following query is throwing error "The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'GroupJoin"
from ph in context.PrPayfileHeaders
join pp in context.PrPayfileParticipants on ph.PayfileHeaderId equals pp.PayfileHeaderId
join sec in context.SecUsers on pp.AnalystUserId equals sec.UserId
join hp in context.HcmPerson on // Error statement
key1 = pp.ParticipantEmpNumber,
key2 = ph.PayPeriod
key1 = hp.EmployeeNumber,
key2 = hp.PeriodId
into fg
from fgi in fg.DefaultIfEmpty()
where ph.PayfileType == payFileType && ph.IntfControlId == intf_Control_Id && (region == null || ph.RegionName == region)
select new FinalPayFileInfo
Participant_id = pp.PayfileParticipantId,
Home_country = fgi.HomeCountry,
Region_name = ph.RegionName,
Analyst_name = sec.FirstName + " " + sec.LastName,
Full_name = fgi.FullName,
Department = pp.DeptNumber,
Cost_center = pp.CostCenter,
Local_currency = pp.LocalCurrency,
Comm_attribute1 = pp.CommAttribute1,
Comm_attribute2 = pp.CommAttribute2,
Comm_attribute3 = pp.CommAttribute3,
Comm_attribute4 = pp.CommAttribute4,
Comm_attribute5 = pp.CommAttribute5,
Comm_attribute6 = pp.CommAttribute6,
Comm_attribute7 = pp.CommAttribute7
I have a Linq query to fetch data from databse using entity framework. I have to apply the given sql condetion to the linq query.My sample sql query is
set #EmrId='784197621725304'
,[ftp_imptlg_upld_filename] ,[ftp_imptlg_doctype_id]
FROM [C3KYC].[dbo].[ftp_import_logs] AS c
inner join tm_doc_type as d on c.[ftp_imptlg_doctype_id]=d.doc_typeid
inner join tm_import_type as e on c.[ftp_imptlg_ImprtTyp_id]=e.imprttype_id
WHERE c.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id = case when #EmrId ='0' then
c.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id else #EmrId end
and d.doc_typeid=6
and e.imprttype_id='2'
I tried the below linq query
string strEmrid = EmiratesId != null ? EmiratesId : "0";
using (var db = new DB_KYC3Entities())
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
List<ImportLogDetails> listofLogDetails = (from c in db.ftp_import_logs
join d in db.tm_doc_type on c.ftp_imptlg_doctype_id equals d.doc_typeid
join e in db.tm_import_type on c.ftp_imptlg_ImprtTyp_id equals e.imprttype_id
where c.ftp_imptlg_ImprtTyp_id == ImportTypeId
&& c.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id == strEmrid
&& c.ftp_imptlg_opr_status== "Failed"
&& d.doc_typeid== 6
&& e.imprttype_id== "2"
select new ImportLogDetails
ImportType = e.imprtTye_name,
SourcePath = c.ftp_imptlg_subfolderpath,
DateOfAction = c.ftp_imptlg_filereadon,
DocumentType = d.doctype_name,
EmiratesId = c.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id,
Status = c.ftp_imptlg_opr_status,
KycEmployeeId = c.ftp_imptlg_emp_id,
DocumentTypeId = c.ftp_imptlg_doctype_id
return listofLogDetails;
You can use ?: operator in LINQ,
x.Where( x => x.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id == (
x.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id == "0" ? "0" : x.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id
Your query,
string strEmrid = EmiratesId != null ? EmiratesId : "0";
using (var db = new DB_KYC3Entities())
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
List<ImportLogDetails> listofLogDetails = (from c in db.ftp_import_logs
join d in db.tm_doc_type on c.ftp_imptlg_doctype_id equals d.doc_typeid
join e in db.tm_import_type on c.ftp_imptlg_ImprtTyp_id equals e.imprttype_id
where c.ftp_imptlg_ImprtTyp_id == ImportTypeId
c.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id == (strEmirId == "0" ? c.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id : strEmirid)
&& c.ftp_imptlg_opr_status== "Failed"
&& d.doc_typeid== 6
&& e.imprttype_id== "2"
select new ImportLogDetails
ImportType = e.imprtTye_name,
SourcePath = c.ftp_imptlg_subfolderpath,
DateOfAction = c.ftp_imptlg_filereadon,
DocumentType = d.doctype_name,
EmiratesId = c.ftp_imptlg_emirates_id,
Status = c.ftp_imptlg_opr_status,
KycEmployeeId = c.ftp_imptlg_emp_id,
DocumentTypeId = c.ftp_imptlg_doctype_id
return listofLogDetails;
I am working on core application. I have following linq query which is being used to fill a model. This model has a property qtryregions which is a list. How can I fill it in one query.
public JsonResult PODetailsList(int id)
List<PODetailsFull> Products;
Products =
(from d in db.PODetails
join p in db.Products on d.ProductID equals p.ProductID
where d.POID == id
select new PODetailsFull
PODetailID = d.PODetailID,
//QtyRegion = new List<string>() { Region.Region + " " + POAllocation.Allocate != null ? POAllocation.Allocate.ToString() : "" },
Sku = p.Sku,
Cntnr20 = p.Cntnr20 ?? 0,
Cntnr40 = p.Cntnr40 ?? 0,
Cntnr40HQ = p.Cntnr40HQ ?? 0,
foreach (var product in Products)
var result = (from POAllocation in db.POAllocations.Where(p => p.PODetailID == product.PODetailID)
join regions in db.Regions on POAllocation.RegionID equals regions.RegionID
select regions.Region + " " + POAllocation.Allocate ?? ""
product.QtyRegion = result;
return Json(new { data = Products }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I don't want to use above foreach and want to populate product.Qtyregion in first linq query.
Please suggest.
Is this what you want?
Products = (
from d in db.PODetails
join p in db.Products on d.ProductID equals p.ProductID
where d.POID == id
select new PODetailsFull
PODetailID = d.PODetailID,
//QtyRegion = new List<string>() { Region.Region + " " + POAllocation.Allocate != null ? POAllocation.Allocate.ToString() : "" },
Sku = p.Sku,
Cntnr20 = p.Cntnr20 ?? 0,
Cntnr40 = p.Cntnr40 ?? 0,
Cntnr40HQ = p.Cntnr40HQ ?? 0,
QtyRegion = (
from POAllocation in db.POAllocations.Where(p => p.PODetailID == d.PODetailID)
join regions in db.Regions on POAllocation.RegionID equals regions.RegionID
select regions.Region + " " + POAllocation.Allocate ?? "").ToList(),
Try to use Group By to avoid N+1 queries issue:
Products = (
from d in db.PODetails
join p in db.Products on d.ProductID equals p.ProductID
join palloc in db.POAllocations on d.PODetailID equals palloc.PODetailID
group by new {
PODetailID = d.PODetailID,
Sku = p.Sku,
Cntnr20 = p.Cntnr20,
Cntnr40 = p.Cntnr40,
Cntnr40HQ = p.Cntnr40HQ }
into grp
where grp.Key.POID == id
select new PODetailsFull
PODetailID = grp.Key.PODetailID,
QtyRegion = grp,
Sku = grp.Key.Sku,
Cntnr20 = grp.Key.Cntnr20 ?? 0,
Cntnr40 = grp.Key.Cntnr40 ?? 0,
Cntnr40HQ = grp.Key.Cntnr40HQ ?? 0
Doing some stuff linq left join query but facing some problem. Not able to get proper result following sql query need to convert into linq
INSERT INTO tbl_service_order_attributes_versioning(ServiceOrderNo, AttributeId, AttributeValue, parentid, AttributeType, Dt_Stamp, VERSION)
T.ServiceOrderNo, T.COIID, T.COI_Identifier,
#pid, 'MBM', getDate(), #ORDERVERSION
#temp1 T
tbl_service_order_attributes_versioning O WITH(NOLOCK)
ON T.ServiceOrderNo = O.ServiceOrderNo COLLATE database_default
AND T.COIID = O.AttributeID
O.ServiceOrderNo IS NULL
I have converted this query into a Linq query:
var soiAttr = (from s in ctxParser.TBL_SERVICE_ORDER_ATTRIBUTES_VERSIONING
where s.ParentId == parentId
select s).ToList();
var resultJoinCOI = (from soaI in soiAttr
join iFoi in listFOI on soaI.ServiceOrderNo equals iFoi.fulfilmentOrderItemIdentifier
where iFoi.coiId == soaI.AttributeId &&
iFoi.parentId == parentId &&
soaI.ServiceOrderNo == null
select iFoi).ToList();
if (resultJoinCOI.Count > 0)
var listToInsert = (from item in resultJoinCOI
ServiceOrderNo = item.fulfilmentOrderItemIdentifier,
AttributeId = item.coiId,
AttributeValue = item.coiIdentifier,
ParentId = parentId,
AttributeType = "MBM",
DT_Stamp = DateTime.Now,
VERSION = orderVersion
The code is executed but result are not correct.
You need to use DefaultIfEmpty ( Here's a reading from MSDN:
In your case it would be something like:
var resultJoinCOI = (
from iFoi in listFOI
join soaI in soiAttr on iFoi.fulfilmentOrderItemIdentifier equals soaI.ServiceOrderNo into res
from subIFoi in res.DefaultIfEmpty()
where iFoi.coiId == soaI.AttributeId && iFoi.parentId == parentId && subIFoi == null
select iFoi).ToList();
Following code that execute successfully. and getting right result.
var soiAttr = (from s in ctxParser.TBL_SERVICE_ORDER_ATTRIBUTES_VERSIONING
where s.ParentId == parentId
select s).ToList();
var resultJoinCOI = (from iFoi in listFOI
join soaI in soiAttr on
ServiceOrderNo = iFoi.fulfilmentOrderItemIdentifier,
AttributeId = iFoi.coiId
equals new
ServiceOrderNo = soaI.ServiceOrderNo,
AttributeId = soaI.AttributeId
into res
from subFoi in res.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
fulfilmentOrderItemIdentifier = iFoi.fulfilmentOrderItemIdentifier,
coiId = iFoi.coiId,
coiIdentifier = iFoi.coiIdentifier,
AttributeId = subFoi == null ? 0 : subFoi.AttributeId,
ParentId = subFoi == null ? parentId : subFoi.ParentId,
ServiceOrderNo = subFoi == null ? string.Empty: subFoi.ServiceOrderNo
if (resultJoinCOI != null)
if (resultJoinCOI.Count() > 0)
var listToInsert = (from item in resultJoinCOI
ServiceOrderNo = item.fulfilmentOrderItemIdentifier,
AttributeId = item.coiId,
AttributeValue = item.coiIdentifier,
ParentId = parentId,
AttributeType = "MBM",
DT_Stamp = DateTime.Now,
VERSION = orderVersion
In this way we can implement left join in linq. as per above SQL Query(see above sql statement).
While (Goster) field type is integer on Genel_KullaniciMenu context. This query is working. But I changed the type of that field to bit on the database and entity class. then query is not working. It gives error like "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 ToInt32(Boolean)'". What may i change on this query? Thanks for your helps.
var query = (from K in
(from Genel_Form in _context.Form
join Genel_MenuNesne in _context.MenuNesne on new { GenelFormID = Genel_Form.GenelFormID } equals new { GenelFormID = (Genel_MenuNesne.GenelFormID) } into Genel_MenuNesne_join
from Genel_MenuNesne in Genel_MenuNesne_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
join Genel_KullaniciMenu in _context.KullaniciMenu on new { GenelMenuNesneID = Genel_MenuNesne.GenelMenuNesneID } equals new { GenelMenuNesneID = (Genel_KullaniciMenu.GenelMenuNesneID) } into Genel_KullaniciMenu_join
from Genel_KullaniciMenu in Genel_KullaniciMenu_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
join Genel_FormTuru in _context.FormTuru on Genel_Form.GenelFormTuruID equals Genel_FormTuru.GenelFormTuruID into Genel_FormTuru_join
from Genel_FormTuru in Genel_FormTuru_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
join Genel_MenuGrup in _context.MenuGrup on new { GenelMenuGrupID = (Genel_MenuNesne.GenelMenuGrupID) } equals new { GenelMenuGrupID = Genel_MenuGrup.GenelMenuGrupID } into Genel_MenuGrup_join
from Genel_MenuGrup in Genel_MenuGrup_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
join Genel_KullaniciRol in _context.KullaniciRol on new { GenelKullaniciID = (Genel_KullaniciMenu.GenelKullaniciID) } equals new { GenelKullaniciID = Genel_KullaniciRol.GenelKullaniciID } into Genel_KullaniciRol_join
from Genel_KullaniciRol in Genel_KullaniciRol_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
!Genel_FormTuru.FormTuruAdi.Contains("Mobile Ekranlar") &&
(from Genel_RolGrup in _context.RolGrup
(from Genel_KullaniciRol0 in _context.KullaniciRol
Genel_KullaniciRol0.GenelKullaniciID == genelKullaniciID
select new
}).Contains(new { GenelRolID = Genel_RolGrup.GenelRolID })
select new
}).Contains(new { GenelGrupID = Genel_KullaniciMenu.GenelGrupID })
select new
MenuGrupAdi = (Genel_MenuGrup.MenuGrupAdi + "-" + Genel_FormTuru.FormTuruAdi.ToUpper()),
Baslik = (Genel_Form.FormKodu + " " + Genel_MenuNesne.MenuNesneAdi),
Goster = Genel_KullaniciMenu.Goster,
GenelGrupID = Genel_KullaniciMenu.GenelGrupID,
GenelRolID = Genel_KullaniciRol.GenelRolID,
GenelMenuGrupID = Genel_MenuNesne.GenelMenuGrupID,
GenelFormTuruID = Genel_Form.GenelFormTuruID,
GenelMenuNesneID = Genel_MenuNesne.GenelMenuNesneID
group K by new
} into g
select new
Goster = g.Max(p => p.Goster),
After getting my join to work I seem to have gotten stuck on the count bit.
What I am attempting below is get a count of documents printed based on the join below.
What would the code be to get the count per 'guardiandocsrequired'?
var guardianEntityType = new {EntityTypeFK = "GUARDIAN"};
return (from d in dbContext.GuardianDocsRequireds
join p in dbContext.DocumentPrintingLogs on
new { docTypeFK = d.DocTypeFK, entityFK = d.GuardianFK } equals
new { docTypeFK = p.DocTypeFK, entityFK = p.EntityFK }
where d.GuardianFK == entityPK && p.ItemGroupFK == itemGroupID && p.EntityTypeFK == "GUARDIAN"
group d by new
into res
select new DocumentsRequired
EntityPK = res.Key.GuardianFK,
EntityType = entityType,
DocTypeFK = res.Key.DocTypeFK,
DocTypeDescription = res.Key.DocTypeDescription,
RequiredStatus = res.Key.RequiredStatus,
PrintCount = ???
If it helps, I have written the sql to produce exactly what I require as follows:
SELECT gdr.DocRequiredID,gdr.RequiredDate,gdr.GuardianFK,gdr.DocTypeFK,gdr.RequiredStatus,
COUNT(dpl.DocPrintedID) AS documentsPrinted
FROM dbo.GuardianDocsRequired gdr
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DocumentPrintingLog dpl ON gdr.DocTypeFK = dpl.DocTypeFK
AND gdr.GuardianFK = dpl.EntityFK
AND dpl.EntityTypeFK = 'GUARDIAN'
WHERE gdr.GuardianFK = #entityPK
GROUP BY gdr.DocRequiredID,gdr.RequiredDate,gdr.GuardianFK,gdr.DocTypeFK,gdr.RequiredStatus
Do you mean sth like this?
var guardiandocsrequired = (from d in dbContext.GuardianDocsRequireds
join p in dbContext.DocumentPrintingLogs on
new { docTypeFK = d.DocTypeFK, entityFK = d.GuardianFK } equals
new { docTypeFK = p.DocTypeFK, entityFK = p.EntityFK }
where d.GuardianFK == entityPK && p.ItemGroupFK == itemGroupID && p.EntityTypeFK == "GUARDIAN"
group d by new
into res
select new DocumentsRequired
EntityPK = res.Key.GuardianFK,
EntityType = entityType,
DocTypeFK = res.Key.DocTypeFK,
DocTypeDescription = res.Key.DocTypeDescription,
RequiredStatus = res.Key.RequiredStatus,
PrintCount = ???
int cnt = guardiandocsrequired.Count;
return guardiandocsrequired;