I'm using ASP.NET Core 6 and have a reference to App Metrics.
With the following code, I'm adding a new counter-metrics on the API and it is working properly when I'm looking at /metrics-text endpoint.
public static class MetricsRegistry
public static CounterOptions SampleValue => new CounterOptions
Name = "SampleValue",
Context = "Application",
MeasurementUnit = Unit.Requests
Then the increment the Metrics:
But I would to have access to that metrics on runtime. I tried to use Snapshot but it is not working.
var value = _metrics.Snapshot.GetCounterValue("Application", MetricsRegistry.SampleValue.Name);
Is there any way to get the value on runtime?
We are trying to extract data from a checkbox using the Form recognizer. We have a custom model where we extract 4 fields. All fields get extracted except one ("has_observations").
We used the analyze tab on fott-2-1.azurewebsites.net and it shows correctly for all the files we are trying to do OCR on.
private static FormField GetField(this RecognizedFormCollection forms, string fieldName)
FormField field = null;
foreach (RecognizedForm form in forms)
if (form.Fields.ContainsKey(fieldName) && form.Fields[fieldName] != null)
field = form.Fields[fieldName];
logger.LogWarning("values is=" + field.ValueData.ToString());
return field;
The field is "Azure.AI.FormRecognizer.Models.FormField" for "has_observations" label everytime and we have no idea how to fix it.
Which version of FormRecognizer SDK are you using? 3.1.1? You maybe calling different version from website vs from SDK.
If you are using 4.0.0-beta.X, by default it calls 2022-01-30-preview version of FormRecognizer APIs (see https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/dotnet/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer/4.0.0-beta.3/index.html), but based on the screenshot you are using 2.1. So, API results maybe different between versions.
A few other troubleshooting options to see exact URLs and responses for http traffic from FormRecognizer SDK:
Logging with the Azure SDK for .NET, I.e. line below starts printing to the console each request/response.
var listener = AzureEventSourceListener.CreateConsoleLogger(EventLevel.Informational);
Some information will be redacted in logs. Changes to ClientOptions below will show more data (see details in Azure SDK diagnostics):
var frOptions = new FormRecognizerClientOptions() { Diagnostics = { IsLoggingContentEnabled = true, LoggedHeaderNames = { "*" }, LoggedQueryParameters = { "*" }}};
var client = new FormRecognizerClient(new Uri(endpoint), credential, frOptions);
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015.
I test Asp.Net Core controller's action. When I create new Lead record some plugin generates new Guid for lead.new_master_id field (it's type is string). Therefore after creating I retrive the record to get it's generated new_master_id value. How can I emulate this plugin behaviour through Fake Xrm Easy?
var fakedContext = new XrmFakedContext();
fakedContext.ProxyTypesAssembly = typeof(Lead).Assembly;
var entities = new Entity[]
// is empty array
var orgService = fakedContext.GetOrganizationService();
var lead = new Lead { FirstName = "James", LastName = "Bond" };
var leadId = orgService.Create(lead);
var masterId = orgService.Retrieve(Lead.EntityLogicalName, leadId,
new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(Lead.Fields.new_master_id))
In v1.x of FakeXrmEasy you'll need to enable PipelineSimulation and register the plugin steps you would like to be fired on Create manually by registering their steps.
fakedContext.UsePipelineSimulation = true;
Once enabled, you'll need to enable the necessary steps via calling RegisterPluginStep. In your example you'll need to at least register something along the lines of:
fakedContext.RegisterPluginStep<LeadPlugin>("Create", ProcessingStepStage.Preoperation);
Where LeadPlugin would be the name of your plugin that generates the new_master_id property.
Keep in mind v1.x is limited in that it supports pipeline simulation for basic CRUD requests only.
Later versions (2.x and/or 3.x) come with a brand new middleware implementation allowing registering plugin steps for any message. Soon we'll be implementing automatic registration of plugin steps based on an actual environment and/or custom attributes.
Here's an example using the new middleware
public class FakeXrmEasyTestsBase
protected readonly IXrmFakedContext _context;
protected readonly IOrganizationServiceAsync2 _service;
public FakeXrmEasyTestsBase()
_context = MiddlewareBuilder
_service = _context.GetAsyncOrganizationService2();
You can find more info on the QuickStart guide here
Disclaimer: I'm the author of FakeXrmEasy :)
We are having an issue with searching a custom record through SuiteTalk. Below is a sample of what we are calling. The issue we are having is in trying to set up the search using the internalId of the record. The issue here lies in in our initial development account the internal id of this custom record is 482 but when we deployed it through the our bundle the record was assigned with the internal Id of 314. It would stand to reason that this internal id is not static in a site per site install so we wondered what property to set up to reference the custom record. When we made the record we assigned its “scriptId’ to be 'customrecord_myCustomRecord' but through suitetalk we do not have a “scriptId”. What is the best way for us to allow for this code to work in all environments and not a specific one? And if so, could you give an example of how it might be used.
Code (C#) that we are attempting to make the call from. We are using the 2013.2 endpoints at this time.
private SearchResult NetSuite_getPackageContentsCustomRecord(string sParentRef)
List<object> PackageSearchResults = new List<object>();
CustomRecord custRec = new CustomRecord();
CustomRecordSearch customRecordSearch = new CustomRecordSearch();
SearchMultiSelectCustomField searchFilter1 = new SearchMultiSelectCustomField();
searchFilter1.internalId = "customrecord_myCustomRecord_sublist";
searchFilter1.#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
searchFilter1.operatorSpecified = true;
ListOrRecordRef lRecordRef = new ListOrRecordRef();
lRecordRef.internalId = sParentRef;
searchFilter1.searchValue = new ListOrRecordRef[] { lRecordRef };
CustomRecordSearchBasic customRecordBasic = new CustomRecordSearchBasic();
customRecordBasic.recType = new RecordRef();
customRecordBasic.recType.internalId = "314"; // "482"; //THIS LINE IS GIVING US THE TROUBLE
//customRecordBasic.recType.name = "customrecord_myCustomRecord";
customRecordBasic.customFieldList = new SearchCustomField[] { searchFilter1 };
customRecordSearch.basic = customRecordBasic;
// Search for the customer entity
SearchResult results = _service.search(customRecordSearch);
return results;
I searched all over for a solution to avoid hardcoding internalId's. Even NetSuite support failed to give me a solution. Finally I stumbled upon a solution in NetSuite's knowledgebase, getCustomizationId.
This returns the internalId, scriptId and name for all customRecord's (or customRecordType's in NetSuite terms! Which is what made it hard to find.)
public string GetCustomizationId(string scriptId)
// Perform getCustomizationId on custom record type
CustomizationType ct = new CustomizationType();
ct.getCustomizationTypeSpecified = true;
ct.getCustomizationType = GetCustomizationType.customRecordType;
// Retrieve active custom record type IDs. The includeInactives param is set to false.
GetCustomizationIdResult getCustIdResult = _service.getCustomizationId(ct, false);
foreach (var customizationRef in getCustIdResult.customizationRefList)
if (customizationRef.scriptId == scriptId) return customizationRef.internalId;
return null;
you can make the internalid as an external property so that you can change it according to environment.
The internalId will be changed only when you install first time into an environment. when you deploy it into that environment, the internalid will not change with the future deployments unless you choose Add/Rename option during deployment.
I am using Enterprise library 4.1 logging. I am getting compile error at 'EnterpriseLibraryContainer'. EnterpriseLibraryContainer doesn't work for 4.1 version?
public LogWriter defaultWriter;
public Logging()
// Resolve the default LogWriter object from the container.
// The actual concrete type is determined by the configuration settings.
defaultWriter = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<LogWriter>();
[Description("Logging to EverViewer and RollingFile with Write method of a LogWriter")]
public void LogWriter(string message, string title, EventLogEntryType eventType)
// Check if logging is enabled before creating log entries.
if (defaultWriter.IsLoggingEnabled())
// Create a string array (or List<>) containing the categories.
string[] logCategories = new string[] { "General" };
LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry();
logEntry.Message = message;
logEntry.Categories = logCategories;
logEntry.Priority = 10;
logEntry.EventId = 9005;
logEntry.Severity = ConvertEventType(eventType);
logEntry.Title = title;
EnterpriseLibraryContainer was introduced with Enterprise Library 5 so is not available with Enterprise Library 4.1.
Try replacing that code with the following to get the default writer:
public Logging()
// Resolve the default LogWriter object from the container.
// The actual concrete type is determined by the configuration settings.
defaultWriter = new LogWriterFactory().Create();
Are you by any chance targeting the .NET 4 Client Profile instead of the full .NET 4?
I'm using fluent migrator to manage my database migrations, but what I'd like to do is have the migrations run at app start. The closest I have managed is this:
public static void MigrateToLatest(string connectionString)
using (var announcer = new TextWriterAnnouncer(Console.Out)
ShowElapsedTime = true,
ShowSql = true
var assembly = typeof(Runner).Assembly.GetName().Name;
var migrationContext = new RunnerContext(announcer)
Connection = connectionString,
Database = "SqlServer2008",
Target = assembly
var executor = new TaskExecutor(migrationContext);
I'm sure I had this working, but I've not looked at it for sometime (hobby project) and it's now throwing null reference exceptions when it gets to the Execute line. Sadly there are no docs for this and I've been banging my head on it for ages.
Has anyone managed to get this kind of thing working with FluentMigrator?
PM> Install-Package FluentMigrator.Tools
Manually add a reference to:
Note that the folder name will vary on version number, this illustration uses the current 1.6.1 release. If you need the .NET 3.5 runner use the \35\ directory.
public static class Runner
public class MigrationOptions : IMigrationProcessorOptions
public bool PreviewOnly { get; set; }
public string ProviderSwitches { get; set; }
public int Timeout { get; set; }
public static void MigrateToLatest(string connectionString)
// var announcer = new NullAnnouncer();
var announcer = new TextWriterAnnouncer(s => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(s));
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var migrationContext = new RunnerContext(announcer)
Namespace = "MyApp.Sql.Migrations"
var options = new MigrationOptions { PreviewOnly=false, Timeout=60 };
var factory =
new FluentMigrator.Runner.Processors.SqlServer.SqlServer2008ProcessorFactory();
using (var processor = factory.Create(connectionString, announcer, options))
var runner = new MigrationRunner(assembly, migrationContext, processor);
Note the SqlServer2008ProcessorFactory this is configurable dependent upon your database, there is support for: 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2014.
I have actually accomplished running migrations in the application_start however it is hard to tell from that code what could be wrong... Since it is open source I would just grab the code and pull it into your solution and build it to find out what the Execute method is complaining about. I found that the source code for Fluent Migrator is organized pretty well.
One thing that you might have to be concerned about if this is a web app is making sure that no one uses the database while you are migrating. I used a strategy of establishing a connection, setting the database to single user mode, running the migrations, setting the database to multi user mode, then closing the connection. This also handles the scenario of a load balanced web application on multiple servers so 2 servers don't try to run migrations against the same database.