I am trying to recursively delete all empty subdirectories in a root directory and (not files)using C#. I have referred this post (Recursive delete of files and directories in C#)
and wrote the function as follows.
private void DeleteEmptySubFolders()
DirectoryInfo root = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath);
public static void RecursiveDelete(DirectoryInfo baseDir,bool isRootDir)
if (!baseDir.Exists)
foreach (var dir in baseDir.EnumerateDirectories())
if (!isRootDir)
catch(Exception ex)
My question is baseDir.Delete(false); will give me an exception when a directory is not empty, and I am just passing that exception without handling it(I just want to skip those ones, don't have to log). Is there a better way to do this?
Instead of try/catch, check if any files exist:
bool isEmpty = !Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(baseDir.FullName).Any();
Now you can avoid trying to delete non-empty folders:
if (!isRootDir && isEmpty)
I am trying to program a Windows service that automatically deletes the file from a specific folder. But I encountered an error:
Cannot access the file. The file is currently in use by another process/program.
I tried to do the following, but still get the same error.
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(#"C:\Users\ASIM\AppData\Local\Temp");
// string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(#"C:\Users\ASIM\AppData\Local\Temp", "p*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
if (files != null || files.Length != 0)
foreach (string f in files)
finally { }
so how to skip deleting a file if it is in use?
There is no point checking if the file is deletable before deleting it because there will be a small window of opportunity between your check and the delete, where another process will open the file. The best idea is to try and delete it and handle the exception if it occurrs.
Your try/finally should be try/catch with the appropriate exception:
catch(IOException ex)
// Probably some logging here
How can I get all directories (with sub directories) on hardrive using c#?
Example of response:
using System.IO;
var directories = new List<string>(Directory.GetDirectories(#"c:\", "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
directories.ForEach(directory => Console.WriteLine(directory));
Justin's answer would 100% work. In case this is more about learning a technique than getting a result, you'll need a recursive function. All that means is we need a function that will call itself on the results it returns.
public static void GetDirectories(string path, bool recursive)
Console.WriteLine(path); // write the name of the current directory
if (recursive) // if we want to get subdirectories
try // getting directories will throw an error if it is a path you don't have access to
foreach (var child in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) // get all the subdirectories for the given path
GetDirectories(child, recursive); // call our function for each sub directory
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) // handle unauthorized access errors
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("You don't have permission to view subdirectories of {0}",path));
And then to call it:
static void Main(string[] args)
GetDirectories("c:\\", true);
Again if you are just trying to get the list go with Justin's answer, but this is how you could do it on your own.
I wrote a program (on Windows 7) that call the method DirectoryInfo.GetFiles(), and in the folder "documents and settings", I have the exception of UnauthorizedAccess.
I tried lots of solutions, like:
create a manifest with
`<requestedExecutionLevel level="highestAvailable" uiAccess="false" />`
and also with this
DirectorySecurity dSecurity = Directory.GetAccessControl(dir.FullName);
dSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule("Luca", FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
Directory.SetAccessControl(dir.FullName, dSecurity);
What could be the issue?
First off, you should be using DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles(...) instead of GetFiles(...). EnumerateFiles(...) keeps you from having to get the entire list until you actually need to.
I ran into this issue a while back and found that I ended up needing to implement a replacement IEnumerable in order to be able to complete an enumeration over folders that I may only have selected access to.
You can see the result of my research in the following thread. DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles(...) causes UnauthorizedAccessException (and other exceptions)
Just a Quick Copy Paste because I just had the same Problem.
Adjust the Code to your needs (because I calculate the the size, counting all files and "save" all the Files I want to copy in a List).
After you got all files in your List you can start copy them or what ever you wanna do with the Files:
private double CalculateSize(string sourcePath, Progress state, List<FileInfo> filesToCopy)
int _fileCount = 0;
DirectoryInfo sourceDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePath);
FileInfo[] files = null;
files = sourceDirectory.GetFiles();
catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
if (files != null)
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
fullSizeToCopy += file.Length;
DirectoryInfo[] directories = null;
directories = sourceDirectory.GetDirectories();
catch(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
// Do more logging Magic in here...
if (directories != null)
foreach (DirectoryInfo direcotry in directories)
CalculateSize(direcotry.FullName, state, filesToCopy);
state.FileCount = _fileCount;
return fullSizeToCopy;
Your best bet might be to put a try/catch block around the call and ignore any directories you don't have access to. Maybe not the best solution, but it would at least make your method get all the directories you do have access to. Something like this:
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
string logMsg = string.Format("Unable to access directory {0}", directory.FullName);
//Handle any desired logging here
Just like blow, use EnumerateDirectories rather than DirectoryInfo.getfiles
private void ScanEmptyDirs(string dir, ref int cnt, CancellationToken token)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dir))
throw new ArgumentException("Starting directory is a null reference or an empty string: dir");
foreach (var d in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir))
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
ScanEmptyDirs(d, ref cnt, token);
EmptyJudge(dir, ref cnt);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { }
I wrote a method that needed to find all files within a path, and I want to get all the files using recursion. Here's my current method:
public void doStart(DirectoryInfo dir, string filePattern)
foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in dir.GetFiles(filePattern))
if (fileFound != null)
catch (Exception)
foreach (DirectoryInfo dirInfo in dir.GetDirectories())
doStart(dirInfo, filePattern);
catch (Exception)
public void Start(string path, string filePattern)
doStart(new DirectoryInfo(path), filePattern);
Is there is better way to write this kind of recursion or is this good enough ?
Try something like this:
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(#dir, "*.filetype", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
This would recursively look through the directory, finding all files with a certain filetype ('.filetype') and returns a string array containing all found files.
Also, I'd recommend not to use empty catch blocks, as your application won't let you know if something went wrong. Either show a message box (or something similar) or log it to a database or something.
Further, what would your DoStart() method do if there is a subdirectory in a subdirectory? From what I'm seeing, I'd say it only searches on 1 sublevel.
Don't swallow all exceptions. If you need to ignore specific exceptions, catch those but let others bubble up
(style) Methods should be PascalCased (e.g. DoStart and `FileFound'
(style) Create an OnFileFound method instead of calling FileFound directly (I assume fileFound is an event handler?)
Other than that it looks fine to me.
Here is an example of true recursion. This will search until there are no more sub-directories to find, unlike Directory.GetFiles SearchOption.AllDirectories. You can modify this to add search filters as a parameter.
public IEnumerable<string> GetFilesRecursive(string ParentDirectory)
string[] subDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(ParentDirectory);
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(ParentDirectory))
yield return file;
foreach (string subDirectory in subDirectories)
foreach (string file in GetFilesRecursive(subDirectory))
yield return file;
Ok, i have some code that will scan my computer and find .txt files and display them in a listbox:
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IEnumerable<string> files = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(#"C:\", "*.txt*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (var f in files)
listBox1.Items.Add(String.Format("{0}", f));
I get an error every time i run this. It says i do not authorization to the trash bin. I do not care weather it scans the trash or not. It there any way to exclude the trash bin out of the scan? Also, can someone help me improve my code, if you see anything wrong! Thanks!
Quickest way is to put them under a try-catch block because EnumerateFiles function does not have access to the restricted files because of the operating system permissions.
private void SearchDrives()
foreach (String drive in Directory.GetLogicalDrives())
// Search for folders into the drive.
catch (Exception) { }
private void SearchFolders(String prmPath)
foreach (String folder in Directory.GetDirectories(prmPath))
// Recursive call for each subdirectory.
// Create the list of files.
catch (Exception) { }
private void SearchFiles(String prmPath)
foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles(prmPath))
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(file);
if (info.Extension == ".txt")
catch (Exception) { }
Not just the recycle bin, it will also fail to read the file header of several files into your system direcotry.
In general you can do it so that you do recursive calls for every folder and just use try/catch blocks to see witch ones you can or can't access. But as Andras suggested I would also go with what allready exists will save you time
Another aproach on your example