How to make loot table not repeat items in Unity? - c#

I am looking to randomly generate 3 items using a loot table. The loot table currently works as expected, it will randomly generate an item based on the item's rarity. However, I don't want there to be duplicates of the same item. How can I set this up? This script is currently attached to 3 separate GameObject item pedestals.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ShopItemSpawner : MonoBehaviour
public class DropItem
public string name;
public GameObject item;
public int dropRarity;
public List<DropItem> ShopItemPool = new List<DropItem>();
private void Start()
int itemWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ShopItemPool.Count; i++)
itemWeight += ShopItemPool[i].dropRarity;
int randomValue = Random.Range(0, itemWeight);
for (int j = 0; j < ShopItemPool.Count; j++)
if (randomValue <= ShopItemPool[j].dropRarity)
Instantiate(ShopItemPool[j].item, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
randomValue -= ShopItemPool[j].dropRarity;

You could clone the ShopItemPool list and with each item rolled you remove that item from the list. You then need to go all over again by recalculating the total weight.
I find it useful to have a general purpose class for randomizing items with weights, it allows you do this this:
var randomizer = new WeightRandomizer<DropItem>();
foreach (var shopItem in ShopItemPool) {
randomizer.Add(shopItem, shopItem.dropRarity);
randomizer.Roll(); // Get a random element based on weight.
randomizer.Take(); // Get a random element based on weight and remove it from the randomizer.
General Purpose Weight Randomizer:
public class WeightRandomizer<T> {
public class WeightedElement<T> {
public T value;
public int weight;
public WeightedElement (T value, int weight) {
this.value = value;
this.weight = weight;
private readonly List<WeightedElement<T>> elements = new();
public void Add (T value, int weight) => elements.Add(new WeightedElement<T>(value, weight));
public void AddRange (IEnumerable<WeightedElement<T>> weightedElements) => elements.AddRange(weightedElements);
public int TotalWeight() => elements.Sum(x => x.weight);
public T Roll() => Pick(false);
public T Take() => Pick(true);
private T Pick (bool remove) {
if (elements.Count == 0) {
Debug.LogWarning($"{nameof(WeightRandomizer<T>)} is missing elements.");
return default(T);
var roll = Random.Range(0, TotalWeight());
var selectedIndex = elements.Count - 1;
var selected = elements[selectedIndex].value;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
// Found an element with a low enough value.
if (roll < element.weight) {
selected = element.value;
selectedIndex = i;
// Keep searching for an element with a lower value.
roll -= element.weight;
// Sometimes we want to take and remove the element from the pool.
if (remove) elements.RemoveAt(selectedIndex);
return selected;


C# Unity Inventory - List.FindAll() not working as expected

I am super new to C#, so apologies if this is a simple question or has already been answered. I've been looking at other SO questions, trying the exact methods they use, and am still having no luck.
In Unity, I have an Inventory Object class that I can use to create Inventories in my game:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Inventory", menuName = "Inventory System/Inventory")]
public class InventoryObject : ScriptableObject
public List<InventorySlot> Container = new List<InventorySlot>();
public void AddItem(ItemObject newItem, int itemAmount)
bool inventoryHasItem = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Container.Count; i++)
if (CurrentSlotHasItem(Container[i], newItem)) {
if (Container.FindAll((InventorySlot currentSlot) => CurrentSlotHasItem(currentSlot, newItem)).Count < newItem.maxStackSize)
inventoryHasItem = true;
if (!inventoryHasItem)
Container.Add(new InventorySlot(newItem, itemAmount));
private bool CurrentSlotHasItem(InventorySlot currentSlot, ItemObject item)
return currentSlot.item == item;
public class InventorySlot
public ItemObject item;
public int amount;
public InventorySlot(ItemObject _item, int _amount)
item = _item;
amount = _amount;
public void AddAmount(int value)
amount += value;
This works great, except for this line:
Container.FindAll((InventorySlot currentSlot) => CurrentSlotHasItem(currentSlot, newItem)).Count < newItem.maxStackSize
For some reason, no matter what I use for the findAll() predicate, I always get the same amount in my inspector - 1. Which means that .Count never goes above 1, and I can go way above my ItemObject.maxStackSize.
This is an example ItemObject class I have:
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Food Object", menuName = "Inventory System/Items/Food")]
public class FoodObject : ItemObject
public int healthAmount;
private void Awake() {
type = ItemType.Food;
maxStackSize = 25;
This is also my Player script that adds the items to the inventory. It just adds them based off of OnTriggerEnter.
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
public InventoryObject inventory;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
var item = other.GetComponent<Item>();
if (item)
inventory.AddItem(item.item, 1);
Here's some screenshots of my Unity console/inspector, with these two lines added to my InventoryObject class. You can see that .Count never going above 1.
if (CurrentSlotHasItem(Container[i], newItem)) {
Debug.Log(Container.FindAll((InventorySlot currentSlot) => CurrentSlotHasItem(currentSlot, newItem)).Count);
// rest of class
I don't know what I was thinking here. All I needed to do to get maxStackSize to work was changing the logic inside of AddItem:
for (int i = 0; i < Container.Count; i++)
if (Container[i] == {
if (Container[i].amount < newItem.maxStackSize)
inventoryHasItem = true;
It just compares Container[i].amount to newItem.maxStackSize. If it's under, it will stack the item. Otherwise, it creates a new item in the inventory.

Radix sort in singly-linked list C#

I'm trying to do a Radix sort in a Linked list class. I found radix sort algorithm for array and am trying to change it to work with my linked list. However, I'm a bit struggling. The code I'm trying to change is taken from I tested the code with an array and it worked. Does anybody have any ideas how to make radix sort work in a linked list?
//abstract class
abstract class DataList
protected int length;
public int Length { get { return length; } }
public abstract double Head();
public abstract double Next();
public abstract void Swap(int a, int b);
public void Print(int n)
Console.Write("{0} ", Head());
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", Next());
//linked list class
class LinkedList : DataList
class MyLinkedListNode
public MyLinkedListNode nextNode { get; set; }
public int data { get; set; }
public MyLinkedListNode(int data)
{ = data;
public MyLinkedListNode()
{ = 0;
MyLinkedListNode headNode;
MyLinkedListNode prevNode;
MyLinkedListNode currentNode;
public LinkedList(int n, int min, int max)
length = n;
Random rand = new Random();
headNode = new MyLinkedListNode(rand.Next(min, max));
currentNode = headNode;
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
prevNode = currentNode;
currentNode.nextNode = new MyLinkedListNode(rand.Next(min, max));
currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
currentNode.nextNode = null;
public LinkedList()
headNode = new MyLinkedListNode();
currentNode = headNode;
public override double Head()
currentNode = headNode;
prevNode = null;
public override double Next()
prevNode = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
public override void Swap(int a, int b)
{ = a; = b;
//my radix sort
public void radixSort()
int j = 0;
LinkedList tmp = new LinkedList();
for (int shift = 31; shift > -1; --shift)
//I try to go trough old list
MyLinkedListNode current = headNode;
while (current != null)
bool move = ( << shift) >= 0;
//I found this expression somewhere and I'm trying to use it to form a new Linked list (tmp)
if (shift == 0 ? !move : move)
if (tmp.headNode == null)
tmp.headNode = currentNode;
tmp.currentNode.nextNode = current;
//infinite loop happens on the commented line
//tmp.currentNode = tmp.currentNode.nextNode;
current = current.nextNode;
Following the C# radix sort example, you need an array of ten lists. Move nodes from the original list into the ten lists, appending a node with least signfificant digit == '0' into array_of_lists[0], '1' into array_of_list[1], and so on. After the original list is emptied, then concatenate the array of lists back into the original list and repeat for the next to least significant digit. Repeat the process until all the digits are handled.
You could use a larger base, such as base 16, where you would use an array of 16 lists. You can then select each "digit" using a shift and an and .

Scriptable object doesn't work on build

I'm hoping this might be something simple I'm missing.
I have a ScriptableObject script that looks like this:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Item: ScriptableObject
public string iname;
public int iindex;
public Sprite sprite;
public GameObject itemObject;
public int value;
public string description;
public itemType itemtype;
public enum itemType
This works great in the editor, but if I publish to Android or Windows any script that references the ScriptableObject, it does not work. What am I missing?
For example the following block of code does not seem to execute at all:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int lootnum = Random.Range(0, 4);
slot1 = itemdb[lootnum];
tlist[i] = itemdb[lootnum];
slotlist[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = itemdb[lootnum].sprite;
slotlist[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().enabled = true;
Those lists in the code are of the type Item defined in the above script. I'm not sure how to debug this as I get no errors or warnings in the editor.
Here is the script which populates the inventory. There's a bit of junk in there but it definitley works fine pressing play in the editor. Just not on build.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour {
public int invSize;
public Item slot1;
public Item tslot1;
public Item tslot2;
public Item tslot3;
public GameObject t1;
public GameObject t2;
public GameObject t3;
public Sprite itemsprite;
public List<Item> itemdb = new List<Item>();
public List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
public List<Item> tlist = new List<Item>();
public Text stext;
public Text description;
public Item selectItem;
public GameObject selectSlot;
public Object test2;
public List<GameObject> slotlist = new List<GameObject>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void addItem(Item itemToAdd)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (items[i] == null)
items[i] = itemToAdd;
itemsprite = itemToAdd.sprite;
public void GenTreasure()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int lootnum = Random.Range(0, 4);
slot1 = itemdb[lootnum];
tlist[i] = itemdb[lootnum];
slotlist[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = itemdb[lootnum].sprite;
slotlist[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().enabled = true;
public void Uptext(int indexx)
stext.text = tlist[indexx].iname;
selectItem = tlist[indexx];
selectSlot = slotlist[indexx];
description.text = selectItem.description;
public void Take(int index)
for (int i = 0; i < invSize; i++)
if (items[i] == null)
items[i] = selectItem;
// itemsprite = itemToAdd.sprite;
selectItem = null;
// tlist[i] = null;
// slotlist[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = null;
selectSlot.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().enabled = false;
If the script is not in the scene, how does it get loaded? Is it using an asset bundle? If that is the case, then it's possible that the class is being stripped from the build. You can include the class in your link.xml to make sure it's included. Another option is to simply reference the script in an included scene anywhere.

Random Shuffle Listing in Unity 3D

I'm in a little bit of a pickle. I have this script of an array that shows a listing of items. Now the thing is I only want this list to have five items shown out of ten and also shuffled, so you cant have the same list every time you start a new game. I was thinking if there should be a Random.Range implemented but I dont know where. Please Help and Thanks. Heres the script: `
public class RayCasting : MonoBehaviour
public float pickupDistance;
public List<Item> items;
#region Unity
void Start ()
Screen.lockCursor = true;
void Update ()
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, pickupDistance))
foreach(Item item in items)
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
if (item.gameObject.Equals(hit.collider.gameObject))
void OnGUI()
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(130,400,100,100));
if (numItemsCollected < items.Count)
foreach (Item item in items)
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", item.Collected ? "X" : " ",;
GUILayout.Label("You Win!");
#region Private
private int numItemsCollected;
public class Item
public string name;
public GameObject gameObject;
public bool Collected { get; private set; }
public void Collect()
Collected = true;
To get a random 5 items from your 10 item list you can use:
List<Items> AllItems = new List<Items>();
List<Items> RandomItems = new List<Items>();
Random random = new Random();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
RandomItems.Add(AllItems[random.Next(0, AllItems.Count + 1)]);
The AllItems list contains your 10 items.
After the loop you will have 5 random items inside the RandomItems list.
Just figured it out, this is my solution for shuffle any kind of List
public class Ext : MonoBehaviour
public static List<T> Shuffle<T>(List<T> _list)
for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++)
T temp = _list[i];
int randomIndex = Random.Range(i, _list.Count);
_list[i] = _list[randomIndex];
_list[randomIndex] = temp;
return _list;
With your example it should work like this:
AllItems = Ext.Shuffle<Items>(AllItems);
Debug.Log(AllItems[0]); // Will be always random Item
If you need 5 random Items, you can just call
Debug.Log(AllItems[0]); // Random Item
Debug.Log(AllItems[1]); // Random Item
Debug.Log(AllItems[2]); // Random Item
Debug.Log(AllItems[3]); // Random Item
Debug.Log(AllItems[4]); // Random Item

declaring new objects with GUI in C#

So I am using a GUI with a class. I have done it before and I know most of the time you create an event for a button. Then when that button is pushed, you can create a new object. In this project I am working on, I have a TextBox that I type a name and a score into. Then when I hit the enter button that I have, I want to create a new object with the parameterized constructor and place the name and score in different arrays so I can manipulate them. Then I want to produce the highest, lowest, and avg scores. I have had previous projects where I just create a new object when the button is pressed. But with this I am loading in multiple things in the same TextBox. So every time the button was hit I was creating a new object. What I want to do is create the object once with a parameterized constructor and then add the names and scores to arrays within the class. Any suggestions.
The bottom method in my form class I tried to mess around and do it this way, but it wouldn't do anything.
private void nameTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get the information from the text box and store it in a variable
string userInput = nameTextBox.Text;
//Create a new object with the parameterized constructor
myBowlingTeam = new BowlingTeam(userInput);
PLEASE HELP. This is like my only hiccup. If I get this part to work right the program will work. Cause I know how to work with the class to produce the results I want. Thanks in advance.
Here is my class code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Project_9
class BowlingTeam
const int MAX = 10;
//local variables
int sizeOfName = 0;
int sizeOfScore = 0;
//Declare Private Data Members
private string nameAndScore = "";
private string name = "";
private int score = 0;
private string[] nameArray = new string[MAX];
private int[] scoreArray = new int[MAX];
private string[] nameAndScoreArray = new string[MAX];
//Default Constructor
//Purpose: To set the initial values of an object
//Parameters: None
//Returns: Nothing
public BowlingTeam()
nameAndScore = "";
name = "";
score = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
nameArray[i] = "";
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
scoreArray[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
nameAndScoreArray[i] = "";
//Parameterized Constructor
//Purpose: To set the values of an object
//Parameters: None
//Returns: Nothing
public BowlingTeam(string aString)
nameAndScore = aString;
name = "";
score = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
nameArray[i] = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
scoreArray[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
nameAndScoreArray[i] = "";
//Split the Input Method
//Purpose: To Split up the data in the array
//Parameters: An array of strings
//Returns: Nothing
public void SplitAndDisperseArray()
nameAndScoreArray = nameAndScore.Split();
name = nameAndScoreArray[0];
score = int.Parse(nameAndScoreArray[1]);
//Place the name and the score in their one arrays
//Find Highest Score Method
//Purpose: To find the highest score
//Parameters: An array of int
//Returns: An int
public int CalcHighestScore()
int highestScore = 0;
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++ )
if (scoreArray[i] < scoreArray[i + 1])
highestScore = scoreArray[i];
highestScore = scoreArray[i + 1];
return highestScore;
//Find Lowest Score Method
//Purpose: To find the lowest score
//Parameters: An array of int
//Returns: An int
public int CalcLowestScore(int[] anArrayOfInts, int sizeOfArray)
int lowestScore = 0;
while (sizeOfArray < MAX)
if (anArrayOfInts[sizeOfArray] < anArrayOfInts[sizeOfArray + 1])
lowestScore = anArrayOfInts[sizeOfArray];
lowestScore = anArrayOfInts[sizeOfArray + 1];
return lowestScore;
//Calulate Avg. Score Method
//Purpose: To calculate the avg score
//Parameters: An array of int
//Returns: An double
public double CalculateAvgScore(int[] anArrayOfInts, int sizeOfArray)
int sum = 0;
double avg = 0;
//Add up all of the elements in the array
while(sizeOfArray < MAX)
sum += anArrayOfInts[sizeOfArray];
//Divide the sum by the size of the array
return avg /= sum;
//Set Score Array Method
//Purpose: To put scores in the score array
//Parameters: An int
//Returns: Nothing
public void PlaceInScoreArray(int aScore)
scoreArray[sizeOfScore] = score;
//Set Name Array Method
//Purpose: To put names in the names array
//Parameters: A string
//Returns: Nothing
public void PlaceInNameArray(string aName)
nameArray[sizeOfName] = name;
Here is my Form1 code for the GUI:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Project_9
public partial class Form1 : Form
//Declare a reference variable to the class
private BowlingTeam myBowlingTeam;
public Form1()
myBowlingTeam = new BowlingTeam();//Create a BowlingTeam object with the default constructor
//Purpose: To close the application when clicked
//Parameters: The sending object and the event arguments
//Returns: nothing
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Purpose: To display student information
//Parameters: The sending object and the event arguments
//Returns: nothing
private void aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Charlie Barber\nCS 1400-X01\nProject 9");
//Enter Button Clicked
//Purpose: To store the info in an array when the button is pressed
//Parameters: The sending object and the event arguments
//Returns: nothing
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get the information from the text box and store it in a variable
string userInput = nameTextBox.Text;
if (userInput != "")
//Create a new object with the parameterized constructor
// myBowlingTeam = new BowlingTeam(userInput);
//Split the string into two separte pieces of data
//Clear the text box
int highestScore = myBowlingTeam.CalcHighestScore();
private void nameTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get the information from the text box and store it in a variable
string userInput = nameTextBox.Text;
//Create a new object with the parameterized constructor
myBowlingTeam = new BowlingTeam(userInput);
What is stopping you from using a class for the players inside the team? Keep the arrays synchronised in your solution seems more trouble than its worth.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace Observable
class BowlingTeam
public string TeamName { get; set; }
private readonly IList<Player> players = new ObservableCollection<Player>();
public IList<Player> Players
return players;
public void AddPlayer(string name, int score)
AddPlayer(new Player(name, score));
public void AddPlayer(Player p)
public Player HighestRanked()
if (Players.Count == 0)
// no players
return null;
int max = 0, index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < Players.Count; i++)
if (Players[i].Score > max)
index = i;
max = Players[i].Score;
if (index < 0)
// no players found with a score greater than 0
return null;
return Players[index];
public BowlingTeam()
public BowlingTeam(string teamName)
this.TeamName = teamName;
class Player
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Score { get; set; }
public Player()
public Player(string name, int score)
this.Name = name;
this.Score = score;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} {1:n2}", Name, Score);
which could be manipulated as such
BowlingTeam b1 = new BowlingTeam("SO");
b1.AddPlayer("Player 1", 100);
b1.AddPlayer("Player 2", 135);
b1.AddPlayer("Player 3", 90);
b1.AddPlayer("Player 4", 127);
Console.WriteLine("Highest ranked player: {0}", b1.HighestRanked());
An advantage for later is that you can hang on the OnCollectionChangedEvents of your players, to be notified when players were added/removed.

