How to customize button in Telerik form / kendo-form? - c#

I'm new in the Telerik UI. When I want to customize a kendo form in razor pages. But I to rename button name. But I couldn't find any button field. I follow this link [Telerik Form][1]. I edit this form.
This is my code
<div class="card dataForm mb-3">
<div class="demo-section">
<kendo-form layout="grid" name="exampleForm" method="POST">
<form-item type="group" layout="grid">
<grid cols="6" />
<item-label text="Income Information - list every person living in the home" />
<form-item field="Name" col-span="1">
<item-label text="Name:"/>
<form-item field="Age" col-span="1">
<item-label text="Age:"/>
<form-item field="Relationship" col-span="1">
<item-label text="Relationship:"/>
<form-item field="Income" col-span="1">
<item-label text="Income:"/>
<form-item field="SourceOfIncome" col-span="1">
<item-label text="Source of Income:"/>
<form-item field="EBCIRoll" col-span="1">
<item-label text="EBCI Roll:" />
#example .demo-section {
max-width: 600px;
width: 600px;
How to control this form?

With the TagHelper you need to set the buttons-template or buttons-template-id attribute. The first accepts the template as string the second the external template. Here is an example of the second option
<kendo-form buttons-template-id="myTemplate" layout="grid" form-data="#Model" name="exampleForm" on-validate-field="onFormValidateField" on-submit="onFormSubmit" on-clear="onFormClear" action="Layout" method="POST">
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="myTemplate">
<button class="k-button k-button-md k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-primary k-form-submit" type="submit">
<span class="k-button-text">Custom Submit Button</span>
<button class="k-button k-button-md k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-form-clear">
<span class="k-button-text">Clear</span>


Blazor - Razor markup in c# class file

I'm splitting code in a Blazor file into a .cs file but am having issues with leftover markup.
Example from
Using the dialogue where the markup is mixed into the code:
async Task ShowInlineDialog()
var result = await DialogService.OpenAsync("Simple Dialog", ds =>
<p class="mb-4">Confirm Order ID <b>#orderID</b>?</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<RadzenButton Text="Ok" Click="() => ds.Close(true)" class="me-1" Style="width: 80px;" />
<RadzenButton Text="Cancel" Click="() => ds.Close(false)" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" class="me-1" />
<RadzenButton Text="Refresh" Click="(() => { orderID = 10249; ds.Refresh(); })" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" class="me-1 float-end" />
console.Log($"Dialog result: {result}");
When attempting to move this snippet into the code file (.cs), the markup is failing.
Cursory searching has yield nothing, but my google-fu could be weak.
Any hints appreciated, thank you.
You can't put Razor markup in a C# class file. It must be in a Razor file so the Razor compiler can compile it.
You can define markup blocks as RenderFragments like this:
#code {
async Task ShowInlineDialog()
var result = await DialogService.OpenAsync("Simple Dialog", MyDialogContent);
Console.Log($"Dialog result: {result}");
private RenderFragment MyDialogContent => __builder => {
<p class="mb-4">Confirm Order ID <b>#orderID</b>?</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<RadzenButton Text="Ok" Click="() => ds.Close(true)" class="me-1" Style="width: 80px;" />
<RadzenButton Text="Cancel" Click="() => ds.Close(false)" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" class="me-1" />
<RadzenButton Text="Refresh" Click="(() => { orderID = 10249; ds.Refresh(); })" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" class="me-1 float-end" />

Facing issue and selection dropdown value from html form in selenium C#

I'm facing issue and selection dropdown value from html form in selenium C#
I tried a lot but everytime I'm getting error of "unable to find element"
<div class="ui-store-assign-role ng-scope">
<div class="ui-assign-label">
<h3>Assign Role</h3>
<span ng-model="vm.viewModel.restrictToBol" ng-click="vm.restrictSellerPermissions(!vm.viewModel.restrictToBol,1)" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid"><!-- ngIf: vm.viewModel.restrictToBol --><span ng-if="vm.viewModel.restrictToBol" class="ng-scope">Release from</span><!-- end ngIf: vm.viewModel.restrictToBol --><!-- ngIf: !vm.viewModel.restrictToBol --> BOL</span>
<div class="ui-assign-role-tags">
<!-- ngRepeat: customerRole in vm.viewModel.userRoles --><div ng-repeat="customerRole in vm.viewModel.userRoles" class="ng-scope">
<span class="ng-binding">Wholesalers <em class="fa fa-close" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#deleteCustomerRole" data-ng-click="vm.ShowDeleteConfirmationForCustomerRole(customerRole.Id,customerRole.RoleType)"></em></span>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: customerRole in vm.viewModel.userRoles -->
<select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched" name="userRoles" ng-model="vm.viewModel.selectedRoleType" ng-options="role for role in vm.viewModel.roleTypes" ng-change="vm.addCustomerRole()"><option value="" class="" selected="selected">--- Select customer role ---</option><option label="Affiliate" value="string:Affiliate">Affiliate</option><option label="Designer" value="string:Designer">Designer</option><option label="ContestAdmin" value="string:ContestAdmin">ContestAdmin</option><option label="DesignAdmin" value="string:DesignAdmin">DesignAdmin</option><option label="Seller" value="string:Seller">Seller</option><option label="TemplateSeller" value="string:TemplateSeller">TemplateSeller</option></select>
Element Tried:
dropdown_CustomerRole = //*[#name='userRoles']
Driver.SetDropdownValue(dropdown_CustomerRole, "Seller");
firstly you need to import OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI and after that here is how selects/dropdowns should be handled
// select the drop down list
// by xpath
IWebElement education = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[#name='userRoles']"));
// by css
IWebElement education = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("select[name='userRoles']"));
//create select element object
SelectElement selectElement = new SelectElement(education);
//select by value
// select by text

How to dynamically create a text box with runat=server in jquery

I am trying to create a textbox dynamically. I can successfully create it via the below code:
var parentTable = $('<table border="0" class="table table-bordered" width="100%" id="searchInformation"/>');
var tr = $("<tr class='searchEntitydata'/>");
var tr2 = $("<tr class='searchEntitydata1'/>");
tr.append("<td id='HQNametd'> <label ID='hqName'>HQ Name</label> <input type='textBox' id='textboxSearch' placeholder='Search HeadQuarter'> </td>");
tr.append("<td id='HQIDtd'> <label ID='hqId'>HQ ID</label> <input type='textBox' id='textboxSearchHQId' placeholder='Search ID'> </td>");
tr.append("<td id='BranchNametd'> <label ID='BranchName'>Branch Name</label> <input type='textBox' id='textboxSearchBranchName' placeholder='Search Branch Name'> </td>");
tr.append("<td id='BranchIdtd'> <label ID='BranchId'>Branch Id</label> <input type='textBox' id='textboxSearchBranchId' placeholder='Search Branch ID'> </td>");
tr2.append("<td id='Citytd'> <label ID='City'>City</label> <input type='textBox' id='textboxSearchBranchId' placeholder='Search Branch ID'> </td>");
tr2.append("<td id='Statetd'> <label ID='State'>State</label> <input type='textBox' id='textboxSearchBranchId' placeholder='Search Branch ID'> </td>");
However, when I change the textbox type from input type=textBox
to asp:TextBox for using runat='server', I get an error.
Is there any way via which I can dynamically create a textbox with runat=server?
NO you cannot add asp-runat="server" tag from jQuery or any client side script. Rather use following to generate textbox dynamically from server side, encapsulate your code within ajax control toolkit update panel.
C#: (On click or page load or whatever server side event)
TextBox tbOne = new TextBox();
Label lblOne = new Label();
lblOne.ID = "lblId";
lblOne.Text = "My label";
lblOne.Width = 200;
tbOne.ID = "tbId";
tbOne.Text = "xyz";
<asp:Panel ID="pnl"Width="100%" runat="server">

how to extract form tag using htmlagility pack?

I'm using HtmlAgilityPack in one of my C# Projects for scraping. I need to scrap the <form> tag from web page. I've searched about how to extract form tag using HtmlAgilityPack but couldn't find an answer. Can anyone tell me how to extract <form> tag using HtmlAgilityPack?
private void Testing()
var getHtmlWeb = new HtmlWeb();
var document = getHtmlWeb.Load(#"http://localhost/final_project/index.php");
var aTags = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//form");
int counter = 1;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
if (aTags != null)
foreach (var aTag in aTags)
buffer.Append(counter + ". " + aTag.InnerHtml + " - " + "\t" + "<br />");
Here is my code sample. I'm scraping a page from my localhost. count of aTags is 1 because there is only one form on page. But when I use but my StringBuilder object doesn't contain any InnerHtml of form. Where's is the error :(
Here is my html source from which I want to scrap form
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- stylesheet section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="./_include/style.css">
<!-- title of the page -->
<!-- PHP Section -->
<!-- Creating a connection with database-->
<!-- end of PHP Sectoin -->
<!-- now we'll check error variable to print warning -->
<!-- we'll submit the data to the same page to avoid excessive pages -->
<form action="/final_project/index.php" method="post">
<!-- ============================== Fieldset 1 ============================== -->
<legend>Log in credentials:</legend>
<hr class="hrzntlrow" />
<label for="input-one"><strong>User Name:</strong></label><br />
<input autofocus name="userName" type="text" size="20" id="input-one" class="text" placeholder="User Name" required /><br />
<label for="input-two"><strong>Password:</strong></label><br />
<input name="password" type="password" size="20" id="input-two" class="text" placeholder="Password" required />
<!-- ============================== Fieldset 1 end ============================== -->
<p><input type="submit" alt="SUBMIT" name="submit" value="SUBMIT" class="submit-text" /></p>
Since form tags are allowed to overlap , HAP handles them differently, to treat form tags as any other element just remove the form flag by calling:
Now your form tags will be handled as you expect, and you can work with the way you work with other tags.

Knowing the values of check box in the controller with razor

I have a mvc application with razor engine.
In a view Home i have this snippet:
<section id="form_admin">
<form action="/Super/Manipuler" method="post">
<legend>Formulaire d'ajout d'un administrateur</legend>
<br />
<br />
#if(Model != null){
foreach (Upload.Models.AdminModels admin in Model)
if (i == 0){
<input type="radio" checked class="radio" name="radio" value="#admin.Login" >
<input type="radio" class="radio" name="radio" value="#admin.Login" style="margin-left:0.3px;">
<label id="log">#admin.Login</label>
<label id="logm">#admin.Mail</label>
<label id="logp">#admin.Password</label>
<label id="logn">#admin.Name</label>
<br />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Editer" name="submit_button"/>
<input type="submit" value="Supprimer" name="submit_button" />
Créer un nouveau compte
In the controller : the action Manipuler is the below:
public ActionResult Manipuler()
string buttonName = Request.Form["submit_button"];
string _login = Request.Params["radio"];
Upload.Models.AdminModels admin = new AdminModels();
Upload.Models.CompteModels.Modifiying_login = _login;
if (buttonName == "Editer") { return RedirectToAction("Edit", "Admin"); }
else { admin.Delete_admin(_login); return RedirectToAction("Home", "Super"); }
It's works fine but i'd like to change the radiobox to checkbox.
My question is how to know all checked box in the collection of checkbox in the action Manipuler ?
Take a look at Phil Haack's article on model binding a checkbox list. Basically, you just need to set up the HTML in a specific way (name your checkboxes the same which will then convert the various POSTed values into a list).

