Nuget package creation and file removal on uninstall - c#

I am creating a package for use in dotnet core web applications.
As of recent, it would appear that Powershell scripts are no longer used to populate and remove files on Nuget package installation/ uninstallation. It would appear that it is all managed using MsBuild. I have successful migrations on installation. The files are populated on a Build target like so:
<Target Name="CopyMyAssets" BeforeTargets="Build">
<MyAssets Include="$(MyAssetsPath)" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(MyAssets)" DestinationFiles="#(MyAssets->'$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\App_Plugins\MyPlugin\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />
And have a removal method with a clean target:
<Target Name="ClearMyAssets" BeforeTargets="Clean">
<MyPluginDir Include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\App_Plugins\MyPlugin\" />
<RemoveDir Directories="#(MyPluginDir)" />
My question is, on package uninstall through the Nuget package manager, how do I ensure that these files are removed during the uninstall process? The user may not remember to clean before uninstalling, which will leave these orphaned files, and with no package to tell the project what to do, they will no longer be removed on subsequent cleans. Do I need to somehow invoke a project clean on uninstallation, or is there a way of scripting file removal? I have read the MsBuild documentation and I see no uninstall target or replacement for the old uninstall.ps1 scripts that used to be used.
Edit: Additional context. This is a package designed for Umbraco CMS 9 and up. I generated the project using Umbraco templates, but it doesn't differ hugely from the usual template. You use a .targets file to determine file transfers on build.


Dynamic Link Library - include NuGet package libraries in final DLL in Visual Studio [duplicate]

I want to merge one .NET DLL assembly and one C# Class Library project referenced by a VB.NET Console Application project into one command-line console executable.
I can do this with ILMerge from the command-line, but I want to integrate this merging of reference assemblies and projects into the Visual Studio project. From my reading, I understand that I can do this through a MSBuild Task or a Target and just add it to a C#/VB.NET Project file, but I can find no specific example since MSBuild is large topic. Moreover, I find some references that add the ILMerge command to the Post-build event.
How do I integrate ILMerge into a Visual Studio (C#/VB.NET) project, which are just MSBuild projects, to merge all referenced assemblies (copy-local=true) into one assembly?
How does this tie into a possible ILMerge.Targets file?
Is it better to use the Post-build event?
The "MSBuild ILMerge task" (or MSBuild.ILMerge.Task) NuGet package makes this process quite simple. It defaults to merging any "copy local" references into your main assembly.
Note: Although the packages have similar names, this one is different from ILMerge.MSBuild.Tasks that Davide Icardi mentioned in his answer. The one I'm suggesting here was first published in August 2014.
Here an alternative solution:
1) Install ILMerge.MSBuild.Tasks package from nuget
PM> Install-Package ILMerge.MSBuild.Tasks
2) Edit the *.csproj file of the project that you want to merge by adding the code below:
<!-- Code to merge the assemblies into one:setup.exe -->
<UsingTask TaskName="ILMerge.MSBuild.Tasks.ILMerge" AssemblyFile="$(SolutionDir)\packages\ILMerge.MSBuild.Tasks.\tools\ILMerge.MSBuild.Tasks.dll" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<MergeAsm Include="$(OutputPath)$(TargetFileName)" />
<MergeAsm Include="$(OutputPath)LIB1_To_MERGE.dll" />
<MergeAsm Include="$(OutputPath)LIB2_To_MERGE.dll" />
<Message Text="ILMerge #(MergeAsm) -> $(MergedAssembly)" Importance="high" />
<ILMerge InputAssemblies="#(MergeAsm)" OutputFile="$(MergedAssembly)" TargetKind="SameAsPrimaryAssembly" />
3) Build your project as usual.
Some more information that might be useful to some people implementing Scott Hanselman's solution.
When I first set this up it would complain about not being able to resolve references to System.Core, etc.
It is something to do with .NET 4 support. Including a /lib argument pointing to the .NET 4 Framework directory fixes it (in fact just include the $(MSBuildBinPath)).
I then found that IlMerge would hang while merging. It was using a bit of CPU and a lot of RAM but wasn't outputting anything. I found the fix on stackoverflow of course.
I also found that some of the MSBuild properties used in Scott's blog article relied on executing MsBuild from the project's directory, so I tweaked them a bit.
I then moved the targets & ilmerge.exe to the tools folder of our source tree which required another small tweak to the paths...
I finally ended up with the following Exec element to replace the one in Scott's original article:
<Exec Command=""$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Ilmerge.exe" /lib:$(MSBuildBinPath) /targetplatform:v4 /out:#(MainAssembly) "$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\#(IntermediateAssembly)" #(IlmergeAssemblies->'"%(FullPath)"', ' ')" />
I also found Logic Labs answer about keeping the CopyLocal behaviour and just excluding ilMerged assemblies from CopyLocal essential if you are using Nuget packages. Otherwise you need to specify a /lib argument for each package directory of referenced assemblies that aren't being merged.
The article Mixing Languages in a Single Assembly in Visual Studio seamlessly with ILMerge and MSBuild at demonstrates how to use ILMerge and MSBuild within a Visual Studio Project.
One issue I found with the article at:
If you have any references that you do not wish to ILMerge then the code in the article fails because it overrides the default CopyLocal behaviour to do nothing.
To fix this - Instead of:
<Target Name="_CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal"/>
Add this entry to the targets file instead (.NET 3.5 only) (to filter out the non-ilmerge copylocal files, and treat them as normal)
<Target Name="AfterResolveReferences">
<Message Text="Filtering out ilmerge assemblies from ReferenceCopyLocalPaths" Importance="High" />
<ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Remove="#(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" Condition="'%(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths.IlMerge)'=='true'" />
This is a great article that will show you how to merge your referenced assemblies into the output assembly. It shows exactly how to merge assemblies using msbuild.
My 2 cents - I picked up #Jason's response and made it work for my solution where I wanted to generate the *.exe in the bin/Debug folder with all *.dlls inside the same folder.
<Exec Command=""$(SolutionDir)packages\ILMerge.2.13.0307\Ilmerge.exe" /wildcards /out:"$(SolutionDir)..\$(TargetFileName)" "$(TargetPath)" $(OutDir)*.dll" />
Note: This solution is obviously hardcoded into the ILMerge nuget package version. Please let me know if you have some suggestions to improve.
Edit the *.csproj file of the project that you want to merge by adding the code below:
<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition=" '$(ConfigurationName)' == 'Release' " BeforeTargets="PostBuildEvent">
<CreateItem Include="#(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" Condition="'%(Extension)'=='.dll'">
<Output ItemName="AssembliesToMerge" TaskParameter="Include" />
<Exec Command=""$(SolutionDir)packages\ILMerge.3.0.29\tools\net452\ILMerge.exe" /internalize:"$(MSBuildProjectPath)ilmerge.exclude" /ndebug /out:#(MainAssembly) "#(IntermediateAssembly)" #(AssembliesToMerge->'"%(FullPath)"', ' ')" />
<Delete Files="#(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths->'$(OutDir)%(DestinationSubDirectory)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
Replace $(SolutionDir)packages\ILMerge.3.0.29\tools\net452\ILMerge.exe with whatever path you have the ILMerge.exe in.
You can remove the Condition in the target to also merge on Debug but then the Debugger might not work
If you are not excluding anything you can remove: /internalize:"$(MSBuildProjectPath)ilmerge.exclude"
Check out this article by Jomo. He has a quick process to hack ILMerge into the msbuild system

How to control output of a nuget package dependencies during build

I would like to support backward compatibility in my application.
Simply saying - one app needs to work using different versions of a dll depending on a flag which the app get's during runtime.
I've simplified everything and created a test solution with 2 projects in it.
Each project has it's own version of the same nuget package.
I picked System.Drawing.Common cause it has no dependencies.
ClassLibrary1 contains System.Drawing.Common of version 4.5.0.
ClassLibrary2 contains System.Drawing.Common of version 6.0.0.
Both projects have same output path:
When I build my solution I get just one System.Drawing.Common.dll in my output folder:
Cause both dlls have one name and only version is different.
The desired behavior on the pictures below:
Distribute the nuget package dependencies into different folders according to versions.
Add suffix to the nuget package dependencies according to versions.
The idea is in controlling output of the nuget package dependencies.
Do you have any idea how I can achieve that ?
P.S. all other logic - resolving dependencies according versions etc is out of scope of this question.
It's possible.
First you need to add GeneratePathProperty to PackageReference element in csproj file
<PackageReference Include="System.Drawing.Common">
It allows us using $(PkgSystem_Drawing_Common) variable which contains a path to the nuget package.
Then we need to create a msbuild targets file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Target Name="CopyNugetDll" BeforeTargets="BeforeCompile" Outputs="System.Drawing.Common.dll">
<XmlPeek XmlInputPath="$(ProjectPath)" Query="Project/ItemGroup/PackageReference[#Include='System.Drawing.Common']/Version/text()">
<Output TaskParameter="Result" PropertyName="NugetPackageVersion" />
<NugetrDll Include="$(PkgSystem_Drawing_Common)\lib\net461\System.Drawing.Common.dll" />
<Message Text="Copying #(NugetrDll) to $(OutDir)" Importance="high" />
<Exec Command="copy $(PkgSystem_Drawing_Common)\lib\net461\System.Drawing.Common.dll $(OutDir)\System.Drawing.Common.$(NugetPackageVersion).dll" />
Here using xpath we select version from project.assets.json file and save it in NugetPackageVersion variable. Exec copy is used to copy the dll to a specific location with a specific prefix which contains a value from NugetPackageVersion variable.
Lastly you need to include msbuild targets file to a project
<Import Project="CopyDll.targets" />
This just isn't how package resolution works in .NET, you get one version of each package which is decided at restore time.
There may be some funky options if you have a very niche problem, but it sounds like maybe you're trying to solve a common problem in an uncommon way which is generally a bad idea.
Typically for the problem of backwards compatibility the onus is on the publisher of the library rather than the consumer of the library to make sure it all works by not making breaking API changes.

Include ONLY .xml file of SPECIFIC nuget package in a different folder

We have a project (ProjectAbc) in a solution which is referencing a nuget package (which is our different project [ProjectXyz] from other solution). We use .net core framework and package reference to include nuget package (ProjectXyz) in .csproj file.
<PackageReference Include="ProjectXyz" Version="" />
When the solution is build locally or in Prod, ProjectXyz.dll and ProjectXyz.xml gets generated in
ProjectAbc/bin/debug(locally) or release(inProd)/netcoreapp3.1
We want Only ProjectXyz.xml of Only ProjectXyz nuget package to get generated in following folder directly
I found various articles which directed me to do different things like copying file to output directory after building or using relative path. Though, tried different ways, I keep getting various errors. It may be because I am not aware of the syntax in .csproj file or also may be because I am not sure what I am doing.
What would be best way to copy file in above case or to generate file directly in the required folder?
for my comment response:
Since I am unable to paste the screenshot in my comment for #Perry Qian-MSFT. So pasting it here.
8/20/2020-----package screenshot---------------------------
You could use <package_name>.props file in nuget project ProjectXyz to copy such file into the project folder of ProjectAbc. You should use <package_id>.props.
1) First, in your ProjectXyz project, create a folder called build and then add a file called <package_id>.props, in your side, it is called ProjectXyz.props.
2) Add these in ProjectXyz.props file:
<Target Name="CopyFilesToProject" BeforeTargets="Build">
<Message Text="Copying ProjectXyz.xml to project" />
<SourceScripts Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\content\any\any\**\*.*"/> //file from the ProjectXyz nuget package
DestinationFiles="#(SourceScripts -> '$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" //copy into the main ProjectAbc project folder
3) Unload your ProjectXyz project and add these in ProjectXyz.csproj file:
<Content Include="bin\Debug\xxx\ProjectXyz.xml(the path of the ProjectXyz.xml)" Pack="true"
<None Include="build\ProjectXyz.props" Pack="true" PackagePath="build\$(TargetFramework)"/>
4) Then you should pack your new ProjectXyz project.
5) Then you finish packing, you should first clean all nuget caches first.
Then in your ProjectAbc project, you should uninstall the old one and then install the new ProjectXyz nuget package.
After that, you should build ProjectAbc project first and then you will see that xml document from the nuget package is under the project folder of ProjectAbc.
Update 1
ProjectXyz project is net core or net standard while ProjectAbc is net core.
First, to help you understand the issue, instead, I try to pack ProjectXyz.xml file into other folder in the ProjectXyz.nupkg.
1) First, change to use these xml content in ProjectXyz.csproj file:
<Content Include="bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ProjectXyz.xml" Pack="true" PackagePath="XmlFolder">
<None Include="build\ProjectXyz.props" Pack="true" PackagePath="build\$(TargetFramework)"/>
The goal of it is to pack ProjectXyz.xml file into the folder called XmlFolder of XmlFolder.nupkg. And save ProjectXyz.xml file in the Nuget package.
Make sure that the file exists in the nuget package.
If the file does not exist, I think it is controlled by your git. Or you could put this ProjectXyz.xml in your project folder.
Try to right-click on your project-->Properties-->Build-->check this:
Just use <Content Include="ProjectXyz.xml" Pack="true" PackagePath="XmlFolder">
In our side, the file can be copied into nupkg nuget package so you should make sure that other tools like git will not interface it.
2) Then change to use these in ProjectXyz.props file:
<Target Name="CopyFilesToProject" BeforeTargets="Build">
<Message Text="Copying ProjectXyz.xml to project" />
//ProjectXyz.xml file from the ProjectXyz nuget package
<SourceScripts Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\XmlFolder\**\*.*"/>
//copy ProjectXyz.xml file into the main ProjectAbc project folder
DestinationFiles="#(SourceScripts -> '$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')"
The goal of it is that when you install this nuget package, it will first run this target to copy the ProjectXyz.xml file from the nuget package into the main project ProjectAbc.
When you finishing installing nuget package, first build ProjectAbc project and the file will exists in ProjectAbc project folder.
3) Then right-click ProjectXyz-->Properties-->Pack to pack your project.
When you install the new ProjectXyz, you should first delete all files under
C:\Users\xxx(current user)\.nuget\packages.
Also, one more question I had is, the ProjectXyz is being referenced
in multiple projects like ProjectAbc, Project123. We dont want
ProjectXyz.xml file to show up in Project123 but only in ProjectAbc. I
guess with above solution, it might show in both of referencing
For this, you only need to add a condition in CopyFilesToProject target like this: $(ProjectXyz_Flag)==true and then create a property ProjectXyz_Flag and set its value to true in ProjectAbc.csproj file.
When you build ProjectAbc project, it will determine whether to copy the file based on the switch variable you are currently setting.
a) Add a condition called $(ProjectXyz_Flag) in ProjectXyz.props file:
Then repack your ProjectXyz project and do several clean steps as I said before.
When you install that package in ProjectAbc project, you should add such such property in ProjectAbc.csproj file:
Then when you build ProjectAbc project, it will execute the copy target and if you do not define that property, it will not copy that file in ProjectAbc.
And if those projects do not need ProjectXyz.xml file, you just do not define that switch property in those projects.
Update 2
try to use nuget.exe cli to pack your project, you just need a custom nuspec file:
First, download nuget.exe cli and then configure its local path into PATH System Environment Variable. Then, you can call nuget in CMD.
Second, open CMD and cd xxx(project folder path), run nuget spec to generate the nuspec file and then modify the generated nuspec file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<file src="xxx\ProjectXyz.xml" target="XmlFolder" />
<file src="build\ProjectXyz.props" target="build\netcoreapp3.1" />
Third, run nuget pack to pack this project.
Update 3
Please first clean your nuget caches or just delete all nuget caches under C:\Users\xxx(current user)\.nuget\packages. Then reinstall your nuget package.
Also, make sure that the xxx.props name is the same as your nuget package_id.
If your nuget package calls ProjectXyz(package_id). Then the props file should be named as ProjectXyz.props.
Besides, you should set msbuild project build output verbosity to detailed under Tools-->Options-->Projects and Solutions-->Build and Run.
Then, rebuild your ProjectAbc to check whether the target executes.
Update 4
You should make sure that when you pack your package project.mnop, make sure that the project.mnop.props file has no syntax errors.
For an example, I have incorrectly wrote something like asdczxcx in the props file, however, since the build action of the props file is Content or None, Vs will not automatically analyze its errors and will not show the errors.
And the error shows the same as yours.
So you should delete that Illegal characters. Make sure that project.mnop.props has no syntax errors. Then repack your project.
After that, first uninstall the old nuget package project.mnop on the ProjectAbc.
Then, delete the cache project.mnop folder under C:\Users\xxx(current user)\.nuget\packages.
Finally, delete bin and obj folder of ProjectAbc, install the new version project.mnop, then rebuild your project ProjectAbc.
Update 5
Actually, this should be an easier way. And your inspiration can be done with a more concise Nuget package structure.
You should only change this:
1) change to use ProjectXyz.xml from the lib folder in your ProjectXyz.props:
<SourceScripts Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\lib\netcoreapp3.1\ProjectXyz.xml"/>
DestinationFiles="#(SourceScripts -> '$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')"
2) change your xxx.nuspec file to:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<copyright>Copyright 2020</copyright>
<tags>Tag1 Tag2</tags>
<file src="build\ProjectXyz.props" target="build\netcoreapp3.1" />
3) then pack your project and then you can get what you want.
Note: SourceScripts uses the path $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory).
$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory) means the full path where the ProjectXyz.props file of the nuget package exists.
In your side, the $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory) means
And then use this path to find the file address of ProjectXyz.xml in the lib folder of the nuget package.

Constrain PackageReference upgrade version when update-package run

Under .NET's older packages.config system for NuGet, I could constrain the possible versions of a package that are considered when packages are updated by using the allowedVersions attribute on the Package element
<package id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="10.0.3" allowedVersions="[10.0.3]" />
When update-package is run within Visual studio for a project including the above, no update will occur for Newtonsoft.Json because I've pinned to 10.0.3 using the allowedVersions attribute.
How can I achieve this under PackageReference? Applying semver syntax to the Version attribute only affects the version restored - it doesn't constrain updates. So if I specify the below PackageReference and run update-package, I will for example be upgraded to 11.0.1 if 11.0.1 is in my NuGet repository.
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="[10.0.3]" />
We rely on command line tooling to update packages because we have both fast moving internal packages (updated multiple times a day) and more stable low moving packages (eg: ASP.NET). On large codebases updating each dependency by hand in .csproj files is simply not scalable for us (and error prone). Under packages.config we can 'pin' the third party packages which we don't want upgraded and also update to the latest fast moving dependencies.
From this answer:
At the moment, this is not possible. See this GitHub issue for tracking.
The cli commands for adding references however support updating single packages in a project by re-running dotnet add package The.Package.Id.
From GitHub Issue 4358:
There is no PackageReference replacement for update yet, the command to modify references is only in dotnet.
You might want to weigh in on the open feature request GitHub issue 4103 about this (4358 was closed as a duplicate). Microsoft hasn't put a high priority on this feature (it was originally opened in October, 2016).
Possible Workarounds
Option 1
It is possible to "update" a dependency by removing and adding the reference. According to this post, specifying the version explicitly with the command will install the exact version, not the latest version. I have also confirmed you can add version constraints with the command:
dotnet remove NewCsproj.csproj package Newtonsoft.Json
dotnet add NewCsproj.csproj package Newtonsoft.Json -v [10.0.3]
What you could do with these commands:
Keep version numbers of packages around in a text file (perhaps just keep it named packages.config).
Use a script to create your own "update" command that reads the text file and processes each dependency in a loop using the above 2 commands. The script could be setup to be passed a .sln file to process each of the projects within it.
Option 2
Use MSBuild to "import" dependencies from a common MSBuild file, where you can update the versions in one place.
You can define your own <IncludeDependencies> element to include specific dependencies to each project.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Import Project="..\..\..\Dependencies.proj" />
<PackageReference Condition="$(IncludeDependencies.Contains('Newtonsoft.Json'))" Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="[10.0.3]" />
<PackageReference Condition="$(IncludeDependencies.Contains('FastMoving'))" Include="FastMoving" Version="3.332.0" />
This has now been implemented as of If you are using any version of NuGet 5, PackageReference semver constraints should now work as expected.
Pinning - Yet another workaround
This doesn't prevent the update but triggers a build error if one did and update. It won't help much with the use case of automated updates but it may help others that do manual updates and need some way of pinning.
<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Driver" Version="2.13.*" GeneratePathProperty="true" />
<Target Name="CheckPkgVersions" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
<Error Condition="!$(PkgMongoDB_Driver.Contains('2.13.'))" Text="MongoDB.Driver must remain at version 2.13.* to be compatible with MongoDB 3.4.21" />

Change the referenced dll in a SSIS script task at build / deploy or runtime

Recently I have added all of our SSIS projects into a continuous integration pipeline. The projects are built using MSBuild in TeamCity, packaged and pushed to a nuget feed. We deploy them using Octopus and some hand cranked PowerShell built on the back os SQL server management objects (SMO). It all works, with the exception of one project. The project in question contains some script tasks which reference an external assembly. That assembly is built in the same pipeline and its assembly version numbers are updated by part of the process. The problem lies in the fact that the SSIS project now references a strong named dll in the GAC which does not exist because the version numbers have changed.
Does anyone know of a way to either updated the reference at build time on the CI server or override the version number at the point of deployment?
I know this post is quite old but it has been viewed a lot so here's a solution I have found.
You need to include a 'targets' file for the build.
Here's an example Targets file:
<Project xmlns="">
<E10BOs>C:\Integrations\E10 Uplifts\Epicor 10.2.600.3</E10BOs>
<Target Name="BeforeResolveReferences">
<CreateProperty Value="$(E10BOs);$(AssemblySearchPaths)">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="AssemblySearchPaths" />
The property group E10BOS (and there can be more than 1) then defines the path to the dll's of the version you want to build against.
It needs to be saved as myTargetsFile.targets
Then in a regular VS project you could add this line to the project file (outside of VS in notepad)
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Import Project="$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), myTargetsFile.targets))\myTargetsFile.targets" />
This uses GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove to search up the folder tree until it finds you targets file and then imports it. Very useful if you have a lot of different projects all requiring a version change and you don't have to figure out any relative paths!
In SSIS however this doesn't seem to work.
What does is hard-wiring the path to the targets file in the package .dtsx file, again edit it in notepad and add the following line (you will probably see the csharp entry near the end of the project tag as before:
<Import Project="C:\Integrations\E10 Uplifts\Epicor 10.2.600.3\myTargetsFile.targets" />
This will pass through the information of the project references into the scripts.
Then with all of you projects using a targets file changing the version is done by changing the path to the version folder you want them to use.
Hope that helps?

