradeCd = jobClassification.SalaryGradeCd;
psd.JobClassFullDisplayCd = ($"{psd.JobClassId} not found in view V_JobClassifications.");
psd.JobTitle = ($"{psd.JobClassId} not found in view V_JobClassifications.");
psd.SalaryGradeCd = "--";
psd.JobClassFullDisplayCd = "MISSING";
psd.JobTitle = "MISSING";
private void UpdateEmployeeName(PositionControlContext db)
string[] empIdsStr = (from position in Positions
from assignment in position.Assignments
where (!assignment.PvID.Equals("VACANT"))
select assignment.PvID).Distinct().ToArray();
// Positions.SelectMany(x => x.Assignments).SelectMany(x => x.PvID).ToArray();
//string[] empIdsStr = (from x in Positions where (!x.EmployeeId.Contains("VACANT")) select x.EmployeeId).Distinct().ToArray();
//int[] empIdsInt = Array.ConvertAll(empIdsStr, int.Parse);
var EmployeeList = (from emp in db.IdAM_personLU where empIdsStr.Contains(emp.pvID) select emp).ToDictionary(emp => emp.pvID,
emp => emp.EmployeeFullName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
EmployeeList["VACANT"] = "VACANT";
foreach (PositionSlotDetail psd in Positions)
string empName;
if (EmployeeList.TryGetValue(psd.EmployeeId, out empName))
psd.EmployeeName = empName;
psd.EmployeeName = ($"{psd.EmployeeId} not found in Employee table.");
foreach (Assignment emp in psd.Assignments)
string empName2;
if (EmployeeList.TryGetValue(emp.PvID, out empName2))
emp.EmpDisplayName = empName2;
emp.EmpDisplayName = ($"{psd.EmployeeId} not found in Employee table.");
private void UpdateDirectLeader(PositionControlContext db)
string[] empIdsStr = (from x in Positions where (!x.EmployeeId.Contains("VACANT")) select x.EmployeeId).Distinct().ToArray();
//int[] empIdsInt = Array.ConvertAll(empIdsStr, int.Parse);
Dictionary<string, IdAM_arborLU> DirectLeader = new Dictionary<string, IdAM_arborLU>();
var EmployeeDirectLeaderList = (from emp in db.IdAM_arborLU where empIdsStr.Contains(emp.emp_pvID) select emp).ToDictionary(emp => emp.emp_pvID,
emp => emp, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (PositionSlotDetail psd in Positions)
if (psd.EmployeeId != "VACANT") //will just leave DirectLeaderId and DirectLeaderName as string.Empty
IdAM_arborLU supervisor;
if (EmployeeDirectLeaderList.TryGetValue(psd.EmployeeId, out supervisor))
psd.DirectLeaderName = supervisor.sup_name;
psd.DirectLeaderID = supervisor.sup_pvID;
psd.DirectLeaderNetID = supervisor.sup_netID;
psd.DirectLeaderName = ($"{psd.EmployeeId} not found in Arbor table.");
foreach (Assignment emp in psd.Assignments)
if (psd.EmployeeId != "VACANT")
IdAM_arborLU supervisor2;
if (EmployeeDirectLeaderList.TryGetValue(psd.EmployeeId, out supervisor2))
emp.DirectLeaderName = supervisor2.sup_name;
emp.DirectLeaderID = supervisor2.sup_pvID;
emp.DirectLeaderNetID = supervisor2.sup_netID;
emp.DirectLeaderName = ($"{psd.EmployeeId} not found in Arbor table.");
emp.DirectLeaderID = "--";
emp.DirectLeaderNetID = "--";
private void UpdatePositionSlotId(PositionControlContext db)
string[] posnumber = (from x in Positions
select x.PositionNumber).ToArray();
var slots = (from ps1 in db.PositionSlots
where posnumber.Contains(ps1.PositionNumber)
select ps1).ToDictionary(ps => ps.PositionNumber.Trim(), ps => ps.PositionSlotId, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (PositionSlotDetail psd in Positions)
int posSlotId = 0;
if (slots.TryGetValue(psd.PositionNumber, out posSlotId))
psd.PositionSlotId = posSlotId;
private void UpdateIsBudgeted(PositionControlContext db)
string[] posnumber = (from x in Positions
select x.PositionNumber).ToArray();
var slots = (from ps1 in db.PositionSlots
where posnumber.Contains(ps1.PositionNumber)
select ps1).ToDictionary(ps => ps.PositionNumber.Trim(), ps => ps.IsBudgeted, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (PositionSlotDetail psd in Positions)
bool isbudgeted = false;
if (slots.TryGetValue(psd.PositionNumber, out isbudgeted))
psd.IsBudgeted = isbudgeted;
you can achieve this by writing a method:
and then use it as follow:
PositionSlots myslots = elements.Select(x => x.ToPositionSlot(db))
I used to work with browser-based applications. for example Angular simple repository.
function getSomeData(params) {
return $http({
url: conf.urlDev + 'some/rest-url',
method: "GET",
params: params,
cache: true
function getDataComplete(response) {
return response.data;
How it will look the same in c# (XAMARIN for example)?
i try :
public class BaseClient
protected Http _client = null;
protected string _urlObj;
protected string _basePath;
public BaseClient ()
_client = new Http(new HttpClientHandler());
public string Path
_urlObj = value;
public async Task<Result<IList<T>>>getList<T>(Dictionary<string,object> parametrs = null)
if (parametrs != null)
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> keyValue in parametrs)
_urlObj = _urlObj.SetQueryParam(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);
var response = await _client.GetAsync(_urlObj.ToString());
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return new Result<IList<T>>()
Success = true,
Value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IList<T>>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync())
var error = new Result<IList<T>>()
Error = response.StatusCode.ToString(),
Message = response.ReasonPhrase,
Success = false
return error;
in my service:
public async Task<IList<News>> GetAllNewsByParams(DateTime from,
string orderBy = "-published",
DateTime to = new DateTime(),
int page = 1, int category = 0)
_client.Path = _config.NewsPath;
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{"from", from.ToString("s")},
{"order_by", orderBy.ToString()},
{"to", to.ToString("s")},
{"page", page.ToString()}
if (category != 0)
dict.Add("category", category.ToString());
var res = await _client.getList<News>(dict);
return res.Value;
and im ny viewmodel
foreach (var item in await _newsService.GetAllNewsByParams(
_From, _Page,
selectedTag == null ? _SeletedNewsTagId : selectedTag.Id))
Is his query executed synchronously ?
How do I make it an asynchronous?
First of all I would really encourage you to use RestSharp, it really simplifies making HTTP requests and deserialise them. Add a RestSharp nuget package to your project. Here is how your code will look like using RestSharp.
public class BaseClient
protected IRestClient _client = null;
protected string _urlObj;
protected string _basePath;
public BaseClient()
_client = new RestClient();
public async Task<Result<IList<T>>> GetList<T>(string path, Dictionary<string, object> parametrs = null)
var request = new RestRequest(path, Method.GET);
if (parametrs != null)
foreach (var keyValue in parametrs)
request.AddQueryParameter(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);
var response = await _client.Execute<List<T>>(request);
if (response.IsSuccess)
return new Result<IList<T>>()
Success = true,
Value = response.Data
var error = new Result<IList<T>>()
Error = response.StatusCode.ToString(),
Message = response.StatusDescription,
Success = false
return error;
In your service
public async Task<IList<News>> GetAllNewsByParams(DateTime from,
string orderBy = "-published",
DateTime to = new DateTime(),
int page = 1, int category = 0)
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{"from", from.ToString("s")},
{"order_by", orderBy.ToString()},
{"to", to.ToString("s")},
{"page", page.ToString()}
if (category != 0)
dict.Add("category", category.ToString());
var res = await _client.GetList<News>(_config.NewsPath, dict);
return res.Value;
And in your viewmodel
var news = await _newsService.GetAllNewsByParams(
_From, _Page,
selectedTag == null ? _SeletedNewsTagId : selectedTag.Id);
foreach (var item in news)
This will be 100% asynchronous.
I am trying to set an arbitrary path in a JSON structure and I am having difficulty figuring out how to do a simple set value...
What I would like is some method like, SetValue(path,value) which operates like SelectToken, but creates the path if it does not exist and sets the value.
public void SetPreference(string username, string path, string value)
var prefs = GetPreferences(username);
var jprefs = JObject.Parse(prefs ?? #"{}");
var token = jprefs.SelectToken(path);
if (token != null)
// how to set the value of the path?
// how to add the path and value, example {"global.defaults.sort": { "true" }}
what I mean by global.defaults.sort path is actually { global: { defaults: { sort: { true } } } }
public string SetPreference(string username, string path, string value)
if (!value.StartsWith("[") && !value.StartsWith("{"))
value = string.Format("\"{0}\"", value);
var val = JObject.Parse(string.Format("{{\"x\":{0}}}", value)).SelectToken("x");
var prefs = GetPreferences(username);
var jprefs = JObject.Parse(prefs ?? #"{}");
var token = jprefs.SelectToken(path) as JValue;
if (token == null)
dynamic jpart = jprefs;
foreach (var part in path.Split('.'))
if (jpart[part] == null)
jpart.Add(new JProperty(part, new JObject()));
jpart = jpart[part];
SetPreferences(username, jprefs.ToString());
return jprefs.SelectToken(path).ToString();
I have two simiiliar methods for parsing lines.
first method
public IList<LasLine> GetLasLines(string section)
var lasLines = new List<LasLine>();
bool startParse = false; // Секція знайдена і почати парсити її
foreach(var line in _lines)
if(GetSectionName(line).Equals(section) && !startParse)
startParse = true;
if(IsCommentLine(line)) continue;
if(IsBeginSection(line)) break;
LasLine lasLine;
if(!TryParseLasLine(line, out lasLine)) continue;
return lasLines;
And second
public IList<AsciiLogDataLine> GetAsciiLogData()
var asciiLogData = new List<AsciiLogDataLine>();
bool startParse = false;
foreach(var line in _lines)
if(GetSectionName(line).Equals(LasSectionName.ASCIISection) && !startParse)
startParse = true;
if(IsCommentLine(line)) continue;
AsciiLogDataLine asciiLogDataLine;
if(!TryParseAsciiLogDataLine(line, out asciiLogDataLine)) continue; asciiLogData.Add(asciiLogDataLine);
return asciiLogData;
Is it possible to implement this pattern?
As i think, you can create common Contract (Interface) for this Line Classes, and use for example Generic Method.
IEnumerable<IDataLine> GetLines<T>(Func<object> parseFunction)
var dataLine = parseFunction(line);
if (dataLine == null)
Or you can create IParser and inject it into the method
IEnumerable<IDataLine> GetLines<T>(IParser parser)
if (!parser.CanParse(line))
var dataLine = parser.Parse(line);
Last sample more similar to the Strategy Pattern.