Whats the difference between open and native handle in c# - c#

I am looking for the difference between
IntPtr handle_1 = process.Handle;
Gets the native handle of the associated process.
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(
uint processAccess,
bool bInheritHandle,
uint processId
IntPtr handle_2 = OpenProcess(0x0010,false,process.Id);
If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified process.
Both got different values. But i can still read the memory with those. I would like to understand the difference between those two, to prevent making mistakes.
I am using them in the context:
ReadProcessMemory(handle_x, addr, data, data.Length, IntPtr.Zero);

Both are process handles, and as such can be used in the same manner.
A Process object contains a process handle through its Handle property. When you call Dispose on that object, you close that handle.
When you call OpenProcess on the process' ID, you get a different handle (so it has a different value) that refers to the same process. You must separately close that handle when you're done with it (using the Win32 function CloseHandle): disposing the Process object won't magically close the handle you got from OpenProcess.
So why would you call OpenProcess when you already have a perfectly functional handle in Process? Well, access rights, really. The handle obtained by Process has PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS (i.e. full access rights). If you want an handle with fewer rights, you can use OpenProcess for that.
But really, for most purposes, there isn't really a need to mess around with native APIs when you need a process handle.


CLR GC thread behavior: SafeFileHandle unexpectedly finalized

We recently hit some issues that may be related to the GC behavior of CLR.
The problem I encountered is as follows:
We have a long running stress testing application written in C# that keeps opening file handles on a remote SMB file share (which is Azure Files Service), and uses those handles to perform file system operations like read/write, etc.
Typically we’ll keep those handle open for quite a long time, as we’ll use them repeatedly. But sometimes when we try to access some of those opened handles, we found that these handles were closed already. And from the trace logs captured by Process Monitor (one sample below):
It seems that the handles were closed in CLR GC Finalizer thread. However, our handles are opened in the following pattern which should not be GC’ed:
We use P/Invoke to open a file handle and obtain a SafeFileHandle and use that SafeFileHandle to construct a FileStream, and we’ll save the FileStream object in another object defined as follows:
public class ScteFileHandle
/// <summary>
/// local file handle
/// </summary>
public FileStream FileStreamHandle;
* Some other fields
P/Invoke we use:
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile(
string lpFileName,
Win32FileAccess dwDesiredAccess,
Win32FileShare dwShareMode,
IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes,
Win32FileMode dwCreationDisposition,
Win32FileAttributes dwFlagsAndAttributes,
IntPtr hTemplateFile);
SafeFileHandle fileHandle = Win32FileIO.CreateFile(fullFilePath, win32FileAccess, win32FileShare, IntPtr.Zero, win32FileMode, win32FileAttr, IntPtr.Zero);
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileHandle, fileAccess, Constants.XSMBFileSectorSize);
One thing we’re sure of is that during the whole lifetime of our stress testing application, we definitely keep a reference to the ScteFileHandle object, so it will never be cleaned up by GC. However, we do have observed the SafeHandle referenced within the ScteFileHandle ‘s FileStream got finalized in CLR GC thread, as pasted in above trace log.
So I’m wondering what caused the SafeFileHandle to be GC’ed and if there’s any approach to avoid this ? I’m not familiar with the CLR GC behavior but from my perspective, the SafeFileHandle is not supposed to be GC’ed.
Any pointer or insight is greatly appreciated ! Please let me know if any other detail you need to diagnostic this issue : )

SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer does not display screen buffer

I am currently trying to write a console application in C# with two screen buffers, which should be swapped back and forth (much like VSync on a modern GPU). Since the System.Console class does not provide a way to switch buffers, I had to P/Invoke several methods from kernel32.dll.
This is my current code, grossly simplified:
static void Main(string[] args)
IntPtr oldBuffer = GetStdHandle(-11); //Gets the handle for the default console buffer
IntPtr newBuffer = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(0, 0x00000001, IntPtr.Zero, 1, 0); //Creates a new console buffer
/* Write data to newBuffer */
The following things occured:
The screen remains empty, even though it should be displaying newBuffer
When written to oldBuffer instead of newBuffer, the data appears immediately. Thus, my way of writing into the buffer should be correct.
Upon calling SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(newBuffer), the error code is now 6, which means invalid handle. This is strange, as the handle is not -1, which the documentation discribes as invalid.
I should note that I very rarely worked with the Win32 API directly and have very little understanding of common Win32-related problems. I would appreciate any sort of help.
As IInspectable points out in the comments, you're setting dwDesiredAccess to zero. That gives you a handle with no access permissions. There are some edge cases where such a handle is useful, but this isn't one of them.
The only slight oddity is that you're getting "invalid handle" rather than "access denied". I'm guessing you're running Windows 7, so the handle is a user-mode object (a "pseudohandle") rather than a kernel handle.
At any rate, you need to set dwDesiredAccess to GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE as shown in the sample code.
Also, as Hans pointed out in the comments, the declaration on pinvoke.net was incorrect, specifying the last argument as a four-byte integer rather than a pointer-sized integer. I believe the correct declaration is
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(
uint dwDesiredAccess,
uint dwShareMode,
IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes,
uint dwFlags,
IntPtr lpScreenBufferData

Can Keylogger apps able to see the messages sent via SendMessage()?

I am creating a c# app to send a message in a notepad using the SendMessage() function. I have successfuly passed the strings to notepad. The strings are very important and i was wondering if a keylogger program can see this message?
If yes, do you have any other ideas on how i can send the strings securely?
Below is a sample code i used.
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindowEx")]
public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndParent, IntPtr hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow);
public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int uMsg, int wParam, string lParam);
Process[] notepads = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad");
if (notepads.Length == 0) return;
if (notepads[0] != null)
IntPtr child = FindWindowEx(notepads[0].MainWindowHandle, new IntPtr(0), "Edit", null);
SendMessage(child, 0x000C, 0, TextBox1.Text);
What you're doing is not secure; there are multiple ways a SendMessage call can be spied on by anyone who wants to do so.
SetWindowsHookEx with WH_CALLWNDPROC or WH_CALLWNDPROCRET will let an attacker monitor all messages being sent to a given thread, or they can monitor all messages across the system and just filter out the ones headed to your SendMessage target.
Alternately, an attacker can inject themselves into your recipient process, using WriteProcessMemory to write a DLL name into the recipient process, then CreateRemoteThread and LoadLibrary to load the DLL into the target process. After that, monitoring the process's messages should be fairly trivial.
To avoid using a DLL, an attacker could also use WriteProcessMemory to write code directly into the target process's memory space, then CreateRemoteThread to call it.
All three of these monitoring methods are documented in this CodeProject article. It's admittedly a little old, but the methods should still be relevant, particularly the SetWindowsHookEx one.
An attacker could also hook various Windows APIs directly; it's difficult and somewhat risky, but depending on the sensitivity of your data an attacker might find it a worthwhile approach.
Trying to protect your data will be very difficult, honestly. You can look at how KeePass keeps passwords secure; it's got a setting (at least in the 1.x branch; KeePass 2.x is an entirely different app) to "allow pasting only once and protect against clipboard spies", which might be of some benefit to you. Taking another cue from KeePass, you can also look into Windows' Data Protection API.
As a side note, you may want to replace
SendMessage(child, 0x000C, 0, TextBox1.Text);
SendMessage(child, WM_SETTEXT, 0, TextBox1.Text);
for readability. Not many people will recognize 0x000C by itself, although it's possible to guess what the message is based on context.

How to change a file without affecting the "last write time"

I would like to write some stuff to file, like
using( var fs = File.OpenWrite( file ) )
fs.Write( bytes, 0, bytes.Length );
However, this changes the "last write time". I can reset it later, by using
File.SetLastWriteTime( file, <old last write time> );
But in the meantime, a FileSystemWatcher already triggers.
Now my question: Is is possible to write a file without altering the "last write time"?
You can achieve it by using P/Invoke calls in Kernel32.dll.
This Powershell script from MS TechNet achieves it, and explicitly states that a FileSystemWatcher's events are not triggered.
I have briefly looked into the script and the code is pretty straightforward and can easily be copied to your C# project.
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetFileTime(IntPtr hFile, ref long lpCreationTime, ref long lpLastAccessTime, ref long lpLastWriteTime);
The script uses SetFileTime to lock the file times before writing.
private const int64 fileTimeUnchanged = 0xFFFFFFFF;
This constant is passed as reference to the method for lpCreationTime, lpLastAccessTime and lpLastWriteTime:
// assuming fileStreamHandle is an IntPtr with the handle of the opened filestream
SetFileTime(fileStreamHandle, ref fileTimeUnchanged, ref fileTimeUnchanged, ref fileTimeUnchanged);
// Write to the file and close the stream
Don't think it's possible,nor that I'm aware of.
Also consider that "last write time" Is Not Always Updated, which leads to some wired results if you're going to pick (say) some files from the folder based on that parameter or rely on that property in some way. So it's not a parameter you can rely on in your development, it's just not reliable by architecture of OS.
Simply create a flag: boolean, if this you write and watch into the same application,
or a flag, like some specific named file, if you write form one and watch from another application.

Call a function from an injected DLL

First off I would like to say, that I am not trying to hack a game. I am actually employed by the company whose process I am trying to inject. :)
I would like to know how to call a function from an already injected DLL.
So, I have successfully injected and loaded my DLL in the target using CreateRemoteThread(). Below you can see a snippet of the injection:
private static bool Inject(Process pToBeInjected, string sDllPath,out string sError, out IntPtr hwnd, out IntPtr hLibModule)
IntPtr zeroPtr = (IntPtr)0;
hLibModule = zeroPtr;
IntPtr hProcess = NativeUtils.OpenProcess(
(0x2 | 0x8 | 0x10 | 0x20 | 0x400), //create thread, query info, operation ,write, and read
hwnd = hProcess;
IntPtr loadLibH = NativeUtils.GetProcAddress( NativeUtils.GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"),"LoadLibraryA");
IntPtr dllAddress = NativeUtils.VirtualAllocEx(
(IntPtr)sDllPath.Length, //520 bytes should be enough
(uint)NativeUtils.AllocationType.Commit |
byte[] bytes = CalcBytes(sDllPath);
IntPtr ipTmp = IntPtr.Zero;
out ipTmp);
IntPtr hThread = NativeUtils.CreateRemoteThread(
loadLibH, //handle to LoabLibrary function
dllAddress,//Address of the dll in remote process
uint retV= NativeUtils.WaitForSingleObject(hThread, NativeUtils.INFINITE_WAIT);
bool exitR = NativeUtils.GetExitCodeThread(hThread, out hLibModule);
return true;
Note: Error checking and freeing resources were removed for brevity, but rest assured I check all the pointers and free my resources.
After the function above exits, I have a non-zero module handle to my DLL returned by LoadLibrary through hLibModule, meaning that the DLL was loaded correctly.
My DLL is a C# class library meant to show a message box (for testing). I have tried testing the function and the message box pops up. It looks like this:
public class Class1
public static void ThreadFunc(IntPtr param )
IntPtr libPtr = LoadLibrary("user32.dll");
MessageBox(IntPtr.Zero, "I'm ALIVE!!!!", "InjectedDll", 0);
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpFileName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, int options);
I compile it from Visual Studio and the DLL appears in the Debug folder. I then pass the full path of my DLL to the injector.
After injection into the target process, I don't know how to call my ThreadFunc from the injected DLL, so it never executes.
I cannot use GetProcAddress(hLibModule,"ThreadFunc") since I am out of process, so the answer must lie into calling CreateRemoteThread() somehow. Also, I have read that DllMain is no longer allowed for .NET DLLs, so I cannot get any free execution that way either.
Does anyone have any idea how to call a function from an injected DLL?
Thank you in advance.
Well, you already got a thread running inside that process. You make it do something boring, it only loads a DLL. This works completely by accident, LoadLibrary just happens to have to correct function signature.
It can do much more. That however better be unmanaged code, just like LoadLibrary(), you cannot count on any managed code running properly. That takes a heckofalot more work, you have to load and initialize the CLR and tell it to load and execute the assembly you want to run. And no, you cannot load the CLR in DllMain().
Keywords to look for are CorBindToRuntimeEx() and ICLRRuntimeHost::ExecuteInAppDomain(). This is gritty stuff to get going but I've seen it done. COM and C++ skills and generous helpings of luck required.

