I'm creating unit tests in which I will be comparing lists of objects with one another.
Currently I am using Fluent assertions in combination with specflow and nunit. I already use the Fluent Assertions to make a comparison as following:
public void TestShizzle()
// I normally retrieve these lists from a moq database or a specflow table
var expected = list<myObject>
new myObject
A = 1,
B = "abc"
var found = list<myObject>
new myObject
A = 1,
B = "def"
// this comparison only compares a few columns. The comparison is also object dependent. I would like to make this dynamic
options =>
options.Including(x => x.A));
What I really want is to be able to use generics instead of a specified type. I also want to decide which properties to compare at compile time. This is because of the large number of tables in the database. I think i need to use Linq Expressions for this, but I don't know how to go about this. The function should look something like this:
public void GenericShizzle<T>(List<T> expected, List<T> found, IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties)
Expression<Func<T, object>> principal;
foreach(var property in properties)
// create the expression for including fields
options =>
// here is need to apply the expression.
I have no real idea how to get the correct expression for the job, or if this even the best method. I think I need to create an property expression that is understood by the include function, but maybe a different method can be used?
There is Including method overload accepting Expression<Func<IMemberInfo, bool>> which can be used to dynamically filter members based on information about them:
IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties = ...;
var names = properties
.Select(info => info.Name)
options => options.Including((IMemberInfo mi) => names.Contains(mi.Name))); // or just .Including(mi => names.Contains(mi.Name))
I have a case where I need to send tens of thousands of ids to the graphql server in the filtering query.
The query now generated by the HT is something like this:
.Select(c=>new {C.Name,C.Age});
I have two problems with this:
slow performance
SQL Server Limit I guess is around 32K
I have found a Nuget library to convert this static list to a temp table,so now I want to override the HT middle to rewrite the above query generated to the following:
.Select(c=>new {C.Name,C.Age});
This will create a temp table for this static list of ids so I will be able to solve the above two problems that I have.
So since i didn't get answers, I had to ask from the Slack of HotChocolate's Team and hopefully, they provided me with the documentation extending-filtering/extending-iqueryable:
in case the link was broken, here is
Extending IQueryable The default filtering implementation uses
IQueryable under the hood. You can customize the translation of
queries by registering handlers on the QueryableFilterProvider.
The following example creates a StringOperationHandler that supports
case-insensitive filtering:
// The QueryableStringOperationHandler already has an implemenation of CanHandle
// It checks if the field is declared in a string operation type and also checks if
// the operation of this field uses the `Operation` specified in the override property further
// below
public class QueryableStringInvariantEqualsHandler : QueryableStringOperationHandler
// For creating a expression tree we need the `MethodInfo` of the `ToLower` method of string
private static readonly MethodInfo _toLower = typeof(string)
x => x.Name == nameof(string.ToLower) &&
x.GetParameters().Length == 0);
// This is used to match the handler to all `eq` fields
protected override int Operation => DefaultFilterOperations.Equals;
public override Expression HandleOperation(
QueryableFilterContext context,
IFilterOperationField field,
IValueNode value,
object parsedValue)
// We get the instance of the context. This is the expression path to the propert
// e.g. ~> y.Street
Expression property = context.GetInstance();
// the parsed value is what was specified in the query
// e.g. ~> eq: "221B Baker Street"
if (parsedValue is string str)
// Creates and returnes the operation
// e.g. ~> y.Street.ToLower() == "221b baker street"
return Expression.Equal(
Expression.Call(property, _toLower),
// Something went wrong 😱
throw new InvalidOperationException();
This operation handler can be registered on the convention:
public class CustomFilteringConvention : FilterConvention
protected override void Configure(IFilterConventionDescriptor descriptor)
new QueryableFilterProvider(
x => x
// and then
To make this registration easier, Hot Chocolate also supports
convention and provider extensions. Instead of creating a custom
FilterConvention, you can also do the following:
new FilterConventionExtension(
x => x.AddProviderExtension(
new QueryableFilterProviderExtension(
y => y.AddFieldHandler<QueryableStringInvariantEqualsHandler>()))));
but I was suggested that doing this way(sending up to 100k list of string ids to the graphQL server) is not a good approach. so I decided to take another approach by writing a custom simple dynamic LINQ generates.
I have created object graphs in Entity Framework where any given object A will have a table Ac that tracks changes for it. These objects may also connect to each other, such as A being 1-many to B. Here is an example graph:
A -> Ac
/ \
Bc <- B \
/ \
Cc <- C D -> Dc
I want to be able to load an object and specific connected objects at a point in time by using the change tables to pull those records and apply them. Ideally, I'd like to be able to either use or mimic the .Include function from Entity Framework.
The Issue
Pulling out which objects are already included in an IQueryable is not as easy as I guessed it would be. Looking at an IQueryable<T> with a child object of T Include()-ed, I can see that these relationships are stored in some sort of Span object within an Arguments property - but these are both internal classes and trying to retrieve this information has a lot of steps.
Here is what I have so far:
public static void LoadVersion<T>( this IQueryable<T> query, DateTime targetDateTime )
//grab the value of the "Arguments" property on query.Expression
//this has to be done through reflection because "Arguments" is not accessible otherwise
PropertyInfo argumentsPropertyInfo = query.Expression.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault( x => x.Name == "Arguments" );
dynamic argumentsPropertyValue = argumentsPropertyInfo.GetValue( query.Expression );
for (int i = 0; i < argumentsPropertyValue.Count; i++)
//This gets me a System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.Span, but that class is internal
//In the watch, I can see span -> SpanList[0].Navigations[0] gives me the name of the class in the .Include()
// This is the value I need
dynamic span = argumentsPropertyValue[i].Value;
//So if I try to pull it out using the same reflection trick as before, I get
// a dynamic {System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[0]} (not a list, as you would normally expect),
// and accessing those values & methods makes the debugger exit without an exception
dynamic spanPropertyInfo = argumentsPropertyValue[i].Value.GetType().GetProperties();
//this makes the debugger exit without an exception
dynamic spanPropertyValue = spanPropertyInfo[0].GetValue(span);
//this also makes the debugger exit without an exception (with the above line commented out, of course)
dynamic spanPropertyValue2 = spanPropertyInfo.GetValue( span );
Based on how difficult it is for me to find what is Included in a Query, I can't help but think that I am doing this entirely the wrong way. Digging through some of the Entity Framework 6.1.3 source code hasn't shed much light on this.
I've been playing around with the code provided by Alex Derck, but I realized I still need a few pieces to make this work the way I want.
Here is the version of VisitMethodCall I implemented:
protected override Expression VisitMethodCall( MethodCallExpression node )
if (node.Method.Name != "Include" && node.Method.Name != "IncludeSpan") return base.VisitMethodCall(node);
string includedObjectName = (string) node.Arguments.First().GetPrivatePropertyValue( "Value" );
if (includedObjectName != null)
catch (Exception e ){ }
return base.VisitMethodCall( node );
I'm able to construct a query with includes and get the names of the objects I included using the IncludeVisitor, but the main goal to use these was to be able to find the related tables and add them to the include.
So when I have the equivalent of this:
var query = ctx.Persons.Include(p => p.Parents).Include(p => p.Children);
// includes[0] = "Parents"
// includes[1] = "Children"
var includes = IncludeVisitor.GetIncludes(query.Expression);
I am successfully grabbing the includes, and I can then find the related tables (Parents -> ParentsChanges, Children -> ChildrenChanges), but I'm not 100% sure how to add these back to the include.
The main problem here is when it's a nested statement:
context.A.Include(x => x.B).Include(x => x.C).Include(x => x.B.Select(y => y.D))
I can successfully traverse that whole graph and get the names of A, B, C, and D, but I need to be able to add a statement like this back to the include:
[...].Include(x => x.B.Select(y => y.D.Select(z => z.DChanges)))
I can find DChanges just fine, but I don't know how to build that include back up because I don't know how many steps are between DChanges and the original item (A).
After looking a bit in the source code of Entity Framework I noticed the includes are not part of the Expression, but rather part of the IQueryable. If you think about it, it's pretty obvious it should be that way. Expressions can't actually execute code themselves, they are translated by a provider (which is also part of the IQueryable), and not all providers should know how to translate an Include method. In the source code you can see the IQueryable.Include method calls the following small method:
public ObjectQuery<T> Include(string path)
Check.NotEmpty(path, "path");
return new ObjectQuery<T>(QueryState.Include(this, path));
The query (casted to an ObjectQuery) simply gets returned and only it's internal QueryState gets changed, nothing at all happens to the expression. In the debugger you can see the EntitySets that will be included if you look in the IQueryable, but I haven't been able to put them into a list (_cachedPlan is always null when I try to access it through reflection).
I think after seeing this, the thing you're trying to do is not possible, so I would keep a static list of strings in my dbContext and implement a custom Include extension method:
public partial class TestDB
public static ICollection<Expression> Includes { get; set; } = new List<Expression>();
public TestDB() : base()
Includes = new List<Expression>();
public static class EntityExtensions
public static IQueryable<T> CustomInclude<T, TProperty>(this IQueryable<T> query,
Expression<Func<T,TProperty>> include) where T : class
return query.Include(include);
You could also 'override' the normal Include method from System.Data.Entity.
I say 'override', because technically it's not really possible to override an extension method, but you can just create an extension method called Include with the same parameters yourself, and if you don't include System.Data.Entity where you use it, there's no ambiguity between your own method and the one from System.Data.Entity:
public static class EntityExtensions
public static IQueryable<T> Include<T, TProperty>(this IQueryable<T> query,
Expression<Func<T,TProperty>> include) where T : class
var method = typeof(QueryableExtensions)
.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
.Where(m => m.Name == "Include")
.First(m => m.GetParameters().All(p => p.ParameterType.IsGenericType));
var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T), typeof(TProperty));
return (IQueryable<T>)generic.Invoke(query, new object[] { query, include });
I write here another answer to your question (but not the solution you need).
You can retrieve the objects added to entity framework 6 include list from an already retrieved entity in the same way the entity proxy does.
The property to retrieve if a property should be lazy loaded on access (so not already loaded and not in include list) is Relationship.IsLoaded. You can find the list of relationships in YourEntityWithProxy._entityWrapper.Relationships.
_entityWrapper and other properties are private so you need to use reflection to read them.
With the help of Alex, I was able to get what I wanted.
First, to get the name of the includes, I used a small variation of one of the earlier versions of the answer Alex posted:
internal static class IncludeVisitorExtensions
public static object GetPrivatePropertyValue( this object obj, string propName )
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty( propName, BindingFlags.Public
| BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance );
return propertyInfo.GetValue( obj, null );
public static object GetPrivateFieldValue( this object obj, string fieldName )
FieldInfo fieldInfo = obj.GetType().GetField( fieldName, BindingFlags.Public
| BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance );
return fieldInfo?.GetValue( obj );
internal class IncludeVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
private static readonly IncludeVisitor Visitor;
private static List<string> _includes;
private IncludeVisitor() { }
static IncludeVisitor()
Visitor = new IncludeVisitor();
public static ICollection<string> GetIncludes( Expression expr )
_includes = new List<string>();
Visitor.Visit( expr );
return _includes;
protected override Expression VisitMethodCall( MethodCallExpression node )
if (node.Method.Name != "Include" && node.Method.Name != "IncludeSpan")
return base.VisitMethodCall( node );
//"Include" == .Where() is present in the query
//"IncludeSpan" == no .Where() in the query
if (node.Method.Name == "Include")
string includedObjectName = (string) node.Arguments.First().GetPrivatePropertyValue("Value");
if (includedObjectName != null)
else if (node.Method.Name == "IncludeSpan")
var spanList =
var navigations = ((IEnumerable<object>) spanList).Select(s => s.GetPrivateFieldValue("Navigations"));
foreach (var nav in navigations)
_includes.Add(string.Join(".", (IEnumerable<string>) nav));
catch (Exception e) { }
return base.VisitMethodCall( node );
One little detail I found when testing his code is the difference in how the included tables are found in the expression based on the presence of a .Where() in the IQueryable<>. Thankfully, this can be checked based on the method name, and while the code is a bit ugly, it does dance around the vastly different structures to return the correct name of the table.
Now I have the name of the table, pluralized, as a string. This is because the name is from the DbContext, so I can reflect over the properties and get the Type of the table:
List<PropertyInfo> contextProperties = typeof( TContext ).GetProperties().ToList();
PropertyInfo prop = contextProperties.First( x => x.Name == s );
With the Type, I can accurately find the table I need via Navigation Properties, then I can build a string to send into my new .Include:
ICollection<string> includes = IncludeVisitor.GetIncludes( query.Expression );
foreach (string include in includes)
//sometimes the returned include string will be two tables joined with a '.'; these need to be split and each one checked independently
List<string> split = include.Split( '.' ).ToList();
foreach (string s in split)
//using .First here because we expect the property to exist
PropertyInfo prop = contextProperties.First( x => x.Name == s );
//the property will be of type DbSet<ObjectType>, so grab the first generic argument (in this case, the object type)
Type dbSetPropertyType = prop.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First();
//Get the type we're looking to add in the .Include
var targetTable = GetTargetTableBasedOnTypeViaNavigation(dbSetPropertyType);
//get the name of the property based on the type of the table we just looked up
PropertyInfo contextProperty = contextProperties.SingleOrDefault(x => x.PropertyType.IsGenericType && x.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First().Name == targetTable.Name );
string includeString = "";
//build the string and add it to the query
includeString += include + "." + contextPropertyForChangeTracker.Name;
query = query.Include(includeString);
This worked on my initial test data sets, though I'm not sure how well it will handle more complex graphs.
Is it possible to complete this method? Is it possible in the latest version of C#? Thinking about this as a DSL to configure a system for watching for certain property changes on certain objects.
List<string> list = GetProps<AccountOwner>(x => new object[] {x.AccountOwnerName, x.AccountOwnerNumber});
// would return "AccountOwnerName" and "AccountOwnerNumber"
public List<string> GetProps<T>(Expression<Func<T, object[]>> exp)
// code here
In C# 6, you'd use:
List<string> list = new List<string>
Before that, you could certainly break the expression tree apart - the easiest way of working out how is probably to either use an expression tree visualizer, or use the code you've got and put a break point in the method (just make it return null for now) and examine the expression tree in the debugger. I'm sure it won't be very complicated - just a bit more than normal due to the array.
You could possibly simplify it using an anonymous type, if you use:
List<string> list = Properties<AccountOwner>.GetNames(x => new {x.AccountOwnerName, x.AccountOwnerNumber});
Then you could have:
public static class Properties<TSource>
public static List<string> GetNames<TResult>(Func<TSource, TResult> ignored)
// Use normal reflection to get the properties
If you don't care about the ordering, you could just use
return typeof(TResult).GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name).ToList();
If you do care about the ordering, you'd need to look at the names the C# compiler gives to the constructor parameters instead - it's a bit ugly. Note that we don't need an expression tree though - we only need the property names from the anonymous type. (An expression tree would work just as well, admittedly.)
Without c# 6 and nameof, you could get a property name from a expression tree like:
using System.Linq.Expressions;
static string GetNameOf<T>(Expression<Func<T>> property)
return (property.Body as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
Using it like:
GetNameOf(() => myObject.Property);
Not directly usable for an array of objects, but you could make an overload to take an array of expressions... something like:
static string[] GetNameOf(IEnumerable<Expression<Func<object>>> properties)
return properties.Select(GetNameOf).ToArray();
And use it like
new Expression<Func<object>>[]
() => x.AccountOwnerName,
() => x.AccountOwnerNumber
Demonstrating fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/GsV96t
If you go this route, the original GetNameOf for a single property won't work for value types (since they get boxed to object in the Expression and now the expression uses Convert internally). This is easily solvable by changing the code to something like:
static string GetNameOf<T>(Expression<Func<T>> property)
var unary = property.Body as UnaryExpression;
if (unary != null)
return (unary.Operand as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
return (property.Body as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
Updated fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/ToXRuu
Note: in this updated fiddle I've also updated the overloaded method to return a List instead of an array, since that's what was on your original code
I have two tables Studies and Series. Series are FK'd back to Studies so one Study contains a variable number of Series.
Each Series item has a Deleted column indicating it has been logically deleted from the database.
I am trying to implement a Deleted property in the Study class that returns true only if all the contained Series are deleted.
I am using O/R Designer generated classes, so I added the following to the user modifiable partial class for the Study type:
public bool Deleted
var nonDeletedSeries = from s in Series
where !s.Deleted
select s;
return nonDeletedSeries.Count() == 0;
foreach (var series in Series)
series.Deleted = value;
This gives an exception "The member 'PiccoloDatabase.Study.Deleted' has no supported translation to SQL." when this simple query is executed that invokes get:
IQueryable<Study> dataQuery = dbCtxt.Studies;
dataQuery = dataQuery.Where((s) => !s.Deleted);
foreach (var study in dataQuery)
Based on this http://www.foliotek.com/devblog/using-custom-properties-inside-linq-to-sql-queries/, I tried the following approach:
static Expression<Func<Study, bool>> DeletedExpr = t => false;
public bool Deleted
var nameFunc = DeletedExpr.Compile();
return nameFunc(this);
{ ... same as before
I get the same exception when a query is run that there is no supported translation to SQL. (
The logic of the lambda expression is irrelevant yet - just trying to get past the exception.)
Am I missing some fundamental property or something to allow translation to SQL? I've read most of the posts on SO about this exception, but nothing seems to fit my case exactly.
I believe the point of LINQ-to-SQL is that your entities are mapped for you and must have correlations in the database. It appears that you are trying to mix the LINQ-to-Objects and LINQ-to-SQL.
If the Series table has a Deleted field in the database, and the Study table does not but you would like to translate logical Study.Deleted into SQL, then extension would be a way to go.
public static class StudyExtensions
public static IQueryable<study> AllDeleted(this IQueryable<study> studies)
return studies.Where(study => !study.series.Any(series => !series.deleted));
class Program
public static void Main()
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext();
db.Log = Console.Out;
var deletedStudies =
from study in db.studies.AllDeleted()
select study;
foreach (var study in deletedStudies)
This maps your "deleted study" expression into SQL:
SELECT t0.study_id, t0.name
FROM study AS t0
FROM series AS t1
WHERE (NOT (t1.deleted = 1)) AND (t1.fk_study_id = t0.study_id)
Alternatively you could build actual expressions and inject them into your query, but that is an overkill.
If however, neither Series nor Study has the Deleted field in the database, but only in memory, then you need to first convert your query to IEnumerable and only then access the Deleted property. However doing so would transfer records into memory before applying the predicate and could potentially be expensive. I.e.
var deletedStudies =
from study in db.studies.ToList()
where study.Deleted
select study;
foreach (var study in deletedStudies)
When you make your query, you will want to use the statically defined Expression, not the property.
Effectively, instead of:
dataQuery = dataQuery.Where((s) => !s.Deleted);
Whenever you are making a Linq to SQL query, you will instead want to use:
dataQuery = dataQuery.Where(DeletedExpr);
Note that this will require that you can see DeletedExpr from dataQuery, so you will either need to move it out of your class, or expose it (i.e. make it public, in which case you would access it via the class definition: Series.DeletedExpr).
Also, an Expression is limited in that it cannot have a function body. So, DeletedExpr might look something like:
public static Expression<Func<Study, bool>> DeletedExpr = s => s.Series.Any(se => se.Deleted);
The property is added simply for convenience, so that you can also use it as a part of your code objects without needing to duplicate the code, i.e.
var s = new Study();
if (s.Deleted)
I have the following:
using (var dsProperties = GetDataset(SP_GET_APPLES, arrParams))
var apples= dsProperties.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
.Select(r => new Apple()
Color = r[0].ToString(),
Year = r[1].ToString(),
Brand= r[2].ToString()
return apples.ToList();
Now, I would like to have an extension method on Dataset to which I can pass the needed Type as a parameter and get the intended List back... something like
which can also be used for
using (var dsProperties = GetDataset(SP_GET_ORANGES, arrParams)){
dsProperties.GetList(Orange); }
Is there a way to accomplish this?
How about this?
static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(this DataSet dataSet, Func<DataRow, T> mapper) {
return dataSet
And usage:
dsProperties.GetList<Apple>(r =>
new Apple {
Color = r[0].ToString(),
Year = r[1].ToString(),
Brand= r[2].ToString()
This mapping can well be put in another place as well.
Something like the (untested) following, but it would need a lot of error handling added (if a field is missing, wrong data type, nulls).
public static IEnumerable<T> GetEnumeration<T>(this DataSet dataset) where T: new()
return dataset.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
.Select(r => {
T t = new T();
foreach (var prop in typeof(T).GetProperties())
prop.SetValue(t, r[prop.Name]);
return t;
You would use it like dataset.GetEnumeration<Apple>().ToList(). Note that this uses reflection and could be slow for large data sets, and makes a lot of assumptions, such as each field in the type matching the columns in the data table. Personally I use a repository for each business object which explicitly constructs the object from a data row. More work to set up but in the long run I have a bit more control. You could probably look at an ORM framework like NHibernate as well.
I think your best (and cleanest, as in "reflection-less") bet will be to create a constructor for each involved class (Apple, Orange, etc.) that takes a DataRow and initializes the object based on the row. Then, your code simplifies to dsProperties.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(r => new Apple(r)). Simplifying it further into a generic extension method will be difficult because you cannot have type constraints that specify the existence of a constructor that takes certain parameters.
If you really want a generic extension method for this, I think you'll have to use the factory pattern, so that the extension method can instantiate a factory that can convert DataRows into the desired type. That's gonna be quite a bit of code for (I think) quite little benefit, but I can create an example if you'd like to see it.
Edit: I'd advise you to rather create an extension method that lets you do this: dsProperties.CreateFruits(r => new Apple(r)). That's about as short as it would be with the extension method you requested. You'll still have to create the constructors, though, so if what you're really after is to save coding on the object constructions, then you'll probably need reflection-based approaches as described in the other answers.
Edit again: #MikeEast beat me to my last suggestion.
Is there a standard naming convention between your stored procedures and your types? If so then you can reflect on the type and retrieve its name then convert that to its stored procedure.
Otherwise, you could have a static dictionary of the type name as a key and the value being the associated stored procedure. Then in your method you would look up the stored procedure after reflecting on the type.
Also I believe you will need to use generics. Something like (it's been a while since i've done generics):
public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(this DataSet ds)
The conversion of columns to properties on your object would also be achieved through reflection. You would loop over the properties on the object and find a matching column to insert the value.
Hope this helps to get you started.
I like MikeEast's approach, but don't like the idea that you have to pass the mapping to every call to GetList. Try this variation instead:
public static class DataSetEx
private static Dictionary<Type, System.Delegate> __maps
= new Dictionary<Type, System.Delegate>();
public static void RegisterMap<T>(this Func<DataRow, T> map)
__maps.Add(typeof(T), map);
public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(this DataSet dataSet)
var map = (Func<DataRow, T>)(__maps[typeof(T)]);
return dataSet.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(map);
Now, given the classes Apple & Orange call the following methods to register the maps:
DataSetEx.RegisterMap<Apple>(r => new Apple()
Color = r[0].ToString(),
Year = r[1].ToString(),
Brand= r[2].ToString(),
DataSetEx.RegisterMap<Orange>(r => new Orange()
Variety = r[0].ToString(),
Location = r[1].ToString(),
Then you can just call GetList without the map like so:
var ds = new DataSet();
// load ds here...
// then
var apples = ds.GetList<Apple>();
// or
var oranges = ds.GetList<Orange>();
That gives some nice code separation without the need for reflection or repetition.
This also doesn't stop you using a hybrid approach of using reflection in cases where a map hasn't explicitly been defined. You kind of can get the best of both worlds.