How do i get the access token from the reques - c#

I'm using account linking on amazon and I've managed to configure it to send my user's acessToken by a Json. I looked in the amazon documentation and it says that I can find the token in context.System.user.accessToken but I can't find this path in my code, could you help me? I guess i need to make an interceptor to get this request and the token, but i have no idea how.
JSON Input with acessToken
Token path

Within the handle function of your intentHandler, the argument handlerInput contains the access token. It is sent for each request:
const { accessToken } = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user;
You can also have it within the user's session:
const { accessToken } = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.session.user;
The accessToken field does not appear if null
More detail about Alexa requests in the documentation


How do I authenticate my server based app with Zoho SDK?

I hope this makes sense. I am using the Zoho C# SDK examples to write records to the CRM Leads. While calling recordOperations.CreateRecords(); it fails after trying to GetToken from the Token Store.
Here is the token I am saving
Token token = new OAuthToken(
TokenStore tokenStore = new CustomTokenStore();
tokenStore.SaveToken(user, token);
And I am sending this token into the SDKInitilizer.Initialize. No errors at this point. Next I try and create a lead. When it gets inside of recordOperations.CreateRecords(); it tries GetToken and I've hard coded it to return exactly what was in the token object above. CreateRecords throws an error for "invalid_code". Here is what is in the log file
21-09-07 16:49:34 [INFO]: Initialization successful for Email Id : in Environment :
21-09-07 16:49:47 [INFO]: Access Token has expired. Hence refreshing.
21-09-07 16:49:50 [ERROR]: Exception in authenticating current request : {"Code":"INVALID CLIENT ERROR","Message":"invalid_code","Cause":null,"Details":null,"StackTrace":" at Com.Zoho.API.Authenticator.OAuthToken.ParseResponse(String response)\r\n at Com.Zoho.API.Authenticator.OAuthToken.RefreshAccessToken(UserSignature user, TokenStore store)\r\n at Com.Zoho.API.Authenticator.OAuthToken.Authenticate(APIHTTPConnector urlConnection)\r\n at Com.Zoho.Crm.API.Util.CommonAPIHandler.APICall[T](Type className, String encodeType)","Data":{},"InnerException":null,"HelpLink":null,"Source":"ZCRMSDK","HResult":-2146233088}
It appears to be failing when it tries to refresh the token so I assume I am not sending in the right info in the token object?
*** Edit for #sucasa ***
This is what I am sending into the Initialize method.
What I have figured out since my first post is, I'm not getting the initial token from Initialize and its not calling the custom TokenStore.SaveToken() I created and it should, right? If I save it, all I have is what is above, not an actual token. So I think when I go to create the lead, I don't actually have the initial token to refresh. I hope that's clearer.
Access Tokens expire and must be refreshed using a refresh token. The error message indicates this. Can you log the value of token and report back here?

How to filter request based on client in C# (Identity Server 4)

I made this method because the actual project was working with tokens in Header, and for my project I have to read the body (my token is in body). What I did was first checking if the token is under Authorization, if not check the body... But I´ve become the feedback that the best way to solve that is based on my Client, because im the only one reading the token from Body..
private string GetTokenFromHeader()
string value = _contextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
if (value.IsNull()) //if null, check body.
return GoogleGetTokenFromBody(_contextAccessor);
return value.Substring(IdentityServerAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme.Length + 1).Trim();
I have no clue how to filter a request by client name, has someone an idea or suggestion?

Fetching Access token using Auth token from service in C#

I am new to the topic of Oauth and encryption. I need to write a utility where I have authtoken with me and I need to get access token after making a call to the service url say I already have auth token with me I need to use post method to make service call to the url which in turn returns access token. I couldn't find any code snippet which shows how this is done. As I already said I am a newbie into this area, don't have any clue about the implementation in c#. It should be noted that I only have auth token with me.
What C# library are you using? I used Thinktecture.IdentityModel:
Here's an example from my OAuth2 Test Client, using IdentityModel:
private static async Task<TokenResponse> SendTokenRequest(string authCode, string redirectUri)
var tokenclient = new OAuth2Client(
new Uri(Constant.TokenEndpoint),
return await tokenclient.RequestAuthorizationCodeAsync(authCode, redirectUri);

Facebook API get public profile wall posts

I'm making a small widget in c# to get the posts from a public facebook page/profile.
I believe you have to get a access token each time you make a request to the api?
I'm confused as to which access token I need and what url request string to use.
This is what I'm using currently but it brings back an unexpected looking key.
(I've typed in random characters as an example of the structure).
string response = "" + facebook_AppID + "&client_secret=" + facebook_AppSecret + "&grant_type=client_credentials";
string accesstoken = RequestResponse(response);
Then when I use that code to get the posts from a wall, using:
string urlGetFeed = "" + accesstoken2 + ",posts.fields(message,picture)";
I get a ERROR : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. Error.
For the feed of a Facebook Page, you only need an App Access Token, which is easy to get:
For example:
string urlGetFeed = "" + [app-id] + "|" + [app-secret];
Also, the Access Token is not a value of "fields", it´s a separate parameter.
The URL you should use is this:[THE_FACEBOOK_ID]/[WHAT_YOU_WANT]?access_token=[YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]&limit=[THE_LIMIT]
The first part access the Facebook graph.
The second part is the Facebook Id that you want.
The third part is the thing that you want from the Facebook Id that you entered (posts, feed, activities, etc). Here you must be sure that the Access Token has the permissions for what you want to get.
The fourth part is the Access Token that you get and the limit (if you don't set the limit the default limit from Facebook will be used).
Beware of the access token that you-re getting with the first line of code that you posted. That line will give you a short live access token. You should interchange the short live access token here:[YUOR_CLIENT_ID]&client_secret=[YOURCLIENT_SECRET]&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=[THE_SHORT_LIVE_ACCESS_TOKEN]
What you should do is to include the FB Connect script:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''</script>
and then use this function to take the user to the FB login (if it's not logged in) and then to the authorize page:
function createAccessToken()
FB.init({appId: '[YOUR APP ID]', status: true, cookie: true});
if (response.status == 'connected')
if (response.authResponse.accessToken)
var token = response.authResponse.accessToken;
alert('You must grant the permissions for this plugin or will not work.');
alert('You must be logged in to Facebook to grant permissions.');
}, { scope: 'read_stream' }); }
The token variable inside that function will contain the short lived access token to exchange for the long lived one here:[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&client_secret=[YOURCLIENT_SECRET]&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=[token]
Once you get that token go here to get what you want:[THE_FACEBOOK_ID]/[WHAT_YOU_WANT]?access_token=[YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]&limit=[THE_LIMIT]

google oauth2 C#: no refresh token

in my C# application, I am trying to get aouth2 access and refresh tokens:
On the phase: Handling the Response, When I make the call I am supposed to get something like:
but I get
Thus: refresh_token is missing. I debugged and I am sure I hit the api method: FetchAccessAndRefreshTokens but I have no refresh_token.
PS: I am using 201306 API
Any ideas?
In the API, within OAuth2ProviderForApplications.cs file, in GetAuthorizationUrl() method, on line 100 if you add &approval_prompt=force to the string:
return string.Format("{0}?scope={1}&state={2}&redirect_uri={3}&response_type={4}&" +
it works. But this is a horrible workaround plus it might create apache license issues.
How found: in google oauth2 playground ( this parameter (approval_prompt=force) is set and if you omit it, it does not give refresh token.

