I'm trying to import a solution via a small c# console app. I am able to import the solution but I am not able to StageAndUpgradeRequest. I get an error "The [mysolution] solution doesn’t have an upgrade that is ready to be applied."
Here is my code:
ImportSolutionRequest importSolutionRequest = new ImportSolutionRequest()
CustomizationFile = data,
ImportJobId = importId,
OverwriteUnmanagedCustomizations = true,
ConvertToManaged = true,
SkipProductUpdateDependencies = false,
//SolutionParameters = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.SolutionParameter
// StageSolutionUploadId = Guid.NewGuid()
var importResponse = (ImportSolutionResponse)svc.Execute(importSolutionRequest);
var request = new DeleteAndPromoteRequest
UniqueName = "JEuvin",
var applyResponse = (DeleteAndPromoteResponse)svc.Execute(request);
Console.WriteLine("Imported Successfully");
What am I missing?
Currently I am trying to write tests for Dynamics CRM app using Fake XRM Easy. This code gives me an error.
var executeMultiple = new ExecuteMultipleRequest
Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings
ContinueOnError = true,
ReturnResponses = true
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
executeMultiple.Requests.AddRange(this.requestBag.Select(x => x.request));
var batchResponse = (ExecuteMultipleResponse)this.orgService.Execute(executeMultiple);
foreach (var response in batchResponse.Responses)
this.OnResponseReceived(new ResponseReceivedEventArgs
Fault = response.Fault,
RequestIndex = response.RequestIndex,
Response = response.Response,
Request = this.requestBag[response.RequestIndex].request,
Identifier = this.requestBag[response.RequestIndex].identifier,
TotalRequestsPerformed = this.requestsPerformedByServiceCounter,
This method is calling upper method
foreach (var company in this.companies)
EntityReference existedAccountRef = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(company.id.ToString()))
var existedAccount = this.crmService.IsCompanyExistInCrm(company.id);
existedAccountRef = existedAccount != null ? existedAccount.ToEntityReference() : null;
if (existedAccountRef != null)
bulkExecutionService.Update(new Account()
AccountId = existedAccountRef.Id,
Name = company.name,
odx_Bank_Account_Number = company.bank_account_number,
// odx_Company_share_Capital = company.company_share_capital, todo
odx_Is_Foreign = company.is_foreign,
odx_KRS = company.krs,
odx_Legal_form = company.legal_form,
odx_NIP = company.nip,
odx_Paynow_Created_at = company.created_at,
odx_Paynow_Modified_at = company.modified_at,
odx_PaynowID = company.id,
odx_pkd = company.pkd,
odx_regon = company.regon,
odx_Vat_EU = company.vat_eu
}, company.id);
bulkExecutionService.Create(new Account()
Name = company.name,
odx_Bank_Account_Number = company.bank_account_number,
// odx_Company_share_Capital = company.company_share_capital, todo
odx_Is_Foreign = company.is_foreign,
odx_KRS = company.krs,
odx_Legal_form = company.legal_form,
odx_NIP = company.nip,
odx_Paynow_Created_at = company.created_at,
odx_Paynow_Modified_at = company.modified_at,
odx_PaynowID = company.id,
odx_pkd = company.pkd,
odx_regon = company.regon,
odx_Vat_EU = company.vat_eu
}, company.id);
Error I am getting is in this line:
var batchResponse = (ExecuteMultipleResponse)this.orgService.Execute(executeMultiple);
FakeXrmEasy.Abstractions.Exceptions.PullRequestException: 'Exception: The organization request type 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages.ExecuteMultipleRequest' is not yet supported...
To be honest i don't know what can I do with it.
Did you try installing FakeXrmEasy.Messages package?
FakeXrmEasy v2 or later now use a modular architecture.
Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete, Upsert, Associate or Dissasociate messages live in the FakeXrmEasy.Core package but other messages live now in that dedicated FakeXrmEasy.Messages package.
This is covered in the Installing section of the docs site
EDIT: After installing the Messages package, please also add a reference to one of the fake message executors in the middleware setup like this:
This will use reflection to find any other fake messages. You can call that method as many times as you want in case you have your own messages in your own assembly. This is possible since the 2.1.x and 3.1.x versions.
Please check the release notes here:
I am trying to add a new variable to an existing Devops ReleaseEnvironment and redeploy this existing releaseEnvironment.
I'm using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Release.Client version 16.199.0-preview.
var connection = new VssConnection("someUrl", new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, "somePAT"));
var client = connection.GetClient<ReleaseHttpClient>();
var projectHttpClient = connection.GetClient<ProjectHttpClient>();
var project = await projectHttpClient.GetProject("xxx");
var metadata = new ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata
Status = EnvironmentStatus.InProgress
new ConfigurationVariableValue()
Value = "xxx",
AllowOverride = true,
IsSecret = true
await client.UpdateReleaseEnvironmentAsync(metadata, project.Id, 999,999);
However, cause this variable does not exist yet, I'm getting the error:
Unhandled exception. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssServiceException: Variable(s) someVariable do not exist in the release environment at scope: PRD. New variables cannot be added while creating deployment.
However it looks like it's possible to do it via the UI. So I was wondering how I can automate this. Does anyone have an idea?
Thx in advance.
Best regards,
Found the solution.
You'll just need to fetch the Release and update the variables in the Environment:
var connection = new VssConnection("someUrl", new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, "somePAT"));
var client = connection.GetClient<ReleaseHttpClient>();
var project = await projectHttpClient.GetProject("xxx");
var release = await client.GetReleaseAsync(project.Id, 999);
if (release == null)
Console.WriteLine("Release 999 not found");
var releaseEnv = release.Environments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 999);
if (releaseEnv == null)
Console.WriteLine("ReleaseEnvironment 999 not found");
if (!releaseEnv.Variables.ContainsKey("someVariable"))
releaseEnv.Variables.Add("someVariable", new ConfigurationVariableValue()
Value = "xxx",
AllowOverride = true,
IsSecret = true
releaseEnv.Variables["someVariable"].Value = "xxx";
await client.UpdateReleaseAsync(release, project.Id, 999);
How to validate uploaded ARM Template using azure .net SDK or Fluent API ?
I want to validate my uploaded ARM template like azure portal do using azure .net SDK or Fluent API ?
For reference please see below image azure is showing message if ARM template not valid so same thing i want to implement using any .net API or REST API.
#Jim Below error I am getting:
If you want to validate your arm template, please refer to the following steps
Create a service principal and assign Contributor role to the sp
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "MyApp"
Install Package
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent -Version 1.34.0
string clientId = "23****9c";
string clientSecret = "?s****/k";
string tenantDomain = "";
string subscription = "";
var creds= SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromServicePrincipal(clientId, clientSecret, tenantDomain, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
var restClient = RestClient.Configure()
ResourceManagementClient managementClient = new ResourceManagementClient(restClient);
managementClient.SubscriptionId = subscription;
//Validates whether the specified template is syntactically correct and will be accepted by Azure Resource Manager..
DeploymentValidateResultInner res = await managementClient.Deployments.ValidateAsync("<groupName>", "<deployName>", new DeploymentInner()
Location = "",
Properties = new DeploymentProperties()
ParametersLink = new ParametersLink("uri"),
TemplateLink = new TemplateLink("")
// get changes that will be made by the deployment if executed at the scope of resource group
WhatIfOperationResultInner res1 = await managementClient.Deployments.WhatIfAsync("<groupName>", "<deployName>", new DeploymentWhatIf() {
Properties= new DeploymentWhatIfProperties() {
ParametersLink = new ParametersLink("uri"),
TemplateLink = new TemplateLink("")
foreach (var change in res1.Changes) {
I like that the accepted answer adds the "what if" to validation. However, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager is deprecated, and it took me a bit to figure out a way to validate an ARM template using the replacement library: Azure.ResourceManager.
Here's a code snippet that provides template validation using the new library (it doesn't include the what-if call):
var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var subscriptionId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID");
var client = new ArmClient(credential, subscriptionId);
var deploymentContent = new ArmDeploymentContent(new ArmDeploymentProperties(ArmDeploymentMode.Incremental)
Template = BinaryData.FromString(templateContent),
Parameters = BinaryData.FromObjectAsJson(new
hostingPlanName = new
value = hostingPlanName
webSiteName = new
value = webAppName
skuName = new
value = webSkuName
skuCapacity = new
value = webSkuCapacity
var resourceGroupId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(SubscriptionId!, resourceGroupName);
// This ArmDeploymentResource resource may or may not exist, but it doesn't matter - it's just a placeholder for validation
var deploymentResourceId = ArmDeploymentResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(resourceGroupId, deploymentName);
var armDeployment = client.GetArmDeploymentResource(deploymentResourceId);
var validateOperation = await armDeployment.ValidateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, toValidate, _cancellationToken);
var validateResult = validateOperation.Value;
if (validateResult.Error != null)
_logger.LogEndOperation(loggerOpKey, false, validateResult.Error.Message ?? "Validation errored");
_logger.LogError(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(validateResult.Error, Formatting.Indented));
return false;
// Log this if you want:
string deploymentDetails = $"Deployment: {deploymentName} ProvisioningState:{validateResult.Properties.ProvisioningState}\n"
+ $" started:{validateResult.Properties.Timestamp} duration:{validateResult.Properties.Duration}\n"
+ $" correlationId:{validateResult.Properties.CorrelationId}\n"
+ $" outputs:{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(validateResult.Properties.Outputs)}";
bool succeeded = validateResult.Properties.ProvisioningState == "Succeeded";
return succeeded;
I need to export all records in Applications Tab Menu of Bill and Adjustments screen as I did in UI like this screenshot below.
I already create codes to provide it using this code below.
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.Timeout = 10000000;
context.Url = url;
LoginResult login = context.Login(username, password);
AP301000Content konten = context.AP301000GetSchema();
konten.DocumentSummary.Type.Commit = false;
konten.DocumentSummary.Type.LinkedCommand = null;
var command = new Command[]
new Value { Value = "Bill", LinkedCommand = Konten.DocumentSummary.Type },
new Value { Value = "00123", LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.ReferenceNbr },
var result = context.AP301000Export(command, null, 0, false, true);
catch (Exception x)
After i debug this code I got records only for VendorCD but Reference Nbr and Doc Type didn't exported. Please refer to this screenshot below.
please how to solve this issue.
You should use "every" fields:
var command = new Command[]
I am getting the error
Unable to load template. Unable to load template from TemplateReference(0). Error: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
below is a simplified version of the code i am using...
If i don't use the template reference type of the code everything works fine. But when i start using a template reference.. Nothing works and i get this error. Anyone have a suggestion?
TemplateReference _tempRef = new TemplateReference();
TemplateReference[] _tempRefs = new TemplateReference[] { };
TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment[] _roleAssignmentArray = new TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment[] { };
Recipient[] _recipientsArray = new Recipient[] { };
EnvelopeInformation envelope = new EnvelopeInformation();
Recipient recipient = new Recipient();
recipient.ID = "1";
recipient.Email = "someemail#somewhere.com";
recipient.UserName = "Some Person";
recipient.Type = RecipientTypeCode.Signer;
recipient.RequireIDLookup = false;
Array.Resize(ref _roleAssignmentArray, 1);
Array.Resize(ref _recipientsArray, 1);
_recipientsArray[0] = recipient;
var saRoleAssignment = new TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment
RecipientID = "1",
RoleName = "SA"
_roleAssignmentArray[0] = saRoleAssignment;
var reference = new Docusign.TemplateReference();
reference.Template = "49C0BE2B-48F7-4F38-B44A-19EB8E6A1A38";
reference.Document = new Docusign.Document();
reference.Document.PDFBytes = new byte[0];
reference.Document.ID = Convert.ToString(1);
reference.Document.Name = "please work";
reference.RoleAssignments = _roleAssignmentArray;
Array.Resize(ref _tempRefs, 1);
_tempRefs[1 - 1] = reference;
envelope.AccountId = "accountID";
envelope.Subject = "Sample Application";
envelope.EmailBlurb = "You can add a personal message here.";
APIServiceSoapClient apiService = new APIServiceSoapClient();
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "userhere";
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "pass";
var status = apiService.CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates(_tempRefs, _recipientsArray, envelope, true);
If you're using DocuSign's SOAP api instead of REST then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the SOAP SDK on GitHub:
There's an MS.NET (C#) version which has sample code that works out of the box, you only need to enter your api credentials. I suggest you use that as your project base, especially since it was updated recently.
Since you have not identified which line the error is stemming from it's a little hard to debug, but if you look at SendTemplate.aspx.cs in the SDK you'll see that the template reference is instantiated like this:
// Construct the template reference
var templateReference = new DocuSignAPI.TemplateReference
TemplateLocation = DocuSignAPI.TemplateLocationCode.Server,
Template = TemplateTable.Value,
RoleAssignments = CreateFinalRoleAssignments(recipients)
where CreateFinalRoleAssignments() is defined as:
protected DocuSignAPI.TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment[] CreateFinalRoleAssignments(DocuSignAPI.Recipient[] recipients)
// Match up all the recipients to the roles on the template
return recipients.Select(recipient => new DocuSignAPI.TemplateReferenceRoleAssignment
RecipientID = recipient.ID, RoleName = recipient.RoleName