No AssemblyInfo.cs file when generating a project in Visual Studio 2019 - c#

I am trying to make a simple CLI project with C# and wanted to make a logger for it. I settled on using Log4Net. I was using this guide to set it up. On step 3, it recommends we add
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "log4net.config")]
in the AssemblyInfo.cs to tell Log4Net where to load its configuration from.
I tried to follow it and went to Visual Studio to add that to the AssemblyInfo.cs but I was unable to find it. In a screenshot shared by the writer of the guide which can be viewed here, it shows that their project has a Properties folder that contains an AssemblyInfo.cs file which mine doesn't(Screenshot:
I made another project to see if something was wrong with the way the CLI project was created but I still got a project without an AssemblyInfo.cs.
Googling the issue I see that I can go to the project properties page and click the assembly information button and have it regenerated but that is also missing for me in both projects.
Any idea why and how I may fix this? Or maybe a way to use Log4Net without an AssemblyInfo.cs file.
Any help is appreciated

Just add an AssemblyInfo.cs file yourself - or call it something else entirely, e.g. Log4NetAssemblyAttributes. The name of the file is irrelevant. A file with the attributes from the project file is generated automatically as part of the build in .NET Core, rather than being included as a regular source file in the project template, but you can place an [assembly:xyz] attribute in any source file you like.


No Solution explorer now showing Visual Studio

Here, the folder contains two files through which I can access the code of the project in visual studio: Program.cs & ProgrammingAssignment3.csproj
When I open the Program.cs file there is no Solution Explorer, which helps in accessing different custom classes.
Even if I tried adding it from the View window:
It doesn't show anything inside it.
I also tried Tools < Options < Projects and Solutions but there's no changes.
But here when I open this .csproj file:
The solution explorer is shown and also the classes.
But unfortunately, as I need program.cs file for my work, I can't use the .csproj file. And this not just for this project but every other too. Please tell me how should I get appear the Solution explorer in the program.cs file so that I can write code easily by accessing the classes. I don't mean I've problem with the .csproj file, I want the solution explorer to get running in program.cs file.
The class (.cs) is in your project (.csproj), and the project is always in a solution (.sln). The solution isn't accessible when its part of your Unity project.
If you open the project file directly from the file explorer you can edit the class program.cs from there.
You could also open the script from Unity itself and it brings you there too.
check if you multiple installation for VS
go to environment varaible and remove if you have duplicate entiries of old one
follow below steps:
tool Menu-->Import Export Setting--> Reset All setting --> Next ---> No Just reset my setting --> Next--> general development setting --> finish
it should fix the issue

Blazor Razor Class Library (RCL) No CSS Intellisense

I have a razor class library (RCL) that contains all the pages from my blazor application. The CSS intellisense does not seem to work within the RCL unless I change the RCL .csproj xml tag From Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor" To Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web" .
Example: <p class="..(no intellisense is shown if used within an RCL)"
I am using VS2022 with the latest updates. Any information that can help resolve this issue, is appreciated.
I wrote an extension, that tackles this exact problem.
It should solve your problem, as it scans every project that exists in the solution, not just the ones of the type Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web.
Furthermore, it also adds support for isolated CSS contexts (*.razor.css files), as well as external files, which are linked via the <link> attribute in an HTML file.
You can find more info about it in the GitHub repo.
It seems Blazor css intellisense is not that great. So my work around was to change the .csproj to Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web" reload the solution and then add a "Program.cs" class file to the root with one line of code.
It doesn't matter what that line of code does just add a line of code. In my project I added a variable like var workAround="empty"; to the program.cs file.
Now the css intellisense magically works. It doesn't work that great but it works. Microsoft needs to fix this.
Another thing to add is to close visual studio and delete the .vs folder. This is a hidden folder where you project resides.

Getting C# to recognize a dll outside of Visual Studio

Several years before I started working at this job another developer who is no longer here wrote an application in classic ASP using HTML, vbscript and javascript. This is fine but the problem is that 2 pages were written in C# with an HTML file and a code behind file. There was no solution files for these two pages. They may have been originally created in Visual Studio but they don't exist in it now.
That is important because there is a lot of things that Visual Studio just does for you without even thinking.
My problem is that in these two C# pages I need to get them to reference a DLL. This is a simple task when using Visual Studio. You just add a reference to the project and life is good. But outside of VS nothing seems to work.
I tried putting the dll in the same folder as the pages and then I tried the following:
Using myDLL;
myDLL dll = new myDLL();
myDLL dll = myDLL();
I found some code online that said to create an internal static class and use [DLLImport()] but that didn't work either. It couldn't find the dll or the Entry Point for the dll. I am currently researching how to create an entry point, just in case this is the method to make everything work.
Outside of having to rewrite these pages in vbscript (which I don't have the time to do) I am at a loss.
Has anyone ran into this problem before? Is there something that I can put in the web.Config? Or is this just impossible and I am hosed.
BTW this is all running under the 2.0 .net framework.
If you drop the DLL you want the code to reference into the bin folder of the website, then open the web.config and locate the following section configuration -> system.web -> compilation -> assemblies.
You need to add the display name of the assembly to that list - so that the compiler will reference that assembly during it's late-bound build process.
Now you should be able to use the stuff that's in it on those pages.
If you don't the know the display name of the assembly (typically yourassembly, version=*.*.*.*, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null for culture-invariant, non-strong-named assemblies) you can open it in a tool like ILSpy (there are others, it's just become my favourite) and it tells you when you select it in it's UI:
sorry for the poor highlighting - jerky hand following far too much coffee
If all the code in that assembly is in a single namespace, also, you can also add a default using to all the .cs or .aspx code in the project by adding that namespace to configuration -> system.web -> pages -> namespaces - making it simpler to use that code in the pages.
I created a VS Solution/Project for my app. I compiled and published it to the web server. When I published it I had it copy all project files.
I ran it and it crashed because it could not find my dll.
I tried adding the lines that Andras mentioned above and it seemed like it was getting me closer but it only changed the errors I was getting.
Then I went into IIS on the web server. I expanded the folder listing under Web Site. I right clicked on the folder that contained my app and made that folder into an application folder.
After I did that everything just worked. So then I thought I would see what happened if I backed out all of the additional code I added to my C# app and the Web.Config file. It still worked. All I needed to do was to make the folder an application folder in IIS and put a Using statement in my C# app and life is wonderful again.
Thanks for all the comments and suggestion. Andras thanks for the link to ILSpy. That is a cool little tool.
Take care,
I agree with Jon, it sounds like you should try creating a new project for these files. It's always better to leave code better off than you found it. If a new project is not an option for some reason, you should indicate this in your question.

VS 2008 - Star Team and multi project solution?

I have a project which is under source control via Star Team in VS 2008. I added another project to my solution for an installer, configured it, tested it, etc. Now, when I go to check in my solution with the new installer, I get the following warning:
The project that you are attempting to add to source control may cause other source control users to have difficulty opening this solution or getting newer versions of it. To avoid this problem, add the project from a location below the binding root of the other source controlled projects in the solution.
There are with options to Continue or Cancel.
My project directory looks like this:
.cs files
/bin/, etc
Is there something fundamental I'm missing?
The files for the new solution should be in the same location as the projects you already have from source control. For example if you have existing code from source control
then you need to put your new project in the same folder and project1 and project2
"add the project from a location below the binding root of the other source controlled projects in the solution" If you decide to add it to the "MyProjects" folder on your drive, then others won't be able to get it from source control.
I suggest if this is how your physical folder structure actually is, verify the solution file using notepad and check the paths. Maybe it's referencing it using
instead of
My problem was that my debug and resource folders were being put into source control. Visual studio wants to generate these every time the project runs, so they shouldn't be placed in SC.

What does MissingManifestResourceException mean and how to fix it?

The situation:
I have a class library, called RT.Servers, containing a few resources (of type byte[], but I don't think that's important)
The same class library contains a method which returns one of those resources
I have a simple program (with a reference to that library) that only calls that single method
I get a MissingManifestResourceException with the following message:
Could not find any resources
appropriate for the specified culture
or the neutral culture. Make sure
"Servers.Resources.resources" was
correctly embedded or linked into
assembly "RT.Servers" at compile time,
or that all the satellite assemblies
required are loadable and fully
I have never played around with cultures, or with assembly signing, so I don't know what's going on here. Also, this works in another project which uses the same library. Any ideas?
All I needed to do to fix this problem was to right-click the Resources.resx file in the Solution Explorer and click Run Custom Tool. This re-generates the auto-generated Resources.Designer.cs file.
If the .resx file was added to the project manually, the Custom Tool property of the file must be set to "ResXFileCodeGenerator".
The problem is due to a mismatch of namespaces, which occurs if you change the "default namespace" of the assembly in the project settings. (I changed it from (previously) "Servers" to (now) "RT.Servers".)
In the auto-generated code in Resources.Designer.cs, there is the following code:
internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {
get {
if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("Servers.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
resourceMan = temp;
return resourceMan;
The literal string "Servers.Resources" had to be changed to "RT.Servers.Resources". I did this manually, but running the custom tool would have equally well done it.
I just came across this problem today, and I found this Microsoft Help and Support page that actually did work around the problem.
I had a couple delegates at the top of my file, in the global namespace, and all of a sudden I was getting a MissingManifestResourceException when running the program, on this line:
this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon")));
Then I moved the delegates into the namespace, got the same error. Finally I put the delegates in the only class in that file, and the error went away, but I didn't want the delegates in that class or namespace.
Then I came across that link above, which said
To resolve this problem, move all of the other class definitions so that they appear after the form's class definition.
I put the delegates (which I would not consider "class definitions") at the bottom of that file, outside of the local namespace, and the program didn't get the MissingManifestResourceException anymore. What an irritating error. But, that seems like a more robust solution than modifying the auto-generated code :)
I've run into a similar issue and, although I know it isn't the cause the OP had, I'll post it here so that if someone else runs across this problem in the future, an answer will be available.
If you add a class before the designer class you will get a MissingManifestResourceException exception at runtime (no compile time error or warning) because
Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file.
For (slightly) more information see this post.
I had the same problem, but using the Run Custom Tool command as suggested by Timwi did not help in my case.
However it lead me into the right direction, because I ended up in the Properties of the .resx file. Here I noticed a difference to another .resx file that caused no problems.
In my case I had to change the property "Build Action" from "Resource" to "Embedded Resource".
My best guess for the reason is, that I had the .resx in a library that was used from another application. My application did not have its own .resx file, so it had to use the one from the library - which is only available when it's embedded in the library and not "stand alone".
When I run in a similar issue, in Vs 2012, it turned out that the "Custom Tool Namespace" property of the resx file was wrong (in my case, actually, it was unset, so the generated code yeld this exception at runtime).
My final set of properties for the resx file was something like this:
Build action: Embedded Resource
Copy to Output Directory: Do not copy
Custom Tool: ResXFileCodeGenerator
Custom Tool Namespace: My.Project.S.Proper.Namespace
I ran into a different cause of this problem, which was unrelated to resx files. I had a class library where AssemblyInfo.cs contained the following:
[assembly: ThemeInfo(
The assembly did not contain any WPF code, theme or Resource dictionaries. I got rid of the exception by removing the ThemeInfo attribute.
I did not get an actual exception, only
A first chance exception of type 'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException'.
Viewing exception details, the system was requesting MyAssembly.g.resources
Hope this might be of help to someone else.
Also see: MissingManifestResourceException when running tests after building with MSBuild (.mresource has path in manifest)
I repeat the answer here just for completeness:
It appears adding LogicalName to the project file fixes it:
i.e. so the embedded resource entry in the project file looks like this:
<EmbeddedResource Include="Properties\Resources.resx">
This is detailed in:
Note that we are using a .resx file, but the bug still appears to occur.
Update: The problem with resources (incl. XAML) appears to be related to output paths and the use of forward or backward slashes as detailed in:
Why does modifying project output directories cause: IOException was unhandled "Cannot locate resource 'app.xaml'."
Not sure it will help people but this one worked for me :
So the issue I had was that I was getting the following message:
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "My.Resources.Resources.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "X" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed"
I was trying to get the resources that were embedded in my project from another class library.
What I did to fix the problem was to set the Access Modifier in the tab Project->Properties->Resources from "Internal" (accessible only within the same class library) to "Public" (accessible from another class library)
Then run and voilĂ , no more error for me...
The solution given by BlaM worked for me too.
I am a VS 2013 User. After going through many fixes but no luck, I tried this:
Right-click the resource file, one-by-one, in case of multiple-files.
Make sure, the property "Build Action" is set to "Embedded Resource".
That's it! :)
I had the same issue, but in my case i places a class in a usercontrol which is related to the usercontrol like this
Public Class MyUserControlObject
end Class
Public Class MyUserCOntrol
end Class
The solution was to move the MyUserControlObject to the end of the Usercontrol class, like this
Public Class MyUserCOntrol
end Class
Public Class MyUserControlObject
end Class
I hope this helps
I was getting the MissingManifestResourceException error after I ported my project from VS2005 to VS2010. I didn't have any other classes defined in the file that contains my Form class. And I also had my resx Resource File Name set correctly. Didn't work.
So I deleted the resx files and regenerated them. All good now.
Recently ran into the same problem, struggled for a bit, found this topic but no answers were correct for me.
My issue was that when I removed main window from my WPF project (it does not have a main window), I forgot to remove StartupUri from App.xaml. I guess this exception can happen if you have a mistake in StartupUri, so in case if anybody is struggling with this - check your StartupUri in App.xaml.
Recently stumbled upon this issue, in my case I did a few things:
Make sure the namespaces are consistent in the Designer.cs file of the resx file
Make sure the default namespace of the Assembly(right click the project and choose Properties) is set the same to the namespace the resources file is in.
Once I did step 2, the exception went away.
I had this problem when I added another class in the file just before the class which derived from Form. Adding it after fixed the problem.
Also the same error may occur when you put a new class into the source code of a designer created form's class.
This new class may be removed, and placed in a different cs file.
(At least in my case this was the problem...)
Because I am pre-compiling my web application (using VS2012 publish feature). I was getting the error above. I tried all the suggestions, but weirdly changing 'Build Action' to 'Content' did the trick!
In my case, I have a web api with resources and I create a nuget package from that. When I use this nuget in other projects, I realise that when I request a api with resources, I am getting MissingManifestResourceException after a bit reasearch, I learn nuget packager is not packing resources automatically. If you want to use resources files, you have to do that manually. So you need to add below lines to your .nuspec file:
<file src="bin\Debug\en\MyAssembly.resource.dll" target="lib\net40\en\MyAssembly.resource.dll" />
<file src="bin\Debug\es\MyAssembly.resource.dll" target="lib\net40\es\MyAssembly.resource.dll" />
But, before adding files, you need to be sure which version of .net you are using.
I had the with a newly created F# project.
The solution was to uncheck "Use standard resource names" in the project properties -> Application -> Resources / Specify how application resources will be managed.
If you do not see the checkbox then update your Visual Studio! I have 15.6.7 installed. In 15.3.2 this checkbox is not there.
Just to mention. If you use a constant or literal, make sure it refers to a resource of the form ProjectName.Resources, and does not cpntain Resources.resx.
It could save you an hour or two .
I've encountered this issue with managed C++ project based on WinForms after renaming global namespace (not manually, but with Rename tool of VS2017).
The solution is simple, but isn't mentioned elsewhere.
You have to change RootNamespace entry in vcxproj-file to match the C++ namespace.
In my case it was a typo in the Xaml of a window opened from Winforms Form:
Incorrect: <Image Source="/Resources/WorkGreen.gif"/>
Correct: <Image Source="../Resources/WorkGreen.gif"/>
It may help someone
In my case I have changed my project namespace and hence my solution was throwing "missingmanifestresourceexception" exception. Instead of right clicking the .resx file in the solution explorer and clicking on "Run Custom Tool" option, I have replaced the
rootnamespace to new namespace in .csproj file(RootNamespace) and rebuilded the solution again. All Resources.Designer.cs files namespaces got automatically changed with new namespace.
I hope my answer will help someone.
If you're getting this while generating a C# project using CMake, the solution I found may help you.
Your CMakeLists.txt file needs
set_property(TARGET yourTargetName PROPERTY VS_GLOBAL_RootNamespace yourRootNamespace)
Substitute your own values for yourTargetName and yourRootNamespace, obviously.
Then the resources will get embedded in your assembly!
One more reason to get this error is- '.resx' file excluded from project.
In my case, '.resx' file was excluded from project.
Select 'show all files' option in solution explorer.
Right click on '.resx' file(s) and click include in project.
Rebuild the project/solution.
I read all the answers and nothing worked for me. Most likely my situation is different, but same error. My issue was that I had two projects. Second project had a lot of forms added to it from the first one as "Add as link".
For WinForms, there are 3 required files: the code, the designer, and the resource files. If you add all 3 files at the same time as "Add as link", Visual Studio does not link them together as same form. It will compile, and run, but it will blow up with the same MissingManifestResourceException error.
Fix: You have to do them individually, in order: code file --> designer file --> resource file. Then they are grouped and no more error, at least for me.
From the Microsoft support page:
This problem occurs if you use a localized resource that exists in a satellite assembly that you created by using a .resources file that has an inappropriate file name. This problem typically occurs if you manually create a satellite assembly.
To work around this problem, specify the file name of the .resources file when you run Resgen.exe. While you specify the file name of the .resources file, make sure that the file name starts with the namespace name of your application. For example, run the following command at the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET command prompt to create a .resources file that has the namespace name of your application at the beginning of the file name:
Resgen strings.CultureIdentifier.resx

