confusion over single responsibility in clean architecture - c#

I have a class receives message from the queue, once i get the message i need to upload it to cloud and then send it to another service. 3 different jobs have to be done in a single class, what I'm doing is :
private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
//i get the message first
var incomingMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RequestRefundModel>(args.Message.Body.ToString());
//need to upload it
var sendtoBlobResult = await uploadCsv.ExecuteUseCaseAsync(incomingMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
//prepare to send it to another service
SendFileToAggregatorModel sendToAggregator = new();
sendToAggregator.Metadata = new ResponseCsvRefundModel() { Transactions = incomingMessage.FileBody};
sendToAggregator.TransactionType = incomingMessage.TransactionType;
sendToAggregator.URL = sendtoBlobResult.URL;
await sendFile.ExecuteUseCaseAsync(sendToAggregator);
catch (Exception ex)
am I breaking the rule of single responsibility? If so, I would like you clarify what I'm missing to fix it?

Your code reveals a process that consists of 3 individual steps. You have already created separate instances to handle these steps (e.g. uploadCsv and sendFile). What you may be missing is a fourth class to describe the process itself. So you could create a new class called RequestRefundProcessor or RequestRefundOrchestrator or RequestRefundFlow whose sole responsibility is to describe the individual steps required to request a refund. I am purposely using language like may and could, because it is up to you to decide wether this makes sense or not. Creating a new class just for 8 lines of code may be overkill. Then again, if there are other classes that can reuse this code, then it makes sense to do it. In my opinion, I would move the code to its own class, because it helps to extract the actual business process from the technical message processing framework you are using.
In the end, the single responsibility principle is an architectural guideline, so the answer to your question will always be: it depends™


MassTransit Activity Fault with parameters

I am currently using Masstransit in with the Courier pattern.
I´ve set up an Activity which may fail, and I want to be able to subscribe to this failure and act accordingly.
My problem is, even though I can subscribe to the failure, and even see the exception that caused the failure, I am unable to pass any arguments to it.
For testing purposes, supose I have the following activity:
public class MyActivity : ExecuteActivity<MyMessage>
public Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<MyMessage> context)
// .... some code
throw new FaultException<RegistrationRefusedData>(
new RegistrationRefusedData(RegistrationRefusedReason.ItemUnavailable));
// .... some code
catch (Exception ex)
return Task.FromResult(context.Faulted(ex));
The problem is in the reason (RegistrationRefusedReason) I am passing as a argument of the exception. If I subscribe a RoutingSlipActivityFaulted consumer, I can almost get all the information I need:
public class ActivityFaultedConsumer : IMessageConsumer<RoutingSlipActivityFaulted>
public void Consume(RoutingSlipActivityFaulted message)
string exceptionMessage = message.ExceptionInfo.Message; // OK
string messageType = message.ExceptionInfo.ExceptionType; // OK
RegistrationRefusedReason reason = ??????;
I feel like I am missing something important here, (maybe misusing the pattern?).
Is there any other way to get parameters from a faulted activity ?
So, the case you're describing isn't a Fault. It's a failure to meet a business condition. In this case, you wouldn't want to retry the transaction, you'd want to terminate it. To notify the initiator of the routing slip, you'd Publish a business event signifying that the transaction was not completed due to the business condition.
For instance, in your case, you may do something like:
context.Publish<RegistrationRefused>(new {
CustomerId = xxx,
ItemId = xxxx,
Reason = "Item was unavailable"
This would terminate the routing slip (the subsequent activities would not be executed), and produce a RoutingSlipTerminated event.
That's the proper way to end a routing slip due to a business condition or rule. Exceptions are for exceptional behavior only, since you'll likely want to retry them to handle the failure.
Kinda raising this from the dead, but I really haven't found a neat solution to this.
Here is my scenario:
I want to implement a request/response, but I want to wait for the execution of a routing slip.
As Fabio, I want to compensate for any previous activities and I want to pass data back to the request client in case of a fault.
Conveniently, Chris provided a RoutingSlipRequestProxy/RoutingSlipResponseProxy which does just that. I've found 2 approaches, but both of them seem very hacky to me.
Approach 1:
The request client waits for ISimpleResponse or ISimpleFailResponse.
RoutingSlipRequestProxy sets the ResponseAddress in the variables.
The activity sends ISimpleFailResponse to the ResponseAddress.
The client waits for either response
The RoutingSlipResponseProxy sends back Fault<ISimpleResponse> to the ResponseAddress.
From what I see the hackiness comes from step 4/5 and their order. I am pretty sure it works, but it could easily stop working in case messages are consumed out-of-order.
Sample code:
Approach 2:
The request client waits for ISimpleResponse or ISimpleFailResponse.
The activity calls ReviseItirery with the variables and adds a faulty activity.*
The faulty activity faults
The RoutingSlipResponseProxy2 get the ValidationErrors and sends back ISimpleFailResponse to the ResponseAddress.
* The activity needs to be Activity and not ExecuteActivity because there is no overload of ReviseItinerary with variables but with no activity log.
This approach seems hacky because an additional fault activity is added to the itinerary, just to be able to add a variable to the routing slip.
Sample code:
Looking at MassTransit code, it doesn't seem like a problem to add a FaultedWithVariables overload. However, I think Chris' point is that there should be a better way to design the workflow, but I am not sure about that.

Pass parameters from a project to a specific class in another project

I just started to learn C# for a school project but I'm stuck on something.
I have a solution with 2 projects (and each project has a class), something like this:
Server (project) (...) MyServerClass.cs, Program.cs
App (project) (...) MyAppClass.cs, Program.cs
In my "MyServerClass.cs", I have this:
class MyServerClass
public void SomeMethod()
Process.Start("App.exe", "MyAppClass");
How can I properly send, for example, an IP address and port? Would something like this work?
class MyServerClass
public void SomeMethod()
string ip = "";
int port = 8888;
Process.Start("App.exe", "MyAppClass " + ip + " " + port);
Then in my "MyAppClass.cs", how can I receive that IP address and port?
The objective of this work is to practice processes/threads/sockets. The idea is having a server that receives emails and filter them, to know if they're spam or not. We got to have 4 or 5 filters. The idea was having them as separated projects (ex: Filter1.exe, Filter2.exe, ...), but I was trying to have only 1 project (ex: Filters.exe) and have the filters as classes (Filter1.cs, Filter2.cs, ...), and then create a new process for each different filter.
I guess I'll stick to a project for each filter!
There are a number of ways to achieve this, each with their own pros/cons.
Some possible solutions:
Pass the values in on the command line. Pros: Easy. Cons: Can only be passed in once on launch. Unidirectional (child process can't send info back). Doesn't scale well for complex structured data.
Create a webservice (either in the server or client). Connect to it and either pull/push the appropriate settings. Pros: Flexible, ongoing, potentially bi-directional with some form of polling and works if client/server are on different hosts. Cons: A little bit more complex, requires one app to be able to locate the web address of the other which is trivial locally and more involved over a network.
Use shared memory via a memory mapped file. This approach allows multiple processes to access the same chunk of memory. One process can write the required data and the others can read it. Pros: Efficient, bi-directional, can be disk-backed to persist state through restarts. Cons: Requires pointers and an understanding of how they work. Requires a little more manipulation of data to perform a read/write.
There are dozens more ways. Without knowing your situation in detail, it's hard to recommend one over another.
Edit Re: Updated requirements
Ok, command line is definitely a good choice here. A quick detour into some architecture...
There's no reason you can't do this with a single project.
First up, use an interface to make sure all your filters are interchangeable. Something like this...
public interface IFilter {
FilterResult Filter(string email);
void SetConfig(string config);
SetConfig() is optional but potentially useful to reconfigure a filter without a recompile.
You also need to decide what your IFilter's FilterResult is going to be. Is it a pass/fail? Or a score? Maybe some flags and other metrics.
If you wanted to do multiple projects, you'd put that interface in a "shared" or "common" project on its own and reference it from every other project. This also makes it easy for third parties to develop a filter.
Anyway, next up. Let's look at how the filter is hosted. You want something that's going to listen on the network but that's not the responsibility of the filter itself, so we need a network client. What you use here is up to you. WCF in one flavour or another seems to be a prime candidate. Your network client class should take in its constructor a network port to listen on and an instance of the filter...
public class NetworkClient {
private string endpoint;
private IFilter filter;
public NetworkClient(string Endpoint, IFilter Filter) {
this.filter = Filter;
this.endpoint = Endpoint;
void Setup() {
// Set up your network client to listen on endpoint.
// When it receives a message, pass it to filter.Filter(msg);
Finally, we need an application to host everything. It's up to you whether you go for a console app or winforms/wpf. Depends if you want the process to have a GUI. If it's running as a service, the UI won't be visible on a user desktop anyway.
So, we'll have a process that takes the endpoint for the NetworkClient to listen on, a class name for the filter to use, and (optionally) a configuration string to be passed in to the filter before first use.
So, in your app's Main(), do something like this...
static void Main() {
try {
const string usage = "Usage: Filter.exe Endpoint FilterType [Config]";
var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
Type filterType;
IFilter filter;
string endpoint;
string config = null;
NetworkClient networkClient;
switch (args.Length) {
case 0:
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("{0}. An endpoint and filter type are required", usage));
case 1:
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("{0}. A filter type is required", usage));
case 2:
// We've been given an endpoint and type
case 3:
// We've been given an endpoint, type and config.
config = args[3];
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("{0}. Max three parameters supported. If your config contains spaces, ensure you are quoting/escaping as required.", usage));
endpoint = args[1];
filterType = Type.GetType(args[2]); //Look at the overloads here to control where you're searching
// Now actually create an instance of the filter
filter = (IFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(filterType);
if (config != null) {
// If required, set config
// Make a new NetworkClient and tell it where to listen and what to host.
networkClient = new NetworkClient(endpoint, filter);
// In a console, loop here until shutdown is requested, however you've implemented that.
// In winforms, the main UI loop will keep you alive.
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); // Or display a dialog
You should then be able to invoke your process like this...
Filter.exe "" MyNamespace.MyFilterClass
Filter.exe "" MyNamespace.MyFilterClass "dictionary=en-gb;cutoff=0.5"
Of course, you can use a helper class to convert the config string into something your filter can use (like a dictionary).
When the network client gets a FilterResult back from the filter, it can pass the data back to the server / act accordingly.
I'd also suggest a little reading on Dependency Injection / Inversion of control and Unity. It makes a pluggable architecture much, much simpler. Instead of instantiating everything manually and tracking concrete instances, you can just do something like...
And the container will make sure that you get the appropriate instance for your thread/context.
Hope that helps

How to properly set up a multithreaded Asp.Net MVC + COM server on IIS

Update 2
The queueing problem was probably solved already, as we've been able to run multiple requests concurrently and the lib nicely reported progress for each operation. Other issues we're still facing about concurrency were likely the reason for this apparent behaviour, but that's a design matter. To solve this however, it'd be helpful to have some knowledge of the inner workings of classes, modules and variables as used in VB6. A question arise: would encapsulating everything (connections, components etc.) in classes ensure that every created object does not share any data with other instances?
Update 1
We've refactored the application a bit more to cope with resource disposing, especially when dealing with OCXs. Apparently that solved the out of memory issue. What still bothers me is that I don't understand what is happening beneath the surface. In this regard, is there a way to see what objects are currently in memory and how many references they have? I know the reference counting model is different from garbage collector-based systems. Still I would suppose the RCW wrapping our com objects would keep things clean for us. In the model given, is that a safe assumption or there's something we're missing?
So, I've probably read the most variegated kind of articles and docs about the topic of COM multithreading, but I still cannot get how that's supposed to work exactly, especially when interacting with .Net technologies such as ASP.Net MVC. That could be considered a simple fancy of mine, except for the fact that we've got this quite critical project and we're experiencing severe issues in trying to tie everything up. We're getting out of memory errors (in VB6) and apparently we got wrong how objects are created and data shared between these in COM. Continue reading to know how the story goes...
How things came to be
Not much to say here. We have a legacy VB6 Desktop application made up of a number of ActiveX DLLs. These are configured to use Apartment as the threading model, and all classes are set as MultiUse. All worked well and nice until the time came when we was requested to transpose the app on the mighty web :O
The problem we faced and how we (thought we) solved it
Since we haven't got the resources to design and develop a solution from scratch, we used a third party java(script)-based framework to quickly build a web app. However, much of the real work is done by the legacy library, so we needed a way to interface these two components. The easiest way we could think of was to build a very basic (w/o auth and w/o UI) Asp.Net MVC website to use as the middle layer. This would receive requests from the web app and translate them for the COM lib to crunch data.
To this end, and since the libs were never meant to be used as a server, we tried to refactor the whole thing a bit so that most classes can now be used in a standalone manner: this included separating logic from the UI and eliminating all module and public vars where possible; unfortunately, some of the former are still present, in particular some ComponentOne OCXs to handle reports and prints. All in all, this seemed to work just fine, until we had to deal with the COM threading model :O
Making sense of nonsense
Long story short, after a lot of digging and headaches we devised the current solution, which is outlined below:
we install the legacy app as usual, so that it register its dlls in the registry;
in our MVC solution, we use System.Threading.Tasks, one per every request, to start the requested operation in an asynchronous manner. We assign the operation an id and return this id to the client. To start the task we call this method:
protected Task<TReturn> StartSTATask<TReturn>(Func<TReturn> function)
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(
STATaskScheduler // property to store the scheduler instance
return task;
the task is run using the STATaskScheduler. We modified it so that it spawns a new thread if the number of threads in the pool is set to 0.
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the StaTaskScheduler class with the specified concurrency level.</summary>
/// <param name="numberOfThreads">The number of threads that should be created and used by this scheduler.</param>
public StaTaskScheduler(int numberOfThreads)
// Validate arguments
//if (numberOfThreads < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("concurrencyLevel");
// Initialize the tasks collection
_tasks = new BlockingCollection<Task>();
if (numberOfThreads > 0)
// Create the threads to be used by this scheduler
_threads = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfThreads).Select(i =>
var thread = new Thread(() =>
// Continually get the next task and try to execute it.
// This will continue until the scheduler is disposed and no more tasks remain.
foreach (var t in _tasks.GetConsumingEnumerable())
thread.Name = "sta_thread_" + i;
thread.IsBackground = true;
return thread;
// Start all of the threads
_threads.ForEach(t => t.Start());
/// <summary>Queues a Task to be executed by this scheduler.</summary>
/// <param name="task">The task to be executed.</param>
protected override void QueueTask(Task task)
if (_threads != null)
// Push it into the blocking collection of tasks
var thread = new Thread(() => TryExecuteTask(task));
thread.Name = "sta_thread_task_" + task.Id;
thread.IsBackground = true;
And in our base controller's OnActionExecuting method we initiliaze it so
STATaskScheduler = HttpContext.Application["STATaskScheduler"] as TaskScheduler;
if (null == STATaskScheduler)
STATaskScheduler = new StaTaskScheduler(0);
HttpContext.Application["STATaskScheduler"] = STATaskScheduler;
we use a thin wrapper to instantiate and call our COM libs through reflection:
// Libraries is a Dictionary containing the names of the registered dlls
protected object InitCom(Libraries lib)
return InitCom(lib, true);
protected virtual object InitCom(Libraries lib, bool setOperation)
var comObj = GetComInstance(lib);
var success = SetUpConnection(comObj);
if (!success)
throw new LeafOperationException(lib, "Errore durante la connessione: {1}".Printf(connectionString));
return InitOperation(comObj);
return comObj;
protected object GetComInstance(Libraries lib)
var comType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(MALib[lib]);
var comObj = Activator.CreateInstance(comType);
return comObj;
protected virtual bool DisposeCom(object comObj)
var success = CloseConnection(comObj);
throw new LeafOperationException("Errore durante la chiusura della connessione: {1}".Printf(connectionString));
//comObj = null;
return success;
protected bool SetUpConnection(object comObj)
var serverName = connectionString.ServerName();
var catalogName = connectionString.CatalogName();
return Convert.ToBoolean(comObj.InvokeMethod("Set_ConnectionWeb", serverName, catalogName));
protected bool CloseConnection(object comObj)
return Convert.ToBoolean(comObj.InvokeMethod("Close_ConnectionWeb"));
protected object InitOperation(object comObj)
comObj.GetType().InvokeMember("OperationID", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, comObj, new object[] { OperationId });
comObj.GetType().InvokeMember("OperationHash", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, comObj, new object[] { OperationHash });
return comObj;
The rationale behind this is that we create a new instance of the class with each request, eventually releasing it when done. Read here to know why we commented out the ReleaseComObject part. Basically, we were trading out of memory for a lot of COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used exceptions.
The object is then used like this within methods of various classes:
public bool ChiusuraMese()
var comObj = InitCom(Libraries.Chiusura);
var byRefArgs = new int[] { 2 };
var oReturn = comObj.InvokeMethodByRef("ChiusuraMese", byRefArgs, IdDitta, PeriodoGiornaliera, IdDipendenti.PadLeft(), IdGruppoInstallazione, CodGruppoGestione);
return Convert.ToInt32(oReturn) == 0;
catch (Exception ex)
using (ErrorLog Log = new ErrorLog(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName, ex)) { }
aErrorMessage = ex.Message;
return false;
where InvokeMethodByRef is an extension method defined this way:
public static object InvokeMethodByRef(this object comObj, string methodName, int[] byRefArgs, params object[] args)
var modifiers = new ParameterModifier(args.Length);
byRefArgs.ToList().ForEach(index => { modifiers[index] = true; });
return comObj.GetType().InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, comObj, args, new ParameterModifier[] { modifiers }, null, null);
Left out of the apartment
For what I understood, this whole apartment stuff is really hard to get right, with its cross-thread marshalling, message loop, yadda yadda whatnot. Add to that we're using and old, unsupported technology used to develop an application that was not architected for the purpose we're forcing it into. All that said, and taken for grant that the .Net side of things is working correctly, a couple of thoughts still wander in our minds. In particular:
is this the correct way to get advantage of multithreading with COM? Sometimes, multiple requests for the same object get stuck as if queued. This makes us wonder whether COM is actually sharing some instances between threads;
are we really creating and disposing of objects with each request, or under the hood COM handles things differently? Apparently, we're getting public vars overwritten, so there's probably some resource contention and reentering somewhere we wouldn't expect;
is the setup correct? Are there alternatives which are easier to maintain and debug? Please keep in mind we don't have neither the time nor the resources to rewrite anything in great extent. We could probably try something like creating an exe ActiveX, but I wouldn't count on that.
what's the "least worse" way to use OCXs in a project of this kind (not using them is not an option at the moment)? Should we dispose of them in some particular way? We already checked we set them to nothing when finished, but maybe some other thread is still using them;
should we be aware of any particular COM limit related to our out of memory issue? We encountered the problem before when the form had more than 256 unique controls displayed. Maybe the same is happening here somehow? The error seems to be especially related to classes using UI components.
Things I've already read (and probably did not understand)
Before you point to resources online I should read, I add here some topics I've encountered, in random order:
About SingleUse/MultiUse
Not really much choice here, if we want to stick with ActiveX DLLs with forms.
About (apartment) threading By the way, this one probably hints that calls to objects are being serialized for access by other threads.
About debugging
Could a stack dump be of any help when we face the error? I don't even know how to use WinDbg, so I'd like at least to know if that would be a total waste of time :D
We're kinda stuck here, as we've got no clue as to where or what to look for, so any kind of help would be really appreciated.
So I've been pointed out I should read more about COM's threading model. I kind of expected that. Anyhow, to elaborate further, let me write some comments.
First, I don't have any control over CoInitialize or whatever, I'm just instantiating some VB6 dlls. I guess COM is doing such and such under the hood. Fact is, I could not find anywhere what that is (edit - apparently, .Net is already taking care of that for me, see the answer to this question: Do i need to call CoInitialize before interacting with COM in .NET?).
To recap:
I'm using STA threads from the client app
I'm using Activator.CreateInstance supposing it is actually creating a new object every time it is called. The call is done within a new STA thread.
Let's set aside for a moment questions about thread-safety in the actual DLLs. What I'm mainly interested in understanding here is if the described solution is a correct way (possibly not the best way, I'm aware of that) to exploit multithreading with COM libraries.
To cite some sources, to the best of my current knowledge I should be in the situation depicted in Figure 8.5 here:
I can't find any reason why this should not work, since as I said I'm supposing each object resides in its own apartment and has its own variables, plus a copy of global vars (see here:

Handling client/server messages?

From my client/server I receive serialized data, once the data is deserialized, it goes into a command handler where receivedData.Action is the ClientMessage:
The command handler will work out the client message and return the response that should be given to the client.
I have an enum for the client messages as follow:
public enum ClientMessage
INIT = 1,
What I am having a difficult is how to have all the actions written, for example:
Should I have a separated enum for what the client sends and another for what the server should reply with ?
Or should I have a single enum with all messages and follow it as requested ?
Or how should I go about defining the messages and handling it ?
This is what my server/client currently does just to give you a better view:
Server starts
Client connects
Client send auth to server
Server verify client and send connected approval message
Client will from there start sending and updating profiles to the server
This is roughly an example only.
public interface IPacketHandler
MyCommunicationData Handle(ProfileData profile);
public class Command
public static Dictionary<ClientMessage, IPacketHandler> _handlers = new Dictionary<ClientMessage, IPacketHandler>()
{ClientMessage.INIT, new Init()},
{ClientMessage.NEW_PROFILE, new NewProfile()},
{ClientMessage.UPDATE_PROFILE_EMAIL, new UpdateEmail()},
{ClientMessage.UPDATE_PROFILE_PASSWORD, new UpdatePassword()},
{ClientMessage.UPDATE_PROFILE_PHONE, new UpdatePhone()},
{ClientMessage.UPDATE_PROFILE_DATE, new UpdateDate()},
{ClientMessage.UPDATE_PROFILE_SECRET_ANSWER, new UpdateSecretAnswer()},
{ClientMessage.UPDATE_PROFILE_POSTAL_CODE, new UpdatePostalCode()},
{ClientMessage.UPDATE_SUCCESS, new Success()},
{ClientMessage.PING, new Ping()},
{ClientMessage.PONG, new Pong()},
{ClientMessage.QUIT, new Quit()},
Example of the INIT
public class Init : IPacketHandler
public MyCommunicationData Handle(ProfileData profile)
// Some verification to auth the client here
// bla bla
// return response
return new MyCommunicationData() { Action = ClientMessage.CONNECTED };
PS: If my title is off and you have a better suggestion let me know or if you can go ahead and update it, I was not sure of how to describe this in English.
If your question is about how to design the class and interactions as I understood it, then I would - and it's totally dependant on the specifics of your application - separate this big Enumerations type into separate, smaller ones that are more descriptive of what they do, and of your intentions, for example, ProfileAction, ActionResult, PingStatus etc.. Then when you're using these enums, you make sure that you get compiler-time checks that you're doing it correctly, otherwise, what you're doing is almost like just passing strings.
It also has to do with sticking to Single Responsibility principle in OO design: an object should have single responsibility. Your enum as it stands now has more than one responsibility.
With issues like these, I find it helpful to look at what .NET framework does: for example look at Ping class and how it uses PingStatus enumerations and other enumerations as well.
Not sure I'd use an enum at all. They are great inside a peice of code, exposed as communicated value, they are considerably less than great.
For me I'd have a different class per message, not one message with a god property.

How to separate the layer of the communication and processing?

I created an application that provides several services. Each service provides a specific processing capabilities, except one service (that is the main service) that returns true or false to the clients which request if the specified processing capabilities is available or not.
Now I would modify the application, leaving the main service unchanged and adding the support for the installation of plugin with new processing capabilities: each plugin should add new processing capabilities without the need of implement a new service, but after installing the new plugin, a new service should be avaible. In this way, a plugin should not handle the communication layer. In other words, I would like to separate the layer of the communication and processing, in order to simplify the creation of new plugins.
Is it possible?
I could create two services: the main service and the service for processing.
The first service may be used by clients to know if a certain feature is present on the server (for example, clients may ask the server if it has installed the plugin that provides the functionality for solving differential equations).
The second service could be used to send a generic task and to receive a general result, for example:
Result executeTask(Task task);
where Result and Task are abstract classes...
For example, if I develop a plugin to solve the differential equations, I first create the classes for transferring data:
public class DifferentialEquationTask : Task
// This class contains the data of the differential equation to be solved.
public class DifferentialEquationResult : Result
// This class contains the the result.
Therefore, the client should instantiate a new object DifferentialEquationTask and pass it to the method of the second service:
DifferentialEquationTask myTask = new DifferentialEquationTask(...);
Result result = executeTask(myTask); // called by basic application
// The second service receives myTask as a Task object.
// This Task object also contains the destination plugin, so myTask is send
// to the correct plugin, which converts it to DifferentialEquationTask
myResult = result as DifferentialEquationResult;
// received by the client
Moreover, each plugin should have a version for the application server and a version for the client application.
An alternative would be to include the service in the plugin itself: in this way, a new plugin should implement a new functionality and expose it via an additional service.
In summary, I thought the following two alternatives:
a main service to ask the server if it has a plugin or not, and a second service to deliver tasks at the correct plugin;
a main service to ask if the server has a plugin or not, and various additional services (an additional service for each plugin installed).
In order to choose the best approach, I could use the following requirements:
Which of the two alternatives may provide better performance?
What advantages would be obtained using a new service for each plugin than using a single service that delivers tasks at the correct plugin?
Which of the two alternatives simplifies the development of a new plugin?
Being a novice, I was wondering if there was a better approach...
Thanks a lot!
It seems like the main service could maintain a dictionary of plugins, indexed by name. Then for a client to see if the server provides a particular service, all the main service has to do is look up the name in the dictionary. And to process, the service just has to call a method on the object that's in the value portion of the dictionary entry. An example:
You have three abstract classes: Service, ServiceResult, and ServiceTask. The contents of ServiceTask and ServiceResult aren't really important for this discussion. Service must have a parameterless constructor and a method called Process that takes a ServiceTask as its sole parameter. So your differential equation solver would look like:
public class DiffeqSolver : Service
public DiffeqSolver()
// do any required initialization here
public ServiceResult Process(ServiceTask task)
DiffeqTask dtask = task as DiffeqTask;
if (dtask == null)
// Error. User didn't pass a DiffeqTask.
// Somehow communicate error back to client.
// Here, solve the diff eq and return the result.
The main service is somehow notified of existing plugins. It maintains a dictionary:
Dictionary<string, Service> Services = new Dictionary<string, Service>();
I assume you have some idea how you're going to load the plugins. What you want, in effect, is for the dictionary to contain:
Key = "DiffeqSolver", Value = new DiffeqSolver();
Key = "ServiceType1", Value = new ServiceType1();
etc., etc.
You can then have two methods for the main service: ServiceIsSupported and Process:
bool ServiceIsSupported(string serviceName)
return Services.ContainsKey(serviceName);
ServiceResult Process(string serviceName, ServiceTask task)
Service srv;
if (Services.TryGetValue(serviceName, out srv))
return srv.Process(task);
// The service isn't supported.
// Return a failure result
return FailedServiceResult;
I've simplified that to some extent. In particular, I'm using a Dictionary, which is not thread safe. You'd want to use a ConcurrentDictionary, or use locks to synchronize access to your dictionary.
The more difficult part, I think, will be loading the plugins. But there are many available examples of creating a plugin architecture. I think you can find what you need.

