I don't know how to explain...Custom windows themes, I can apply them from any of this:
Open the .theme file easily
From CMD : call %windir%\Resources\Themes\Shady.theme
From Powershell : Invoke-Expression "C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Shady.theme"
but when I use any of this with C# it's breaking the theme - not applying it completely. I tried Verb run as , Tried Making a ps1, bat files and run it with C# but still the same problem... See these screen Shots to understand what I mean
my code:
string tokyo1 = "call " + '\u0022' + #"%windir%\Resources\Themes\Tokyo Night.theme" + '\u0022';
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + tokyo1;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
process.StartInfo.Verb = "runas";
With C#
With cmd,powershell,theme file
I assume you are just using shell execute from cmd.exe so that you don't need to decide what program should open the .theme file. But that could be done more easyly without calling cmd.exe before just do this:
var windir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("windir");
var filename = Path.Combine (windir, "Resources\\Themes\\Shady.theme");
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (filename);
Thanks for all who tried to help.
I Fixed it !
Just Used Windows Forms App
Not the old one
So been searching or the web but can't seem to find an answer that has helped me. I have been looking for almost a week now.
I created a program in vs, alongside with some batch files. The Batch files run great by themselves and through the debug/release when including them in the folder with the .exe.
My problem is I want to be able to ONLY have the .exe file from my release and it still work.
Is there a way i can build these files inside the .exe? I have tried using c# to write my console commands instead of including seperate batch files. But im pretty new to c# and i get nothing but errors with the commands i want to run/if i run to many lines.
I would much rather have just c# instead of including the batch files but that I can't seem to figure out a solution to either.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is me currently calling batch files which works just fine. Again, if there is a way to just write this in c# instead of calling a batch file I would be happy to learn.
Process process = new Process();
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
psi.CreateNoWindow = false;
psi.Verb = "runas";
psi.FileName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + #"/" + "undo.bat";
psi.UseShellExecute = true;
process.StartInfo = psi;
_ = process.Start();
I'm starting CyberSecurity soon and am playing around with some Security stuff on my computer. Below is a sample code from my batch file to enable Security Protocols. If anything how would i write this in c#?
echo ...
echo Enabling Windows Firewall
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on
echo Enalbing HyperVisor
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
echo Enabling UAC
%windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
echo Your Computer will now be restarting for changes to take effect!
timeout 10
shutdown /r /t 001
What you can do is include the batchfiles as embedded resources in your project. Then read them and then execute them.
to include them as embedded resources example...
add them to your project.
right click and go to properties
select embedded resource
then to extract...
Write file from assembly resource stream to disk
you can then write the file to disk and create process on it. or there is a way to execute cmd.exe without writing the file to disk but this is a little complicated so the best way is to just write to disk.
Execute BATCH script in a programs memory
I followed the guide given above and a few others to get my solution to work. Embed the resource that's in your solution, then I used the following code to pretty much create the functions of being able to write it.
private static void Extract(string nameSpace, string outDirectory, string internalFilePath, string resourceName)
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
using (Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(nameSpace + "." + (internalFilePath == "" ? "" : internalFilePath + ".") + resourceName))
using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(s))
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outDirectory + "//" + resourceName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs))
Here is what I used to save, execute then delete the file.
Extract("nameSpace", "outDirectory", "internalFilePath", "resourceName");
Process process = new Process();
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
psi.CreateNoWindow = false;
psi.Verb = "runas";
psi.FileName = #"C:/" + "resourceName";
psi.UseShellExecute = true;
process.StartInfo = psi;
_ = process.Start();
if ((System.IO.File.Exists(psi.FileName)))
Keep in mind im new when it comes to this so im sure there is a better way of writing it, but this worked for me!
I am developing a Windows Form program that has callings to ffmpeg library through the class Process.
It works fine when I run it with the Debug in Visual Studio 2013. But when I install the program and I invoke the operation that call to the ffmpeg Process, it doesn't work. The cmd screen appears an disappears and nothing happens.
I have tried to know what can be happening getting a log file with the output of ffmpeg, in case it was a problem in the ffmpeg libraries. However, after executing it the log is empty, what means that the ffmpeg command has not been executed.
Can someone help me, please?
The code is this:
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = "/c " + ffmpegPath + " " + commandArguments;
using (Process processTemp = new Process())
processTemp.StartInfo = startInfo;
processTemp.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
I am invoking to cmd.exe (not directly ffmpeg.exe) because in the arguments sometimes there can be a pipe (that is why the command starts with "/c").
Are you sure this isn't a privileges issue when trying to execute the cmd.exe (e.g you need administrator privileges)
try adding
startInfo.Verb = "runas";
Hmm its not a path issue with spaces in file/directory names is it? For ffmpegPath or one of your command parameters (if a file path). Surround all file paths with ' like below.
Try surrounding any file paths with '
startInfo.Arguments = "/c '" + ffmpegPath + "' " + commandArguments;
Also you could try adding /K to the cmd command call to stop if from closing the command prompt when it finishes. It might tell you the error before it closes the window but you wont see it if it closes so quickly
Good luck :)
I have a button in my form that when its clicked, it will open command prompt and automatically run a javascript file. My code so far only opens the command prompt. How do you run a javascript file?
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = #"C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe";
Now that we know that you're trying to launch a Node.js app, try this new version.
And don't forget that C# is pretty well documented on MSDN.
If the rest of your code is working as is, and you don't actually want/need to run CMD.exe, this should do the trick:
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = #"C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = #"P:\ath\To\Your\File.js";
As a holdover from the original question: If you had been trying to launch a JScript script, you would want to use #"C:\Windows\System32\Cscript.exe", or if you want to launch a JScript script without seeing a command prompt window, replace Cscript with Wscript.
Try this:
process.StartInfo.FileName = #"C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe";
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StandardInput.WriteLine("Cscript.exe \"PathToYourFile\\file.js\"");
//process.StandardInput.WriteLine("Wscript.exe \"PathToYourFile\\file.js\"");
I am using psexec on my server to run an exe file on another server. How do I pass parameters to the other exe ?
The exe that I am running on my server is psexec which in turn must run the exe named vmtoolsd.exe located on another system. How do I pass parameters to vmtoolsd.exe ? Also, where do I pass it ? Would I pass it as part of the info.Arguments ? I've tried that but it isn't working.
ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(#"C:\Tools");
info.FileName = #"C:\Tools\psexec.exe";
info.Arguments = #"\\" + serverIP + #"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMwareTools\vmtoolsd.exe";
Also, as part of info.Arguments would I have to preface the path of vmtoolsd.exe with the IP address, followed by the drive path ?
Hope the below code may help.
Code from first .exe:
Process p= new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = "demo.exe";
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "param1 param2";
Process.Start("demo.exe", "param1 param2");
Code in demo.exe:
static void Main (string [] args)
Right click on .exe file-->goto shortcut-->in target tab write the arguement in extreme right...
in my case it worked
You can see it in the following post (answer by #AndyMcCluggage):
How do I start a process from C#?
using System.Diagnostics;
Process process = new Process();
// Configure the process using the StartInfo properties.
process.StartInfo.FileName = "process.exe";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-n";
process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized;
process.WaitForExit();// Waits here for the process to exit.
It provides far more control as you can see in the MSDN, but basically the arguments control is quite easy as you can see, is just to modify a property with a string.
Update: Since with the snippet code above you would be starting PsExec, based on:
The format you have to use is:
psexec #run_file [options] command [arguments]
Where: arguments Arguments to pass (file paths must be absolute paths on the target system).
Since the process you're starting is psexec, in the process.StartInfo.Arguments you would have to put all the parameters it would need, in a sigle chain: #run_file [options] command [arguments].
Step1.Create Shortcut and then Right click on Shortcut-->click properties page then target tab write the comment line argument in extreme right... this way worked for me
I'm trying to run a Jscript task from a C# console application.
The Jscipt file is not mine so I can't change it. The script moves some files and this is what is causing the issues.
When I run the script manually, i.e. form the shell it executes correctly. When I try and run the script from my console application the bulk of the process runs but I get a ":Error = Permission denied" error when it tries to move the files.
I've tried every permutation of the Diagnostics.Process class that I can think of but I've had no luck.
My current code:
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName((string)path);
process.StartInfo.FileName = #"cmd.exe";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C " + (string)path;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.Verb = "runas";
process.StartInfo.LoadUserProfile = true;
process.StartInfo.Domain = "admin";
process.StartInfo.UserName = #"cardax_sync_test";
process.StartInfo.Password = GetSecureString("abc123");
Any ideas?
Rookie Mistake!
I forgot to close the text reader that creates one of the input files for the jscript.
I'll submit this question for deletion when it get's old enough. Don't want more useless info clogging up the net!