I'm trying to create an multi-tenant application using Autofac. The problem is, I cannot find a way to register a background service, so I have an instance of it per each tenant running (my goal is to avoid putting any code related to multitenancy in the background service itself).
When I try to register background service like this:
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
only single instance of the service is executed and it fails to identify tenant (what even makes sense, because tenant identification strategy is request-based).
I also tried to register service in multitenant container:
public static MultitenantContainer ConfigureMultitenantContainer(IContainer container)
var tenantStore = container.Resolve<ITenantStore>();
var httpContextAccessor = container.Resolve<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var strategy = new TenantResolverStrategy(httpContextAccessor, tenantStore);
var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, container);
var tenants = tenantStore.GetTenants();
foreach (var tenant in tenants)
mtc.ConfigureTenant(tenant.Id, cb =>
return mtc;
However, this way, nothing happens at all. I've tried to add AutoActivate() after SingleInstance() and then I could see that services are activated (but not executed) and all instances failed to identify tenant again (I kind of hoped services that are in named tenant container would know their tenant by default). I've also tried to override tenant in tenant identification strategy (using both existing instance and trying to resolve new one) - but with no effect.
My questions are:
How can I register an instance of background service per tenant?
How can I set current tenant manually (if I need to set up something during startup, when tenant cannot be identified)
If I cannot achieve this with Autofac, is there any alternative?
I am using Google authentication in my web app, and the OAuth keys are currently hard-coded in ConfigureServices:
.AddGoogle(options =>
options.ClientId = "my-client-id";
options.ClientSecret = "my-client-secret";
However, I would like to give the site administrator the opportunity to change the ClientId and ClientSecret from the web app's settings page, preferably without having to restart the server.
To do this, I'd have to somehow trigger a re-configuration of the Google service and the GoogleOptions object when the user hits 'Save' on the settings page. This is what I'm having trouble with. Also, I would like to store these settings in an EF Core DbContext, and not in a physical config file.
So far I've tried to move the settings to a separate class that implements IPostConfigureOptions. This should allow me to inject my database context, because based on the documentation, PostConfigure is supposed to run after all other configurations have occurred. The settings are loaded correctly from this new class, but the injection of the DB context fails with the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot consume scoped service 'AppDatabase' from singleton 'IOptionsMonitor`1[GoogleOptions]'
This is weird, because the ConfigureGoogleOptions is registered as Scoped, and not as a Singleton.
Here's my options class:
public class ConfigureGoogleOptions : IPostConfigureOptions<GoogleOptions>
private readonly AppDatabase database;
public ConfigureGoogleOptions(AppDatabase database)
this.database = database;
public void PostConfigure(string name, GoogleOptions options)
options.ClientId = "my-client-id.apps.googleusercontent.com";
options.ClientSecret = "my-client-secret";
And registering it in ConfigureServices:
services.AddScoped<IPostConfigureOptions<GoogleOptions>, ConfigureGoogleOptions>();
Even if the databse injection worked, there's still a second problem. The PostConfigure function in my class only gets called once after the application starts, and never again. I assume that it caches the settings somewhere, and I don't know how to invalidate or disable this cache so I can dynamically provide values.
Short Summary / tl;dr:
I want to load the ClientId and ClientSecret settings of the Google OAuth service from my own database, and I want to be able to change them dynamically while the server is running.
Internally the google handler will use IOptionsMonitor<GoogleOptions> to get the GoogleOptions once or until it's reloaded (such as when the options is bound from a configuration file and saving the file will trigger the reloading). The IOptionsMonitor internally will use IOptionsMonitorCache and this cache is registered as singleton. So the options instance you get from IOptionsMonitor<GoogleOptions> is the same (reference) with the AuthenticationHandler<GoogleOptions>.Options which is used for various operations inside the handler. Even other code if using that options should correctly get it from IOptionsMonitor<GoogleOptions>.
So to change the options at runtime, it's just simple like this:
//inject the IOptionsMonitor<GoogleOptions> into _googleOptionsMonitor;
var runtimeOptions = _googleOptionsMonitor.Get(GoogleDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
//you change properties of runtimeOptions here
The important point here is we need to use GoogleDefaults.AuthenticationScheme as the key to get the correct instance of options. The IOptionsMonitor.CurrentValue will use the default key of Options.DefaultName (which is an empty string).
I am writing a piece of middleware (maybe I want a scoped service??), I guess my plan is to have some kind of multi-tenant scenario.
If for example, I have 2 domains that respond on this service:
I want to capture the request when it starts, look at the host name that is being used and then set some other object to be available through Dependency Injection for everything further up the pipeline.
It seems that middleware should be the right way to achieve this, but not sure how to do the final step.
My options seem to be:
Register Singleton service to access database
Register early to be the first item of middleware to capture the request.
Analyse Request Object and build custom configuration object
Add custom configuration as a scoped object to the DI container for use by other services
Register Singleton service to access database
Register Singleton service for IHttpContextAccessor
Register Scoped? Service - to do equivalent of middleware
Analyse the request object and build custom configuration object
Register custom object as new scoped object in the DI container
My assumption is that the Service is able to register the custom scoped object as it is still within the ConfigureServices method of the startup.cs
However, with middleware it is initialised through the Configure method by which point the DI container has already been built?
You can use the factory-overload of AddScoped for the service you want to be different per tenant/request. Here's an example:
services.AddScoped<IServiceForTenant>(sp =>
var httpContextAccessor = sp.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var serviceForTenant = new ServiceForTenant();
// TODO: Use httpContextAcccessor.HttpContext to configure serviceForTenant.
return serviceForTenant;
For each request that comes in to your ASP.NET Core application, the code above will run when you first request IServiceForTenant in e.g. a controller. At this point, your code can read from IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext and make whatever decisions it needs in order to create the implementation instance for IServiceForTenant. This same instance will then be used for the rest of the request (i.e. further up the pipeline).
The argument passed into AddScoped is Func<IServiceProvider, T>. All you need to provide here is a delegate of some kind, which could be done in one of many ways. Here's some examples:
You could just wrap the call into its own extension method, like this:
public static void AddServiceForTenant(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddScoped<IServiceForTenant>(sp =>
// ...
In ConfigureServices:
Use a class with a static method:
public static class ServiceForTenantFactory
public static ITenantForService Create(IServiceProvider sp)
// ...
In ConfigureServices:
Use a class with an instance method:
public class ServiceForTenantFactory
public ITenantForService Create(HttpContext httpContext)
// ...
In ConfigureServices:
services.AddScoped(sp =>
var httpContextAccessor = sp.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var serviceForTenantFactory = new ServiceForTenantFactory(); // Or use DI.
return serviceForTenantFactory.Create(httpContextAccessor.HttpContext);
This last option is the most flexible, as you could even resolve ServiceForTenantFactory itself from DI and it can have its own dependencies, etc. Note also that Create here takes the HttpContext directly (as an example).
As I've already said, there are yet more options than the three of shown, but this should be a good base to work with.
I am using the multitenant container and each tenant has its own database + connectionstring registered in a InstancePerLifeTime scope. The tenant is identified using a subdomain which is mapped in a "master database" with a generated database name.
Now I have two use cases:
Use Case A: Creating new Tenants:
Someone fills in a registration form with the companyname, submits, and after submission we generate a new database and that tenant should be able to access the application under companyname.domain.com
However we want to do that without restarting the application which impacts all current tenants.
Let's say I want to add a new tenant, runtime. What is the best way to register this without restarting the application?
At first I thought about registering the container, inject it in my MVC Controller, and add the new registration runtime but after reading some questions this appears to be bad practice.
I could also get the DependencyResolver from within the Controller and access the container from there. Are there better practices available?
Use Case B: Register on demand
Assuming we have a big amount of tenants and want to prevent registering them all at once on application startup. We could register these in the multitenantcontainer on the first request when the subdomain can be matched to an existing account.
This might be premature optimization though, since basically we don't have lots of tenants yet.
But again, this would result in runtime registrations.
var tenantIdentificationStrategy= new TenantIdentificationStrategy();
var multitenantContainer = new MultitenantContainer(tenantIdentificationStrategy, builder.Build());
var tenants = new[]
foreach (var id in tenants)
var databaseName = $"tenant-{id}";
multitenantContainer.ConfigureTenant(id, b =>
// Init RavenDB
b.Register(context => new RavenDocumentSessionFactory(databaseName))
// Session per request
b.Register(context => context.Resolve<RavenDocumentSessionFactory>()
.OnRelease(x =>
Your best bet is to hold a static reference to the application container somewhere and register your tenants from there. This is pretty common practice and, since your tenant registration code is going to have to "know" what a MultitenantContainer is anyway, it's not going to change your assembly references or spread the "knowledge" of the container around more than it would otherwise have to be.
Create the multitenant container at app startup.
Register the tenants you already know about.
Store the container in a static property somewhere that is globally accessible.
Reference the static property when you need to register a tenant.
I've recently refactored my MVC application to use Unity dependency injection to resolve dependencies, which is great. It's much more decomposable, etc., etc.
What I'm doing now is adding the capability for multiple tenants to use it. The approach I'm using (so that the rest of the code doesn't have to know much about the tenants) is creating things like a tenant-filtered version of my repository interface (which is just a proxy for another repository... so it will call one of the underlying methods, then check if the record has the right tenant and behave accordingly). This lets me basically emulate having a totally separate store for each tenant even though under the hood the data is not segregated, so relatively little of the client code needs to change.
The problem with all of this is how it fits into the DI way of doing things. What I'm planning to do is, at the beginning of the request, detect the host name, then use that to determine the tenant (each tenant will have a list of hostnames in the DB). Although I'm using per-request lifetimes for most objects Unity is constructing and resolving I don't really get how Unity can "know" what tenant to use since it would need both the data about the request (which I suppose the controller will have, but I don't think is available in my container configuration method) and access to the database to know which host (and it hardly seems desirable to have my container configuration making database calls). I can solve #2 by only passing in a host name and making the classes with tenants go figure out which tenant is being referenced, but that doesn't help with #1.
Right now I'm using "property injection" (also known as "a public property" in less high-falutin' circles), but I don't see how I'm going to avoid having my controller be the one that actually feeds the tenant data in, so now I don't really have just the one composition root controlling everything.
Is there a way I can do this in the composition root, or should I just resign myself to having the controller do this work?
For some reason you seem to forget about injection factories. Registering interface/type against a factory lets you execute arbitrarily complicated code upon resolving, including consulting the request, tenant database, whatever.
new InjectionFactory(
c => {
// whatever, consult the database
// whatever, consult the url
return ...;
} );
The factory composition is transparent so that whenever you need it, the target doesn't even know that the factory code has been executed rather than a type instance from simple mapping.
Somewhere it needs to make a database call. Maybe the simplest place would be in global.ascx if it's needed system wide.
private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> _tenantCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>();
protected virtual void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;
var tenantId = _tenantCache.GetOrAdd(app.Context.Request.Url.Host, host =>
// Make database call in this class
var tenant = new TenantResolver();
return tenant.GetTenantId(host);
app.Context.Items["TenantID"] = tenantId ;
You will want to cache the result as Application_BeginRequest is called alot. You can then configure Unity to have child containers. Put all the common/default mappings in the parent container then create a child container per tenant and register the correct implementation for each tenant in it's own child container.
Then implement IDependencyResolver to return the correct child container.
public class TenantDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver
private static IUnityContainer _parentContainer;
private static IDictionary<string, IUnityContainer> _childContainers = new Dictionary<string, IUnityContainer>();
public TenantDependencyResolver()
var fakeTenentID = "localhost";
var fakeTenentContainer = _parentContainer.CreateChildContainer();
// register any specific fakeTenent Interfaces to classes here
//Add the child container to the dictionary for use later
_childContainers[fakeTenentID] = fakeTenentContainer;
private IUnityContainer GetContainer()
var tenantID = HttpContext.Current.Items["TenantID"].ToString();
if (_childContainers.ContainsKey(tenantID)
return _childContainers[tenantID];
return _parentContainer;
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
var container = GetContainer();
return container.Resolve(serviceType);
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
var container = GetContainer();
return container.ResolveAll(serviceType);
Then set ASP.NET MVC DependecyResolver to be the TenantDependencyResolver. I didn't run this code but it should give you an idea of what you would need to do. If your implementations are set then you might be able to do it in the static constructor of TenantDependecyResolver.
I am building a MVC3 app using Ninject framework. I have a service that is time-consuming to initialize, and at the end this service will has an object that contains user-specific information, then I need to re-use that service as long as the user session is active, so that I can avoid to initialize that service again and again
So my question is
When I bind the service using Ninject what kind of scope should I pick, there is no session per scope in Ninject, so what is the best way to implement the requirement? or did I went to a wrong direction at all?
I've created a custom provider for one of my services that will create the service based on username details that is grabbed from current Controller.User.Identity.Name. The code below won't work because the userName local variable is missing, how can I pass the user name value into my custom provider via Ninject, so that I can pick it up from IContext??
public class TfsConnectionManagerProvider : Provider<TfsConnectionManager>
protected override TfsConnectionManager CreateInstance(IContext context)
Uri serverUri = new Uri(ConfigurationHelper.TfsServerUrl);
// Connect to the server without impersonation
using (TfsTeamProjectCollection baseUserConnection = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(serverUri))
// Get the identity management service
IIdentityManagementService ims = baseUserConnection.GetService<IIdentityManagementService>();
// Get the identity to impersonate
TeamFoundationIdentity identity = ims.ReadIdentity
userName, //NOTE: How can I get user name value from IContext???
// Connect using the impersonated identity
using (TfsTeamProjectCollection impersonatedConnection = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(serverUri, identity.Descriptor))
WorkItemStore store = impersonatedConnection.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
return new TfsConnectionManager
Store = store
A session scope is intentionally not offered in Ninject, because having services in a session state is wrong in almost every situation. You should be very carefully about using session state because it brings a lot of disadvantages.
Try to have a stateless application in first place.
If there is a good reason for having data in session scope then put that data (not the services) into the session state and use services that are in singleton, transient or request scope for the processing (separation of data and functionality).
I turn out to use custom Provider for creating the instance and in the custom provider I checked if it exists in session or not.
The binding is done as following
Bind<IRepository>().ToProvider(new TfsRepositoryProvider());
The custom Provider is below
public class TfsRepositoryProvider : Provider<TfsRepository>
private const string SesTfsRepository = "SES_TFS_REPOSITORY";
protected override TfsRepository CreateInstance(IContext context)
// Retrieve services from kernel
HttpContextBase httpContext = context.Kernel.Get<HttpContextBase>();
if (httpContext == null || httpContext.Session == null)
throw new Exception("No bind service found in Kernel for HttpContextBase");
return (httpContext.Session[SesTfsRepository] ?? (
httpContext.Session[SesTfsRepository] = new TfsRepository(context.Kernel.Get<IWorkItemStoreWrapper>()))
) as TfsRepository;
Okay, you can cache / store the user information in your application and only call the external service if you don't have (recent) user information. In your user information retrieval "layer", you just program those two possibilities.
Where you cache, it entirely up to you. You can store this information for example in a local database.
Apparently I understood you wrong, my apologies (below my original answer).
You can use for example an (abstract) factory that holds a static
member of your service (for example) so it will be reused.
Although depending on your service, this might have some unwanted side
effects (I did this once with Data Services and in an ASP.NET MVC3
application my data context was kinda screwed due to some magic that
happened). All I want to say with this is: be careful and test it