I'm currently trying to make a SoundManager class for my game. It's supposed to hold a list of all currently playing SoundEffectInstances, so I can loop this list to pause (and resume) all Sounds, for example when the game is paused.
My Play function is pretty straight forward:
public static void PlaySound(string name)
sTestSoundInstance = sTestSound.CreateInstance();
However, I can't wrap my head around how I can check if a sound has finished playing, and when I can remove it from sAllSounds. Please consider there will be different Sounds of different leghts. Any thought on this is apprechiated.
I avoided this problem by making my own sound class: It gets initialized with a SoundEffect, stores the duration property, creates a SoundEffectInstance and drops the SoundEffect. The SoundManager class holds a list of these new SoundEffect class. Each Instance gets updated every Frame, and sets a flag it the duration has been reached. The SoundManager delets the Instance from the list within the next frame.
I'm storing information of all my buildings in my game in a List. Every building has a script attached with its info.
I'm using a Save Tool, which loads the list again, if I start my game, the GameObjects appear, but without the necessary informations. Is there an easy way to fix this? Can I make a second List with all Scripts for examples and reattach them after restarting?
This is my List:
public static List<GameObject> buildingsList = new List<GameObject>();
And everything I'm doing at the moment is reloading this List in the Awake Method, and the buildins Appear, but without any informations.
private void Awake()
if (ES3.KeyExists("buildingsList"))
buildingsList = ES3.Load<List<GameObject>>("buildingsList");
Debug.Log("There aren't any buildings yet!");
If I build a new house in Game, following code gets called:
ES3.Save<List<GameObject>>("buildingsList", buildingsList);
The ES3 Loads exactly this List when restarting. The problem is, that the list is only containing the GameObjects, without any information about attached stuff to it.
This sounds like a job for Serialization and possibly ScriptableObjects.
I'm not sure how to switch scenes and bring all of my resources with me. I do understand that upon load of new scene, the previous scene gets destroyed on load. I've explored some with DontDestroyOnLoad() but had no luck with what I'm trying to do.
I tried to make my player controller a prefab and simply put him into the next scene; however, I returned a heck of a lot of errors because of the many scripts I have. Mostly stuff like checkpoint, HP bars, and even the weapon.
What I need to know is how to import everything into the next scene. How do I do this without having to recode or even re-make all of the stuff that I need?
You're looking for LoadSceneMode.Additive. This is the second parameter of the LoadScene method and will load the new scene into the current one.
If you need to import every object from the previous scene, then what's the point in creating a new one?
What you could do is saving the objects positions into a file and then loading that file back on the next scene or try (again) with DontDestroyOnLoad();
I recommend to check the documentation of Unity about this function.
If you want an individual object not to be destroyed on the scene change then on the void Awake() function of Unity make a DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject);
Could you provide more information? I ask because it seems from your description that
should accomplish what you want but you say it does not. As long as the object holding the components whose states you want to save is persisted into the next scene using that method, then all of those components' states should be persisted as well. Please elaborate and we can possibly provide a better answer. As for how to use it to save the state of every game object:
GameObject[] allObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>();
foreach(GameObject go in allObjects) {
if (go.activeInHierarchy) { /* and any other logic you want. Maybe like !isTerrain */
For the above code, I ripped it from https://answers.unity.com/questions/329395/how-to-get-all-gameobjects-in-scene.html
I have almost identical classes, PaddleLeft and PaddleRight. I am tired of calling both of those classes when I need something done, I rather them be done all at once. For example, here is what I have to do:
public void pause() {
GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleRight").GetComponent<Paddle>().setIsPaused(true);
GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleLeft").GetComponent<Paddle>().setIsPaused(true);
And here is what I want to do:
public void pause() {
GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddles").GetComponent<Paddle>().setIsPaused(true);
This seems unnecessary, however, in my game, there are times where the same line of code are copied and adjusted to up to ten similar objects.
Question Is there a way to make a super class like in Java for these objects. I have searched the internet and have found info, however I can't seem to understand how to make it work because I can't extend MonoBehavior and a superclass in Unity.
Thanks in advanced!
I have almost identical classes, PaddleLeft and PaddleRight
But your code is totally saying different stuff
GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleRight").GetComponent<Paddle>().setIsPaused(true);
GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleLeft").GetComponent<Paddle>().setIsPaused(true);
Maybe you want meant to write the code below?
GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleRight").GetComponent<PaddleRight>().setIsPaused(true);
GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleLeft").GetComponent<PaddleLeft>().setIsPaused(true);
I will assume the second code is what you meant to write.
When you have multiple GameObjects or Scripts with similar actions, you should create a central manager script that will make it easy to communicate with a those GameObjects or classes.
Since both your classes are called PaddleRight and PaddleLeft, You can simply call this class PaddleManager.
Don't forget that, of course, PaddleManager is just a script, it's not a "thing" in Unity. Naturally you will attach PaddleManager to some game object. You might ask "where should I attach it?" In a simple game, you might attach it to your camera, say. (Since you always have a camera, other developers working on your project always know to "look n the camera" for odds and ends like sound-effects, managers like this and so on.) Alternately, say that physically all your paddles are associated with (for example) an object that is the ping pong table. Then, a good place to attach PaddleManager.cs would be on the ping pong table. It doesn't matter where you attach it, so long as it is tidy. Some people like to make simply an empty object (you can refer to an empty object as a "marker"), just make an empty object named say "manager holder", put it at 0,0,0, and you can add scripts like PaddleManager.cs to that object.
Your PaddleManager.cs script:
public class PaddleManager : MonoBehaviour
private PaddleRight rightPaddle = null;
private PaddleLeft leftPaddle = null;
//Initialize variables
void Start()
//Get reference/Cache
rightPaddle = GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleRight").GetComponent<PaddleRight>();
//Get reference/Cache
leftPaddle = GameObject.Find("Paddle Objects/paddleLeft").GetComponent<PaddleLeft>();
//Call to pause and unpause
public void pause(bool pausePaddle)
Now, you can access both of your Paddles from one script, in another script.
public class YourOtherScript : MonoBehaviour{
PaddleManager paddleManager = null;
void Start()
//Get reference/Cache
paddleManager = GameObject.Find("GameObjectPaddleManaerIsAttchedTo") .GetComponent<PaddleManager>();
//To pause
//To un-pause
By doing this, you will avoid using static variable and also avoid using GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("paddles")) in foreach loop like mentioned in the other answer. GameObject.Find... functions should NOT be used in the middle of the game because it will slow down your game. You need to use it once and cache the GameObject in the Start function, then you can re-use it without slowing down your game.
First of all paddle right and left are game-objects and not classes , the class name is paddle , and if the same script is on both the objects , the most simplest way would be to put it on another empty object and call it once and the code will work on all game-objects that the script is attached to . BUT! that is only regarding to what I cuold make out of your question , Here is what I really recommend , as you said "because I can't extend Mono-behavior and a super-class in Unity" . Ok so you have class A inheriting monobehavior , and you make class's B and C, then when you inherit them from A you will get all the abilities of a monobehaviour in class B and C and you can attach them to game objects , you can even make start and update functions as vrtual and override them in B and C and you can even call A's function use the keyword Base , So read on it , it will take time but in the long run makes you a better coder
Mm, wait. There is something wrong with your question:
YouPaddleLeft and PaddleRight are not classes. They are GameObjects existing in Unity scene. Class is Paddle to which you get reference by GetComponent<Paddle>() .
Now if you have a variable/function that affects all the instances of the class the same than you shell make them static. (Google static variables and functions if you don't know what they are).
So go to your Puddle class and change the declaration of setIsPaused(bool val) to this:
public static void setIsPaused(bool val) { /* implemenetation */ }
and then make a call to it via class token, not object:
note that if the static function has references to class variables all those variables should be marked static as well. (e.g. if you have a bool isPaused than mark it static because it should be the same for all the objects all the time anyways)
I have a seperate script of time which I use to show time in my scene. It contains hour and minute and seconds variable.I want to do some specified work e.g., code execution on specified time and currently i am doing something like this. in Update. I am running a function which check continously check time variable in order to run an animation.
void Update()
void checkTrainArriveTime()
if (timeManager.GetComponent<Scale2>().hour == trainArriveTimeHour && timeManager.GetComponent<Scale2>().min == trainArriveTimeMin
&& isTrainArriveConditionExecute)
isTrainArriveConditionExecute = false;
else if (timeManager.GetComponent<Scale2>().min != trainArriveTimeMin)
isTrainArriveConditionExecute = true;
As Time will match this function will play the animation. Now I have 50 script attached to 50 different game Object. It is
working fine but It definitely not the right way to use Update Event. In my code, It is necessary to check time on every frame and
extra load on update. Is there any efficient way to do this Job?.
I can see your struggle. You are right, it is definitely not the best way forward.
The best option I can see here would be creating Animation Manager which is a singleton instance (there is only one instance allowed per application).
I would suggest moving your animation triggering logic to an Update method of AnimationManager.
Once you have done that. You will be able to access its instance calling AnimationManager.getInstance() method.
Next step is creating internal registry that would be nothing else than just a list of your registered game objects that you want to trigger animation for.
I don't know what exactly is your timeManager but I can imagine it is probably an instance of TimeManager controller that you drag and drop onto your public timeManager property. Consider turning it into singleton as well or at least moving assignment of timeManager.GetComponent<Scale2>() into Awake() method.
It is important to not to call GetComponent() method from inside of Update()', as it has an impact on performance.GetComponent` is quite expensive to call.
Hope it helps.
I'm trying to create Arkanoid 3d game using Unity with C#. I've created simple Menu (Scene 0), where I can start my game, my main scene where actual game takes place(Scene 1) and Scoreboard (Scene 2), which is shown after losing all 3 balls Player has at start. After pressing any key i go back to Menu and can start game again. And this is where problem begins.
During second game after loosing 1st ball, my game goes crazy. I get loads of "MissingReferenceException"s like one below (but some linked to other objects (like GUIText's etc):
MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'Player' has been destroyed but
you are still trying to access it.
Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object.
Player.BallLost () (at Assets/Player/Player.cs:164)
GameEventManager.TriggerBallLost () (at Assets/Menagers/GameEventManager.cs:30)
Ball.Update () (at Assets/Ball/Ball.cs:47)
I noticed loads of MissingReferenceExceptions that are casued by not assigning variables. But this feels kinda diffrent for me since it all works perfectly during "1st play". What can cause this problem? I cheked in inspector after launching game for the second game and all variables are assigned to objects.
I'm not sure if shoudl insert game code since it has grown rather big and is split into >10 scripts.
In my case, the problem were two static events. One assigned to call a method whenever it was raised (created by another class), and one created in this class to inform other classes for the occurance of something.
So I just added the following two in the OnDestroy() method:
OtherClass.onNewX_event -= X_eventHandler;
for the fist one (where OtherClass was the other class which was raising the onNewX_event and the current class was handlening it)
onThisClassEvent = null;
for the event created and raised in this class.
I'm guessing you used Application.loadLevel(xx). This is what I found out about it:
Reloading the scene should reset all the variables unless you are using static variables because logically creating a new instance of every object would reset its values to their initial state.
Static variables on the other hand are not destroyed because they are part of a class, not an instance. You have to reset these manually.
DontDestroyOnLoad() is a little different. It tells Unity not to destroy an object when you load a new scene. So these objects won't be reset either because they aren't being destroyed and recreated.
The only way to reset them is just to manually go through and turn the variables back to some initial state. It is your choice how you do that. You can either save all the initial values, or copy the values over from a newly instantiated class.
As an addition I'd like to say if you use static variables, it might be more useful to put them all in a Singleton or change them into non-static variables.
Include below function in your GameEventManager class
public static void Nullify(){
GameStart = null;
GameOver = null;
LevelWon = null;
GamePause = null;
GameResume = null;
BallLost = null;
and call this function (GameEventManager.Nullify();) in Menu(scene0) before loading other scenes ;
Hope this help...... :-)