I am trying to build a service factory extension method that mirrors the functionality of the popular "HttpClientFactory" within the context of a blazor client application. I want to register the same interface/class pair with a string name multiple times with different configurations. Essentially, I want to avoid making another interface or class but I want the properties of the class to be different and accessible via a factory pattern.
I would ideally like my code to look like this for registration
builder.Services.AddFoodFactory<IFoodService,FoodService>("Citrus", serviceConfig =>
serviceConfig.StorageRoom = "A1"
builder.Services.AddFoodFactory<IFoodService,FoodService>("Starch", serviceConfig =>
serviceConfig.StorageRoom = "A2"
And then use the service like so.
#inject FoodServiceFactory;
CitrusService = FoodServiceFactory.Create("Citrus");
StarchService = FoodServiceFactory.Create("Starch");
Currently I think this is a multiple part problem but without knowing how to begin with setting up a way to first register the services I feel a little lost. Tim Corey did an excellent video with a factory that looks like this
using FactoryPattern.Samples;
namespace FactoryPattern.Factories;
public static class DifferentImplementationsFactoryExtension
public static void AddVehicleFactory(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IVehicle, Car>();
services.AddTransient<IVehicle, Truck>();
services.AddTransient<IVehicle, Van>();
(x => () => x.GetService<IEnumerable<IVehicle>>()!);
services.AddSingleton<IVehicleFactory, VehicleFactory>();
public interface IVehicleFactory
IVehicle Create(string name);
public class VehicleFactory : IVehicleFactory
private readonly Func<IEnumerable<IVehicle>> _factory;
public VehicleFactory(Func<IEnumerable<IVehicle>> factory)
_factory = factory;
public IVehicle Create(string name)
var set = _factory();
IVehicle output = set.Where(x => x.VehicleType == name).First();
return output;
However, needing different classes defeats the first problem. My instinct is to drill into making a custom "AddTransient"/"AddScoped" etc. extension method but without guidance I am hesitant to start.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Assuming this use case:
You've got two classes X and Y that depends on a configuration of type Config
public class X
public X(IOptions<Config> config)
public class Y
public Y(IOptions<Config> config)
Now, you want to create each an instance of X and Y, but with different configurations. What would be the right way to register this?
From everything I read, the only way to solve this would be by adding some sort of "naming" for the different configuration instances and resolve them via a custom resolver:
public delegate Config ServiceResolver(string key);
services.AddTransient<ServiceResolver>(serviceProvider => key =>
switch (key)
case "A":
return ... (whatever to get the first config instance);
case "B":
return ... (whatever to get the second config instance);
throw new KeyNotFoundException();
However, this means that the implementation of each X and Y must know about details about how to get the configurations:
They must know the correct name (A or B) and
they must know the ConfigResolver type, which is only an implementation detail/helper class for the sake of dependency injection.
This problem hits even harder if you need to go through several stages of dependencies, like
Config (A) Config (B)
| |
v v
Service Service
| |
v v
My feeling is, there should be a better way to solve this.
Like some form of receipent dependent service factory:
Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args).ConfigureServices((context, services) => {
and maybe
Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args).ConfigureServices((context, services) => {
services.AddTransient<Service>((services, receiverType) => {
if(receiverType == typeof(X)) {
... resolve a service instance;
else {
... resolve some other service instance;
So, is there just some feature I missed until now? Is my understanding of the situation totaly misguided? Or is this really a feature that should be, but has not been added until now?
To make my point clearer: Just assume that X and Y are classes of a third-party library. Their constructors signature cannot be changed by you, as you don't have access to the source code.
So, how would you set this up in a way that you can get each an instance of X with ConfigA and an instance of Y with ConfigB?
Another EDIT 2023-01-02:
Happy new year everyone :)
Seems I have to describe a bit better what's my problem. This is not constrained to IOptions/configurations, but more a general question about where to decide about which service to inject and how it is configured.
Assume I have two a congress location with 2 stages. I call them "bigStage" and "smallStage", but in the end they've got the same implementation. I also got two speakers invited, called "loadSpeaker" and "quietSpeaker", but at this moment in time I don't know which one will speak on which of the two stages.
So I decide I've got this setup:
class Stage {
public Stage(string name, ISpeaker speaker) {
class Speaker: ISpeaker {
public Speaker(string name) {
Now, at the latest time possible, I want to compose my final setup so that I've got 2 Stages (called bigStage and smallStage) and their assigned Speakers (loudSpeaker on bigStage and quietSpeaker on smallStage). This composition/assignment should completely happen in my composition root, so that no code changes have to happen in the rest of my code. How can I do that?
I suggest to use a factory for your Service:
class X {
private readonly Service _service;
public X(ServiceFactory serviceFactory) {
_service = serviceFactory.Create<X>();
class Service {
private readonly Config _config;
public Service(Config config) { _config = config; }
class ServiceFactory {
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
/* other Service dependencies would also be injected here */
public ServiceFactory(IConfiguration configuration, /* Service dependencies */) {
_configuration = configuration;
public Service Create<T>() {
return Create(typeof(T));
public Service Create(Type type) {
var configName = switch typeof(T) {
X => "ConfigX",
Y => "ConfigY",
default => throw new Exception()
var config = _configuration.GetSection(configName).Get<Config>();
return new Service(config, /* other dependencies */);
The switch statement can be replaced with a Dictionary<Type, string> or Dictionary<string, string> if you would want to export this dictionary to IConfiguration.
Getting the Config can be also cached for performance (don't forget the thread safety)
So the "trick" to all of this is... you have to piggy back onto ~something to make a decision on which one IMySomething . when you register multiple IMySomething(s).
The factory above where you switch/case on the object.TYPE....is one way.
But it is "fragile", IMHO. Or at the very last, violates the Open/Closed principle of SOLID, as you have to keep editing the code to add a new case-statement.
So I also think you want a Factory.......BUT I do not like "hard coding" the values of the switch/case statements.
So if you follow my IShipper example:
Using a Strategy and Factory Pattern with Dependency Injection
I think you want to create a
and inject the IEnumerable of "IShipper"(s).
Then you will use your IShipperFactory... when registering your things that need an IShipper.
This does cause a small "ripple" because you need access to the IShipperFactory....to do (later) IoC registrations.
But it would be "clean" and have good separations of concerns.
Let me pseudo code it.
public interface IShipper (from other article)
3 concretes (Usps, FedEx, Ups)
public interface IShipperFactory()
public IShipper GetAnIShipper(string key)
public class ShipperFactoryConcrete
(from other article, inject multiple IShippers here)
public IShipper GetAnIShipper(string key)
// look through the injected IShippers to find a match, or else throw exception.
public interface IOrderProcessor
public class WestCoastOrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor
/* c-stor */
public WestCoastOrderProcessor(IShipper aSingleShipper)
public class EastCoastOrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor
/* c-stor */
public WestCoastOrderProcessor(IShipper aSingleShipper)
Ok, so we decide at compile-time, we want to define the "best" IShipper for the EastCoastOrderProcessor and WestCoastOrderProcessor. (making up some kind of example here)
So need need to IoC register.
from the other article:
cont.RegisterType<IShipper, FedExShipper>(FedExShipper.FriendlyName);
cont.RegisterType<IShipper, UspsShipper>(UspsShipper.FriendlyName);
cont.RegisterType<IShipper, UpsShipper>(UpsShipper.FriendlyName);
now it gets a little "off beaten path".
// so this is a cart-horse situation, where we need something from the IoC container.... to complete the IoC registrations.
IShipperFactory sf = services.GetRequiredService<IShipperFactory>(); // see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/dependency-injection?view=aspnetcore-7.0#resolve-a-service-at-app-start-up
.. and now we IoC register...but we specify specific values for the constructor. please see the SOF (214977), for syntax-sugar hints. the below is definately pseduo code.....
_serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IOrderProcesor>(x =>
ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<EastCoastOrderProcessor>(x, sf.GetAnIShipper(FedExShipper.ShipperName));
_serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IOrderProcesor>(x =>
ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<WestCoastOrderProcessor>(x, sf.GetAnIShipper(UspsShipper.ShipperName));
Another "trick" .. if you have a code base that you cannot change is.
The "proxy design pattern":
The Proxy design pattern provides a surrogate or placeholder for
another object to control access to it.
public EastCoastOrderProcessorProxy
private readonly ThirdPartyOrderProcessor innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor;
public EastCoastOrderProcessor(ThirdPartyOrderProcessor innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor)
this.innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor = innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor;
public WestCoastOrderProcessorProxy
private readonly ThirdPartyOrderProcessor innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor;
public EastCoastOrderProcessor(ThirdPartyOrderProcessor innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor)
this.innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor = innerThirdPartyOrderProcessor;
So while you cannot change the ThirdPartyOrderProcessor, you can write 1:N wrapper-proxies around it.
The simplest solution I can think of, without using named options inside of your service classes, is moving the selection of the configuration object from the class constructor to the composition root of the application.
This way, your service class simply receives a configuration object as a constructor parameter and it is not aware of the underlying configuration infrastructure.
The composition root, which is in charge of composing the objects which make your application, do know about the configuration infrastructure and picks the right configuration object for your services.
In order to implement this pattern, you need to define an option class as the first step. This option class is needed in order to leverage the options pattern support offered by ASP.NET core. You will only use this class at the composition root level.
public sealed class LayoutOptions
public const string Layout = "Layout";
public const string Basic = "Basic";
public const string Complex = "Complex";
public string Name { get; set; } = default!;
public string Color { get; set; } = default!;
public int NumberOfColumns { get; set; }
Then you need to define a class which represents the configuration object for your services. This is basically a strongly typed configuration object used to configure your services. This object is built strating from the options class, notice that you don't need to make it identical to the options class itself.
public sealed class LayoutConfiguration
public string Name { get; }
public string Color { get; }
public LayoutConfiguration(string name, string color)
Name = name;
Color = color;
Now you need to define your service classes. These types are configured by using the LayoutConfiguration configuration class. Each service class will be properly configured by the composition root of the application, by using the proper named options.
public interface ILayoutService
string GetLayoutDescription();
public sealed class BasicLayoutService : ILayoutService
private readonly LayoutConfiguration _config;
public BasicLayoutService(LayoutConfiguration config)
_config = config ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));
public string GetLayoutDescription() =>
$"Basic layout description. Name: '{_config.Name}' Color: '{_config.Color}'";
public sealed class ComplexLayoutService : ILayoutService
private readonly LayoutConfiguration _config;
public ComplexLayoutService(LayoutConfiguration config)
_config = config ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));
public string GetLayoutDescription() =>
$"Complex layout description. Name: '{_config.Name}' Color: '{_config.Color}'";
You can also defined a couple of controllers, that you can use to test this implementation and be user that your services are wired-up correctly by the composition root of the application:
public sealed class BasicLayoutController : ControllerBase
private readonly BasicLayoutService _basicLayoutService;
public BasicLayoutController(BasicLayoutService basicLayoutService)
_basicLayoutService = basicLayoutService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(basicLayoutService));
public string GetDescription() => _basicLayoutService.GetLayoutDescription();
public sealed class ComplexLayoutController : ControllerBase
private readonly ComplexLayoutService _complexLayoutService;
public ComplexLayoutController(ComplexLayoutService complexLayoutService)
_complexLayoutService = complexLayoutService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(complexLayoutService));
public string GetDescription() => _complexLayoutService.GetLayoutDescription();
This is the most important part. Put this registration code inside the Program.cs class (which is the composition root for an ASP.NET core 6 application):
// Configure named options
// Register the BasicLayoutService by picking the right configuration
.AddScoped(serviceProvider =>
// Get named options
var layoutOptions = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptionsSnapshot<LayoutOptions>>();
var basicLayoutOptions = layoutOptions.Get(LayoutOptions.Basic);
// Create strongly typed configuration object from named options
var configuration = new LayoutConfiguration(
// Creates new instance of BasicLayoutService using the service provider and the configuration object
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<BasicLayoutService>(
// Register the ComplexLayoutService by picking the right configuration
.AddScoped(serviceProvider =>
// Get named options
var layoutOptions = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptionsSnapshot<LayoutOptions>>();
var complexLayoutOptions = layoutOptions.Get(LayoutOptions.Complex);
// Create strongly typed configuration object from named options
var configuration = new LayoutConfiguration(
// Creates new instance of ComplexLayoutService using the service provider and the configuration object
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<ComplexLayoutService>(
You can now test this implementation. As an example, you can set the following configuration in appsettings.json:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"Layout": {
"Basic": {
"Name": "Basic Layout",
"Color": "red",
"NumberOfColumns": 2
"Complex": {
"Name": "Complex Layout",
"Color": "blue",
"NumberOfColumns": 3
If you run this application and you issue a GET request to /BasicLayout/description, you ge the following response:
Basic layout description. Name: 'Basic Layout' Color: 'red'
If you issue a GET request to /ComplexLayout/description the response you get is:
Complex layout description. Name: 'Complex Layout' Color: 'blue'
A final note on the service lifetime for BasicLayoutService and ComplexLayoutService. In my example I decided to register them as scoped services, because you may want to recompute the configuration object for them (LayoutConfiguration) for each incoming request. This is useful if your configuration may change over time. If this is not the case, you can safely register them as singleton services. That's up to you and depends on your requirements.
I'm facing a problem trying to implement a unit test for a method on a service.
The architecture of the project is a little bit cumbersome, to say the less...
The problem is that within the method to test it calls another method to take an instance of another service, here is the little monster:
public void SendOrderEmail(string orderCode)
Order order= GetOrderService().SerachByCode(orderCode);
.... Send email with the order ....
private IOrderService GetOrderService()
return OrderService = AutofacDependencyResolver.Current.ApplicationContainer.Resolve<IOrderService>();
Please, don't ask why a service calls another service or why is that service not injected at the constructor, as i said the architecture of this project is weird in some points.
I just need to know what is the way to implement a unit test for a method like that.
Thank you!
I would refactor a little the code, let the class that implement this method have IOrderService injected through the constructor, save the instance and then use it,
this way you can inject your fake IOrderService during the test (or use Automock) :)
If you really really can't change the constructor, you can use a property to set IOrderService
---------------- edit
Since i got some downvote on this answer I've tried to get to understand better what is going on.
I'm not sure about this, but seems like you can't edit this class you wrote about, you just want to test it.
Well if that is the case i think i can still give you some advices.
Advice number one: make a test project, link the class file, make a new file with a class like the following one.
class AutofacDependencyResolver {
public static Current { get; private set; }
public ILifetimeScope ApplicationContainer { get; private set; }
public AutofacDependencyResolver(ILifetimeScope scope) {
Current = this;
ApplicationContainer = scope;
Since the class you need to test is linked it's gonne to compile it and you just can now achieve what you need.
The other (and i think better) advice is do not test stuff you did not wrote / can't modify. What i'm suggesting is writing an adapter, so a class that use the one you can't modify as a black box.
In this case i think you need to test the email, so just check the email output the address stuff like that and ignore the rest.
the people who wrote those classes should have followed solid principles...
As others have said, and you're probably aware yourself anyway, you really want to refactor classes like this and use constructor injection if at all possible. Service location is generally considered an anti-pattern (https://blog.ploeh.dk/2010/02/03/ServiceLocatorisanAnti-Pattern/) and it specifically makes unit testing like this harder and less transparent.
However, if you absolutely can't refactor, you can still make methods like this somewhat testable by just providing different registrations for the services you're accessing via service location.
In your case, if you have:
public class EmailSender
public void SendOrderEmail(string orderCode)
Order order = GetOrderService().SearchByCode(orderCode);
//....Send email with the order ....
private IOrderService GetOrderService()
return AutofacDependencyResolver.Current.ApplicationContainer.Resolve<IOrderService>();
...and you're looking to specifically run unit tests over SendOrderEmail to validate the logic surrounding your IOrderService implementation (which could be easily covered by a separate test), the other classes implied there might look like:
public class AutofacDependencyResolver // this is problematic but we can't change it
public AutofacDependencyResolver(IContainer applicationContainer)
ApplicationContainer = applicationContainer;
public IContainer ApplicationContainer { get; }
public static AutofacDependencyResolver Current { get; private set; }
public static void SetContainer(IContainer container)
Current = new AutofacDependencyResolver(container);
public static class ContainerProvider // this sets up production config across your app
public static IContainer GetProductionContainer()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// register all other real dependencies here
return builder.Build();
With that setup, you only need to provide mocks which are required for the specific method you're testing, assuming you can set your container within AutofacDependencyResolver easily in order to have production and test configuration running in parallel. That might look like the following, using xUnit, Moq and Autofac in a test project:
public class EmailSenderTests
private readonly Mock<IOrderService> _orderService;
public EmailSenderTests()
// to set up the test fixture we'll create a mock OrderService and store a reference to the mock itself for validation later on
_orderService = new Mock<IOrderService>();
var mockOrder = new Order();
_orderService.Setup(os => os.SearchByCode(It.IsAny<string>()))
private IContainer GetTestContainer()
// here we're adding just one registration we need, setting the mocked OrderService instance to be used for IOrderService
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(c => _orderService.Object)
return builder.Build();
public void SendEmail()
AutofacDependencyResolver.SetContainer(GetTestContainer()); // set the test container on the global singleton
var sender = new EmailSender();
sender.SendOrderEmail("abc"); // internally the email sender will retrieve the mock IOrderService via service location
// make any assertions here, e.g.
_orderService.Verify(os=>os.SearchByCode("abc"), Times.Exactly(1));
I have an application that has 3 service :
A validator service that validates content based on type
A boss service that converts stuff in regard to boss people
An employee service that convert stuff in regard to employee people
It looks like this simplified :
public interface IValidatorService<T>
void ValidateContent(AbstractValidator<T> validator, List<T> content);
public class ValidatorService <T> : IValidatorService<T>
public void ValidateContent(AbstractValidator<T> validator, List<T> peopleContent)
{ ...does its job...}
public interface IPeopleService<T>
List<T> Convert(string json);
public class BossService : IPeopleService<People>
IValidatorService<Boss> _validatorService;
public BossService (IValidatorService<Boss> validatorService)
_validatorService = validatorService;
public List<People> Convert(string json)
{ ...does its job for boss...}
public class EmployeeService : IPeopleService<People>
IValidatorService<Employee> _validatorService;
public EmployeeService (IValidatorService<Employee> validatorService)
_validatorService = validatorService;
public List<People> Convert(string json)
{ ...does its job for employee...}
Now in my main I am ok if I do this :
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddSingleton<IValidatorService<Boss>, ValidatorService<Boss>>()
.AddSingleton<IPeopleService<People>, BossService>()
var bosses = serviceProvider.GetService<IPeopleService<People>>().Convert(json);
But in fact I want to do something like this although my problem how can it know which implementation to execute for boss and for employee respectivly since they are of the same type in this case IPeopleService
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddSingleton<IValidatorService<Boss>, ValidatorService<Boss>>()
.AddSingleton<IPeopleService<People>, BossService>()
.AddSingleton<IValidatorService<Employee>, ValidatorService<Employee>>()
.AddSingleton<IPeopleService<People>, EmployeeService>()
var bosses = serviceProvider.GetService<IPeopleService<People>>().Convert(json);
var employees = serviceProvider.GetService<IPeopleService<People>>().Convert(json);
You can't do that directly using the built-in container. You will have to introduce a factory that acts as an intermediary and inject the factory instead. This allows you to specify additional context to get the right service (e.g. by name).
Take a look at the GitHub repo and NuGet package for DependencyInjection.Extensions.
This solution was inspired by a question about named resolution.
It doesn't. Depending on which DI engine you use, that would throw some kind of ambiguous resolution exception or some lamer implementations might take the first one. Some others even allow you to get all implementations of IPeopleService<People> through an IEnumerable mechanism.
And why would the DI engine know which one you want? You haven't given it any context with which to make a decision.
You'd have to make one IPeopleService<Boss> and one IPeopleService<Employee>.
EDIT: Kit makes a good point... some DI engines support resolving by name or other type of contexts.
I know there are a lot of question similar to this one but actually none of them solved my issue.
I created a new Asp.Net Core 2 application.
Now I am trying to use an intercepter for a specific service to fetch some data into this service(I am using Castle.Core nuget package).
I have a generic IConfigurationInterceptor<> and a real implementation ConfigurationInterceptor<>
Here is the interface:
public interface IConfigurationInterceptor<T> : IInterceptor where T : class { }
public class ConfigurationInterceptor<T> : IConfigurationInterceptor<T> where T : class
public ConfigurationInterceptor(ConfigurationInfo<T> configurationInfo,
some other services)
_configurationInfo = configurationInfo;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
invocation.ReturnValue = somefunc(someconfig, invocation.Arguments);
Then I have an extension method like below:
public static void AddSingletonConfiguration<TInterface, TImplementation>(
this IServiceCollection services, string featureName)
where TImplementation : class, TInterface where TInterface : class
var info = new ConfigurationInfo<TImplementation>(featureName, typeof(TInterface));
var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
services.AddSingleton(x =>
var ic = x.GetService<Func<ConfigurationInfo<TImplementation>,
var icTemp = ic.Invoke(info);
return (TInterface) generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(
info.ServiceType, icTemp);
But when I get to this line of code:
var ic = x.GetService<Func<ConfigurationInfo<TImplementation>,
it returns me a null value for ic:
ConfigurationInfo class is just a simple class I create for storing some extra data.
public sealed class ConfigurationInfo<TImpl>
public Type ServiceType { get; }
public string FeatureName { get; }
public ConfigurationInfo(string featureName, Type serviceType)
FeatureName = featureName;
ServiceType = serviceType;
public override string ToString()
=> $"{FeatureName} ({ServiceType} -> {typeof(TImpl)})";
In my ConfigureServices I have these both lines:
services.AddSingletonConfiguration<IStaticDataConfiguration, StaticDataConfiguration>(
I am not sure why ic variable is null because previously another project was using Autofac and was working perfectly but in the startup you would find something like this:
builder.RegisterConfiguration<IStaticDataConfiguration, StaticDataConfiguration>(
and the extension method was like this one:
public static void RegisterConfiguration<TInterface, TImplementation>(
this ContainerBuilder builder, string featureName)
where TImplementation : class, TInterface
var info = new ConfigurationInfo<TImplementation>(featureName, typeof(TInterface));
var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
.Register(c =>
var ic = c.Resolve<Func<ConfigurationInfo<TImplementation>,
return generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(info.ServiceType, ic);
Any help would be appreaciated.
Now I changed from method GetService<> to method GetRequiredService<> and throws an exception like below:
No service for type 'System.Func'2[StaticDataProvider.DomainModel.ConfigurationInfo'1[StaticDataProvider.Services.StaticDataConfiguration],StaticDataProvider.Services.Interfaces.IConfigurationInterceptor'1[StaticDataProvider.Services.StaticDataConfiguration]]' has been registered.
To wrap it up here is the issue: In my current project in Asp.Net core I can not get a Func<X, B> while in the Asp.Net MVC 5 project(It is a whole different project) I can get a Func<X, B> using Autofac. I think this has to do with parametrized instantiation feature in Autofac provided by default: here
Now, I dont know if in Asp.Net Core default DI container has something like this 'parametrized instantiation' feature where it allows me resolving Func<X, B> instead of B.
I'm guessing the root of the problem is in the fairly complex manual wiring up of the interceptors.
If you're using interceptors with Autofac, it'd be better to use the Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy2 package and wire up interceptors using the built-in Autofac functionality instead of trying to chain a bunch of resolutions together with functions and parameters. I see a lot of little gotchas in here like how you're setting up a singleton interface proxy without a target but I'm not entirely clear how the target gets added post-facto. There's a lot of complexity you can avoid by using the tools provided.
That said, I'm also looking at the exception message. Without a stack trace I can't 100% guarantee it, but a search on the Autofac source indicates that's not a message that came from Autofac - it's likely, then, a message from the default Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection container. That indicates you may not actually have everything wired up the way you think you do.
I'd back up a bit and just get simple things working and ensure they're coming from Autofac. If you decide you don't want Autofac in play, make sure you've removed it entirely from the equation. Basically, just make sure it's clean and working in the general sense.
After that, add things back slowly, one at a time. I might recommend putting a reproduction in a unit test where you use these registration mechanisms and get things working without the complexity of the entire app weighing down. Unwind it from there. If it's too complex to unit test... maybe that's an indicator you should simplify it and refactor. Make it testable.
I'll leave my previous answer for posterity, but... The default Microsoft IoC provider is very simple and does not support all the features of Autofac. You won't get parameterized resolution or auto-generated factories from it.
Here is what I had to do:
Modified ConfigureService method like below:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
IConfigurationInterceptor<T> GetConfigurationInterceptor<T>(ConfigurationInfo<T> info) where T : class
return new ConfigurationInterceptor<T>(info, services.GetService<IConfigurationProvider>(), Configuration);
services.AddSingletonConfiguration<IStaticDataConfiguration, StaticDataConfiguration>("someFeatureKey", GetConfigurationInterceptor);
Then modified extension methods like below:
public static void AddSingletonConfiguration<TInterface, TImplementation>(this IServiceCollection services,
string featureName, Func<ConfigurationInfo<TImplementation>, IConfigurationInterceptor<TImplementation>> ic) where TImplementation : class, TInterface where TInterface : class
var info = new ConfigurationInfo<TImplementation>(featureName, typeof(TInterface));
var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
services.AddSingleton(x =>
var icTemp = ic.Invoke(info);
return (TInterface) generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(info.ServiceType, icTemp);
public static TInterface GetService<TInterface>(this IServiceCollection services) where TInterface : class
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
return serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<TInterface>();
Now its working fine but the idea is that I had to create Func<X, B> myself and pass as a parameter to extension method.
Using Autofac, given multiple interfaces in constructor parameters which is not what I want to achieve, let's say I have;
public class SomeController : ApiController
private readonly IDomainService _domainService;
private readonly IService1 _service1;
private readonly IService2 _service2;
private readonly IService3 _service3;
public SomeController(IDomainService domainService,
Iservice1 service1,
IService2 service2,
IService2 service3, ...)
_domainService = domainService;
_service1 = service1;
_service2 = service2;
_service3 = service3;
Or, we may do one interface and has multiple properties, e.g.;
public interface IAllServices
IDomainService DomainService { get; set; }
IService1 Service1 { get; set; }
IService2 Service2 { get; set; }
IService3 Service3 { get; set; }
public class SomeController : ApiController
private readonly IAllServices _allServices;
public SomeController(IAllServices allServices)
_allServices = allServices;
var domainService1 = _allServices.DomainService;
var service1 = _allServices.Service1;
However, I would like to have a list of services, and this code works for me, i.e.;
public interface IMyApp
IEnumerable<dynamic> Services { get; set; }
public class SomeController : ApiController
private readonly IMyApp _myapp;
public SomeController(IMyApp myapp)
_myapp = myapp;
foreach (var item in _myapp.Services)
if (item is IService1) { // do something... }
if (item is IService2) { // do something... }
if (item is IWhatever) { // do whatever something... }
But, I don't have a better best practice how to create the module, here is my module;
public class MainModule : Autofac.Module
private readonly string[] _serviceNames;
private readonly IDomainService _domainService;
public MainModule(IDomainService domainService, params string[] serviceNames)
_serviceNames = serviceNames;
_domainService = domainService;
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
List<dynamic> _services = new List<dynamic>();
foreach (var serviceName in _serviceNames)
switch (serviceName)
case "MyService1":
IService1 service1 = new Service1();
case "MyService2":
IService2 service2 = new Service2();
case "SomeWhateverService":
IWhatever whateverService = new WhateverService();
.WithParameter(new TypedParameter(typeof(IEnumerable<dynamic>), _services));
So, this code works, but I would like to make my DomainService and all of the Services registered in the container as well. That is, I want to replace whatever inside the switch statement without new keyword.
IService1 service1 = new Service1();
And I would like to register the domain service as well. So, inside my Bootstrapper is like this;
public static class Initializer
public static IContainer BuildContainer(
HttpConfiguration config, Assembly assembly, IDomainService domainService, params string[] services)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterModule(new MainModule(domainService, services));
var container = builder.Build();
config.DependencyResolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
return container;
And what happen is, I need to create the domain service in the startup, i.e.;
public class WebApiApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
MyDomainService domainService = new MyDomainService();
var container =
"MyService1", "MyService2", "SomeWhateverService");
You can see that I have to create the domain service first, which is not using IoC;
MyDomainService domainService = new MyDomainService();
and add to the module.
The big question, how to do this in proper way using Autofac. My Bootstrapper is in another project and all of the interfaces are in other project as well.
Many thanks for the help. And sorry for the long question.
After testing several model, it seems the best way is to use domain events model for this type of scenario instead of injecting the services into the domain.
The proper way of doing dependency injection is using Constructor Injection. Constructor Injection should always your preferred choice, and only under high exception, you should fall back to another method.
You proposed property injection as an alternative, but this causes Temporal Coupling which means that classes can be initialized while a required dependency is missing, causing null reference exceptions later on.
The method where you inject a collection containing all services where the constructor is responsible of getting the dependencies it needs, is a variation of the Service Locator pattern. This pattern is littered with problems and is considered to be an anti-pattern.
Grouping dependencies into a new class and injecting that is only useful in case that class encapsulates logic and hides the dependencies. This pattern is called Facade Service. Having one big service that exposes the dependencies for others to use can be considered a form of the Service Locator anti-pattern, especially when the number of services that this class exposes starts to grow. It will become the common go-to object for getting services. Once that happens, it exhibits the same downsides as the other form of Service Locator does.
Extracting dependencies into a different class while allowing the consumer to use those dependencies directly doesn't help in reducing complexity of the consumer. That consumer will keep the same amount of logic and the same number of dependencies.
The core problem here seems that your classes get too many dependencies. The great thing about constructor injection though is that it makes it very clear when classes have too many dependencies. Seeking other methods to get dependencies doesn't make the class less complex. Instead of trying other methods of injection, try the following:
Apply the Single Responsibility Principle. Classes should have one reason to change.
Try extracting logic with its dependencies out of the class into a Facade Service
Remove logic and dependencies that deals with cross-cutting concerns (such as logging and security checks) from the class and place them in infrastructure (such as decorators, interceptors or depending on your framework into handlers, middleware, message pipeline, etc).
After testing several model, it seems the best way is just use domain events pattern for this type of scenario instead of injecting the services into the domain.
I refer to Udi Dahan article on domain events: