Player stuck in place when playing animation - c#

I am using Sebastian Graves' Dark Souls in Unity series in order to make a game with souls-like mechanics and reached episode 4 but in comparison to his video, my player is tuck in place when using rolling or backstepping.
The problem seems to be coming from the AnimatorHandler script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Game
public class AnimatorHandler : MonoBehaviour
public Animator anim;
public InputHandler inputHandler;
public PlayerLocomotion playerLocomotion;
int vertical;
int horizontal;
public bool canRotate;
public void Initialize()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
inputHandler = GetComponentInParent<InputHandler>();
playerLocomotion = GetComponentInParent<PlayerLocomotion>();
vertical = Animator.StringToHash("Vertical");
horizontal = Animator.StringToHash("Horizontal");
public void UpdateAnimatorValues(float verticalMovement, float horizontalMovement)
float v = 0;
if (verticalMovement > 0 && verticalMovement < 0.55f)
v = 0.5f;
else if (verticalMovement > 0.55f)
v = 1;
else if (verticalMovement < 0 && verticalMovement > -0.55f)
v = -0.5f;
else if (verticalMovement < -0.55f)
v = -1;
v = 0;
float h = 0;
if (horizontalMovement > 0 && horizontalMovement < 0.55f)
h = 0.5f;
else if (horizontalMovement > 0.55f)
h = 1;
else if (horizontalMovement < 0 && horizontalMovement > -0.55f)
h = -0.5f;
else if (horizontalMovement < -0.55f)
h = -1;
h = 0;
anim.SetFloat(vertical, v, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime);
anim.SetFloat(horizontal, h, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime);
public void PlayTargetAnimation(string targetAnim, bool isInteracting)
anim.applyRootMotion = isInteracting;
anim.SetBool("isInteracting", isInteracting);
anim.CrossFade(targetAnim, 0.2f);
public void CanRotate()
canRotate = true;
public void StopRotation()
canRotate = false;
private void OnAnimatorMove()
if (inputHandler.isInteracting == false)
float delta = Time.deltaTime;
playerLocomotion.rigidbody.drag = 0;
Vector3 deltaPosition = anim.deltaPosition;
deltaPosition.y = 0;
Vector3 velocity = deltaPosition / delta;
playerLocomotion.rigidbody.velocity = velocity;
// ???
The only method I found to make the player able to move was to delete playerLocomotion.rigidbody.velocity = velocity;
, but this generates another problem, as I am now able to change roll direction mid-animation.
How can I make this work?


How to fix with a few taps?

I have a character rotation, it is based on this. There is a joystick. If you put your finger first on the rotation of the character, and then on the joystick - everything is fine. But if at first on the joystick, and after trying to turn, nothing will happen! Help. A few days can not decide
void Start()
mContr = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Joystick").GetComponent<MobileController>();
void Update()
if(xp > 0)
deadStatus = false;
ch_animator.SetBool("dead", false);
if(xp <= 0)
{ if(deadStatus == false)
ch_animator.SetBool("Run", false);
ch_animator.SetBool("Walk", false);
ch_animator.SetBool("right", false);
ch_animator.SetBool("left", false);
ch_animator.SetBool("dead", true);
deadStatus = true;
if(eat > 10)
if(xp>0&&xp!=100) {
xp += Time.deltaTime * 1f;
eat -= Time.deltaTime * 0.5f;
speedMove = 3;
} else {
speedMove = 1;
if(eat < 1 ) {
xp -= Time.deltaTime * 0.06f;
if(xp.ToString() != hpText.text) {
hpText.text = Math.Round(xp).ToString();
if(eat.ToString() != eatText.text)
eatText.text = Math.Round(eat).ToString();
if(star.ToString() != starText.text)
starText.text = star.ToString();
if(gun.ToString() != gunText.text)
gunText.text = gun.ToString();
int k = 1;
while(Input.touchCount > k)
Vector2 deltaposition =;
if(Input.GetTouch(k).position.x > Screen.width / 2 - 100)
if(k == 0)
deltaposition = Input.GetTouch(k).deltaPosition;
deltaposition.x /= Screen.dpi;
if(deltaposition.x != 0)
float speedX = 3 * deltaposition.x;
player.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * speedX);
Jostic code
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class MobileController: MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerDownHandler
private Image jostickBG;
private Image jostick;
public Vector2 inputVector;
private void Start()
jostickBG = GetComponent<Image>();
jostick = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>();
public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData ped)
public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData ped)
inputVector =;
jostick.rectTransform.anchoredPosition =;
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData ped)
Vector2 pos;
if(RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(jostickBG.rectTransform, ped.position, ped.pressEventCamera, out pos))
pos.x = (pos.x / jostickBG.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x);
pos.y = (pos.y / jostickBG.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y);
inputVector = new Vector2(pos.x * 2 - 0, pos.y * 2 - 0);
inputVector = (inputVector.magnitude > 1.0f) ? inputVector.normalized : inputVector;
jostick.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(inputVector.x * (jostickBG.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 2), inputVector.y * (jostickBG.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 2));
public float Horizontal()
return inputVector.x;
public float Vertical()
return inputVector.y;
the problem is coming from the while loop:
your logic is only for k=0 on rotation player and k=1 for joy, and you begin to enter in the while loop with the value k=1, the test if is always false if for this value its the position of rotation player
if(Input.GetTouch(k).position.x > Screen.width / 2 - 100)
i suggest you to refactor your code like that:
when you have 2 touches k=0 and k=1, find the right action for each touches.
i dont understant why you dont enter in the while loop with k=0?

Instantiating Custom Object in Unity MonoBehaviour Scripts

I'm trying to programm my own little game in Unity, I'm not new to programming but new to Unity and C#. The problem is that I wrote my own classes to handle the game map and I am trying to connect these classes to the MonoBehaviour Scripts in Unity.
I have a script called InputManager, which is supposed to handle the input via mouse and keyboard etc. and in this script I want to create an object of the class MapManager which has access to my tiles and stuff. The problem I'm getting is that I can't seem to create an instance of MapManager in InputManager, not with the common new MapManager() anyway. When I use this a NullPointer of some sort is created, I guess?
I do not get a compiling error but an error once the game is launched which is:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
InputManager.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/InputManager.cs:55)
Thank you for your help!
I tried using a workaround so that it does not matter if Start() or Update() is called first, meaning that I just instantiate MapManager in the first Update() call. However, when I run the program the error is still the same. My conclusion is that somehow my constructor is not working or the Monobehaviour script somehow does not allow using the standard constructor... Any ideas?
Here is my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
public class InputManager : MonoBehaviour
public int mapRightBorder = 10;
public int mapLeftBorder = -10;
public int mapTopBorder = 8;
public int mapBottomBorder = -4;
public double camSpeed = 0.2;
public double mouseSensitivity = 0.3;
public double scrollSensitivity = 2;
public double maxZoomIn = -3;
public double maxZoomOut = -12;
public Tilemap ground, overlays, buildings;
public Tilemap selected;
public AnimatedTile animatedTile;
private double detectionBorder;
private double leftRightCorrection;
private MapManager mapManager;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
detectionBorder = 50;
leftRightCorrection = 1.2;
mapManager = new MapManager();
mapManager.ground = ground;
mapManager.overlays = overlays;
mapManager.buildings = buildings;
mapManager.selected = selected;
mapManager.animatedTile = animatedTile;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
private void moveCam()
double moveX = Camera.main.transform.position.x;
double moveY = Camera.main.transform.position.y;
double moveZ = Camera.main.transform.position.z;
double xPos = Input.mousePosition.x;
double yPos = Input.mousePosition.y;
double zDelta = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
moveX -= camSpeed * leftRightCorrection;
else if (xPos >= 0 && xPos < detectionBorder)
moveX -= camSpeed * mouseSensitivity * leftRightCorrection;
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
moveX += camSpeed * leftRightCorrection;
else if (xPos <= Screen.width && xPos > Screen.width - detectionBorder)
moveX += camSpeed * mouseSensitivity * leftRightCorrection;
if(moveX > mapRightBorder || moveX < mapLeftBorder)
moveX = Camera.main.transform.position.x;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow))
moveY -= camSpeed;
else if (yPos >= 0 && yPos < detectionBorder)
moveY -= camSpeed * mouseSensitivity;
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow))
moveY += camSpeed;
else if (yPos <= Screen.height && yPos > Screen.height - detectionBorder)
moveY += camSpeed * mouseSensitivity;
if(moveY > mapTopBorder || moveY < mapBottomBorder)
moveY = Camera.main.transform.position.y;
if (!(moveZ + zDelta * scrollSensitivity > maxZoomIn || moveZ + zDelta * scrollSensitivity < maxZoomOut))
moveZ += zDelta * scrollSensitivity;
Vector3 newPos = new Vector3((float)moveX, (float)moveY, (float) moveZ);
Camera.main.transform.position = newPos;
private void checkMouse()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
public class MapManager
public int mapWidth = 16;
public int mapHeight = 16;
public Tilemap ground, overlays, buildings;
public Tilemap selected;
public AnimatedTile animatedTile;
private Vector3Int currentlySelected;
private OwnTilemap tilemap;
public MapManager()
tilemap = new OwnTilemap(mapWidth, mapHeight, ground, overlays, buildings);
currentlySelected = new Vector3Int(-1, -1, 0);
private Vector3Int mouseToTilemap(Vector3 mousePosition)
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(mousePosition);
// create a plane at 0,0,0 whose normal points to +Y:
Plane hPlane = new Plane(Vector3.forward,;
// Plane.Raycast stores the distance from ray.origin to the hit point in this variable:
float enter = 0.0f;
if (hPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
//Get the point that is clicked
Vector3 hitPoint = ray.GetPoint(enter);
Vector3Int cell = ground.WorldToCell(hitPoint);
return cell;
return new Vector3Int(-1, -1, 0);
private bool isInBorders(Vector3Int p)
if (p.z != 0) return false;
if (p.x < 0 || p.x >= mapWidth) return false;
if (p.y < 0 || p.y >= mapHeight) return false;
return true;
public void updateTilemaps()
public void previewBuilding()
public void selectTile(Vector3 mousePosition)
if(currentlySelected != new Vector3Int(-1, -1, 0))
selected.SetTile(currentlySelected, null);
if (isInBorders(mouseToTilemap(mousePosition)))
selected.SetTile(mouseToTilemap(mousePosition), animatedTile);
currentlySelected = mouseToTilemap(mousePosition);

How can I find the center position of two or more objects?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MoveCameraBehind : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject camera;
public List<GameObject> targets = new List<GameObject>();
public float cameraDistance = 10.0f;
public bool behindMultipleTargets = false;
public string cameraWarningMsgs = "";
public string targetsWarningMsgs = "";
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
if (camera == null)
var cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
if (cam != null)
cameraWarningMsgs = "Gettig camera component.";
camera = transform.gameObject;
cameraWarningMsgs = "Creating a new camera component.";
GameObject NewCam = Instantiate(new GameObject(), transform); = "New Camera";
camera = NewCam;
if(targets.Count == 0)
targetsWarningMsgs = "No targets found.";
void FixedUpdate()
if (targets.Count > 0)
public void MoveCameraToPosition()
if (targets.Count > 1 && behindMultipleTargets == true)
var center = CalculateCenter();
transform.position = new Vector3(center.x, center.y + 2, center.z + cameraDistance);
if (behindMultipleTargets == false)
Vector3 center = targets[0].transform.position - targets[0].transform.forward * cameraDistance;
transform.position = new Vector3(center.x, center.y + 2, center.z);
private Vector3 CalculateCenter()
Vector3 center = new Vector3();
var totalX = 0f;
var totalY = 0f;
foreach (var target in targets)
totalX += target.transform.position.x;
totalY += target.transform.position.y;
var centerX = totalX / targets.Count;
var centerY = totalY / targets.Count;
center = new Vector3(centerX, centerY);
return center;
The CalculateCenter function make the targets(objects) to change positions and vanish away far away. Even if there is only one single target.
What I want to do is if there is one object for example one 3d cube position the camera behind the cube. And if there are more cubes for example two or ten and the camera is somewhere else calculate the middle position behind the targets and position the camera in the middle behind them.
To show what I mean in this example the view(like a camera) is behind the two soldiers in the middle position between them from behind.
But what if there are 5 soldiers how can I find the middle position and then position the camera behind them like this example in the screenshot ?
This is my old script version was working fine but only for 1 or 2 targets. But if there are 5 targets(soldiers) how can I position the camera behind them in the middle ? Like in the screenshot example.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MoveCameraBehind : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject camera;
public List<GameObject> targets = new List<GameObject>();
public float cameraDistance = 10.0f;
public bool behindTwoTargets = false;
public string warningMsgs = "";
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
if (camera == null)
var cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
if (cam != null)
warningMsgs = "Gettig Camera omponent.";
camera = transform.gameObject;
warningMsgs = "Creating a new camera component.";
GameObject NewCam = Instantiate(new GameObject(), transform); = "New Camera";
camera = NewCam;
camera.transform.Rotate(0, 180, 0);
void FixedUpdate()
if (targets.Count > 0)
public void MoveCameraToPosition()
if (targets.Count == 2 && behindTwoTargets == true)
Vector3 center = ((targets[0].transform.position - targets[1].transform.position) / 2.0f) + targets[1].transform.position;
camera.transform.position = new Vector3(center.x, center.y + 2, center.z + cameraDistance);
if (behindTwoTargets == false)
Vector3 center = targets[0].transform.position - targets[0].transform.forward * cameraDistance;
camera.transform.position = new Vector3(center.x, center.y + 2, center.z);
This is my last version of my working code still using the CalculateCenter function :
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraLook : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject camera;
public List<GameObject> targets = new List<GameObject>();
public float cameraDistance = 10.0f;
public float cameraHeight = 2f;
public float rotateTime = 2f;
public bool multipleTargets = false;
public bool changeRandomTarget = false;
public bool behindFront = false;
public bool targetsRandomRot = false;
public string cameraWarningMsgs = "";
public string targetsWarningMsgs = "";
private List<Vector3> vectors = new List<Vector3>();
//Random move rotation timer part
Quaternion qTo;
float speed = 3f;
float timer = 0.0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
qTo = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0.0f, Random.Range(-180.0f, 180.0f), 0.0f));
if (camera == null)
var cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
if (cam != null)
cameraWarningMsgs = "Gettig camera component.";
camera = transform.gameObject;
cameraWarningMsgs = "Creating a new camera component.";
GameObject NewCam = Instantiate(new GameObject(), transform); = "New Camera";
camera = NewCam;
if (targets.Count == 0)
targetsWarningMsgs = "No targets found.";
foreach(GameObject vector in targets)
void FixedUpdate()
if (targets.Count > 0)
if (targetsRandomRot == true)
public void MoveCameraToPosition()
Vector3 center = CalculateCenter();
camera.transform.position = center;
if (behindFront == false)
camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-center, Vector3.up);
camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(center, Vector3.up);
private Vector3 CalculateCenter()
Vector3 center = new Vector3();
var x = targets[0].transform.position.x;
var y = targets[0].transform.position.y;
var z = targets[0].transform.position.z;
if (multipleTargets == true)
for (int i = 1; i < targets.Count; i++)
x += targets[i].transform.position.x;
y += targets[i].transform.position.y;
z += targets[i].transform.position.z;
x += targets[0].transform.position.x;
y += targets[0].transform.position.y;
z += targets[0].transform.position.z;
if(changeRandomTarget == true)
for (int i = 1; i < targets.Count; i++)
x += targets[i].transform.position.x;
y += targets[i].transform.position.y;
z += targets[i].transform.position.z;
x = x / targets.Count;
y = y / targets.Count;
z = z / targets.Count;
if (behindFront == false)
center = new Vector3(x, y + cameraHeight, z + cameraDistance);
center = new Vector3(x, y + cameraHeight, z - cameraDistance);
return center;
private void RotateTargetsRandom()
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer > rotateTime)
{ // timer resets at 2, allowing .5 s to do the rotating
qTo = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0.0f, Random.Range(-180.0f, 180.0f), 0.0f));
timer = 0.0f;
foreach (var target in targets)
target.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(target.transform.rotation, qTo, Time.deltaTime * speed);
And now I want to add and use the bool flag changeRandomTarget :
But not sure how to do it :
if(changeRandomTarget == true)
for (int i = 1; i < targets.Count; i++)
x += targets[i].transform.position.x;
y += targets[i].transform.position.y;
z += targets[i].transform.position.z;
I want that each X seconds it will pick a random center and change the camera position according to it. For example the first item in the targets List the last item and all the items so each X seconds the center will be once behind targets[0] or targets1 or targets[i]
Not sure how to do it with my code or with derHugo solution.
Surely you just find the average
if (mobcount > 1)
var x=mob[0].position.x;
var y=mob[0].position.y;
var z=mob[0].position.z;
for(int i=1; i<mobcount; i++)
x += mob[i].position.x;
y += mob[i].position.y;
z += mob[i].position.z;
x = x / mobcount;
y = y / mobcount;
z = z / mobcount;
therefore the camera should look at the position x,y,z.. and perhaps set the distance to be a fixed distance behind the nearest mob...
Actually you don't even need to do it component wise:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
private static Vector3 Average(IReadOnlyCollection<Vector3> vectors)
if(vectors == null) return;
switch (vectors.Count)
case 0:
case 1:
return vectors.First();
var average =;
foreach(var vector in vectors)
average += vector;
return average / vectors.Count;
Or directly using Linq aggregate
private static Vector3 Average(IReadOnlyCollection<Vector3> vectors)
if(vectors == null) return;
switch (vectors.Count)
case 0:
case 1:
return vectors.First();
var average = vectors.Aggregate(, (current, vector) => current + vector);
return average / vectors.Count;

How can I draw multiple lines using linerenderer according to the number of ray hits?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class RotateObjects : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject[] objectsToRotate;
public Transform to;
public float speed = 0.1f;
public Vector3 spinDirection;
public bool useMouse = false;
public bool useQuaternion = false;
public bool nonstopSpin = false;
Ray ray;
RaycastHit hit;
RaycastHit[] hits;
GameObject[] myLines;
LineRenderer lr;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
myLines = new GameObject[objectsToRotate.Length];
if (objectsToRotate.Length > 0)
if (useQuaternion == true)
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToRotate.Length; i++)
objectsToRotate[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(objectsToRotate[i].transform.rotation, to.rotation, Time.time * speed);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (objectsToRotate.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToRotate.Length; i++)
/*ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
Debug.DrawLine(Input.mousePosition, hit.transform.position,;
if ( == objectsToRotate[i].name)
objectsToRotate[i].transform.Rotate(1, 1, 1);
hits = Physics.RaycastAll(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), 100.0f);
for (int x = 0; x < hits.Length; x++)
RaycastHit hit = hits[x];
if ( == objectsToRotate[i].name)
objectsToRotate[i].transform.Rotate(1, 1, 1);
Debug.DrawLine(Input.mousePosition, hit.transform.position,;
SpawnLineGenerator(Input.mousePosition, hit.transform.position);
if (useMouse == true)
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
private void Rotate(int i)
if (useQuaternion == true)
objectsToRotate[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(objectsToRotate[i].transform.rotation, to.rotation, Time.time * speed);
if (nonstopSpin == true)
objectsToRotate[i].transform.Rotate(1, 1, 1);
void SpawnLineGenerator(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
lr.SetPosition(0, start);
lr.SetPosition(1, end);
private void GenerateLinerenderer()
for (int i = 0; i < myLines.Length; i++)
myLines[i] = new GameObject();
myLines[i].name = "FrameLine";
lr = myLines[i].GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
lr.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply"));
lr.startColor =;
lr.useWorldSpace = false;
lr.endColor =;
lr.startWidth = 0.1f;//0.03f;
lr.endWidth = 0.1f;//0.03f;
lr.numCapVertices = 5;
For example if I hit with the ray in some objects at the same time it will draw multiple red lines from the mouse position to the hit objects using debug:
Debug.DrawLine(Input.mousePosition, hit.transform.position,;
Same result I want to do with the linerenderer. But it's drawing one green line even if I hit multiple objects.

Collision Detection in C# XNA

Collision detection has been a huge issue for me lately, been breaking my mind over this particular problem.
After I got a reasonable collision detection for my Super Mario World remake in C# (XNA) I have the following problem: I keep getting sort of stuck in blocks when I jump against them...
This is my current code than handles the collision:
If anyone knows anything that could help my problem, I have been searching high and low for the solution but I to no avail...
This problem has been fixed though a new one arised with object collision on the infamous mario "Mystery Blocks". Whenever I stand on them (not moving) either mario or the world starts to vibrate up and down by about one pixel.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace PlatFormer
public abstract class Entity
protected ContentManager _Content;
protected Texture2D _Image;
protected Texture2D _Outline;
protected SpriteSheetAnimation _MoveAnimation;
protected FileManager _FileManager;
protected List<List<string>> _Attributes;
protected List<List<string>> _Contents;
protected Vector2 _Velocity;
protected Vector2 _PrevPosition;
protected Vector2 _Frames;
protected Rectangle _Collbox;
private Rectangle _TileBounds;
protected int _Health;
protected float _MoveSpeed;
protected float _Gravity;
protected float _PreviousBottom;
protected bool _ActivateGravity;
protected bool _TilePositionSync;
protected bool _FacingRight;
protected const float _Friction = 0.9f;
protected const float _Grav = 10f;
protected const float _TerminalVelocity = 10f;
protected Vector2 _Acceleration;
public bool _OnGround;
protected bool _IsJumping;
protected int collisiondeny;
public Vector2 Position;
public SpriteSheetAnimation Animation
get { return _MoveAnimation; }
public virtual void LoadContent(ContentManager content)
_Content = new ContentManager(content.ServiceProvider, "Content");
_Attributes = new List<List<string>>();
_Contents = new List<List<string>>();
public virtual void LoadContent(ContentManager content, InputManager input)
_Content = new ContentManager(content.ServiceProvider, "Content");
_Attributes = new List<List<string>>();
_Contents = new List<List<string>>();
public virtual void UnloadContent()
public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime, List<List<WorldTile>> TileMap, List<Enemy> EntList)
_PrevPosition = Position;
Position.X = _FacingRight ? Position.X + _MoveSpeed : Position.X - _MoveSpeed;
_Velocity.Y += _Gravity;
if (!_OnGround) { }
_Velocity.Y = 0;
UpdatePhysics(gameTime, TileMap, EntList);
_MoveAnimation.Position = Position;
public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime, InputManager input, List<List<WorldTile>> TileMap)
public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
protected virtual void UpdatePhysics(GameTime gameTime, List<List<WorldTile>> TileMap, List<Enemy> EntList)
_Acceleration *= _Friction;
_Velocity *= _Friction;
_Velocity += _Acceleration;
Position.X = _FacingRight ? Position.X + _Velocity.X : Position.X - _Velocity.X;
Position.Y += _Velocity.Y;
if (Math.Abs(_Acceleration.X) < 0.001f)
_MoveAnimation.IsActive = false;
if (Position.X == _PrevPosition.X)
_Velocity.X = 0;
if (Position.Y == _PrevPosition.Y)
_Velocity.Y = 0;
protected virtual void UpdatePhysics(GameTime gameTime, InputManager input, List<List<WorldTile>> TileMap)
float totalSecElapsed = gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f;
_Acceleration.X *= _Friction;
_Velocity.X *= _Friction;
_Acceleration.Y = _Grav;
_Velocity.Y += _Acceleration.Y * totalSecElapsed;
_Velocity.X += _Acceleration.X;
if (_Velocity.Y >= _TerminalVelocity)
_Velocity.Y = _TerminalVelocity;
Position += _Velocity;
if (Math.Abs(_Acceleration.X) < 0.001f)
_MoveAnimation.IsActive = false;
CollisionHandle(TileMap); //replace with horizontal collision first then vertical collision
if (Position.X == _PrevPosition.X)
_Velocity.X = 0;
if (Position.Y == _PrevPosition.Y)
_Velocity.Y = 0;
public void ObjectCollision(List<LevelObject> obj)
//OnThisNiceMysteryBox = false;
for (int i = 0; i < obj.Count; i++)
if (_Collbox.Intersects(obj[i].Bounds))
if (obj[i].Collision != TileCollision.Empty)
Vector2 depth = IntersectDepth(_Collbox, obj[i].Bounds);
if (depth != Vector2.Zero)
float absDepthX = Math.Abs(depth.X);
float absDepthY = Math.Abs(depth.Y);
if (absDepthY < absDepthX)
if (_Collbox.Top <= obj[i].Bounds.Bottom && _Collbox.Top >= obj[i].Bounds.Top)
Vector2 tempPos = obj[i].Position;
if (obj[i] is MysteryBox)
obj.Insert(i, new MysteryBox(tempPos));
if (_PreviousBottom <= obj[i].Bounds.Top)
_OnGround = true;
if (obj[i].Collision == TileCollision.Solid || _OnGround)
Position = new Vector2((float)Math.Round(Position.X), (float)Math.Round(Position.Y + depth.Y));
_Velocity.Y = 0;
else if (obj[i].Collision == TileCollision.Solid)
Position = new Vector2((float)Math.Round(Position.X + depth.X), (float)Math.Round(Position.Y));
_PreviousBottom = _Collbox.Bottom;
protected void EntCollisionHandle(List<Enemy> EntList)
for (int i = 0; i < EntList.Count; i++)
if (!(EntList[i] == this))
Vector2 intersection = IntersectDepth(this._Collbox, EntList[i]._Collbox);
if (intersection != Vector2.Zero)
if (collisiondeny == 0)
_FacingRight = !_FacingRight;
Position.X = _FacingRight ? Position.X - intersection.X : Position.X + intersection.X;
collisiondeny = 1;
//if intersection has occured call both collision handles in colliding classes
protected void CollisionHandle(List<List<WorldTile>> TileMap)
int leftTile = (int)Math.Floor((float)_Collbox.Left / WorldTile.Width);
int rightTile = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)_Collbox.Right / WorldTile.Width)) - 1;
int topTile = (int)Math.Floor((float)_Collbox.Top / WorldTile.Height);
int bottomTile = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)_Collbox.Bottom / WorldTile.Height)) - 1;
_OnGround = false;
for (int y = topTile; y <= bottomTile; y++)
for (int x = leftTile; x <= rightTile; x++)
TileCollision collision = TileCollision.Empty;
if (y >= 0)
if (x >= 0)
if (y < TileMap.Count && x < TileMap[y].Count)
collision = TileMap[y][x].Collision;
collision = TileCollision.Solid;
if (collision != TileCollision.Empty)
_TileBounds = new Rectangle(x * WorldTile.Width, y * WorldTile.Height, WorldTile.Width, WorldTile.Height);
Vector2 depth = IntersectDepth(_Collbox, _TileBounds);
if (depth != Vector2.Zero)
float absDepthX = Math.Abs(depth.X);
float absDepthY = Math.Abs(depth.Y);
if (absDepthY <= absDepthX || collision == TileCollision.OneWay)
if (_PreviousBottom <= _TileBounds.Top)
_OnGround = true;
if ((collision == TileCollision.Solid) || _OnGround)
Position = new Vector2((int)Math.Round(Position.X), (int)Math.Round(Position.Y + depth.Y));
else if (collision == TileCollision.Solid)
Position = new Vector2((int)Math.Round(Position.X + depth.X), (int)Math.Round(Position.Y));
_FacingRight = !_FacingRight;
//_Velocity.Y = 0;
_PreviousBottom = _Collbox.Bottom;
protected void TestCollisionHandle(List<List<WorldTile>> TileMap)
int leftTile = (int)Math.Floor((float)_Collbox.Left / WorldTile.Width);
int rightTile = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)_Collbox.Right / WorldTile.Width)) - 1;
int topTile = (int)Math.Floor((float)_Collbox.Top / WorldTile.Height);
int bottomTile = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)_Collbox.Bottom / WorldTile.Height)) - 1;
_OnGround = false;
for (int y = topTile; y <= bottomTile; y++)
for (int x = leftTile; x <= rightTile; x++)
TileCollision collision = TileCollision.Empty;
if (y >= 0)
if (x >= 0)
if (y < TileMap.Count && x < TileMap[y].Count)
collision = TileMap[y][x].Collision;
if(collision != TileCollision.Empty)
//if collision can occor, get tilecollisionbox for horizontal
_TileBounds = new Rectangle(x * WorldTile.Width, y * WorldTile.Height, WorldTile.Width, WorldTile.Height);
//get the horizontal collision depth, will return zero if none is found
GetHorizontalIntersectionDepth(_Collbox, _TileBounds);
_PreviousBottom = _Collbox.Bottom;
private void UpdateCollBox()
_Collbox = new Rectangle((int)Math.Round(Position.X), (int)Math.Round(Position.Y), Animation.FrameWidth, Animation.FrameHeight);
private Vector2 IntersectDepth(Rectangle rectangleA, Rectangle rectangleB)
float halfWidthA = rectangleA.Width / 2.0f;
float halfHeightA = rectangleA.Height / 2.0f;
float halfWidthB = rectangleB.Width / 2.0f;
float halfHeightB = rectangleB.Height / 2.0f;
Vector2 centerA = new Vector2(rectangleA.Left + halfWidthA, rectangleA.Top + halfHeightA);
Vector2 centerB = new Vector2(rectangleB.Left + halfWidthB, rectangleB.Top + halfHeightB);
float distanceX = centerA.X - centerB.X;
float distanceY = centerA.Y - centerB.Y;
float minDistanceX = halfWidthA + halfWidthB;
float minDistanceY = halfHeightA + halfHeightB;
// If no intersection is happening, return Vector2.Zero
if (Math.Abs(distanceX) >= minDistanceX || Math.Abs(distanceY) >= minDistanceY)
return Vector2.Zero;
// Calculate instersection depth
float depthX = distanceX > 0 ? minDistanceX - distanceX : -minDistanceX - distanceX;
float depthY = distanceY > 0 ? minDistanceY - distanceY : -minDistanceY - distanceY;
return new Vector2(depthX, depthY);
private float GetHorizontalIntersectionDepth(Rectangle rectA, Rectangle rectB)
// Calculate half sizes.
float halfWidthA = rectA.Width / 2.0f;
float halfWidthB = rectB.Width / 2.0f;
// Calculate centers.
float centerA = rectA.Left + halfWidthA;
float centerB = rectB.Left + halfWidthB;
// Calculate current and minimum-non-intersecting distances between centers.
float distanceX = centerA - centerB;
float minDistanceX = halfWidthA + halfWidthB;
// If we are not intersecting at all, return (0, 0).
if (Math.Abs(distanceX) >= minDistanceX)
return 0f;
// Calculate and return intersection depths.
return distanceX > 0 ? minDistanceX - distanceX : -minDistanceX - distanceX;
private float GetVerticalIntersectionDepth(Rectangle rectA, Rectangle rectB)
// Calculate half sizes.
float halfHeightA = rectA.Height / 2.0f;
float halfHeightB = rectB.Height / 2.0f;
// Calculate centers.
float centerA = rectA.Top + halfHeightA;
float centerB = rectB.Top + halfHeightB;
// Calculate current and minimum-non-intersecting distances between centers.
float distanceY = centerA - centerB;
float minDistanceY = halfHeightA + halfHeightB;
// If we are not intersecting at all, return (0, 0).
if (Math.Abs(distanceY) >= minDistanceY)
return 0f;
// Calculate and return intersection depths.
return distanceY > 0 ? minDistanceY - distanceY : -minDistanceY - distanceY;
public enum Direction
private bool TileIntersectsPlayer(Rectangle player, Rectangle block, Direction direction, out Vector2 depth)
depth = direction == Direction.Vertical ? new Vector2(0, GetVerticalIntersectionDepth(player, block)) : new Vector2(GetHorizontalIntersectionDepth(player, block), 0);
return depth.Y != 0 || depth.X != 0;
Consider using or just compare your code to the libraries that exist already: see GeoLib which is very simple to use and/or clipper lib. 'Do not reinvent...'

