Application_Start event on ASP.NET Core 6.0 - c#

How would I go about setting global variables in ASP.NET Core 6.0(razor pages)?
I have some information in the database, for example, ServiceName, ContactEmail and so on, and want to save it to my static class.
I don't want to access the database every time I need to display the information.
In addition, there aren't Global.asax in ASP.NET Core .
In ASP.NET MVC 5 (based on .net framework), I could do it like
// global.asax
protected void Application_Start() {
var context = new DefaultConnection();
MyConfig.ServiceName = context.GlobalSettings.SingleOrDefault().ServiceName;
// MyConfig is my static class
But I don't know where I should do it in ASP.NET Core project.
How can I do that? Please help me.

So lazy-loading is probably a very good choice for you.
Step 1: Create a data service that provides your data.
public interface IStaticDbData // Think of a better name!
public Task<string> GetContactEmailAsync();
public Task<string> GetServiceNameAsync();
// Etc.
public class StaticDbData : IStaticDbData
// Since we want a singleton, we'll have to synchronize the data fetching.
private object _lock = new object();
private string _contactEmail;
private string _serviceName;
// Etc.
// Try to create a single function that loads all of the data in one round trip to the DB.
// This will run in its own thread, so the calling thread can be awaited.
private Task LoadAllDataAsync()
=> Task.Run(() =>
lock (_lock)
//Re-check after locking.
if (_contactEmail != null)
// Database code here to extract your data.
// Save to the individual fields.
public async Task<string> GetContactEmailAsync()
// See if data is there.
if (_contactEmail != null)
return _contactEmail;
// Data was not there. Load data.
await LoadAllDataAsync();
return _contactEmail;
public async Task<string> GetServiceNameAsync()
if (_serviceName != null)
return _serviceName;
await LoadAllDataAsync();
return _serviceName;
Step 2: Now that you have your service interface and service implementation, register the m in the IoC container. In program.cs:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IStaticDbData, StaticDbData>();
Step 3: Consume the service as you would any other service.
public class SomeOtherServiceOrControllerOrWhatever
private IStaticDbData StaticDbDataSvc { get; }
// Constructor-injected.
public SomeOtherServiceOrControllerOrWhatever(IStaticDbData staticDbDataSvc)
StaticDbDataSvc = staticDbDataSvc;
NOTE: Make sure that your consuming services are also registered and resolved using the IoC container.

This is sudo code
You can create a static class with static properties:
public static class MyConfig
public static string Setting1 {set; get;}
then write a method to fetch data from your database and fill MyConfig and in the Program.cs file just call that method:
CallYourMethodHere(); <-----
another is you can do this:
first create a static class:
public static class MyConfig
private static Dictionary<string, string> MyConfigs {set; get;}
private static Dictionary<string, string> GetConfigFromDatabase(bool forceToFill)
if(MyConfigs == null || MyConfigs.Any() == false || forceToFill == true)
//Fetch Data From Database and Fill MyConfig
public static string GetConfig(string configName)
return GetConfigFromDatabase(false)[configName];
In solution 2 you have to consider some thread-safe and race condition concepts.


Execute a function if Redis cache fails

I'm working on a .NET Core 3.1 application. Used 'StackExchange.Redis' library to handle Cache operations on Redis.
Configuring connection string in Startup.cs
services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options => {
options.Configuration = Configuration.GetValue<string>("localhost:6379");
options.InstanceName = "laserlamb:";
This static class adds 'SetRecord' function to IDistributedCache:
public static class DistributedCache
public static bool isCacheAvailable = true;
static DistributedCache()
public static async Task SetRecord(this IDistributedCache cache, string recordId, string value)
if (this.isCacheAvailable)
await cache.SetStringAsync(recordId, value);
catch (Exception e)
Using Dependency injection object to set record in Cache.
public class SomeRandomClass
private IDistributedCache cache;
public SomeRandomClass(IDistributedCache cache) { this.cache = cache; }
public async Task SaveToCache()
await cache.SetRecord("Key", "Value");
If my Redis instance is not running, there is an error throwing up.
How could I update isCacheAvailable, when cache is unavailable?
I think that you want to check Polly Project. It has Retry/WaitAndRetry/RetryForever and Circuit Breakers that can be handy.
You have Plugin for Microsoft DistributedCache Provider.
Check it out.

Force reload of ResponseCache in .NET Core 2.1 when request data changes

I am using the following attribute [ResponseCache(Duration = 60)] to cache a specific GET Request which is called a lot on my backend in .NET Core.
Everything is working fine except the cache isn't reloaded when some data in database has changed within the 60 seconds.
Is there a specific directive I have to set to reload/update the cache? link
Example Code Snippet from my Controller:
[ResponseCache(Duration = 60)]
public ActionResult<SomeTyp[]> SendDtos()
var dtos = _repository.QueryAll();
return Ok(dtos);
There is a solution with a usage of "ETag", "If-None-Match" HTTP headers. The idea is using a code which can give us an answer to the question: "Did action response changed?".
This can be done if a controller completely owns particular data lifetime.
Create ITagProvider:
public interface ITagProvider
string GetETag(string tagKey);
void InvalidateETag(string tagKey);
Create an action filter:
public class ETagActionFilter : IActionFilter
private readonly ITagProvider _tagProvider;
public ETagActionFilter(ITagProvider tagProvider)
_tagProvider = tagProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tagProvider));
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
if (context.Exception != null)
var uri = GetActionName(context.ActionDescriptor);
var currentEtag = _tagProvider.GetETag(uri);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentEtag))
context.HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add("ETag", currentEtag);
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var uri = GetActionName(context.ActionDescriptor);
var requestedEtag = context.HttpContext.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"];
var currentEtag = _tagProvider.GetETag(uri);
if (requestedEtag.Contains(currentEtag))
context.HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add("ETag", currentEtag);
context.Result = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status304NotModified);
private string GetActionName(ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
return $"{actionDescriptor.RouteValues["controller"]}.{actionDescriptor.RouteValues["action"]}";
Initialize filter in Startup class:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// code above
services.AddMvc(options =>
services.AddSingleton<ITagProvider, TagProvider>();
// code below
Use InvalidateETag method somewhere in controllers (in the place where you modifing data):
public async Task<ActionResult> Post([FromBody] SomeType data)
// TODO: Modify data
// Invalidate tag
var tag = $"{controllerName}.{methodName}"
return NoContent();
This solution may require a change of a client side. If you are using fetch, you can use, for example, the following library:
P.S. I didn't specify an implementation of the ITagProvider interface, you will need to write your own.
P.P.S. Articles about ETag and caching:,

C# webapi async context issue

I got two console applications which calls my webapi the same time and I get back in the console application the follow response from my api:
A second operation started on this context before a previous asynchronous operation completed. Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
So they call at the same time my webapi and then something inside the webapi cannot handle those 2 async calls so this error is returned.
I checked all my code on the webapi project and all methods are async and got await so I cannot see why I get this.
Here is the code of the webapi.
public class FederationsController : ApiController
private readonly IFederationRepository _federationRepository;
public FederationsController(IFederationRepository federationRepository)
_federationRepository = federationRepository;
[Route("federations", Name = "GetFederations")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetFederations()
var federations = await _federationRepository.GetAllAsync();
return Ok(federations.ToModel());
public class FederationRepository : IFederationRepository, IDisposable
private Models.DataAccessLayer.CompetitionContext _db = new CompetitionContext();
#region IQueryable
private IQueryable<Models.Entities.Federation> FederationWithEntities()
return _db.Federations.Include(x => x.Clubs)
.Where(x => !x.DeletedAt.HasValue && x.Clubs.Any(y => !y.DeletedAt.HasValue));
#endregion IQueryable
public async Task<IEnumerable<Models.Entities.Federation>> GetAllAsync()
return await FederationWithEntities().ToListAsync();
public static class FederationMapper
public static List<Federation> ToModel(this IEnumerable<Models.Entities.Federation> federations)
if (federations == null) return new List<Federation>();
return federations.Select(federation => federation.ToModel()).ToList();
public static Federation ToModel(this Models.Entities.Federation federation)
return new Federation()
Name = federation.Name,
FederationCode = federation.FederationCode,
CreatedAt = federation.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt = federation.UpdatedAt
public class CompetitionContext : DbContext
public CompetitionContext() : base("ContextName")
public DbSet<Federation> Federations { get; set; }
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IFederationRepository, FederationRepository>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);
Thank you for all the advices/help.
In your repository you are creating a single CompetitionContext and reusing it. I'm assuming that IoC setup is registring the repository as some kind of single instance, so the same repository is getting used every time. If that's the case you should create a new CompetitionContext for each method call.
Also, probably should make sure it's closed with a using statement.
I'm also not clear from your code snippets why you are returning an IQueryable from that FederationWithEntities, method, do you have other things that are using it?
Anyway, I'd probably change that GetAllMethod to be something like this:
public async Task<IEnumerable<Models.Entities.Federation>> GetAllAsync()
using (Models.DataAccessLayer.CompetitionContext _db = new CompetitionContext())
return _db.Federations.Include(x => x.Clubs)
.Where(x => !x.DeletedAt.HasValue && x.Clubs.Any(y => !y.DeletedAt.HasValue))

Repeating ViewComponent data

I have a customer view model which has drop down lists for selecting country, area and language. I am using ViewComponent to load the necessary data for the dropdowns and it's working like a charm. My problem is that when they are multiple client models on the page I am making multiple calls to the external API to receive the same data. I tried to put the Component.InvokeAsync part inside a cache tag helper but it also keeps the elements naming from the first call and messes up the model binding. Is there a way to avoid the multiple calls for same data?
Here is what the code looks like. It's nothing special. The views just bind the properties and there isn't anything special there.
[ViewComponent(Name = "LocationSelector")]
public class LocationSelector : ViewComponent
private readonly ILocationService locationsService;
public LocationSelector(ILocationService locationService)
this.locationsService = locationService;
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
var locationManager = new LocationSelectorViewModel();
locationManager.Areas = await this.locationsService.GetAreas();
locationManager.Countries = await this.locationsService.GetCountries();
return View("Default", locationManager);
And the component is called inside the customer model like this. The problem is that I may have multiple customers in my page and they all will make requests to the service for the exact same data.
#await Component.InvokeAsync(nameof(LocationSelector))
You should consider caching the data. You can use the IMemoryCache imeplemenation. I prefer to create my own abstraction layer which i would use it wherever i need.
public interface ICache
T Get<T>(string key, Func<T> updateExpression = null, int cacheDuration=0);
public class InMemoryCache : ICache
readonly IMemoryCache memoryCache;
public InMemoryCache(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
this.memoryCache = memoryCache;
public T Get<T>(string key, Func<T> updateExpression = null,int cacheDuration=0)
object result;
if (memoryCache.TryGetValue(key,out result))
return (T) result;
if (updateExpression == null)
return default(T);
var data = updateExpression();
if (data != null)
var options = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(cacheDuration)
this.memoryCache.Set(key, data, options);
return data;
return default(T);
Now in your startup class's ConfigureServices method, enable caching and define our custom ICache-InMemoryCache mapping.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<ICache, InMemoryCache>();
Now you can inject ICache to any class and use it to get/store data to it.
public class LocationSelector : ViewComponent
private readonly ILocationService locationsService;
private readonly ICache cache;
public LocationSelector(ILocationService locationService,ICache cache)
this.locationsService = locationService;
this.cache = cache;
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
var locationManager = new LocationSelectorViewModel();
var areas = await this.cache.Get(CacheKey.Statuses, () =>
locationManager.Areas = areas;
return View("Default", locationManager);

Multiple AutoMapper.Configure() in Global.asax

I am using AutoMapper to map between DTO objects and my business objects. I've two AutoMapperConfiguration.cs files - one in my service layer and another one in my web api layer.
As shown in the answer at the following link
Where to place AutoMapper.CreateMaps?
I am calling the Configure() of both these files in my Global.asax class
but it seems like the my Service Configure call (the second call) is overwriting the mappings of the web api layer (the first call) and I get an exception saying the Mapping is missing.
If I reverse the Configure calls to look like this
I don't get the exception for web api mapping but I get the same mapping exception for the Service layer.
Am I doing something wrong because this is clearly marked as an answer in the above stack overflow link?
Here's my code:
public static class AutoMapperServiceConfiguration
public static void Configure()
Mapper.Initialize(x =>
public class FsrsFlowTestToGenericFlowTestSimpleMappingProfile : Profile
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<FsrsFlowTest, GenericFlowTest>()
public class FsrsFlowTestToGenericFlowTestSimpleConverter : TypeConverter<FsrsFlowTest, GenericFlowTest>
protected override GenericFlowTest ConvertCore(FsrsFlowTest source)
if (source == null)
return null;
return new GenericFlowTest
FlowTestDate = source.FlowTestDates,
StaticPsi = source.HydrantStaticPsi.ToString(),
ResidualPsi = source.HydrantResidualPsi.ToString(),
TotalFlow = source.NffGallonsPerMinute.ToString(),
FlowTestLocation = source.FsrsFlowTestLocations.Any()
? source.FsrsFlowTestLocations.First().LocationDescription
: null
public class CmciFlowTestToGenericFlowTestSimpleMappingProfile : Profile
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<CmciFlowTest, GenericFlowTest>()
public class CmciFlowTestToGenericFlowTestSimpleConverter : TypeConverter<CmciFlowTest, GenericFlowTest>
protected override GenericFlowTest ConvertCore(CmciFlowTest source)
if (source == null)
return null;
return new GenericFlowTest
FlowTestDate = source.FlowTestDates,
StaticPsi = source.HydrantStaticPsi.ToString(),
ResidualPsi = source.HydrantResidualPsi.ToString(),
TotalFlow = source.CalculatedHydrantGallonsPerMinute.ToString(),
FlowTestLocation = source.StaticLocationHydrantFlowPSI
public static class AutoMapperWebConfiguration
public static void Configure()
Mapper.Initialize(x =>
public class ServiceToWebApiMappingProfile : Profile
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<ServiceFlowTest, FlowTest>();
public class WebApiToServiceMappingProfile : Profile
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<PropertyAddress, ServicePropertyAddress>();
To get around this issue, I am adding the service profiles in the AutoMapperWebConfiguration class and only calling AutoMapperWebConfiguration.Configure() in global.asax.
The calls to Mapper.Initialize reset the mapper so everything that's gone before is wiped.
Move the calls to AddProfile into one Mapper.Initialize call and all should be well:
Mapper.Initialize(x =>
#GruffBunny's answer is correct, but I tried to make it a bit neater for scalability (e.g. if you have many, complex Mapper.Initialize() methods, and might add more in the future).
I did this by implementing the following structure in all of my AutoMapperConfiguration.cs files:
Extract the Action<IConfiguration> from your existing Mapper.Initialize() method into a public property
I call it ConfigAction in each one.
public static Action<IConfiguration> ConfigAction = new Action<IConfiguration>(x =>
//... more profiles
This allows you to invoke the action from anywhere you need to call Mapper.Initialize.
Mapper.Initialize() inside Configure() now just references this property
public static void Configure()
You can then invoke all your different ConfigActions in your single, centralized call to Mapper.Initialize()
AutoMapperConfiguration.Configure() in Application_Start() becomes
Mapper.Initialize(x =>
//... keep adding as your project grows
This eliminates the need to copy-and-paste the method body from each separate Mapper.Initialize() call into your central call. DRY and all that.
To update #theyetiman's brilliant answer for AutoMapper 5.2 & .NET Core.
public static class AutoMapperConfiguration
public static void Configure()
public static Action<IMapperConfigurationExpression> ConfigAction = cfg =>
API or web startup.
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
Mapper.Initialize(x =>

