How to use httpcontext on a given string URL - c#

I'm trying to use httpcontext on a given string
I have this
string url = "";
And I want to be able to retreive those following value from the string
Console.Write("<br/>Host " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host);
Console.Write("<br/>Authority: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority);
Console.Write("<br/>Port: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port);
Console.Write("<br/>AbsolutePath: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath);
Console.Write("<br/>ApplicationPath: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);
Console.Write("<br/>AbsoluteUri: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);
Console.Write("<br/>PathAndQuery: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery);
Is there a way to do that?

Thanks #UweKeim for the answer.
I can definitely do that by using the Uri class.
Here's the sample of code for those who need it:
Uri uri = new Uri("");
Console.WriteLine($"AbsolutePath: {uri.AbsolutePath}");
Console.WriteLine($"AbsoluteUri: {uri.AbsoluteUri}");
Console.WriteLine($"DnsSafeHost: {uri.DnsSafeHost}");
Console.WriteLine($"Fragment: {uri.Fragment}");
Console.WriteLine($"Host: {uri.Host}");
Console.WriteLine($"HostNameType: {uri.HostNameType}");
Console.WriteLine($"IdnHost: {uri.IdnHost}");
Console.WriteLine($"IsAbsoluteUri: {uri.IsAbsoluteUri}");
Console.WriteLine($"IsDefaultPort: {uri.IsDefaultPort}");
Console.WriteLine($"IsFile: {uri.IsFile}");
Console.WriteLine($"IsLoopback: {uri.IsLoopback}");
Console.WriteLine($"IsUnc: {uri.IsUnc}");
Console.WriteLine($"LocalPath: {uri.LocalPath}");
Console.WriteLine($"OriginalString: {uri.OriginalString}");
Console.WriteLine($"PathAndQuery: {uri.PathAndQuery}");
Console.WriteLine($"Port: {uri.Port}");
Console.WriteLine($"Query: {uri.Query}");
Console.WriteLine($"Scheme: {uri.Scheme}");
Console.WriteLine($"Segments: {string.Join(", ", uri.Segments)}");
Console.WriteLine($"UserEscaped: {uri.UserEscaped}");
Console.WriteLine($"UserInfo: {uri.UserInfo}");


How does this log method work in a .NET application?

I am working on a .NET project using C# and I have the following doubt.
I have this method that write some error information into a .log file in a specific directory on my file system:
private static void writeErrorLog(string error)
string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");
string currDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(currDir + "\\FILE\\LOG\\Error_" + date + ".txt", error);
Ok this writeErrorLog() method will be called into some try catch block of my code, something like this:
currentAttachmentFileData = currentAttachmentFile.OpenBinary();
currentAttachementModel = new AttachmentModel(currentAttachment, currentAttachmentFileData);
catch (Exception ex)
//writeLog(2, String.Format("Unable to read the attachment, it may be corrupted {0} - {1}", fileName, ex.Message));
writeErrorLog("Errore inserimento attachment. Numero protocollo: " + recNumber
+ " Data protocollo: " + recDate
+ " Nome attachment: " + currentAttachmentFile
+ " INFO: " + ex.ToString() + " | " + ex.Message + " | " + ex.StackTrace);
It happens in different places of my code.
My doubt is: the file is the same, so it means that it will be added a new line to this file every time that an error occours.
Is it my reasnong correct?
The file name is string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); so it changes every second.
You should definitely add some abstraction here and hide writeErrorLog behind an interface. Behind the interface you could have your own implementation of writeErrorLog, but as others suggested I would strongly recommend using libs over your custom solution.
More on available libraries:

Adding Newline in string for HTML email body

I'm trying to generate an email with some basic formatting based on labels in a FormView. I'm going the route of Process.Start("mailto:... instead of System.Net.Mail so the email opens up in the default email client to give the user a chance to edit To: CC: etc without making a new form just to handle that. I've got the following code-behind to handle an "Email Form" button for emailing the URL of the webform.
protected void fvBF_ItemCommand(object sender, FormViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "Email")
Label lblBFID = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblBFID");
Label lblProjectID = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblProjectNum");
Label lblProjectName = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblProjectName");
Label lblReleaseName = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblReleaseName");
Label lblPMName = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblPM");
String strReleaseName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(lblReleaseName.Text) ? "[Description]" : lblReleaseName.Text;
String pmFirst = lblPMName.Text.ToString().Split()[0];
String pmLast = lblPMName.Text.ToString().Split()[1];
String strSubject = "BF " + lblBFID.Text + " - " + lblProjectName.Text + " - Release " + strReleaseName;
String strBody = "A Booking Form for Project #"+ lblProjectID.Text + " - " + lblProjectName.Text +
" - Release " + strReleaseName + " has been created or modified. \n\n" + Request.Url.ToString();
Process.Start("mailto:" + pmFirst + "." + pmLast + "" +
HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(strSubject) + "&body=" +
HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(strBody).Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine));
However, when the email is generated, there are no line breaks in the body between the "A Booking Form...." sentence and the URL. I've tried putting Environment.NewLine directly in the string.
...created or modified. " + Environment.Newline + Environment.NewLine + Request.Url.ToString();
Which basically gives me the same results. I've tried replacing the \n with <br /> which doesn't add the line break and for some reason, doesn't display the URL either. I can only guess that the problem has to do with the HtmlAttributeEncode() and getting it to parse the NewLine properly. Is there something I'm missing here?
You might want to try .Replace("\r\n", "<br />") on the body after you have done your encoding of the body.
You should probably use StringBuilder here instead of String.
You can then do the following:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine(string.Format("A Booking Form for Project #{0} - {1}",lblProjectID.Text, lblProjectName.Text));
builder.AppendLine(string.Format(" - Release {0} has been created or modified.", strReleaseName));
String strBody = builder.ToString();
You can also include (char)10 and (char)13 in your string creation. e.g.:
string.Format("First Line{0}{1}Second Line", (char)10, (char)13);
Model.Message = "my message \n second message";
then add this style to string tag style="white-space: pre-line;"
example <h3 style="white-space: pre-line;">#Model.Message</h3>

How to show multiple images on a secondary tile in windows 10 uwp?

I'm trying to create a secondary tile, which shows pictures in rotation like in the photos app. I have tried something like this:
SecondaryTile tile = GenerateSecondaryTile("NewTile", "SecondaryTile");
await tile.RequestCreateAsync();
var ImageUrl = selectedFileList.ElementAt(0).Path;
string tileXmlString =
+ "<visual>"
+ "<binding template='TileSmall'>"
+ "<image src='" + selectedFileList.ElementAt(0).Path + "' alt='image'/>"
+ "<image src='" + selectedFileList.ElementAt(1).Path + "' alt='image'/>"
+ "<image src='" + selectedFileList.ElementAt(2).Path + "' alt='image'/>"
+ "<image src='" + selectedFileList.ElementAt(3).Path + "' alt='image'/>"
+ "<image src='" + selectedFileList.ElementAt(4).Path + "' alt='image'/>"
+ "</binding>"
+ "</visual>"
+ "</tile>";
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
TileNotification notifyTile = new TileNotification(xmlDoc);
I have tried setting the type as both background and peek but it doesn't give the required result. And also I would not like to use a background task as my app already uses one and I wouldn't want to increase the overhead which might cause the task to fail entirely. I wouldn't mind if the images were limited to 5 like earlier in Windows phone 8.1.
For reference : check this out : Skip to 0:30
This is for Primary Tile, but it should work the same way. Make your own XML Template, then reference your image. Enable notification queue then update the Tile with the TileNotification. Do this up to five times to put five images on the Live Tile stack.
var myStorageFile = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync("LiveTileTemplate.xml");
string liveTileTemplate = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(myStorageFile);
liveTileTemplate = liveTileTemplate.Replace("squareImageSource", FilePathFullPrefix + GetFilePathSquareTile(imageID));
TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(new TileNotification(mergedXML));

Emailing in C# why isn't the information sending correctly?

I have a form that the users for my website will fill out. Once they click submit the information they filled out is supposed to be sent to my email. For some reason the information they fill out is not being sent. I am posting the code below. For a while it was working, but I must have changed something simple when I was trying to get other parts of the code to work and now I can't figure it out.
protected void Submit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strMessage = "Bug Name: " + txtBugName.Text.Trim()
+ "<br/>" + "Module Name: " + ddlModule.SelectedValue
+ "<br/>" + "Page Name: " + ddlPage.SelectedValue
+ "<br/>" + "Description: " + txtComments.Text.Trim()
+ "<br/>" + "Email is" + " " + txtemail.Text.Trim()
+ "<br/>" + "The request was sent at" +
strMessage, "", "");
As you can see I have this code pulling the information they fill out and then also I am formatting it for the email that will be sent to myself. But now I just get a blank email or actually the subject line will have something, but the email will be blank.
Also at the bottom of the code you can see i put this email was sent at + dandt I am trying to have the date and time sent in that part is there any code I can just put there to send the date and time the email was sent at? Like is there any syntax specifically just for date and time?
Thank you all
You're swallowing the exception. Remove the try/catch to see any errors that may occur as you change your code; only apply exception handling after testing.
Verify your method signature (params) here because that's where the mistake lies:
You need to pass the parameters in the following order (read the link below):
public void Send(
string from,
string to,
string subject,
string body
SmtpClient.Send Method (String, String, String, String)
Your wrote the following, with extra strings snipped:
string strMessage = "..." + ... + SendMessage(..., strMessage, ...);
You're calling SendMessage() before assigning strMessage.

Render fusionchart with Mvc3 and Razor engine

Since yesterday, I try to run a sample of code to display a chart with FusionCharts and Mvc3 Razor and nothing works. Please.... help!!! :)
Here is what I have done:
I took the projet from Libero. here
After that, I used the project convertor here to upgrade the project from Mvc2 to Mvc3.
When I try to run to code (F5 and show the result in browser), that works fine; all graphics are displayed correctly.
If I just create a new view with razor (.cshtml) instead of the current .aspx (replacing a view from the old syntax to the new razor) and I try to displayed the same graphic, the page is displayed correctly but without graphic. When I look into the page source with firebug or any other tools, no code is behind the scene. I also don't have any errors while looking with the Web Developer tool in Firefox.
I just tried to add a Html.Raw in front of the code that generate the javascript to not encode the output and I have the same result. Also trying with returning HtmlString but again same result; no graphic is displayed.
The key to don't miss in this problem is that if I try the exact same code but with an .aspx file, all is correct.
In .aspx, the code looks like this:
<%=Html.FChart("Chart01", ViewData["MyChart"], 600, 400)%>
And in .cshtml:
#{Html.FChart("Chart01", ViewData["MyChart"], 600, 400); }
And finally, the html helper to generate this bunch of code:
private static string RenderChart(string controlId, string xmlData, FusionChartBase chart, int width, int height)
String sControlId = controlId;
String sJsVarId = "_lib_JS_" + controlId;
String sDivId = "_lib_DIV_" + controlId;
String sObjId = "_lib_OBJ_" + controlId;
String sWidth = width.ToString();
String sHeight = height.ToString();
StringBuilder oBuilder = new StringBuilder();
oBuilder.AppendLine(#"<div id=""" + sDivId + #""" align=""center""></div>");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#"<script type=""text/javascript"">");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#"var " + sControlId + #" = (function() {");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" return {");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" containerId: '" + sDivId + "',");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" xmlData: '',");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" chartType: '',");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" showChart: function() {");
oBuilder.AppendFormat(#" var chartURL = '{0}' + this.chartType.replace('Chart', '{1}');", UrlSWF, SufixSWF);
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" var " + sJsVarId + #" = new FusionCharts(chartURL, """ + sObjId + #""", """ + sWidth + #""", """ + sHeight + #""");");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" " + sJsVarId + #".setDataXML(this.xmlData);");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" " + sJsVarId + #".render(""" + sDivId + #""");");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" }");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" }");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" " + sControlId + #".xmlData = """ + xmlData.Replace(#"""", #"'") + #""";");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" " + sControlId + #".chartType = """ + chart.ChartType + #""";");
oBuilder.AppendLine(#" " + sControlId + #".showChart();");
return oBuilder.ToString();
I don't know if I must set some configuration options in the web.config or what I don't understand in the behavior of Mvc2 compare to Mvc3, but it's very frustrating.
If you have any idea, a big thanx in advance.
It should be #Html.FChart("Chart01", ViewData["MyChart"], 600, 400) instead of #{Html.FChart("Chart01", ViewData["MyChart"], 600, 400); }
FusionCharts provides a .NET library which makes rendering charts a one liner - read through the FusionCharts Documentation.
They have a recent tutorial up on their blog - JavaScript Charts with ASP.NET (C#) Using FusionCharts XT

