DispatchTimer blocks UI - c#

Hi All: I want to run a function to check internet connection and update the UI content, so i'm using a Dispatchtimer in the WPF loaded, during the intenet check if the ping is blocked by the local server or for some x reasons the UI is blocking.
How can i call the function continuosly without blocking the UI & update the User interface? thanks.
private DispatcherTimer BackgroundAsyncTasksTimer;
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
BackgroundAsyncTasksTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
BackgroundAsyncTasksTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
BackgroundAsyncTasksTimer.Tick += BackgroundAsyncTasksTimer_Tick;
private async void BackgroundAsyncTasksTimer_Tick(object sender, object e)
Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate () {
einternetcoxn.Fill = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#00ff00"); //Eclipse
bUpdatesoftware.IsEnabled = true;//button
Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate () {
einternetcoxn.Fill = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#841c34");
private static bool CanConnectToTheInternet()
string[] strArray = new string[5]
if (((IEnumerable<string>)strArray).AsParallel<string>().Any<string>((Func<string, bool>)(url =>
Ping ping = new Ping();
byte[] buffer = new byte[32];
PingOptions options = new PingOptions();
if (ping.Send(url, 500, buffer, options).Status == IPStatus.Success)
return true;
return false;
return true;
if (((IEnumerable<string>)strArray).AsParallel<string>().Any<string>((Func<string, bool>)(url =>
HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
httpWebRequest.KeepAlive = false;
httpWebRequest.Timeout = 5000;
using ((HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse())
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
return false;

A DispatcherTimeris not running the tick event on a background thread, at least not by default in a UI application.
But this should be fine if you change your CanConnectToTheInternetmethod to use Ping.SendAsync and WebRequest.GetResponseAsync. That will require you to follow the async await pattern, but this is an good example of the kind of task this pattern is meant for. In this case you should get rid of all the Dispatcher.Invoke-stuff, since all of your code would run on the UI thread.
The alternative would be to use a timer that runs the tick-event on a threadpool thread, like Timers.Timer. See also timer comparison


Async function freezes UI thread

I have an async function which still freezes / lags the UI thread for me when I execute it. This is my function calling it.
private void TcpListenerLogic(object sender, string e)
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)async delegate {
dynamic results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(e);
if (results.test_id != null)
// Get properties for new anchor
string testInformation = await CommunicationCommands.getJsonFromURL(
"http://" + ServerIP + ":" + ServerPort + "/api/" + results.test_id);
catch (Exception exception)
// Writing some Trace.WriteLine()'s
And this is the async function that freezes my UI Thread
public static async Task<string> getJsonFromURL(string url)
string returnString = null;
using (System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient())
returnString = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url);
return returnString;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
I already tried to make everything in TcpListenerLogic run in a new Thread:
new Thread(() =>
Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
Which resulted in the whole UI completely freezing. And I tried to make TcpListenerLogic async and await the dispatcher, which also made everything freeze permanently. I also tried to make TcpListenerLogic async and leave the dispatcher. The dispatcher is only there because I normally have some UI code in there, which I left out for my tests.
I have ventured far through the internet, but no BackgroundWorker, ThreadPool or other methods helped me in my endeavour.
If anyone has help for this particular problem, or a resource that would improve my understanding of async functions in C#, I would much appreciate it.
As requested a deeper insight in how this event handler is called.
I have System.Net.Websocket, which is connected to the Backend API I am working with and triggers an event, everytime he receives new Data. To guarantee the socket listens as longs as it is open, there is a while loop which checks for the client state:
public event EventHandler<string> TcpReceived;
public async void StartListener(string ip, int port, string path)
using (client = new ClientWebSocket())
{ // Connect to backend
Uri serverUri = new Uri("ws://" + ip + ":" + port.ToString() + path );
await client.ConnectAsync(serverUri, CancellationToken.None);
catch (Exception ex)
BackendSettings.IsConnected = false;
Debug.WriteLine("Error connecting TCP Socket: " + ex.ToString());
state = client.State;
// Grab packages send in backend
while (client.State == WebSocketState.Open || client.State == WebSocketState.CloseSent)
// **Just formatting the received data until here and writing it into the "message" variable**//
TcpReceived(this, message);
// Close connection on command
if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
Debug.WriteLine("Closing TCP Socket.");
shouldstayclosed = true;
await client.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, string.Empty, CancellationToken.None);
state = client.State;
BackendSettings.IsConnected = false;
state = client.State;
state = client.State;
catch (Exception ex)
// Some error messages and settings handling
The Event has a handler attached:
TcpReceived += TcpListener_TcpReceived;
And this is the Handler, which calls the previously seen "TcpListenereLogic".
private void TcpListener_TcpReceived(object sender, string e)
TcpListenerLogic(sender, e);
//App.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
// TcpListenerLogic(sender, e);
//new Thread(() =>
// Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
// TcpListenerLogic(sender, e);
I previously had the "TcpListenereLogic" as the handler, but I wanted to try different methods to call it. I also left in the commented out part, to show how the call of "TcpListenereLogic" looked already. All my attempts were with all mentioned setups and sadly lead to nothing.
Thank you very much #TheodorZoulias for helping me to find the solution to my problem.
It turns out it wasn't the async function itself, but rather how often it gets called. It got called roughly ~120 times every second.
My solution starts by calling the Listener method over a new Thread:
new Thread(() =>
Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
MainWindow.tcpListener.StartListener(ip, portNumber, "/api/");
To limit the amount of calls that happen every second I added a dispatcher timer, that resets a bool after it has been used for a call, by my Event.
readonly System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer packageIntervallTimer =
new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
bool readyForNewPackage = true;
private void ReadyForPackage(object sender, EventArgs e)
readyForNewPackage = true;
public async void StartListener(string ip, int port, string path)
packageIntervallTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
packageIntervallTimer.Tick += (s, e) => { Task.Run(() => ReadyForPackage(s, e)); };
Then I wrapped everything inside the while loop into an if condition based on the bool, the most important part was to have my "event EventHandler TcpReceived" in there:
// Grab packages sent in backend
while (client.State == WebSocketState.Open || client.State == WebSocketState.CloseSent)
if (readyForNewPackage == true)
readyForNewPackage = false;
TcpReceived(this, message);
I added my TcpListenerLogic to the Eventhandler:
TcpReceived += TcpListenerLogic;
And my TcpListenerLogic now looked like this (names have been changed):
private async void TcpListenerLogic(object sender, string e)
dynamic results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(e);
if (results.test_id != null)
string testID = "";
if (results.test_id is JValue jValueTestId)
testID = jValueTestId.Value.ToString();
else if (results.test_id is string)
testID = results.test_id;
// Get properties for new object
string information = await CommunicationCommands.getJsonFromURL(
"http://" + ServerIP + ":" + ServerPort + "/api/" + testID );
if (information != null)
await App.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
// Create object out of the json string
TestStatus testStatus = new TestStatus();
if (CommunicationCommands.isNameAlreadyInCollection(testStatus.name) == false)
// Add new object to the list
catch (Exception exception)
Adding a new Thread to execute any step results in problems, so keep in mind that all this uses the thread created at the beginning for "StartListener"

Threading concept to improve the webbrowsers URL navigation process in C#

I have developed a simple Id checking windows forms with C# application to check a set of given Ids valid or not by passing to a webpage using webbrowser control and getting the reply and everything is working fine,its taking 40 - 60 seconds for 20 Ids.one by one.Now i want to speed up the same process using advance threading concept in C# .
Code is working fine i want to improve the performance using threading. any simple suggestion would be great help today
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = "https://idscheckingsite.com";
WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser();
wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
wb.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(Final_DocumentCompleted);
private void Final_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
WebBrowser wbs = sender as WebBrowser;
wbs.Document.GetElementById("pannumber").InnerText = ListsofIds[ids];
wbs.Document.GetElementById("frmType1").SetAttribute("value", "24Q");
HtmlElement btnlink = wbs.Document.GetElementById("clickGo1");
//string response = wbs.DocumentText;
wbs.DocumentCompleted -= new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(Final_DocumentCompleted);
wbs.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(Final_result);
private void Final_result(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
WebBrowser wbResult = sender as WebBrowser;
string status = wbResult.Document.GetElementById("status").InnerText;
string name = wbResult.Document.GetElementById("name").InnerText;
wbResult.DocumentCompleted -= new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(Final_result);
wbResult.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(Final_DocumentCompleted);
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = PANNumber[ids];
dr[1] = status;
dr[2] = name;
if (ids < 20)
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
Working fine but need to improve the performance to the max using advance C# threading concepts if any .
Here is my suggestion. When the button2 is clicked, a number of worker tasks are started. A reasonable number is 4, but you can try different numbers until you get the best performance. Each worker task will use its own WebBrowser control, and will invoke a subset of the ids. For example the worker task #0 will invoke the ids 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20, the worker task #1 will invoke 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17 etc. Then all worker tasks will be waited to complete, and then the DataGridView can be updated. There is no multithreading involved. Everything happens in the UI thread. No locking or other thread synchronization is required.
private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = "https://idscheckingsite.com";
const int WORKER_TASKS_COUNT = 4;
var workerTasks = new Task[WORKER_TASKS_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < WORKER_TASKS_COUNT; i++)
workerTasks[i] = DoWorkAsync(i);
await Task.WhenAll(workerTasks);
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
async Task DoWorkAsync(int workerIndex)
using (var wb = new WebBrowser())
wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
for (int i = 0; i < ListsofIds.Length; i++)
if (i % WORKER_TASKS_COUNT != workerIndex) continue;
await wb; // await for the next DocumentCompleted
wb.Document.GetElementById("pannumber").InnerText = ListsofIds[i];
wb.Document.GetElementById("frmType1").SetAttribute("value", "24Q");
HtmlElement btnlink = wb.Document.GetElementById("clickGo1");
await wb; // await for the next DocumentCompleted
string status = wb.Document.GetElementById("status").InnerText;
string name = wb.Document.GetElementById("name").InnerText;
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = PANNumber[i];
dr[1] = status;
dr[2] = name;
The code above uses an interesting technique to simplify the navigation of the WebBrowser control. Instead of subscribing and unsubscribing manually to the DocumentCompleted event, it is doing it automatically by awaiting the WebBrowser control. Normally this is not possible, but we can make it possible by creating an extension method that returns a TaskAwaiter:
public static class WebBrowserExtensions
public static TaskAwaiter<Uri> GetAwaiter(this WebBrowser wb)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Uri>();
WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler handler = null;
handler = (_, e) =>
wb.DocumentCompleted -= handler;
wb.DocumentCompleted += handler;
return tcs.Task.GetAwaiter();
Update: After using my code myself I found await wb to be a bit confusing, because the WebBrowser control has many events that could be awaited. So I made it more explicit and extensible be creating an async version of the event (instead of an awaiter):
public static class WebBrowserExtensions
public static Task<Uri> DocumentCompletedAsync(this WebBrowser wb)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Uri>();
WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler handler = null;
handler = (_, e) =>
wb.DocumentCompleted -= handler;
wb.DocumentCompleted += handler;
return tcs.Task;
It can be used like this:
await wb.DocumentCompletedAsync();
Then it becomes trivial to create more extension methods like NavigatedAsync or DocumentTitleChangedAsync for example.
Update: Waiting endlessly is not very nice, so a timeout (expressed in milliseconds) could be added as an argument in the awaited extension method. Since the whole code is intended to run exclusively in the UI thread I used a System.Windows.Forms.Timer, although a CancellationToken would be propably more convenient in general. The code is a bit involved to avoid memory leaks, that could be an issue for an application intended to run for many hours, and do thousands web requests.
public static class WebBrowserExtensions
public static Task<Uri> DocumentCompletedAsync(this WebBrowser wb, int timeout)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Uri>();
WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler handler = null;
var timeoutRegistration = WithTimeout(tcs, timeout,
() => wb.DocumentCompleted -= handler);
handler = (_, e) =>
wb.DocumentCompleted -= handler;
wb.DocumentCompleted += handler;
return tcs.Task;
public static Task<Uri> DocumentCompletedAsync(this WebBrowser wb)
return wb.DocumentCompletedAsync(30000); // Default timeout 30 sec
private static TimeoutRegistration WithTimeout<T>(
TaskCompletionSource<T> tcs, int timeout, Action eventRemove)
if (timeout == Timeout.Infinite) return default;
var timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
timer.Tick += (s, e) =>
timer.Enabled = false;
timer = null;
eventRemove = null;
tcs.SetException(new TimeoutException());
tcs = null;
timer.Interval = timeout;
timer.Enabled = true;
return new TimeoutRegistration(() =>
if (timer == null) return;
timer.Enabled = false;
// Make everything null to avoid memory leaks
timer = null;
eventRemove = null;
tcs = null;
private struct TimeoutRegistration
private Action _unregister;
public TimeoutRegistration(Action unregister)
_unregister = unregister;
public void Unregister()
if (_unregister == null) return;
_unregister = null;
Update: As a side note, I see that you are suppressing script errors by using wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true. Are you aware that you can configure the Internet Explorer version emulated by the WebBrowser control? To make the control emulate the latest (and final) version of Internet Explorer, the version 11, add this code at the start of your program:
Registry.SetValue(#"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION",
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, 11000); // IE11

C# async web browser runs very slow

this program reads a list of web site then saves them.
i found it runs good for the first 2 url requests. then goes very slow (about 5 min per request)
the time spend on row 1 and row 2 are only 2 second.
Then all other will be about 5 min each.
When i debug , i see it actually tooks long in wb.Navigate(url.ToString());
public static async Task<bool> test()
long totalCnt = rows.Count();
long procCnt = 0;
foreach (string url in rows)
string webStr = load_WebStr(url).Result;
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now+ "["+procCnt + "/" + totalCnt+"] "+url);
return true;
public static async Task<string> load_WebStr(string url)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
var thread = new Thread(() =>
EventHandler idleHandler = null;
idleHandler = async (s, e) =>
// handle Application.Idle just once
Application.Idle -= idleHandler;
// return to the message loop
await Task.Yield();
// and continue asynchronously
// propogate the result or exception
var result = await webBrowser_Async(url);
catch (Exception ex)
// signal to exit the message loop
// Application.Run will exit at this point
// handle Application.Idle just once
// to make sure we're inside the message loop
// and SynchronizationContext has been correctly installed
Application.Idle += idleHandler;
// set STA model for the new thread
// start the thread and await for the task
return await tcs.Task;
public static async Task<string> webBrowser_Async(string url)
string result = "";
using (var wb = new WebBrowser())
wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs = null;
WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler documentCompletedHandler = (s, e) =>
tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
wb.DocumentCompleted += documentCompletedHandler;
// await for DocumentCompleted
await tcs.Task;
wb.DocumentCompleted -= documentCompletedHandler;
// the DOM is ready
result = wb.DocumentText;
return result;
I recognize a slightly modified version of the code I used to answer quite a few WebBrowser-related questions. Was it this one? It's always a good idea to include a link to the original source.
Anyhow, the major problem in how you're using it here is perhaps the fact that you create and destroy an instance of WebBrowser control for every URL from your list.
Instead, you should be re-using a single instance of WebBrowser (or a pool of WebBrowser objects). You can find both versions here.

C# How to stop Ping in a BackGroundWorker / Stop SendAsync outside of function

So i have a BW that looks like this:
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
if ((worker.CancellationPending == true))
e.Cancel = true;
e.Result = PCIsOnline((string)e.Argument);
PCIsOnline function starts Ping.Send. Everything works fine.
But in some cases i want to stop BW (or stop ping).
I've tryed this:
bw.CancelAsync(); - but that doesnt help me coz APP will never go back to bw_DoWork again to stop. So i there a way to stop ping or bw.
So i can start it again.
Btw for some reason this doesn't helping too.
while (!bw.IsBusy)
Coz its just loops forever. I guess its becoz i Sleep thread, but its a main thread i though that BW thread shouldn't stop. But it seems like it does. I've seen a thread where instead of sleep DoEvents was used but i'm using WPF and it doesn't have it. And i don't realy want to wait ping to finish it's job.
I've read a lot of threads about BW and how to stop but none is helpfull in my case. Coz by the time i send CancelAsync() DoWork allready passed CancellationPending check and will never return there.
PS: Fisrt time i start BW in TextBox_FocusLost even. And want to Stop and Run it again in List_SelectChanged.
public static bool PCIsOnline(string arg)
Ping pingSender = new Ping();
PingOptions options = new PingOptions();
options.DontFragment = true;
string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
int timeout = 2;
PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(arg, timeout, buffer, options);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { return true; }
else { return false; }
return false;
As it was stated in comment before that instead of using BW is better to use SendAsync. Аnd my code now looks like this. But i still don't understand how can i stop SendAsync outside of PCIsOnline function.
public static void PCIsOnline(string arg)
Ping pingSender = new Ping();
pingSender.PingCompleted += new PingCompletedEventHandler(PingCompletedCallback);
PingOptions options = new PingOptions();
options.DontFragment = true;
string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
int timeout = 2;
pingSender.SendAsync(arg, timeout, buffer, options);
private static void PingCompletedCallback(object sender, PingCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Cancelled)
Console.WriteLine("Ping canceled.");
if (e.Error != null)
Console.WriteLine("Ping failed:");
PingReply reply = e.Reply;
So I'm still looking a way to interrupt BW and restart it or a way to stop PingAsync.
The problem is u only send cancel to bw . But u need to send cancel to Ping (SendAsync) too.
Send cancel to Ping
Use SendAsync:
public static bool PCIsOnline(string arg)
Ping pingSender = new Ping();
PingOptions options = new PingOptions();
options.DontFragment = true;
string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
int timeout = 2;
PingReply reply = pingSender.SendAsync(arg, timeout, buffer, options);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { return true; }
else { return false; }
return false;
Since I can't find a way to stop ping I've decided to ignore ping results if it's not the one I need ATM.
So I just added check in to HandleReply that sends return if that this ping result not longer needed.
private void Name_LostFocus(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var textBox = sender as TextBox;
//No longer Using BW since Ping.SendAsync() does the job
private void Search_SelectChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListBox Search = sender as ListBox;
if (Search.SelectedValue != null)
this.OldName.Text = Search.SelectedValue.ToString();
public void PCIsOnline(string arg)
Ping pingSender = new Ping();
//Sending argument to perform check later
pingSender.PingCompleted += (sender1, args) => PingCompletedCallback(sender1, args, arg);
PingOptions options = new PingOptions();
options.DontFragment = true;
string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
int timeout = 5;
pbrTest.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
pingSender.SendAsync(arg, timeout, buffer, options);
private void PingCompletedCallback(object sender, PingCompletedEventArgs e, String Current)
if (e.Cancelled)
HandleReply(null, Current, "Cancelled");
if (e.Error != null)
HandleReply(null, Current, "Error");
PingReply reply = e.Reply;
HandleReply(reply, Current, "");
private void HandleReply(PingReply reply, String PC, String msgtype = "")
//Ignore old result I only need one that is in OldName textBox
if (PC != this.OldName.Text) { return; }
//Next you should add your result handling
//Happens on a error
if (reply == null)
/*do something*/
//PC is online
else if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
/*do something*/
//PC is offline
/*do something*/
Not the best way to solve the problem but that's the best I can think of.

Pinging a server using C#

I was trying to ping a server using the Ping class, but after like 10 times that the method returns true, I keep getting false(which means the server is down[?] and it isn't) Here's the method:
public bool IsConnectedToInternet()
Ping p = new Ping();
PingReply reply = p.Send("www.uic.co.il", 1000);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
return false;
private void start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (; ; )
Why am I keep getting false after a while?
Thank you.
You're flooding the server with requests:
for (; ; )
will loop as fast as possible sending request after request.
If you are just coding a keep alive service or service status control then using a timer that pings every minute or even every 10 minutes should be good enough.
Additionally, as others have pointed out in their comments, you are abusing properties by doing the ping in the getter as the call can potentially take some time and property getters should really return, if not instantly then very quickly. A CheckConnection() method would have clearer intent.
I rewrote your code.
It will trigger an event called ConnectionLost if connection is lost and an event called Connected when it gets connected again.
public class NetworkStateMonitor
private System.Threading.Timer _timer;
bool _wasConnected = false;
public NetworkStateMonitor()
_timer = new System.Threading.Timer(OnPing, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
public bool CheckInternetConnection()
bool result = false;
Ping p = new Ping();
PingReply reply = p.Send("www.uic.co.il", 1000);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
return true;
catch (PingException)
return false;
private void OnPing(object state)
var newState = CheckInternetConnection();
if (!newState && _wasConnected)
ConnectionLost(this, EventArgs.Empty);
else if (newState && !_wasConnected)
Connected(this, EventArgs.Empty);
_wasConnected = newState;
public event EventHandler ConnectionLost = delegate{};
public event EventHandler Connected = delegate{};
For other stumbling across this page, this function would be better if it were rewritten to:
public bool CheckInternetConnection(string HostName)
bool result = false; // assume error
try {
Ping oPing = new Ping();
PingReply reply = oPing.Send(HostName, 3000);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success){
result = true;
} catch (Exception E) {
// Uncomment next line to see errors
// MessageBox.Show(E.ToString());
return result;
Now call using:
bool IsSuccessful = CheckInternetConnection("www.uic.co.il");

