Read Stdin continously - c#

I have a C# program which takes FFMPEG raw data and begins streaming it to a monitor connected to the network. The program works with still images so I assume I have something wrong with my stdin reading speed. I want the program to work like this:
Begin reading stdin ffmpeg raw
When the buffer is at a specified length (I have to form the frames myself from the raw data, this specified length is width * height * 3)
Send frame & meantime start reading the next part of the raw data
Repeat until shutdown / video end. My current code can stream with 30 FPS, but its not quite good. I could achieve 60 FPS when sending still images. The timers are needed because I have to send the frames at very specific timestamps.
int width = 128;
int height = 64;
static Stream standard_input = Console.OpenStandardInput();
static byte[] buffer_one = new byte[width*height*3];
public static void ReadStandardInput(){
int in_len;
while((in_len = standard_input.Read(buffer, 0, height*width*3)) > 0 ){
if (in_len == height*width*3){
if (frame_delay_clock.IsRunning == false){
if (frame_delay_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds >= wait_between_frames){
SendFrame(buffer, 15);
System.Console.WriteLine("STDIN ended.");


tcp server failing after first loop

As above really, I'm trying to create a tcp linux server in c to accept data, perform some processing then send it back.
The code I'm trying to use on the client side to send the data and then read it back:
TcpClient tcpclnt = new TcpClient();
tcpclnt.Connect("", 1235);
NetworkStream stm = tcpclnt.GetStream();
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = null;
while (_queue.TryDequeue(out frame))
if (frame != null)
resizedBMPFrame = frame.Resize(0.5, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR).ToBitmap();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
resizedBMPFrame.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp);
byte[] byteFrame = ms.ToArray();
l = byteFrame.Length;
byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(l.ToString());
stm.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
stm.Write(byteFrame, 0, byteFrame.Length);
Reading = false;
int i;
Bitmap receivedBMPFrame;
byte[] receivedFramesize = new byte[4];
int j = stm.Read(receivedFramesize, 0, receivedFramesize.Length);
int receivedFramesizeint = BitConverter.ToInt32(receivedFramesize, 0);
byte[] receivedFrame = new byte[receivedFramesizeint];
j = stm.Read(receivedFrame, 0, receivedFrame.Length);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(receivedFrame))
receivedBMPFrame = new Bitmap(ms);
if (receivedBMPFrame != null)
outputVideoPlayer.Image = receivedBMPFrame;
Reading = false;
So the idea is it waits for the display thread to send the current frame it's displaying using a concurrentqueue, it then takes it, and makes it a quarter of the size, converts it to a byte array and then sends its length and then it itself over the tcp socket.
In theory the server gets it, performs some processing then sends it back, so it reads the length of it then the new frame itself.
The server code is below:
while (1)
int incomingframesize;
int n;
n = read(conn_desc, framesizebuff, 6);
if ( n > 0)
printf("Length of incoming frame is %s\n", framesizebuff);
printf("Failed receiving length\n");
return -1;
char framebuff[atoi(framesizebuff)];
n = read(conn_desc, framebuff, atoi(framesizebuff));
if ( n > 0)
printf("Received frame\n");
printf("Failed receiving frame\n");
return -1;
printf("Ready to write\n");
int k = sizeof(framebuff);
n = write(conn_desc, &k, sizeof(int));
if (n <0)
printf("ERROR writing to socket\n");
printf("Return frame size is %d\n", k);
n = write(conn_desc, &framebuff, sizeof(char)*k);
if (n <0)
printf("ERROR writing to socket\n");
printf("Frames sent: %d\n", frameno);
So it reads the length, then the actual frame, which seems to work, and at the moment then just sends it straight back without doing any processing. However it only works for one loop seemingly, if I step through the client code line by line the server code runs through once, but on the 2nd read by the client, receiving the frame from the server, the server then runs the two reads of the loop straight away, without waiting for another write. Failing on the 2nd having seemingly read in nothing as it outputs:
Length of incoming frame is
Failed receiving frame
With no number, which to me makes sense as I haven't sent another write with the length of the next frame. I'm just wondering what I'm missing/why it's acting like this? As on the first loop it waits until the write commands from the client. I'm wondering if it means there is left over data in the write stream, so when it goes back to the top it immediately reads it again? Although it then doesn't print any form of number which to me implies there's nothing there...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Changed the read/write sections on the server to do a single byte at a time like this:
while (ntotal != incomingframesize)
n = read(conn_desc, &framebuff[ntotal], sizeof(char));
ntotal = ntotal + n;
while (i < k)
m = write(conn_desc, &framebuff[i], sizeof(char));
Which seems to have solved the problems I was having and now the correct data is being transferred :)
When the client writes the frame size it uses the length of some object, but when the server reads it always tries to read 6 characters. You need to use a fixed length for the frame size!
When reading, you cannot assume that you get as many bytes as you ask for. The return value, if >0, is the number of bytes actually read. If you get less than you asked for, you need to keep reading until you have received the number of bytes you expect.
First read until you've got 6 bytes (frame size).
Next read until you've got the number of bytes indicated by the frame size.
Make sure you use the same number of bytes for the frame size in all places.
I also noted a bug in the call to write in the server:
n = write(conn_desc, &framebuff, sizeof(char)*k);
framebuff is a pointer to the data, so you probably mean:
n = write(conn_desc, &framebuff[0], k);

Parsing Serial communication in C#

I have an application that requires I send a string of 4-10 ASCII character to an RS422 Uart serial receiver. The problem is that the Uart buffer can only receive 2bytes max ever 10ms or so. How do I parse out the data and send it in chunks without timing out on the other side.
Normal serial.write() method overflows the buffer and I get an error response from the device every time I send anything. The device specified a baudrate of 19200 but also say the data i write needs to be spaced out 2 bytes at a time. There is no parity, handshake or flow control support for the device.
Essentially I want to do something like this:
private void sendData(string text)
string textnew = text +(char)13;
byte[] r_bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(textnew);
if (SeriialComms.IsOpen)
for (int i = 0; i > (textnew.Length/2); i = i + 2)
byte[] bytesToSend = { r_bytes[i], r_bytes[i+1] };
SerialComms.Write(bytesToSend, 0, 2);
is this possible and is there an easier way to do this?

Broken MIDI File Output

I'm currently trying to implement my own single track MIDI file output. It turns an 8x8 grid of colours stored in multiple frames, into a MIDI file that can be imported into a digital audio interface and played through a Novation Launchpad. Some more context here.
I've managed to output a file that programs recognize as MIDI, but the resultant MIDI does not play, and its not matching files generated via the same frame data. I've been doing comparisions by recording my programs live MIDI messages through a dedicated MIDI program, and then spitting out a MIDI file via that. I then compare my generated file to that properly generated file via a hex editor. Things are correct as far as the headers, but that seems to be it.
I've been slaving over multiple renditions of the MIDI specification and existing Stack Overflow questions with no 100% solution.
Here is my code, based on what I have researched. I can't help but feel I'm missing something simple. I'm avoiding the use of existing MIDI libraries, as I only need this one MIDI function to work (and want the learning experience of doing this from scratch). Any guidance would be very helpful.
/// <summary>
/// Outputs an MIDI file based on frames for the Novation Launchpad.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename"></param>
/// <param name="frameData"></param>
/// <param name="bpm"></param>
/// <param name="ppq"></param>
public static void WriteMidi(string filename, List<FrameData> frameData, int bpm, int ppq) {
decimal totalLength = 0;
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
// Output midi file header
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Set the track mode
byte[] trackMode = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(0));
stream.Write(trackMode, 0, trackMode.Length);
// Set the track amount
byte[] trackAmount = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(1));
stream.Write(trackAmount, 0, trackAmount.Length);
// Set the delta time
byte[] deltaTime = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(60000 / (bpm * ppq)));
stream.Write(deltaTime, 0, deltaTime.Length);
// Output track header
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Get our total byte length for this track. All colour arrays are the same length in the FrameData class.
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(frameData.Count * frameData[0].Colours.Count * 6);
// Write our byte length to the midi file.
stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// Cycle through frames and output the necessary MIDI.
foreach (FrameData frame in frameData) {
// Calculate our relative delta for this frame. Frames are originally stored in milliseconds.
byte[] delta = BitConverter.GetBytes((double) frame.TimeStamp / 60000 / (bpm * ppq));
for (int i = 0; i < frame.Colours.Count; i++) {
// Output the delta length to MIDI file.
stream.Write(delta, 0, delta.Length);
// Get the respective MIDI note based on the colours array index.
byte note = (byte) NoteIdentifier.GetIntFromNote(NoteIdentifier.GetNoteFromPosition(i));
// Check if the current color signals a MIDI off event.
if (!CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Black) && !CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Gray) && !CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Purple)) {
// Signal a MIDI on event.
// Write the current note.
// Check colour and write the respective velocity.
if (CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Red)) {
} else if (CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Orange)) {
} else if (CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Green) || CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Aqua) || CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Blue)) {
} else if (CheckEqualColor(frame.Colours[i], Color.Yellow)) {
} else {
// Calculate the delta that the frame had.
byte[] offDelta = BitConverter.GetBytes((double) (frameData[frame.Index - 1].TimeStamp / 60000 / (bpm * ppq)));
// Write the delta to MIDI.
stream.Write(offDelta, 0, offDelta.Length);
// Signal a MIDI off event.
// Write the current note.
// No need to set our velocity to anything.
BitConverter.GetBytes returns the bytes in the native byte order, but MIDI files use big-endian values. If you're running on x86 or ARM, you must reverse the bytes.
The third value in the file header is not called "delta time"; it is the number of ticks per quarter note, which you already have as ppq.
The length of the track is not 12; you must write the actual length.
Due to the variable-length encoding of delta times (see below), this is usually not possible before collecting all bytes of the track.
You need to write a tempo meta event that specifies the number of microseconds per quarter note.
A delta time is not an absolute time; it specifies the interval starting from the time of the previous event.
A delta time specifies the number ticks; your calculation is wrong.
Use TimeStamp * bpm * ppq / 60000.
Delta times are not stored as a double floating-point number but as a variable-length quantity; the specification has example code for encoding it.
The last event of the track must be an end-of-track meta event.
Another approach would be to use one of the .NET MIDI libraries to write the MIDI file. You just have to convert your frames into Midi objects and pass them to the library to save. The library will take care of all the MIDI details.
You could try MIDI.NET and C# Midi Toolkit. Not sure if NAudio does writing MIDI files and at what abstraction level that is...
Here is more info on the MIDI File Format specification:
Hope it helps,

WasapiCapture NAudio

We are using the NAudio Stack written in c# and trying to capture the audio in Exclusive mode with PCM 8kHZ and 16bits per sample.
In the following function:
private void InitializeCaptureDevice()
if (initialized)
long requestedDuration = REFTIMES_PER_MILLISEC * 100;
if (!audioClient.IsFormatSupported(AudioClientShareMode.Shared, WaveFormat) &&
(!audioClient.IsFormatSupported(AudioClientShareMode.Exclusive, WaveFormat)))
throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported Wave Format");
var streamFlags = GetAudioClientStreamFlags();
int bufferFrameCount = audioClient.BufferSize;
this.bytesPerFrame = this.waveFormat.Channels * this.waveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8;
this.recordBuffer = new byte[bufferFrameCount * bytesPerFrame];
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("record buffer size = {0}", this.recordBuffer.Length));
initialized = true;
We configured the WaveFormat before calls this function to (8000,1) and also a period of 100 ms.
We expected the system to allocate 1600 bytes for the buffer and interval of 100 ms as requested.
But we noticed following occured:
1. the system allocated audioClient.BufferSize to be 4800 and "this.recordBuffer" an array of 9600 bytes (which means a buffer for 600ms and not 100ms).
2. the thread is going to sleep and then getting 2400 samples (4800 bytes) and not as expected frames of 1600 bytes
Any idea what is going there?
You say you are capturing audio in exclusive mode, but in the example code you call the Initialize method with AudioClientMode.Shared. It strikes me as very unlikely that shared mode will let you work at 8kHz. Unlike the wave... APIs, WASAPI does no resampling for you of playback or capture, so the soundcard itself must be operating at the sample rate you specify.

Measure data transfer rate over tcp using c#

i want to measure current download speed. im sending huge file over tcp. how can i capture the transfer rate every second? if i use IPv4InterfaceStatistics or similar method, instead of capturing the file transfer rate, i capture the device transfer rate. the problem with capturing device transfer rate is that it captures all ongoing data through the network device instead of the single file that i transfer.
how can i capture the file transfer rate? im using c#.
Since you doesn't have control over stream to tell him how much read, you can time-stamp before and after a stream read and then based on received or sent bytes calculate the speed:
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Diagnostics;
// some code here...
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// Begining of the loop
int offset = 0;
bytes[] buffer = new bytes[1024]; // 1 KB buffer
int actualReadBytes = myStream.Read(buffer, offset, buffer.Length);
// Now we have read 'actualReadBytes' bytes
// in 'stopWath.ElapsedMilliseconds' milliseconds.
offset += actualReadBytes;
int speed = (actualReadBytes * 8) / stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // kbps
// End of the loop
You should put the Stream.Read in a try/catch and handle reading exception. It's the same for writing to streams and calculate the speed, just these two lines are affected:
myStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
int speed = (buffer.Length * 8) / stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // kbps

