Azure SignalR frequently not receiving messages - c#

We're having some issues where the Azure hosted SignalR frequently does not receive client-sent messages.
When testing locally with a self-hosted SignalR, we never have any issues.
What we want to achieve is the following:
Whenever a users opens a 'case'-page, we want to add that user to this specific case group.
In the front-end (React) we do the following:
// When the 'Case'-page gets rendered
useEffect(() => {
if (caseId && currentTeam?.id) {
return () => {
const cleanup = () => {
}, [caseId,, dispatch]);
// Function triggered by `joinCaseGroup`
connection.invoke('JoinCaseGroup', caseId, teamId))
This gets handled in our Hub:
public class EventsClientHub : Hub
/// <summary>
/// Contains all the users that are in a case group
/// </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<Guid, List<string>> UserCaseGroups = new();
public async Task JoinCaseGroup(string caseId, string team)
// Here we check if the team has access to the case
if (Guid.TryParse(caseId, out var parsedCaseId) && Guid.TryParse(team, out var teamId) && await _caseQueryHandler.TeamHasAccessToCase(teamId, parsedCaseId))
// Remove from previous case groups, because a user can only be in 1 case group
await RemoveUserFromCaseGroups();
await AddUserToCaseGroup(parsedCaseId);
private async Task AddUserToCaseGroup(Guid caseId)
// Keep track of all users in a case
string userId = Context.User!.FindFirst("sub")!.Value;
if (!UserCaseGroups.ContainsKey(caseId))
UserCaseGroups.TryAdd(caseId, new List<string>());
// Add the user to the case group
await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, $"case_{caseId}");
Now, when debugging this, we see that the client does send the request and gets a response:
But when we check the live trace logs on Azure, we only see that the user gets added to his team group, but not to the case group:
The weird thing is, when we refresh a couple of times, the user sometimes does get added to the group and can receive live updates.
Any idea what the issue could be here?
Thanks in advance!


Different response from bot emulator and chatbot in web

I have created a chatbot in web channel and direct line.
When i tested in bot emulator i get the right response and when i try to test the same intent in localhost ( webchat) i got different response.
I will show you and example :
call an agent
give me your customer number
( after custemer number was sended ) are you sure ?
if you click Yes ...the data are stored in database ( sql server )
If you do the save in localhost you get : You cancelled the form ( in fact i havent cancell any form
Here is the luisdialog here i call the form :
public async Task human(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
var form = new FormDialog<Human>(
new Human(),
context.Call<Human>(form, LossFormCompleted)
private async Task LossFormCompleted(IDialogContext context,
IAwaitable<Human> result)
HumanCall form = null;
form = await result;
catch (OperationCanceledException)
if (form == null)
await context.PostAsync("You cancelled the form.");
//call the LossForm service to complete the form fill
var message = $"Your data are stored in database";
await context.PostAsync(message);
The form model is :
public class Human
[Prompt("What is your contract number?")]
public string contract;
public static IForm<Human> BuildForm()
OnCompletionAsyncDelegate<HumanCall> wrapUpRequest = async (context, state) =>
using (BotModelDataContext BotDb = new BotModelDataContext())
tblBot bot = new tblBot();
bot = BotDb.tblBots.SingleOrDefault(q => q.Reference == state.contract);
if (bot != null)
using (bbbserviceSoapClient cws = new bbbserviceSoapClient())
viewc a= new viewc();
a.Lastname = bot.Lastname;
return new FormBuilder<Human>().Message
("can you send us some info ?")
.Confirm("Are you sure: Yes or No. ")
Can someone help me where i'm wrong ? What can i do to retrieve the same response ? It's about timeout problem or what do you thing ?
I do a test based on the code that you provided and make slight modifications, and I find that if some exceptions occur in wrapUpRequest method, it would show "You cancelled the form" instead of the message "Your data are stored in database".
So I suspect that exceptions occurring in wrapUpRequest method (perhaps database query issue or request sent by bbbserviceSoapClient is timeout etc) when you do test via web chat, which causes the issue.
To troubleshoot the issue, you can try to implement/write custom log to detect if any exception occurs within wrapUpRequest method when you test via web chat.

Why is the hub context connection ID inaccessible at runtime in my VERY simple method?

Let me start by saying this all works perfectly at the moment except for one thing - the notification update for the progress bar goes to all clients (as you would expect given that the code example I used sends to ...Clients.All).
All I want to do is send the notification back to the client that initiated the current call to the hub. That's it, nothing else. There is no concept of "logging in" on this website so there's no user identity stuff to work with.
My method is:
public void NotifyUpdates(decimal val)
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<EventsForceHub>();
if (hubContext != null)
//"updateProgress" is javascript event trigger name
await hubContext.Clients.All.updateProgress(val);
So back in my view I subscribe to "updateProgress" and it works fine - the progress bar updates as desired. But if another client happens to be connected to the hub, when one runs the async task and causes the NotifyUpdates method to run, then ALL connected clients see the taskbar update, which is a bit confusing for them!
In debug, if I inspect hubContext at runtime I can see a Clients property and that has a Connection property which has an Identity property with a unique GUID. Perfect! Just what I want to use. But... I cannot access it! If I try:
var currentConnection = hubContext.Clients.Connection;
...then I simply get a
"does not contain a definition for 'Connection'"
error, which I simply don't understand.
I've tried accessing Context.ConnectionId from the method too, but Context is null at that point so I'm a bit confused. The server method that uses NotifyUpdates to send information back to the client is called via a normal button, not via AJAX.
Clarification on structure
I think there is a degree of confusion here. It's a very simply webpage with an button control on it. The eventhandler for that button invokes an async method to return data from the server via a service call/repository.
Inside the async method, it has to process each returned data line and make three or four remote web api calls. On each loop I make a call back to the NotifyUpdates SignalR method shown above with a percentage complete number so this can update back to the client via an eventhandler for the method name specified (updateProgress as shown above). There could be dozens of data lines and each data line requires several Web API calls to a remote server to add data. This can take several seconds per iteration, hence me sending back the "update progress" to the client via that updateProgress method call.
Based on your comments I made the following little test:
It will allow clients to connect to the hub with a clientName, and every client is listening to updates send to them. We will have a group defined for them to be able to notify them from the server side.
I made a dummy progress simulator class to throw some update values to the users.
The code:
Hub class:
public class EventsForceHub : Hub {
public static IHubContext hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<EventsForceHub>();
// allow users to join to hub and get s dedicated group/channel for them, so we can update them
public async Task JoinGroup(string clientName) {
string clientID = Context.ConnectionId;
ClientInfo.clients.Add(clientID, new MyAppClient(clientID, clientName));
await Groups.Add(clientID, clientName);
// this is just mockup to simulate progress events (this uis not needed in real application)
MockupProgressGenerator.DoJob(clientName, 0);
public static void NotifyUpdates(decimal val, string clientName) {
// update the given client on his group/channel
Some little helper classes:
// client "storage"
public static class ClientInfo {
public static Dictionary<string, MyAppClient> clients = new Dictionary<string, MyAppClient>();
// .. further data and methods
// client type
public class MyAppClient {
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// .. further prooerties and methods
public MyAppClient(string id, string name) {
Id = id;
Name = name;
// this a completely made up and dumb class to simulate slow process and give some simple progress events
public static class MockupProgressGenerator {
public static void DoJob(string clientName, int status) {
if (status < 100) {
Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(a =>
EventsForceHub.NotifyUpdates(status += 20, clientName);
DoJob(clientName, status);
Let's see two simple clients in JS:
$(function () {
var eventsForceHub = $.connection.eventsForceHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('body').append("Joining with Name: Jerry");
eventsForceHub.client.updateProgress = function (val) {
// message received
$('body').append('<br>').append("New Progress message: " + val);
For simplicity, same code, with different params, I even put this in two different html pages and stated execution in slightly different timing.
$(function () {
var eventsForceHub = $.connection.eventsForceHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('body').append("Joining with Name: Tom");
eventsForceHub.client.updateProgress = function (val) {
// message received
$('body').append('<br>').append("New Progress message: " + val);
See it in action:
I made a small web application to verify your claim. You may create the following to be able to isolate the issue from other possible problems.
I created an empty Web Application and included SignalR.
This is the hub class:
public class EventsForceHub : Hub {
public void NotifyUpdates(decimal val) {
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<EventsForceHub>();
if (Context != null) {
string clientID = Context.ConnectionId; // <-- on debug: Ok has conn id.
object caller = Clients.Caller; // <-- on debug: Ok, not null
object caller2 = Clients.Client(clientID); // <-- on debug: Ok, not null
Clients.Caller.updateProgress(val); // Message sent
Clients.Client(clientID).updateProgress(val); // Message sent
if (hubContext != null) {
//"updateProgress" is javascript event trigger name
hubContext.Clients.All.updateProgress(val); // Message sent
This is the web page:
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.2.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="signalr/hubs"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var eventsForceHub = $.connection.eventsForceHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
// send mock message on start
console.log("Sending mock message: " + 42);
eventsForceHub.client.updateProgress = function (val) {
// message received
console.log("New Progress message: " + val);
Try to build an application as little as this to isolate the issue. I have not had any of the issues you mentioned.
For the sake of simplicity and using the debugger I took away the await and async.
Actually, SignalR will take care of that for you. You will get a new instance of your Hub class at every request, no need to force asynchrony into the methods.
Also, GlobalHost is defined as static which should be shared between instances of your Hub class. Using in an instance method does not seem like a very good idea. I think you want to use the Context and the Clients objects instead. However, while debugging we can verify that using GlobalHost also works.
Some debugger screenshots showing runtime values of callerId, Clients.Caller and Clients.Client(clientID):
Understanding SignalR better will help you a lot in achieving your goal.
Happy debugging!
If you want to send the notification back to the client
you should not call
instead try
accessing the current user's ConnectionId and use Clients.Client

Branching dialogs/forms based on response in MS Bot Framework

We're experimenting with the MS Bot Framework and haven't quite worked out how to do this scenario:
We have a LUIS Dialog (type <object>), which is working correctly and is trained properly. To use the common sandwich example, the basics of what LUIS intent is looking for is the user asking for the status of an order. If the order number was provided in the question ("What is the status of order 1234?"), then the LUIS dialog does the lookup and reports the status directly (which is all currently working).
However, if the user just triggers the intent without providing the order number ("I'd like to look up the status of an order."), I'd like to launch another dialog/form to ask the user if they'd like to look up the order by address or order number, and then do the appropriate DB lookup based on how they answer.
I'm just not sure how to configure the Form/Dialog (or even which is best in this case) to do a different lookup based on if they choose address or number lookup.
Here's the intent so far:
private readonly BuildFormDelegate<OrderStatusDialog> OrderStatusDelegate;
public async Task OrderStatus(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
// Order number(s) were provided
if (result.Entities.Any(Entity => Entity.Type == nameof(LuisEntityTypes.OrderNumber)))
// Loop in case they asked about multiple orders
foreach (var entity in result.Entities.Where(Entity => Entity.Type == nameof(LuisEntityTypes.OrderNumber)))
var orderNum = entity.Entity;
// Call webservice to check status
var request = new RestRequest(Properties.Settings.Default.GetOrderByNum, Method.GET);
request.AddUrlSegment("num", orderNum);
var response = await RestHelper.SendRestRequestAsync(request);
var parsedResponse = JObject.Parse(response);
if ((bool)parsedResponse["errored"])
await context.PostAsync((string)parsedResponse["errMsg"]);
// Grab status from returned JSON
var status = parsedResponse["orderStatus"].ToString();
await context.PostAsync($"The status of order {orderNum} is {status}");
// Order number was not provided
var orderStatusForm = new FormDialog<OrderStatusDialog>(new OrderStatusDialog(), OrderStatusDelegate,
context.Call<OrderStatusDialog>(orderStatusForm, CallBack);
private async Task CallBack(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
And the form:
public enum OrderStatusLookupOptions
public class OrderStatusDialog
public OrderStatusLookupOptions? LookupOption;
public static IForm<OrderStatusDialog> BuildForm()
return new FormBuilder<OrderStatusDialog>()
.Message("In order to look up the status of a order, we will first need either the order number or your delivery address.")
The FormFlow route is a valid option. What is missing in your form flow is asking for the address/order number after the lookup option is selected.
What you can do in that case is adding two more fields to the OrderStatusDialog class: OrderNumber and DeliveryAddress.
Then you need to use the selected OrderStatusLookupOptions to activate/deactivate the next field.
The code, from the top of my head, would be something like:
public class OrderStatusDialog
public OrderStatusLookupOptions? LookupOption;
public int OrderNumber;
public string DeliveryAddress
public static IForm<OrderStatusDialog> BuildForm()
return new FormBuilder<OrderStatusDialog>()
.Message("In order to look up the status of a order, we will first need either the order number or your delivery address.")
.Field(new FieldReflector<OrderStatusDialog>(nameof(OrderStatusDialog.OrderNumber))
.SetActive(state => state.LookupOption == OrderStatusLookupOptions.OrderNumber))
.Field(new FieldReflector<OrderStatusDialog>(nameof(OrderStatusDialog.DeliveryAddress))
.SetActive(state => state.LookupOption == OrderStatusLookupOptions.Address))
Then on your Callback method you will receive the form filled and you can do the DB lookup.
Alternatively, you can just use PromptDialogs and guide the user through the same experience. Take a look to the MultiDialogs sample to see the different alternatives.
I added a working sample on this here.

WP8.1 Silverlight - Unexpected License info on LicenseChanged

I am trying to detect In-App-Purchases made by a client app.
I am using the following code
public async Task InitializeInAppPurchase()
CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.LicenseChanged += LicenseInformation_LicenseChanged;
var listingInformationTask = CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();
var listingInformation = await listingInformationTask;
private void LicenseInformation_LicenseChanged()
var receipt = CurrentApp.GetAppReceiptAsync().AsTask().Result;
async void PurchaseProduct(string productId)
// Kick off purchase; don't ask for a receipt when it returns
var result = await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(productId);
// Now that purchase is done, give the user the goods they paid for
// (DoFulfillment is defined later)
await DoFulfillment(result);
catch (Exception ex)
// When the user does not complete the purchase (e.g. cancels or navigates back from the Purchase Page), an exception with an HRESULT of E_FAIL is expected.
// Fulfillment of consumable in-app products
public async Task DoFulfillment(PurchaseResults result)
var productLicenses = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses;
// Check fulfillment for consumable products with hard-coded asset counts
await MaybeGiveMeGold(productLicenses["Test1"], 50, result);
// Count is passed in as a parameter
async Task MaybeGiveMeGold(ProductLicense license, int goldCount, PurchaseResults result)
if (license.IsConsumable && license.IsActive)
await CurrentApp.ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(license.ProductId, result.TransactionId);
When the event LicenseChanged is raised, I am surprised to see that the receipt does not include the transaction which just occurred. I get this
<Receipt Version="1.0" ReceiptDate="2015-06-18T04:41:31.867Z" ReceiptDeviceId="4e362949-acc3-fe3a-e71b-89893eb4f528" CertificateId="FB3D3A6455095D2C4A841AA8B8E20661B10A6112" xmlns="">
<AppReceipt Id="8ffa256d-eca8-712a-7cf8-cbf5522df24b" AppId="01e34c43-fdd8-47a6-a8ba-36ad5b880de9" PurchaseDate="2015-06-18T04:41:31.867Z" LicenseType="Full" />
whereas the receipt should include a element as documented here
I am using the emulator and I am also using a mock server hosted locally in IIS to return my fake ProductListings from here
Can anyone tell me if there is something that I am doing wrong or if this simply what has been designed by Microsoft?
I know that In App Purchases behave differently on emulators, does anyone know if I would have had the expected behavior if I were using a real device?
Thank you
That behavior was normal because the Marketplace mock hosted locally could not return receipts for any transactions.
To test my In-App-Purchases, I had to
Publish my app in beta mode
Create test IAPs at 0.00$
The code above worked perfectly and the LicenseChanged events is raised almost instantaneously depending on network conditions.

How to Implement Progress Bar for Long Running HTTP Request

I have an HTTP server written in C# based off the HttpListenerContext class. The server is for processing binary log files and converting them to text, and can take quite a long time to do the conversion. I would like to indicate progress back to the user, but I am unsure on the best way to do this. On the server side, in handling my HTTP request, I essentially have this function:
public async Task HandleRequest()
await ProcessRequest();
catch (HttpListenerException)
// Something happened to the http connection, don't try to send anything
catch (Exception e)
Currently, ProcessRequest() sends the HTML response when finished, but I would like to essentially add the IProgress interface to the function and somehow indicate that progress back to the Web client. What is the best way to do this?
One way of doing it would be to store progress on server side and periodically pull the information from client.
However, if you want the server to notify the client ( push ), then you will need to implement some kind of bi-directional communication between the server and client (I am currently using ASP.NET Web API and SignalR to achieve this at work).
Here is what I got I'll try to explain and I hope you notice its not FULL FULL complete, you'll have to understand the logic behind this and accept or not as a plausible option.
The Method: Set a custom object to store progress of your ongoing operations, make a global static list containing this metadata. Notice how I track them with Ids: I don't store that on DB, the natural act of instantiating the class will auto_increment their Id.
Then, you can add a new controller to respond the progress of a particular ongoing process.
Now that you have a controller to respond the progress of an ongoing process by Id, you can create a javascript timer to call it and update the DOM.
When creating your process, dont hold the htmlrequest until its over, open a background operation instead and just respond with the newly created ProgressTracker.Id, through that class/list you can keep track of the progress and reply accordingly.
As said in another answer, when an operation finishes you can send a push notification and the clientside javascript will interrupt the timers and proceed to the next view/result/page, or you can increment the looping timer to detect when its done and call the results from another controller. (this way you can avoid using push if needed.)
Here is the partial code:
public class ProgressTracker {
private static GlobalIdProvider = 0;
public int _id = ++GlobalIdProvider;
public int Id { get { return _id; } }
bool IsInProgress = false;
bool IsComplete = false;
float Progress;
public YourProgressObject Data;
public class GlobalStatic {
public static List<ProgressTracker> FooOperations = new List<ProgressTracker>();
public class SomeWebApiController {
public HttpResponseMessage GetProgress(int Id) {
var query = (from a in GlobalStatic.FooOperations where a.Id==Id select a);
if(!query.Any()) {
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "No operation with this Id found.");
} else {
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Ok, query.First());
// this is javascript
// ... Your code until it starts the process.
// You'll have to get the ProgressTracker Id from the server somehow.
var InProgress = true;
window.setTimeout(function(e) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "<myHostSomething>/SomeWebApiController/GetProgress?Id="+theId;
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authentication","bearer "+localStorage.getItem("access_token"));
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
}"GET", url, true);
function updateProgressBar(data) {
document.getElementById("myProgressText").innerHTML = data.Progress;
}, 3000);
Disclaimer: If my javascript is shitty, pardon me but I'm too used to using jQuery and all this fancy stuff x_x

