I'm learning dependency injection, because I don't want my BE to look spaghety no more. I have a good understanding of Asp.Net Core and EF Core. I just never learned dependecy injection properly. I'm playing around with an idea. Let's say, that I create an EmailSenderService (and IEmailSenderService with it). I do the same for CustomLogger and WeatherRepository. Here are the implementations:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
builder.Services.AddScoped<ICustomLogger, CustomLogger>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailSenderService, EmailSenderService>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IWeatherRepository, WeatherRepository>();
// Add swagger
var app = builder.Build();
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {
public interface ICustomLogger
public void Log(string logText);
public class CustomLogger : ICustomLogger
public void Log(string logText) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(logText);
public interface IEmailSenderService
public void SendMail(string email, string text);
public class EmailSenderService : IEmailSenderService
public void SendMail(string email, string text) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"TO: {email}, TEXT: {text}");
public struct WeatherForecastModel
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public int TemperatureC { get; set; }
public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);
public string? Summary { get; set; }
public interface IWeatherRepository
public WeatherForecastModel[] GetRandomSample();
public class WeatherRepository : IWeatherRepository
private static readonly string[] Summaries = new[]
"Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching"
public WeatherForecastModel[] GetRandomSample() =>
Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(index => new WeatherForecastModel
Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(index),
TemperatureC = Random.Shared.Next(-20, 55),
Summary = Summaries[Random.Shared.Next(Summaries.Length)]
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
private readonly ICustomLogger _customLogger;
private readonly IEmailSenderService _emailSenderService;
private readonly IWeatherRepository _weatherRepository;
public WeatherForecastController(ICustomLogger customLogger, IEmailSenderService emailSenderService, IWeatherRepository weatherRepository)
_customLogger = customLogger;
_emailSenderService = emailSenderService;
_weatherRepository = weatherRepository;
[HttpGet(Name = "GetWeatherForecast")]
public IEnumerable<WeatherForecastModel> Get()
_customLogger.Log("Started function GetWeatherForecast");
WeatherForecastModel[] results = _weatherRepository.GetRandomSample();
_customLogger.Log("Started sending mail.");
_emailSenderService.SendMail("some.mail#domain.com", $"Summary of the first result: {results[0].Summary}");
_customLogger.Log("Ended sending mail.");
_customLogger.Log("Ended function GetWeatherForecast");
return results;
Now, with the whole implementation, in place, I don't like it. Like visually. I do not want to see logging and email sending logic inside of my controller. This is the fundamentaly issue, I'm trying to solve with this question. I could (I implemented it for testing) inject logger inside the EmailSenderService and inside the WeatherRepository and log there, howerver, I do not like that either. I do not want to see logging inside of my logic. So, I thought about something I called LogAwareEmailSenderService. Here is impelementation:
public class LogAwareEmailSenderService : IEmailSenderService
private readonly ICustomLogger _customLogger;
private readonly IEmailSenderService _emailSenderService;
public LogAwareEmailSenderService(ICustomLogger customLogger, IEmailSenderService emailSenderService)
_customLogger = customLogger;
_emailSenderService = emailSenderService;
public void SendMail(string email, string text)
_customLogger.Log($"Started sending email to: {email}, containing text: {text}");
_emailSenderService.SendMail(email, text);
_customLogger.Log($"Done sending email to: {email}, containing text: {text}");
Basically, what I'm trying to achieve, is: Take my original EmailSenderService, then inject it into my LogAwareEmailSenderService. The idea is, that now, I should be able to inject this LogAwareEmailSenderService into my controller without the need to change my controller at all (just remove my previous logging logic), right? And If I achieve this, I can go on and continue, to make something like LogAndEmailAwareWeatherRepository, that will inject LogAwareEmailSenderService and instead of sending mail and logging function start inside of the controller. I will just call LogAndEmailAwareWeatherRepository, that will log these things, and send the email, resulting in controller only calling the important, _weatherRepository.GetRandomSample() -- This call will do the logging and sending mail, using the previously described abstractions.
However, in the first place, I am unable to inject the EmailSenderService inside the LogAwareEmailSenderService. I want them both to be scoped. I trid this approach (in my Program.cs):
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailSenderService, EmailSenderService>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailSenderService, LogAwareEmailSenderService>();
however I got circular dependency error:
'Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType: DependencyInjectionExample.Services.EmailSenderService.IEmailSenderService Lifetime: Scoped ImplementationType: DependencyInjectionExample.Services.EmailSenderService.LogAwareEmailSenderService': A circular dependency was detected for the service of type 'DependencyInjectionExample.Services.EmailSenderService.IEmailSenderService'.
DependencyInjectionExample.Services.EmailSenderService.IEmailSenderService(DependencyInjectionExample.Services.EmailSenderService.LogAwareEmailSenderService) -> DependencyInjectionExample.Services.EmailSenderService.IEmailSenderService)'
So, I got some questions:
Am I going about this right? Like, is what I described above, the normal approach to things?
Where should I put my Logging logic? When doing this, I also thought about caching things, meaning, that I would have something like CacheAwareWeatherRepository, that would only care about the caching implementation and then call the WeatherRepository to get data and return them, while caching them.
How to implement my solution?
I still don't understand some parts of dependecy injection, are there any articles/books that helped you personally understand it?
If you've got here, thank you, I know it is long, however I wanted to describe my problem, possible solutions, and questions clearly.
If you have any questions, about anything, please feel free to ask me in comments, or email me (if it's long question) to dibla.tomas#email.cz. I would really like to get to the bottom of this.
PS: This is not about implementation of bussiness logic, or anything like this, this is only for getting data, logging it, caching it and doing abstractions above data access. I implemented this, with idea that you would have one interface and then layers of abstractions. One for getting the actual data (fAb), One for logging the fact (sAb) implementing fAb, One for caching data (tAb) implementing sAb, One for logging the fact of caching (qAb) implementing tAb. And so on.
Am I going about this right? Like, is what I described above, the normal approach to things?
There's not a right/wrong, but what you're describing is an accepted pattern, called the decorator pattern. One service adds behaviors around another one while implementing the same interface.
Where should I put my Logging logic?
Depends on what you mean by "logging logic." The true logic of your logging (opening files and writing to them, e.g.) is already abstracted away behind the logger interface, as it should be.
If you like to have generic messages logged every time a public method is entered or exited, then you can do that with an aspect-oriented Fody Weaver to avoid repetitive code.
The lines of code that decide what to output as a log message, on the other hand, are mostly going to be specific to your implementation. The most useful diagnostic messages are probably going to be ones that need to know contextual information about your specific implementation, and that code needs to be embedded within the implementation code itself. The fact that you "visually don't want to see" calls to the logging service in your controller code is something you should get over. Diagnostic logging is a cross-cutting concern: a responsibility inherent to every class regardless of what their "single responsibility" is supposed to be.
How to implement my solution?
The DI registration method can take a delegate that lets you be more specific about how the type is resolved.
builder.Services.AddScoped<EmailSenderService>(); // allow the next line to work
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailSenderService>(p => new LogAwareEmailSenderService(
I still don't understand some parts of dependecy injection, are there any articles/books that helped you personally understand it?
Technically not the sort of question we're supposed to be asking on StackOverflow, but I learned from Mark Seeman's Dependency Injection in .NET (affiliate link). It's kind of old now, so library-specific details are outdated, but the principles are enduring.
I thought it might be worth mentioning the Scrutor library which lets you easily specify the decoration setup. For example, you could have:
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailSenderService, EmailSenderService>();
builder.Services.Decorate<IEmailSenderService, LogAwareEmailSenderService>();
Edit: the Decorator pattern is a great way to honour Single Responsibility while enabling the Open/Closed principle: you're able to add new decorators to extend the capabilities of your codebase without updating the existing classes.
However, it comes with the cost of a somewhat more involved setup. The Scrutor library takes care of the decoration so that you don't need to manually code how the services are composed. If you don't have many decorators, or you don't have many levels of decoration, then that advantage might not be useful to you.
The scanning capability is not related to the decorator setup: it's simply another capability that allows one to add classes to the service collection without manually the classes (sort of auto-discovery). You can do this via reflection.
Here's an example of the decorator setup if you also had caching:
builder.Services.AddScoped<IWeatherRepository, WeatherRepository>();
builder.Services.Decorate<IWeatherRepository, DiagnosticsWeatherRepositoryDecorator>();
builder.Services.Decorate<IWeatherRepository, CachedWeatherRepositoryDecorator>();
You could do this manually:
builder.Services.AddScoped(provider => new DiagnosticsWeatherRepositoryDecorator(provider.GetRequiredService<WeatherRepository>()));
builder.Services.AddScoped<IWeatherRepository>(provider => new CachedWeatherRepositoryDecorator(provider.GetRequiredService<DiagnosticsWeatherRepositoryDecorator>)));
It becomes a bit more involved if the constructors take other parameters. It's completely possible, but really verbose.
I thought I'd also share some advice regarding your 5th question; my experience of dependency injection frameworks is that:
The frameworks are simply a key-value map; if a class needs interface A, then create class B.
Sometimes it's just a key; that happens when you only need to let the framework know that class C exists.
Whenever a class needs to be created, the map of all classes and all interface/class to class mappings are consulted, and whatever the map lists is created.
It seems like you're aware, but these frameworks also manage the lifetime of the objects it creates. For example, a scoped lifetime is linked to the duration of the http request. This means that an IDisposible object created by the framework, will be deposed once the request ends.
In your case:
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailSenderService, EmailSenderService>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailSenderService, LogAwareEmailSenderService>();
The second statement actually overwrites the mapping of the first statement: you can only have one key (in this case IEmailSenderService) in the collection. So when the framework tried to create LogAwareEmailSenderService it saw that LogAwareEmailSenderService needs an IEmailSenderService but the only one it knows about is LogAwareEmailSenderService.
This is why we only list the interface once when we manually tied up the decorated classes. When the Scrutor library is used, it re-maps the types allowing you to list the interface multiple times.
I'm building an application that performs actions initiated by a user and one particular class has dependencies on things I can wire up in DI such as an ILogger instance as well as an HttpClient in addition to runtime arguments that identify the user and the instance of the action (mostly to be used while logging to help with debugging).
The trouble I have is that I'm not entirely sure how to inject this class into the other classes that need it as a result of the runtime dependencies.
Here's a simplified example of one of my classes:
public class Dependency : IDependency
private readonly HttpClient httpClient;
private readonly ILogger<Dependency> logger;
private readonly RuntimeDeps runtimeDeps
public Dependency(
ILogger<Dependency> logger,
HttpClient httpClient,
RuntimeDeps runtimeDeps)
// set private fields
public Result DoStuff()
// use Http client to talk to external API
// something fails so log the failure and some helpful info
logger.log($"{runtimeDeps.InstanceId} failed. " +
"Initiated by {runtimeDeps.UserName}");
This feels like it requires a factory to create but then is it best to request the HttpClient and Logger in the factory method or declare it as a dependency of the factory? If the latter, I presume the factory would have to be registered as a transient or as a scoped resource since registering it as a singleton would result in a captive dependency (I think).
Any suggestions on redesigns are also welcome if this is a symptom of a poor design. I'd love to implement Mark Seeman's Pure DI to get some more assistance from the compiler but I don't know if that's possible in Azure functions.
A transient factory with the transient dependencies injected into the constructor and the runtime dependencies as parameters of the Create method will work fine.
DI is baked into the Azure Functions library in the sense that parameters are injected into the trigger methods, but beyond these you should be able to use Pure DI to manage your own dependencies by calling into some composition root helper class from the trigger function which knows how to build your dependency graph in a pure manner.
Instead of requiring runtime data during the construction of a component, it's better to let runtime data flow through method calls on an initialized object graph by either:
passing runtime data through method calls of the API or
retrieving runtime data from specific abstractions that allow resolving runtime data.
I formalized this in 2015 in this blog post, which I referred to in the comments.
After reading your additional comments, I came to the conclusion that in your case option 2 is most suited, as the data you are sending is likely an implementation detail to the component, and should not be part of the public API.
In that case, you can redesign your component as follows:
public class Dependency : IDependency
public Dependency(
ILogger<Dependency> logger,
HttpClient httpClient,
IRuntimeDepsProvider provider) ...
public Result DoStuff()
// use Http client to talk to external API
// something fails so log the failure and some helpful info
logger.log($"{provider.InstanceId} failed. " +
$"Initiated by {provider.UserName}");
IRuntimeDepsProvider is an abstraction that hides the retrieval and storage of runtime data. This gives you the ability to postpone the decision to either use a Closure Composition Model or an Ambient Composition Model until the Last Responsible Moment.
Using the IRuntimeDepsProvider abstraction, you can chose to set the incoming runtime values after the object graph is constructed. For instance:
public class MyFunction
// Notice the different abstraction here
public MyFunction(
IRuntimeDepsInitializer initializer,
IHandler<Something> handler) ...
public void TheFunction(Guid instanceId, string userName, Something cmd)
// Setting the runtime data *after* the object graph is constructed,
initializer.SetData(instanceId, userName);
// but before the graph's public methods are invoked.
Here, a second abstraction is introduced, namely IRuntimeDepsInitializer. Now you can have one class implementing both interfaces:
public class RuntimeDepsStorage : IRuntimeDepsInitializer, IRuntimeDepsProvider
public Guid InstanceId { get; private set; }
public string UserName { get; private set; }
public void SetData(Guid id, string name)
InstanceId = id;
UserName = name;
TIP: Instead of using two interfaces, you can also use only IRuntimeDepsProvider and let MyFunction depend on the concrete RuntimeDepsStorage. Which solution is best depends on the context.
Now the main trick here is to make sure that RuntimeDepsStorage becomes a Scoped dependency, because you want to reuse it throughout a request, but not shared by multiple requests.
When applying Pure DI, this would look like this:
var storage = new RuntimeDepsStorage();
new MyFuncion(
initializer: storage,
handler: new SomethingHandler(
stuffDoer: new Dependency(
httpClient: client, // Did you notice this is a runtime dep as well?
logger: new Logger<Dependency>(),
provider: storage)))
If, on the other hand, you would be using MS.DI as your DI Container, registration would be similar to the following:
services.AddScoped(_ => new RuntimeDepsStorage());
c => c.GetRequiredService<RuntimeDepsStorage>());
c => c.GetRequiredService<RuntimeDepsStorage>());
// etc, your usual registrations here
I've just come from a place where an API controller would have just the Services it needed injected in to it...
public class SomeController : ControllerBase
private IFirstService firstService
private ISecondService secondService
public SomeController(IFirstService firstService, ISecondService secondService)
this.firstService = firstService;
this.secondService = secondService;
public IActionResult SomeMethod()
var data = firstService.GetSomething();
return OkObjectResult(data);
Now I find myself in a shop that does this...
public class SomeController : ControllerBase
private IServiceProvider services;
public SomeController(IServiceProvider services)
this.services = services;
public IActionResult SomeMethod()
var service = servies.Get<IFirstService>();
if(service is null)
var data = firstService.GetSomething();
return OkObjectResult(data);
Now, I can't really explain why, but this just seems wrong.
Am I just experiencing StuckInMyWaysitis or is this really the bad practice my bones tells me it is? Or, is there, in fact, a more widely accepted way of doing the "right" thing?
Injecting IServiceProvider implements the Service Locator pattern, which is generally considered to be an anti-pattern.
In your first example two services are injected. You can easily tell what the controller depends on. It's easier to tell if a class begins to depend on too many things when we see five, 10, or 20 dependencies injected. When that happens we usually refactor because the number of dependencies indicates that the class is doing too many things.
In the second example we can't tell from the injected dependency (IServiceProvider) what the class depends on. The only way to tell is to look at every use of services throughout the class and see what gets resolved from it. A class could end up depending on many other classes even though we only see one dependency in the constructor.
This also makes unit testing more difficult. In the first example we might have to create fakes or mocks for one or both services. In the second example we have to either mock IServiceProvider to return mocks or create an IServiceCollection, register the mocks with it as service implementations, and then build a ServiceProvider from it. Both make tests more complex.
Some have reasoned that API controllers are an exception, and that it's okay to have them depend on something like a service locator. (MediatR is a common example.) This is an opinion: It's not bad as long as the controller has little or no logic and is only used to route HTTP requests to some higher-level code.
If we use MediatR or some similar abstraction like ICommandHandler<TCommand> then at least we've constrained the class to submitting queries or commands to handlers. It's not as bad as injecting IServiceProvider which allows the class to resolve any registered service.
It's wrong because it means that every time you need a service you have to explicitly request it and then check the instance for null. This is unnecessary code duplication for no benefit.
It also violates the explicit dependencies principle, which Microsoft recommends you use to architect your code.
Almost certainly this was done because somebody couldn't figure out how DI works, or they forgot to register a service and couldn't be a***d to fix it properly, so they just chucked in IServiceProvider instead and that ended up working, and then they cargo-culted it everywhere. In other words, laziness and/or ignorance.
Likely you will come up against resistance when you try to fix this by using explicit dependencies. The trick is to make the person(s) advocating for this mess explain why the mess is better than following good architectural practices, particularly those from Microsoft.
When you've been programming long enough, you learn to trust your gut. If it feels bad, it almost always is.
First, Let us refactor the second code to get rid of some code smells,
public class SomeController : ControllerBase
private IFirstService firstService
private ISecondService secondService
private IServiceProvider services;
public SomeController(IServiceProvider services)
this.services = services;
this.firstService= servies.Get<IFirstService>();
this.secondService= servies.Get<ISecondService>();
public IActionResult SomeMethod()
var data = firstService.GetSomething();
return OkObjectResult(data);
you automatically get rid of all the checks, and now you can do that in your constructor if needed.
If many methods needed instances all might have duplicate codes like this.
It violates SRP as the methods are doing more than they should be.
Now if we look it is closer to your First code. With one difference, Instantiating service vs Injecting service. There are a few problems with this IMO,
DI Containers are tools, they are not part of our domain. By taking IServiceProvider, we are trying our services to them. Which implies we always need some DI provider.
Secondly this also hides our dependencies, which makes integration
difficult. Constructors are like messengers that clearly tell us
what we need to keep ready beforehand, before we instantiate a
Class. If we hide this information, you may not know if certain
dependency was configured or not without running the application.
With clearly defined dependencies in constructor, we cannot skip
this part.
Also, just like we had duplicate code in our methods, now we have duplicate code in constructor of different services. Each service will be calling these Get methods. So why not do them in one place. And if you consider this and refactor, you automatically reach to your first example.
public class SomeController : ControllerBase
private IFirstService firstService
private ISecondService secondService
public SomeController(IFirstService firstService, ISecondService secondService)
this.firstService = firstService;
this.secondService = secondService;
public class Startup()
public void Start()
var service1 = servies.Get<IFirstService>();
var service2 = servies.Get<IFirstService>();
SomeController= new Controller(service1,service2);
//or just servies.Get<SomeController>();
This is how instantiation happen if you use Containers like AutoFac.
I am (as something of a novice) implementing my own custom logger for use in ASP.NET Core MVC apps. I have this logger working functionally in every regard. But I cheated a little so far, namely I implemented the ILogger.IsEnabled method as follows:
public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel)
return true;
Functionally, this works fine, since the framework ensures that the Log() method is only invoked if the log level is at or higher than the one specified. So the correct "things" are being logged and the lower-level "things" are not being logged as expected.
However, I also want to support the following kind of situation in my code, where _logger is typed as ILogger and is properly injected in my controller:
if (_logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
_logger.LogDebug("This is an expensive message to generate: " +
To make this effective, my IsEnabled() method should be able to know what the log level IS for the instance of the logger that was created with my LoggerProvider, but I don't know how to get that information directly, or how to pass it properly to the injected instance of the the logger I am working with.
Complex examples and tutorials I have been able to find seem to be constructed in every case for console app types, not network app types, and so far I have been unsuccessful at figuring out how to do this through the templated Startup class in ASP.NET MVC.
What is the simplest and most effective way to stop cheating at my custom IsEnabled() method in order to avoid the unnecessary serialization (in my example) if none of the registered loggers in the injected instance are handling the Debug log level? Or do you have a favorite example or tutorial in the ASP.NET core setting you can point me to?
You can take a look at built-in loggers source code and see how they implement it.
In short, they only check that logLevel != LogLevel.None, but depending on the logger logic, you might also want to check some other configuration. For example, DebugLogger logger also checks the Debugger.IsAttached property and EventLogLogger checks the EventLogSettings.Filter (supplied via constructor).
To make this effective, my IsEnabled() method should be able to know what the log level IS for the instance of the logger that was created with my LoggerProvider, but I don't know how to get that information directly, or how to pass it properly to the injected instance of the the logger I am working with.
You can create an implementation of ILoggerProvider which in turn can make use of dependency injection to get the configuration you want. If you want to use the options pattern to configure it, you must do something along the lines of:
public class MyLoggerProvider : ILoggerProvider
private readonly IOptions<MyLoggerOptions> _options;
public MyLoggerProvider(IOptions<MyLoggerOptions> options)
_options = options;
public ILogger CreateLogger(string name)
return new MyLogger(name, _options.Value);
And optionally add an extension method to make registration easier:
public static class MyLoggerExtensions
public static ILoggingBuilder AddMyLogger(this ILoggingBuilder builder, Action<MyLoggerOptions> configure)
builder.Services.TryAddEnumerable(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<ILoggerProvider, MyLoggerProvider>());
LoggerProviderOptions.RegisterProviderOptions<MyLoggerOptions, MyLoggerProvider>(builder.Services);
I'm building a two-tiered C# .net application:
Tier 1: Winforms client application using the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) design pattern.
Tier 2: WebAPI RESTful service sitting on top of Entity Framework and SQL Server.
Currently, I have questions relating to the overall architecture of the Winforms client application. I'm new to programming (about a year) but I've made good progress with this application. I want to step back and re-evaluate my current approach to check that I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Application Domain
The Winforms application is a fairly simple security personnel tracking application. The main view (Form) is the focus of the application, and has different sections which group content into functional areas (e.g. a section for tracking personnel schedules, a section for tracking who is assigned where, etc.). A menu on the side of the application launches secondary views (e.g. history, statistics, contacts, etc.). The idea is that the app could be used by a security office to organize daily operations and then keep a detailed history of everything in a database for reporting on in the future.
Technical Details
As mentioned, the Winforms client is built using the MVP pattern (passive view), focusing on using dependency injection as much as possible (via SimpleInjector IoC container). Each view (form) is paired up with a single presenter. The views implement interfaces, allowing the presenter to control the view (regardless of the concrete implementation). The view raises events for the presenter to subscribe to. Currently, presenters are not allowed to directly communicate to another presenter.
An application controller is used to coordinate the application. This is the area of my application architecture where I'm the most shakey (hence the post title). The application controller is currently used to:
Open new views (forms) and manage open forms.
Facilitate communication between application components via an event aggregator. One presenter publishes an event and any number of presenter can subscribe to that event.
Host session information (i.e. security context/logon, config data, etc.)
The IoC container is registered into the application controller at application start-up. This allows the application controller, for example, to create a presenter from the container, and then have all subsequent dependencies (view, services, etc.) to be automatically handled by the container.
In order to make the Application Controller accessible to all presenters, I have created the controller as a static class.
public static class ApplicationController
private static Session _session;
private static INavigationWorkflow _workflow;
private static EventAggregator _aggregator;
#region Registrations
public static void RegisterSession(Session session) {}
public static void RegisterWorkflow(INavigationWorkflow workflow) {}
public static void RegisterAggregator(EventAggregator aggregator) {}
#region Properties
public static Session Session
get { return _session; }
#region Navigation
public static void NavigateToView(Constants.View view) {}
#region Events
public static Subscription<TMessageType> Subscribe<TMessageType>(Action<TMessageType> action) {}
public static void Publish<TMessageType>(TMessageType message) {}
public static void Unsubscribe<TMessageType>(Subscription<TMessageType> subscription) {}
Is this considered an acceptable practice to make a static class like this? I mean, it certainly works. It just feels... off? Are there any other holes that you can see in my architecture based on what I have described?
** EDIT **
This edit is made in response to Ric .Net’s answer posted below.
I have read through all of your suggestions. As I am committed to utilizing dependency injection to the fullest extent I can, I’m onboard with all of your suggestions. That was my plan from the beginning, but when I ran into things I didn’t understand how to accomplish via injection, I turned to the global static controller class to solve my problems (A god class it is becoming, indeed. Yikes!). Some of those questions still exist:
Event Aggregator
The defining line here is what should be considered optional, I think. I’ll provide a bit more context about my app before outlining my problem. Using web terminology, my main form generally acts like a layout view, hosting navigation controls and a notification section in the left menu, and partial views being hosted in the center. Coming back to winforms terminology, the partial views are just custom made UserControls that I treat like views, and each of them are paired up with their own presenter. I have 6 of these partial views hosted on my main form, and they serve as the meat and potatoes of the application.
As an example, one partial view lists available security guards and another lists potential patrol areas. In a typical use case, a user would drag an available security guard from the available list to one of the potential patrol areas, effectively becoming assigned to that area. The patrol area view would then update to show the assigned security guard and the guard would be removed from the available list view. Utilizing drag-and-drop events, I can handle this interaction.
My questions come when I need to handle other types of interactivity between the various partial views. For example, double clicking on guard that is assigned to a location (as seen in one partial view) could highlight that guard’s name on another partial view showing all personnel schedules, or bring up employee details/history on another partial view. I could see the graph/matrix of what partial views are interested in events occurring in other partial views as becoming quite complex, and I’m not sure how to handle that via injection. With 6 partial views, I wouldn’t want to inject the other 5 partial views/presenters into each one. I was planning on accomplishing this via the event aggregator. Another example I could think of is needing to update data on a separate view (its own form) based off an event that occurs on one of the partial views on the main form.
Session & Form Opener
I really like your thoughts here. I’m going to take these ideas and run with them, and see where I end up!
What are your thoughts on controlling user access to certain functionality based on what type of account they have? The recommendations I’ve been reading online say that security could be implemented by modifying the views based on their account type. The thought being, if a user can’t interact with a UI element to kick off a certain task, then the presenter will never be asked to perform that task. I’m curious if you inject the WindowsUserContext into each presenter and do additional checks, especially for http service bound requests?
I haven’t done too much development on the service side of things yet, but for http service bound requests, I imagine you need to send security information along with each request so that the service can authenticate the request. My plan was to inject the WindowsUserContext directly into the winforms service agents that end up making the service requests (i.e. the security validation would not be coming from the presenter). In that case, the service agents could potentially do a last minute security check before sending off a request.
A static class is of course handy in some cases but there are a lot of downsides to this approach.
The tend to grow into something like a God class. You already see this happening. So this class violates SRP
A static class cannot have dependencies and therefore it needs to use the Service Locator anti pattern to get it's dependencies. This is not a problem perse if you consider this class to be part of the composition root, but nevertheless, this often heads the wrong way.
In the supplied code I see three responsibilities of this class.
What you call Session information
A service to open other views
Some feedback on this three parts:
Although this is a widely used pattern and sometimes it can be very powerful I myself am not fond of this pattern. I see this pattern as something that provides optional runtime data where in most cases this runtime data is not optional at all. In other words, only use this pattern for truly optional data. For everything that is not really optional, use hard dependencies, using constructor injection.
The ones that need the information in that case depend upon IEventListener<TMessage>. The one that publish the event, depend upon IEventPublisher<TMessage>.
public interface IEventListener<TMessage>
event Action<TMessage> MessageReceived;
public interface IEventPublisher<TMessage>
void Publish(TMessage message);
public class EventPublisher<TMessage> : IEventPublisher<TMessage>
private readonly EventOrchestrator<TMessage> orchestrator;
public EventPublisher(EventOrchestrator<TMessage> orchestrator)
this.orchestrator = orchestrator;
public void Publish(TMessage message) => this.orchestrator.Publish(message);
public class EventListener<TMessage> : IEventListener<TMessage>
private readonly EventOrchestrator<TMessage> orchestrator;
public EventListener(EventOrchestrator<TMessage> orchestrator)
this.orchestrator = orchestrator;
public event Action<TMessage> MessageReceived
add { orchestrator.MessageReceived += value; }
remove { orchestrator.MessageReceived -= value; }
public class EventOrchestrator<TMessage>
public void Publish(TMessage message) => this.MessageReceived(message);
public event Action<TMessage> MessageReceived = (e) => { };
To be able to guarantee events are stored in one single location, we extract that storage (the event) into its own class, the EventOrchestrator.
The registration is as follows:
container.RegisterSingleton(typeof(IEventListener<>), typeof(EventListener<>));
container.RegisterSingleton(typeof(IEventPublisher<>), typeof(EventPublisher<>));
container.RegisterSingleton(typeof(EventOrchestrator<>), typeof(EventOrchestrator<>));
Usage is trivial:
public class SomeView
private readonly IEventPublisher<GuardChanged> eventPublisher;
public SomeView(IEventPublisher<GuardChanged> eventPublisher)
this.eventPublisher = eventPublisher;
public void GuardSelectionClick(Guard guard)
this.eventPublisher.Publish(new GuardChanged(guard));
// other code..
public class SomeOtherView
public SomeOtherView(IEventListener<GuardChanged> eventListener)
eventListener.MessageReceived += this.GuardChanged;
private void GuardChanged(GuardChanged changedGuard)
this.CurrentGuard = changedGuard.SelectedGuard;
// other code..
If another view will receive a lot of events you could always wrap all IEventListeners of that View in a specific EventHandlerForViewX class which get all important IEventListener<> injected.
In the question you define several ambient context variables as Session information. Exposing this kind of information through a static class promotes tight coupling to this static class and thus makes it more difficult to unit test parts of your application. IMO all information provided by Session is static (in the sense that it doesn't change throughout the lifetime of the application) data that could just as easily be injected into those parts that actually need this data. So Session should completely be removed from the static class. Some examples how to solve this in a SOLID manner:
Configuration values
The composition root is in charge of reading all information from the configuration source (e.g. your app.config file). This information can there be stored in a POCO class crafted for its usage.
public interface IMailSettings
string MailAddress { get; }
string DefaultMailSubject { get; }
public interface IFtpInformation
int FtpPort { get; }
public interface IFlowerServiceInformation
string FlowerShopAddress { get; }
public class ConfigValues :
IMailSettings, IFtpInformation, IFlowerServiceInformation
public string MailAddress { get; set; }
public string DefaultMailSubject { get; set; }
public int FtpPort { get; set; }
public string FlowerShopAddress { get; set; }
// Register as
public static void RegisterConfig(this Container container)
var config = new ConfigValues
MailAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailAddress"],
DefaultMailSubject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultMailSubject"],
FtpPort = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpPort"]),
FlowerShopAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FlowerShopAddress"],
var registration = Lifestyle.Singleton.CreateRegistration<ConfigValues>(() =>
config, container);
And where you need some specific information, e.g. information to send an email you can just put IMailSettings in the constructor of the type needing the information.
This will also give you the possibility to test a component using different config values, which would be harder to do if all config information had to come from the static ApplicationController.
For security information, e.g. the logged on User the same pattern can be used. Define an IUserContext abstraction, create a WindowsUserContext implementation and fill this with the logged on user in the composition root. Because the component now depends on IUserContext instead of getting the user at runtime from the static class, the same component could also be used in an MVC application, where you would replace the WindowsUserContext with an HttpUserContext implementation.
Opening other forms
This is actually the hard part. I normally also use some big static class with all kinds of methods to open other forms. I don't expose the IFormOpener from this answer to my other forms, because they only need to know, what to do, not which form does that task for them. So my static class exposes this kinds of methods:
public SomeReturnValue OpenCustomerForEdit(Customer customer)
var form = MyStaticClass.FormOpener.GetForm<EditCustomerForm>();
var result = MyStaticClass.FormOpener.ShowModalForm(form);
return (SomeReturnValue) result;
I'm not at all happy with this approach, because over time this class grows and grows. With WPF I use another mechanism, which I think could also be used with WinForms. This approach is based on a message based architecture described in this and this awesome blogposts. Although at first the information looks as it is not at all related, it is the message based concept that let these patterns rock!
All my WPF windows implement an open generic interface, e.g. IEditView. And if some view needs to edit a customer, it just get's this IEditView injected. A decorator is used to actually show the view in pretty much the same way as the forementioned FormOpener does it. In this case I make use of a specific Simple Injector feature, called decorate factory decorator, which you can use to create forms whenever it is needed, just as the FormOpener used the container directly to create forms whenever it needs to.
So I did not really test this, so there could be some pitfalls with WinForms, but this code seems to work on a first and single run..
public class EditViewShowerDecorator<TEntity> : IEditView<TEntity>
private readonly Func<IEditView<TEntity>> viewCreator;
public EditViewShowerDecorator(Func<IEditView<TEntity>> viewCreator)
this.viewCreator = viewCreator;
public void EditEntity(TEntity entity)
// get view from container
var view = this.viewCreator.Invoke();
// initview with information
using (var form = (Form)view)
// show the view
The forms and decorator should be registered as:
container.Register(typeof(IEditView<>), new[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });
container.RegisterDecorator(typeof(IEditView<>), typeof(EditViewShowerDecorator<>),
The IUserContext must the base for all security.
For the userinterface I normally hide all controls/buttons that a certain userrole doesn't have access to. The best place is to perform this in the Load event.
Because I use the command/handler pattern as described here for my all actions external of my forms/views I use a decorator to check if a user has permission to perform this certain command (or query).
I would advise you to read this post a few times until you really get the hang of it. Once you get familiar with this pattern you won't do anything else!
If you have any questions about these patterns and how to apply a (permission)decorator, add a comment!
Forgive a genuine but n00b level query, please. I'm doing a new project and starting to bake in the IoC aspect of it. It's the first I've worked on where I was in charge of building up the framework so I'm cutting my teeth with IoC somewhat. I'm taking a hearty recommendation to use Ninject. Cool.
But as I sit down to create my first class that will rely on constructor injection, it strikes me - I still need to use all of these quite custom/3rd party interfaces in the constructors. So How is it that my code is less coupled to log4net if my classes all take a log4net ILog instance in their constructor? I still need a using statement for log4net in each file that wants to log anything.
I thought that was the point - abstraction and de-coupling of your multitudes of classes, and pushing all of the dependencies into one class. It seems to me that every class that wants to log anything is still quite bound to log4net, and to change log4net out for another logger would be tedious all the same. how is this a win?
I'm sure I'm missing something, so help me out? Am I meant to create my own interfaces everywhere I wanted to be truly decoupled and then add adapters for the implementations or something? Only then would it seem to be we've pushed all the dependencies to one area.
If you use IOC, you inject the interfaces into your class, not the implementation, so that is ok. To get around your specific problem, try looking at the common logging framework (http://netcommon.sourceforge.net/) which itself is a wrapper for log4net or a multitude of other logging frameworks.
This couples you to the common logging framework, but it is very widely used, stable and abstracts the specific of logging without you having to do any of that yourself.
When I have used this in the past, I use a post build script to bring the log4net assemblies into the output directory, so the binding happens at runtime only. For testing purposes and as far as your code is concerned, you are talking to the common logging framework via the public interface provided.
I know what are you talking about! you are going to make a kind of generalization to reduce code duplication(I'm hopping). as you are using .net framework, I have to say that it does not support for aspect oriented programming by default to let you behave different in every situation. for example take a look at this piece of code:
public class BlogService : IBlogService
private readonly IBlogRepository _blogRepository;
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public BlogService(
IBlogRepository blogRepository,
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
ILogger logger)
_blogRepository = blogRepository;
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
_logger = logger;
public GetAllBlogPostResponse GetAllBlogPost(GetAllBlogPostRequest request)
var response = new GetAllBlogPostResponse();
var blogPosts = _blogRepository.GetAll();
if (blogPosts != null)
response.BlogPostViewModel = blogPosts.ConvertToPostListViewModel();
response.Success = true;
response.MessageType = MessageType.Success;
response.Message = ServiceMessages.GeneralServiceSuccessMessageOnRetrieveInformation;
response.MessageType = MessageType.Info;
response.Message = ServiceMessages.GeneralServiceAlarmMessageOnRetrieveInformation;
catch (Exception exception)
response.Success = false;
response.Message = ServiceMessages.GeneralServiceAlarmMessageOnRetrieveInformation;
return response;
I have injected IBlogRepository, IUnitOfWrork and ILogger(Log4net) in every service class of my application. rather than that I have similar response and generic message in every catch statement. once I wanted to make a kinds of generalization and not to re-implement the similar code in every service class but you making generalization in such a condition will be more cost effective and difficult. although it's so important to not duplicate the code in some situations, for example I have this BaseController and derive all of my controller from that:
public class BaseController : Controller
private readonly ICookieStorageService _cookieStorageService;
private readonly ILanguageService _languageService;
public BaseController(ICookieStorageService cookieStorageService,ILanguageService languageService)
_cookieStorageService = cookieStorageService;
_languageService = languageService;
so I don't need to create the cookieStorageService and languageService in my controllers each time as I have implemented it in for once.