How to import Rust library folder in my C# Program? - c#

I want to use certain functions from a Rust library file but as you can see they require another file's data (config and a lot of others inside. The files are in the lib folder).
pub fn create(config: &Config, path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
if config.verbose {
info!("Creating new empty Mod Pack at {}.", path.to_string_lossy().to_string());
match & {
Some(game) => {
let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(path)?);
let mut pack = Pack::new_with_version(game.pfh_version_by_file_type(PFHFileType::Mod));
pack.encode(&mut file, &None)?;
None => Err(anyhow!("No Game provided.")),
So how do I use this function in my c# program?


HalconDotNET remote debugging exported library functions

When using StartDebugServer it is possible to enable remote debugging of your application like shown here.
HaEngine = new HDevEngine();
When using an exported library it gives you a wrapper .cs file that does not use a global HDevEngine like in the examples, but only this reference to the HDevEngine:
private static void AddResourcePathToProcedurePath()
new HDevEngine().AddProcedurePath(ResourcePath);
_procedure_path_initialized = true;
I know there is a HDevEngine initialized here but have no idea how to add StartDebugServer.
How to remotely debug the generated wrapper program generated by Halcon?
I haven't figured out how to do it with an exported library, but I did get it to work with exported procedure files (.hdvp).
Put procedure files in bin folder.
using HalconDotNet;
HDevEngine eng = new HDevEngine();
string procedureName = "testProcedure_long";
var procedure = new HDevProcedure(procedureName);
var procedureCall = new HDevProcedureCall(procedure);
# Halcon IDE -> Execute -> Attach to process -> Default values -> Go

Extracting PDB signature from DLL file

I have to extract PDB signature from both .pdb and .dll file.
That's the code I use to extract it from .pdb file. Unfortunately I haven't found similiar way of extracting it from a DLL.
public static string GetPdbSignature(string pdbFilePath)
using (var pdbFileStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFilePath))
var metadataProvider = MetadataReaderProvider.FromPortablePdbStream(pdbFileStream);
var metadataReader = metadataProvider.GetMetadataReader();
var id = new BlobContentId(metadataReader.DebugMetadataHeader.Id);
return $"{id.Guid.ToString("N")}ffffff";
I found out that a PeNet nuget package can be used to perform the extraction, yet I'd prefer to achieve that without installing external dependancies.
Also, I managed to find the desired data using a dotPeek (screen), but as I need to resolve the problem programatically it doesn't solve my issue either.
I'd apreciate any hint how to aproach that problem. Either by using some built in dotnet mechanism or by some smart low level byte extraction.
I managed to find an official Microsoft's package - Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent that contains PEFile class allowing to extract the exact data I need.
public static string GetDllSignature(string dllFilePath)
var peFile = new PEFile.PEFile(dllFilePath);
peFile.GetPdbSignature(out string pdbName, out Guid pdbGuid, out int pdbAge);
return $"{pdbGuid.ToString("N")}ffffff";
Actually there also is a PEReader class in System.Reflection.PortableExecutable namespace that makes the reading possible using only the system libraries. However it requires some knowledge of the portable executable format, as the PEReader does not provide an explicit, user-friendly method for extracting the signature, instead it just allows getting all kind of data that the PE file contains.
public static string GetDllSignatureV2(string dllFilePath)
using (var pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbPath))
using (var peReader = new PEReader(pdbStream))
var debugDirectory = peReader.ReadDebugDirectory().First(entry => entry.Type == DebugDirectoryEntryType.CodeView);
var codeViewData = peReader.ReadCodeViewDebugDirectoryData(debugDirectory);
return $"{codeViewData.Guid.ToString("N").Replace("-", string.Empty)}FFFFFFFF".ToUpper();

Use monobehaviour from asmdef generated assembly

We would like to distribute our project with assembly files instead of .cs scripts.
We thought that this would be easy thanks to assembly definition files, as unity is creating assembly files for the scripts they refer to anyway.
It turns out that when removing the .cs files and putting the assemblies, we ran into a problem :
The monobehaviors defined in the assemblies (so previously in our scripts) can't be added manually to a scene :
"Can't add script component xxx because the script class cannot be found"
While if we add the component through script (i.e. AddComponent) it works.
I'm using Unity 2017.3.f1 to generate the assembly files
Is there a trick to make this work ? or should I try to generate the assemblies using another approach ?
OP here.
Short answer is : don't keep both asmdef and assembly files. Remove the asmdef file if you replace the scripts with the generated assembly
What I ended up doing is the roughly following (this was for CI purpose):
First, we need to make sure Unity compiles the assembly file. So I have a GenerateAssemblies.cs file in an Editor folder that can be executed from command line:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Compilation;
using UnityEngine;
public static class GenerateAssemblies
private static string BATCH_MODE_PARAM = "-batchmode";
private const string REPLACE_ASSEMBLY_PARAM = "-replaceassembly";
static GenerateAssemblies()
List<String> args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().ToList();
if (args.Any(arg => arg.ToLower().Equals(BATCH_MODE_PARAM)))
Debug.LogFormat("GenerateAssemblies will try to parse the command line to replace assemblies.\n" +
"\t Use {0} \"assemblyname\" for every assembly you wish to replace"
if (args.Any(arg => arg.ToLower().Equals(REPLACE_ASSEMBLY_PARAM))) // is a replacement requested ?
int lastIndex = 0;
while (lastIndex != -1)
lastIndex = args.FindIndex(lastIndex, arg => arg.ToLower().Equals(REPLACE_ASSEMBLY_PARAM));
if (lastIndex >= 0 && lastIndex + 1 < args.Count)
string assemblyToReplace = args[lastIndex + 1];
if (!assemblyToReplace.EndsWith(ReplaceAssemblies.ASSEMBLY_EXTENSION))
assemblyToReplace = assemblyToReplace + ReplaceAssemblies.ASSEMBLY_EXTENSION;
Debug.LogFormat("Added assembly {0} to the list of assemblies to replace.", assemblyToReplace);
CompilationPipeline.assemblyCompilationFinished += ReplaceAssemblies.instance.ReplaceAssembly; /* This serves as callback after Unity as compiled an assembly */
Debug.Log("Forcing recompilation of all scripts");
// to force recompilation
PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone) + ";DUMMY_SYMBOL");
Then I have a ReplaceAssemblies.cs file in an editor folder that will :
find the assembly file correpsonding to the asmdef file
save the guid/classes correspondance of the script files
move the script files in a temporary folder
move the assembly in the same folder as the asmdef file
move the asmdef to a temporary folder
Replace the Guid and File ID values for each script in the assembly (to avoid breaking references in scenes and prefabs)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Compilation;
using UnityEngine;
public class ReplaceAssemblies : ScriptableSingleton<ReplaceAssemblies>
public static string ASSEMBLY_EXTENSION = ".dll";
public static string ASSEMBLY_DEFINITION_EXTENSION = ".asmdef";
private List<String> assembliesFilesToReplace = new List<string>();
private List<string> pathsOfAssemblyFilesInAssetFolder = new List<string>();
private List<string> pathsOfAssemblyFilesCreatedByUnity = new List<string>();
private string tempSourceFilePath;
private static readonly string[] fileListPath = { "*.prefab", "*.unity", "*.asset" };
public string TempSourceFilePath
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempSourceFilePath))
tempSourceFilePath = FileUtil.GetUniqueTempPathInProject();
return tempSourceFilePath;
void OnEnable()
Debug.Log("temp dir : " + TempSourceFilePath);
public void ReplaceAssembly(string assemblyPath, CompilerMessage[] messages)
string assemblyFileName = assembliesFilesToReplace.Find(assembly => assemblyPath.EndsWith(assembly));
// is this one of the assemblies we want to replace ?
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyFileName))
string[] assemblyDefinitionFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(".", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyFileName) + ASSEMBLY_DEFINITION_EXTENSION, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (assemblyDefinitionFilePaths.Length > 0)
string assemblyDefinitionFilePath = assemblyDefinitionFilePaths[0];
public void AddAssemblyFileToReplace(string assemblyFile)
private void ReplaceAssembly(string assemblyDefinitionFilePath)
Debug.LogFormat("Replacing scripts for assembly definition file {0}", assemblyDefinitionFilePath);
string asmdefDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyDefinitionFilePath);
string assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyDefinitionFilePath);
Assembly assemblyToReplace = CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies().ToList().Find(assembly =>;
string assemblyPath = assemblyToReplace.outputPath;
string assemblyFileName = Path.GetFileName(assemblyPath);
string[] assemblyFilePathInAssets = Directory.GetFiles("./Assets", assemblyFileName, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// save the guid/classname correspondance of the scripts that we will remove
Dictionary<string, string> oldGUIDToClassNameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (assemblyFilePathInAssets.Length <= 0)
// Move all script files outside the asset folder
foreach (string sourceFile in assemblyToReplace.sourceFiles)
string tempScriptPath = Path.Combine(TempSourceFilePath, sourceFile);
if (!File.Exists(sourceFile))
Debug.LogErrorFormat("File {0} does not exist while the assembly {1} references it.", sourceFile,;
Debug.Log("will move " + sourceFile + " to " + tempScriptPath);
// save the guid of the file because we may need to replace it later
MonoScript monoScript = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MonoScript>(sourceFile);
if (monoScript != null && monoScript.GetClass() != null)
oldGUIDToClassNameMap.Add(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(sourceFile), monoScript.GetClass().FullName);
FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory(sourceFile, tempScriptPath);
Debug.Log("Map of GUID/Class : \n" + String.Join("\n", oldGUIDToClassNameMap.Select(pair => pair.Key + " : " + pair.Value).ToArray()));
string finalAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(asmdefDirectory, assemblyFileName);
Debug.Log("will move " + assemblyPath + " to " + finalAssemblyPath);
FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory(assemblyPath, finalAssemblyPath);
string tempAsmdefPath = Path.Combine(TempSourceFilePath, Path.GetFileName(assemblyDefinitionFilePath));
Debug.Log("will move " + assemblyDefinitionFilePath + " to " + tempAsmdefPath);
FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory(assemblyDefinitionFilePath, tempAsmdefPath);
// Rename the asmdef meta file to the dll meta file so that the dll guid stays the same
FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory(assemblyDefinitionFilePath + ".meta", finalAssemblyPath + ".meta");
// We need to refresh before accessing the assets in the new assembly
// We need to remove .\ when using LoadAsslAssetsAtPath
string cleanFinalAssemblyPath = finalAssemblyPath.Replace(".\\", "");
var assetsInAssembly = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(cleanFinalAssemblyPath);
// list all components in the assembly file.
var assemblyObjects = assetsInAssembly.OfType<MonoScript>().ToArray();
// save the new GUID and file ID for the MonoScript in the new assembly
Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, long>> newMonoScriptToIDsMap = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, long>>();
// for each component, replace the guid and fileID file
for (var i = 0; i < assemblyObjects.Length; i++)
long dllFileId;
string dllGuid = null;
if (AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(assemblyObjects[i], out dllGuid, out dllFileId))
string fullClassName = assemblyObjects[i].GetClass().FullName;
newMonoScriptToIDsMap.Add(fullClassName, new KeyValuePair<string, long>(dllGuid, dllFileId));
Debug.Log("Map of Class/GUID:FILEID : \n" + String.Join("\n", newMonoScriptToIDsMap.Select(pair => pair.Key + " : " + pair.Value.Key + " - " + pair.Value.Value).ToArray()));
ReplaceIdsInAssets(oldGUIDToClassNameMap, newMonoScriptToIDsMap);
Debug.Log("Already found an assembly file named " + assemblyFileName + " in asset folder");
/// <summary>
/// Replace ids in all asset files using the given maps
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldGUIDToClassNameMap">Maps GUID to be replaced => FullClassName</param>
/// <param name="newMonoScriptToIDsMap">Maps FullClassName => new GUID, new FileID</param>
private static void ReplaceIdsInAssets(Dictionary<string, string> oldGUIDToClassNameMap, Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, long>> newMonoScriptToIDsMap)
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("Report of replaced ids : \n");
// list all the potential files that might need guid and fileID update
List<string> fileList = new List<string>();
foreach (string extension in fileListPath)
fileList.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, extension, SearchOption.AllDirectories));
foreach (string file in fileList)
string[] fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(file);
for (int line = 0; line < fileLines.Length; line++)
//find all instances of the string "guid: " and grab the next 32 characters as the old GUID
if (fileLines[line].Contains("guid: "))
int index = fileLines[line].IndexOf("guid: ") + 6;
string oldGUID = fileLines[line].Substring(index, 32); // GUID has 32 characters.
if (oldGUIDToClassNameMap.ContainsKey(oldGUID) && newMonoScriptToIDsMap.ContainsKey(oldGUIDToClassNameMap[oldGUID]))
fileLines[line] = fileLines[line].Replace(oldGUID, newMonoScriptToIDsMap[oldGUIDToClassNameMap[oldGUID]].Key);
output.AppendFormat("File {0} : Found GUID {1} of class {2}. Replaced with new GUID {3}.", file, oldGUID, oldGUIDToClassNameMap[oldGUID], newMonoScriptToIDsMap[oldGUIDToClassNameMap[oldGUID]].Key);
if (fileLines[line].Contains("fileID: "))
index = fileLines[line].IndexOf("fileID: ") + 8;
int index2 = fileLines[line].IndexOf(",", index);
string oldFileID = fileLines[line].Substring(index, index2 - index); // GUID has 32 characters.
fileLines[line] = fileLines[line].Replace(oldFileID, newMonoScriptToIDsMap[oldGUIDToClassNameMap[oldGUID]].Value.ToString());
output.AppendFormat("Replaced fileID {0} with {1}", oldGUID, newMonoScriptToIDsMap[oldGUIDToClassNameMap[oldGUID]].Value.ToString());
//Write the lines back to the file
File.WriteAllLines(file, fileLines);
[MenuItem("Tools/Replace Assembly")]
public static void ReplaceAssemblyMenu()
string assemblyDefinitionFilePath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel(
title: "Select Assembly Definition File",
directory: Application.dataPath,
if (assemblyDefinitionFilePath.Length == 0)
I was experiencing this issue, and like you, I was using the information provided from asmdef files to provide all the required information (which .cs files, what references, defines, etc) to build an assembly.
I found that the issue was the DLL I was creating had the same name as the asmdef file I was using to provide the information. Even though the asmdef file was no longer being compiled (because all the scripts had been removed to build the DLL), it was still interfering with the project.
So for me, the inconsistency between accessing a script from inside the editor and from inside scripts was because there was a DLL and as asmdef file with the same name in the project.
Giving the compiled DLL a different name or removing the asmdef file was the solution for me.
Just tested with Unity 2019.3.0b1.
Content of test class:
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Assets.Test
public class TestBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
First project with source code and assembly definition file
Second project with the generated DLL, working as expected
As far as i'm concerned, the use of asmdef merely forces unity3d to compile your scripts into separate assemblies that are then referenced by your project.
Actually, it creates projects in your unity solution that contain your .cs files and each of these projects is compiled into its own output assembly.
The error you are seeing might be related to assembly caching.
I've had that error a few months ago and it was due to an outdated assembly still being cached.
As a result, unity3d editor kinda hiccuped when loading the project and therefore could not load the specific assembly.
I fixed it by deleting the directories Library, obj and Temp and then reloaded the unity3d project.
To get rid of that for good, we have moved away from asmdef and .cs files inside our unity projects once and for all.
All our scripts have been extracted to separate projects that are never touched by unity3d.
Every project references UnityEngine.dll and/or UnityEditor.dll (for Editor assemblies) depending on which unity3d types it may require.
The projects are built locally using Visual Studio or server side in our CI pipeline.
Output is copied manually into the assets directory of a unity project where it is then loaded from within unity3d editor.
This last step is a pain admittedly but i have yet to find time to streamline this process some more.
This approach has a few benefits
We are in control of our code in one single repository.
There is only one single point of truth and every developer commits changes onto the same code base.
There are no copies of .cs files across any number of unity projects that consume our types.
There is no need to figure out merge conflicts from updating a unitypackage where there have been deletions.
Unit tests can be done server side (CI pipeline) without the need of some docker image with unity3d on top (ofc there are restrictions on how much you can test without the entire unity3d environment running).
We create our own NuGet packages that can be referenced in projects (vcproj, not unity projects!).
Types deriving from MonoBehaviour can be added to GameObjects via code or via unity3d editor.
You also get to explore loaded assemblies inside your unity3d editor project view by clicking on the arrow of an assembly which will expand to show the list of contained relevant types.
Let's talk about downsides
One example is that we use SteamVR for interacting with controls.
The SteamVR plugin for unity3d is released through unity's asset store and annoyingly it contains script files and resources but no assemblies.
This goes for pretty much all assets in the store by the way.
Since we can't build against code, we have to go through the trouble of compiling SteamVR once and then copy the output assembly somewhere else.
This is not just as tedious as a task can be, it also has some limitations of its own which i get to later.
Anyway, this lets us reference a compiled asset with our own code so we get to use asset specific types like SteamVR_Action in our code without having to use unity3d editor and script files in unity projects (or reflection which would be even worse).
Limitations of compiled assets like this are two fold.
For once, it is horribly inefficient to get there in the first place.
On the other hand, you'll only have to do that once for every version of an asset.
Once that's done, make it a private NuGet package and you're golden.
The other limitation is the way how unity3d approaches dependency injection.
Actually i'm not entirely sure what it really is they try to do but here goes.
Unity3d wants you to only ever reference assemblies from within ../UnityInstallDirectory/Editor/Data/Managed/.
In a perfect world, your own assemblies reference that big gunky UnityEngine.dll in this directory and once loaded by unity3d editor everything works as expected.
When you compile a unity project from within unity3d editor however, the resulting assembly references all the assemblies from within ../UnityInstallDirectory/Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/ which contains a very small version of UnityEngine.dll which in turn acts as a type forwarder to all the other sub modules.
Not such a perfect world now is it?
Your previously compiled asset requires the type MonoBehaviour to sit in an assembly called UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll.
Your own project however expects it to sit in UnityEngine.dll since you're a good fellow and follow the rules.
This is just asking for trouble and to get around this problem we are now directly referencing all the managed sub modules from within ../UnityInstallDirectory/Editor/Data/Managed/UnityEngine/.
We also ignore unity3d editor moaning about how we are doing it wrong.
By doing all from above and leaving asmdef and .cs files out of the equation we are able to build, unit test and pack our logic and types into assemblies.
We are also able to keep a clean code base that can be easily maintained and extended without dozens of copies of the same code in multiple locations and/or repositories.
Why unity3d does things the way they do, i'll never understand.
I do know there is a thing called Building from HEAD but since the entirety of the .net ecosystem is using the binary format to share content in the form of referable assemblies, why would you want to do things differently?
This is a topic for another day though.
If you made it all the way through this post, i sincerely hope it is helping you fix your problem at hand.
In case i misinterpreted your question ... sorry :-)
Unity3d is weird ...

How to modify an XML file embedded in C#?

I am developing an application in C# that interacts with DLL assemblies exchanging values, since the application can read and write in the DLL file.
Each DLL file is a class library project, since they are plugins that extend the functionality of my application; nevertheless, I need that each DLL can store certain parameters that my application can read and modify freely and that when modified, these parameters keep their value permanently.
Each DLL file has an embedded DLL file to store these parameters (obviously I can not load the XML by its path as it is inside a DLL), however, I can not change the values ​​of the nodes in the XML file.
Having said that, I have the following class in the DLL assembly:
public class AssemblyData
private Assembly assembly;
private XmlDocument xmldocument;
private Stream stream;
public AssemblyData()
this.assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
this.xmldocument = new XmlDocument();
string classNamespace = typeof(AssemblyData).Namespace; = this.assembly.GetManifestResourceStream($"{classNamespace}.Settings.xml");
public string Test
get => this.xmldocument.SelectSingleNode("Settings/Test").InnerText;
this.xmldocument.SelectSingleNode("Settings/Test").InnerText = value;
public void SaveXml()
However, the value of the Test node never changes. What is this about?

HowTo read actual C# *.cs source code files into objects that can be queried

I need to write a windows app that reads an actual C# .cs file and then tries to identify what procedures on that source file do NOT have a parameter named "int userID" (it's kind of a Code Checker).
Is there something out there that already reads C# files into some sort of objects that have a property named "procedureName" and another property named "parameterList" ...that can be queried ??
If not, what would be the best way to accomplish that?
I would recommend using NRefactory which should be able to provide the solution.
The following is an example which will find all the Methods in a file with the Name of bob.
CSharpParser parser = new CSharpParser();
SyntaxTree syntaxTree = parser.Parse(#"namespace Test
public class TestClass
public void Method(string bob)
var result = syntaxTree.Descendants.OfType<MethodDeclaration>().Where(x => x.Descendants.OfType<ParameterDeclaration>().Any(y => y.NameToken.Name == "bob"));
if (result.Any())
Console.WriteLine("We Win");

