I create a dll for my application. I am using Facade design pattern for encapsulate API who makes some programmers (not my organization) because they decision is uncomfortable.
Their API works like this:
Initialize object of DiadocApi
Auth for getting token
For initialize DiadocApi object I need developerKey (get for a subscription).
For authorization I need login, password.
My decision badly because it's a singleton and I need make unit-tests. That can I change in my code?
using Diadoc.Api;
public sealed partial class DiadocApiFacade
private static readonly object _mutex = new object();
private static DiadocApiFacade _instance;
private string _token;
private DiadocApi _api;
private DiadocApiFacade() { }
public static string DefaultUrl => "url was here";
public string DefaultFromBoxId { get; set; }
public DiadocApi Api { get => _api; private set => _api = value; }
public static DiadocApiFacade GetInstance()
if (_instance == null)
lock (_mutex)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new DiadocApiFacade();
return _instance;
public string Authenticate(string login, string password, string privateDeveloperKey)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(developerKey))
throw new ArgumentNullException();
Api = new DiadocApi(developerKey, DefaultUrl, new WinApiCrypt());
return _token = _api.Authenticate(login, password);
//method for example, >60% methods like that
public Document GetDocument(string messageId, string documentId, string boxId = null)
return _api.GetDocument(_token, boxId ?? DefaultFromBoxId, messageId, documentId);
I assume you want to make unit tests for your code that's consuming DiadocApiFacade.
Dependency inversion to the rescue! Abstract your DiadocApiFacade with an interface. Make use of the Factory Pattern to create the object. Below is a simple example but you can expand the factory if you need the facade to behave a certain way (like a settings class to change where it's connecting to).
GetOrCreate Will return the same instance but if you're using a dependency injection framework in your project (there are many that might suite your needs), use that instead.
public interface IDiadocApiFacade
string Authenticate(string login, string password, string privateDeveloperKey);
public Document GetDocument(string messageId, string documentId, string boxId);
public Document GetDocument(string messageId, string documentId);
public class DiadocApiFacadeFactory
private static IDiadocApiFacade? _instance = null;
public IDiadocApiFacade Create() //Add parameters
return new DiadocApiFacade();
public IDiadocApiFacade GetOrCreate()
if(_instance == null)
_instance = Create();
return _instance;
public sealed partial class DiadocApiFacade : IDiadocApiFacade
internal DiadocApiFacade() { }
public string Authenticate(string login, string password, string privateDeveloperKey) => string.Empty;
public Document GetDocument(string messageId, string documentId)
=> GetDocument(messageId, documentId, null);
public Document GetDocument(string messageId, string documentId, string? boxId) => new Document();
Then you can just make use of [moq)[https://www.nuget.org/packages/moq/] for your unit testing and fake the implementation of IDiadocApiFacade
I have a public method ValidateWords inside FooService.To test the ValidateWord method, I created IAppSettingWrapper and AppSettingWrapper which returns the Instance of AppSettings.
Inside the test method, I want to substitute NotAllowedWords using NSubstitute. However, it throws an object reference exception. Is there any way for substitution? If it's not possible, how can I refactor my static instance?
public sealed class AppSettings
private static object _lockObject = new object();
private static volatile AppSettings? _instance;
private static DateTime _cacheTime;
private Settings[] _settings;
public AppSettings()
_settings = GetSettings();
catch { }
public static AppSettings Instance
lock (_lockObject)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new AppSettings();
return _instance;
public List<string> NotAllowedWords
return new List<string>() {
public T GetValues<T>(string key,T defaultValue)
T result = defaultValue;
var settings = _settings.Where(i => i.Key == key).FirstOrDefault();
result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(settings.Value, typeof(T));
return result;
private Settings[]? GetSettings()
//gets data from web services
return base.Channel.GetSettings();
public class Settings
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public interface IAppSettingsWrapper
public AppSettings Instance();
public class AppSettingsWrapper : IAppSettingsWrapper
public AppSettings Instance()
return AppSettings.Instance;
public class FooServiceTest{
private IAppSettingsWrapper _appSettingsWrapper;
public void TestInitialize(IAppSettingsWrapper appSettingsWrapper)
_appSettingsWrapper = Substitute.For<IAppSettingsWrapper>();
private FooService CreateFooService()
return new FooService(_appSettingsWrapper);
public void Throw_Exception_When_Given_Word_Not_Allowed() {
var service = this.CreateFooService();
_appSettingsWrapper.Instance().NotAllowedWords.Returns(new List<string> { "index" });
var word = "index";
Exception ex = Assert.ThrowsException<Exception>(() => service.ValidateWords(word));
Assert.AreEqual("this word is not allowed", ex.Message);
public class FooService
private IAppSettingsWrapper _appSettingsWrapper;
public FooService(IAppSettingsWrapper appSettingsWrapper)
_appSettingsWrapper = appSettingsWrapper;
public void ValidateWords(string word)
if (_appSettingsWrapper.Instance().NotAllowedWords.Contains(word))
throw new Exception("this word is not allowed");
The AppSettings.NotAllowedWords property is not substitutable due to it not being virtual and the class being sealed. If you add NSubstitute.Analyzers to your test project it will help you find these cases. (The How NSubstitute Works documentation outlines why this is the case.)
One option is to make AppSettings implement an IAppSettings interface and inject that into FooService (rather than the wrapper). Then you can use a substitute for tests, and AppSettings.Instance for your real code.
I want to change the connection to a database at runtime in a REST Api. I want to put a variable of the request and let the Api decide which connectionstring to use.
For example:
I put the variable "dbid" with the value "develop" in the request header and send it to the Api.
The Api sees the header and gets the correct connectionstring from the web.config.
I have three layers (data, business, api). The data contains EntityFramework to get and set data. Like this:
public class WebsiteContext : IocDbContext, IWebsites
public DbSet<Website> Websites { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Website> GetAll()
return Websites.ToList();
public class IocDbContext : DbContext, IDbContext
public IocDbContext() : base("develop")
public void ChangeDatabase(string connectionString)
Database.Connection.ConnectionString= connectionString;
In the business I have a class to retrieve data from the datalayer and do some logical stuff (not needed here, but still good for the story).
public class Websites : IWebsites
private readonly Data.Interfaces.IWebsites _websiteContext;
#region Constructor
public Websites(Data.Interfaces.IWebsites websiteContext)
_websiteContext = websiteContext;
#region IWebsites implementation
public IEnumerable<Website> GetWebsites()
List<Data.Objects.Website> websiteDtos = _websiteContext.GetAll().ToList();
return websiteDtos.Select(web => web.ToModel()).ToList();
public static class WebsiteMapper
public static Website ToModel(this Data.Objects.Website value)
if (value == null)
return null;
return new Website
Id = value.Id,
Name = value.Name
And, last but not least, the controller:
public class WebsiteController : ApiController
private readonly IWebsites _websites;
public WebsiteController(IWebsites websites)
_websites = websites;
public IEnumerable<Website> GetAll()
return _websites.GetWebsites().ToList();
My Unity configuration:
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<Business.Interfaces.IWebsites, Websites>();
container.RegisterType<IDbContext, IocDbContext>();
container.RegisterType<IWebsites, WebsiteContext>();
// e.g. container.RegisterType<ITestService, TestService>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new Unity.WebApi.UnityDependencyResolver(container);
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
So as you can see the connection string with the name "develop" is used by default. This will return a website with the name "website". Now I would change the header variable "dbid" to "live". The api should see this and should get the connectionstring that corresponds with the name "live". This last part is something I am trying, but nothing works.
This I tried:
Adding session to webapi. This means I break the stateless idea of REST api: not done
Statics cannot work either, because everyone could get the same connectionstring, but its user specific
Google, but most of the examples don't work for me
Searching StackOverflow... See previous point.
This is driving me crazy! There should be a way to change the connectionstring given by a value in a request header, right?
I have the same scenario in a multi-tenant application I created where I use a different connection string for each tenant.
It doesn't matter the implementation you choose, but you have to determine how you are going to differentiate each request per connection string. In my application, I created a custom route value, and used it in the url to differentiate each request. The important thing is to create whatever this mechanism is, and it needs to be the 1st thing you register in your DI framework, on a per request basis.
For example (using Ninject):
private static void RegisterServicdes(IKernel kernel)
// register other services...
Rather than your implementation of your DbContext, I would change to be this, then always create your DbContext instance via a DbContextFactory.
public class IocDbContext : DbContext, IDbContext
public IocDbContext(string connectionStringType) : base(connectionStringType) { }
Then you need to create a DbContextFactory that you use when you create your DbContext, and take the above class as a dependency. Or you can take the dependency into your services, and pass it into the DbContextFactory instead.
public interface IDbContextFactory
TestModel CreateContext();
public class DbContextFactory : IDbContextFactory
private string _siteType;
public DbContextFactory(ISiteContext siteContext)
_siteType = siteContext.Tenant;
public TestModel CreateContext()
return new TestModel(FormatConnectionStringBySiteType(_siteType));
// or you can use this if you pass the IMultiTenantHelper dependency into your service
public static TestModel CreateContext(string siteName)
return new TestModel(FormatConnectionStringBySiteType(siteName));
private static string FormatConnectionStringBySiteType(string siteType)
// format from web.config
string newConnectionString = #"data source={0};initial catalog={1};integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework";
if (siteType.Equals("a"))
return String.Format(newConnectionString, #"(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB", "DbOne");
return String.Format(newConnectionString, #"(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB", "DbTwo");
Then you can use it like so when accessing your DbContext:
public class DbAccess
private IDbContextFactory _dbContextFactory;
public DbAccess(IDbContextFactory dbContextFactory)
_dbContextFactory = dbContextFactory;
public void DoWork()
using (IocDbContext db = _dbContextFactory.CreateContext())
// use EF here...
ISiteContext interface implementation (for using route).
public interface ISiteContext
string Tenant { get; }
public class SiteContext : ISiteContext
private const string _routeId = "tenantId";
private string _tenant;
public string Tenant { get { return _tenant; } }
public SiteContext()
_tenant = GetTenantViaRoute();
private string GetTenantViaRoute()
var routedata = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData;
// Default Routing
if (routedata.Values[_routeId] != null)
return routedata.Values[_routeId].ToString().ToLower();
// Attribute Routing
if (routedata.Values.ContainsKey("MS_SubRoutes"))
var msSubRoutes = routedata.Values["MS_SubRoutes"] as IEnumerable<IHttpRouteData>;
if (msSubRoutes != null && msSubRoutes.Any())
var subRoute = msSubRoutes.FirstOrDefault();
if (subRoute != null && subRoute.Values.ContainsKey(_routeId))
return (string)subRoute.Values
.Where(x => x.Key.Equals(_routeId))
.Select(x => x.Value)
return string.Empty;
API action:
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
you need to create a factory class for Dynamic picking of connection string.
It is the responsibility of that class to give correct connectionString based on the certain Parameter.
I can't get Moq to mock an object that gets created in a static method.
Here is my moq and code
public interface IConfigHelper
string GetConfiguration(string sectionName, string elementName);
public class ConfigHelper : IConfigHelper
public ConfigHelper() { }
public virtual string GetConfiguration(string sectionName, string elementName)
string retValue = String.Empty;
//Does things to get configuration and return a value
return retValue;
public class myRealClass
public myRealClass(){}
public string myworkingMethod()
var retValue = String.Empty;
retValue = utilSvc.GetConfigurationValue();
return retValue;
public static class utilSvc
public static string GetConfigurationValue()
ConfigHelper configUtil = new ConfigHelper(); //NOT BEING MOCKED
return configUtil.GetConfiguration("sectionName/sectionElement", "ClinicalSystem");
the Test using Moq
[TestFixture(TestName = "Tests")]
public class Tests
private Mock<IConfigHelper> configHelperMOCK;
public void Setup()
configHelperMOCK = new Mock<IConfigHelper>();
public void serviceIsBPManagementForValidSource()
string sectionName = "sectionName/sectionElement";
string clinicalElementName = "ClinicalSystem";
string clinicalElementValue = "Zedmed";
configHelperMOCK.Setup(s => s.GetConfiguration(sectionName, clinicalElementName)).Returns(clinicalElementValue);
// the call to myRealClass
// test assertions
The issue that I am having is with this line:
ConfigHelper configUtil = new ConfigHelper(); //NOT BEING MOCKED
I cannot get the moq to Mock the object.
I do not want the code to read the config file. I wish to moq away this instance of ConfigHelper
You can't wrap the static class/method but you can redirect it
public static class UtilSvc
static UtilSvc()
CreatorFunc = () => new ConfigHelper();
public static Func<IConfigHelper> CreatorFunc { get; set; }
public static string GetConfigurationValue()
var configUtil = CreatorFunc();
return configUtil.GetConfiguration("sectionName/sectionElement",
and then in the test
private Mock<IConfigHelper> configHelperMOCK;
public void Setup()
configHelperMOCK = new Mock<IConfigHelper>();
UtilService.CreatorFunc = () => configHelperMOCK.Object;
You cannot mock static class. I would rather propose to inject that IConfigHelper into the myRealClass. That is the usual way how to decouple dependencies and use DI.
public class myRealClass
private IConfigHelper _configHelper;
public myRealClass(IConfigHelper configHelper)
_configHelper = configHelper;
public string myworkingMethod()
var retValue = String.Empty;
retValue = _configHelper.GetConfigurationValue();
return retValue;
Avoid coupling your code to static classes, which in most cases cause you code be to difficult to maintain and test.
Follow the Explicit Dependencies Principle
Methods and classes should explicitly require (typically through
method parameters or constructor parameters) any collaborating objects
they need in order to function correctly.
Give the article a read. It is short and very informative.
If you want to keep the static class then you wrap the static class behind an abstraction.
public interface IUtilSvc {
string GetConfigurationValue();
public class utilSvcWrapper : IUtilSvc {
public string GetConfigurationValue() {
return utilSvc.GetConfigurationValue(); //Calling static service
Or another option is that utlSvc does not have to be static if can be injected into dependent classes
public class utilSvc : IUtilScv {
private readonly IConfigHelper configUtil;
public utilSvc(IConfigHelper configHelper) {
configUtil = configHelper;
public string GetConfigurationValue() {
return configUtil.GetConfiguration("sectionName/sectionElement", "ClinicalSystem");
Inject the IUtilScv into the dependent class so that it is no longer dependent on static class.
public class myRealClass {
private readonly IUtilScv utilSvc;
//Explicit dependency inject via constructor
public myRealClass(IUtilScv utilSvc) {
this.utilSvc = utilSvc;
public string myworkingMethod() {
var retValue = utilSvc.GetConfiguration();
return retValue;
In that case you don't even need IConfigHelper when testing as it has also been abstracted away. And you only need to mock the dependencies needed for the test.
[TestFixture(TestName = "Tests")]
public class Tests {
private Mock<IUtilScv> utilScvMOCK;
public void Setup() {
utilScvMOCK = new Mock<IUtilScv>();
public void serviceIsBPManagementForValidSource() {
var expectedClinicalElementValue = "Zedmed";
.Setup(s => s.GetConfiguration())
var sut = new myRealClass(utilScvMOCK.Object);
var actualClinicalElementValue = sut.myworkingMethod();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedClinicalElementValue, actualClinicalElementValue);
Summary: Im working with C# 4.5 version and more specifically in Web API.
Im trying to build an object and wrap it with attributes so when I receive a HTTP POST request, validation will be made in modelState.
a little example before code:
Lets say I have this following request object
public class PlayerRequest
public string TeamId {set;get;}
public string UserId {set;get;}
now, I want to be able to just add an attribute to the class and it will check if class contains TeamId and UserId and if so, validate in db that in fact user has access to team.
so lets say, the declaration will be something like:
public class TeamRequest
What I aim to create is not a specific validation for TeamId and UserId but to create some sort of a pool of attribute pairs and run a simple loop to detect them and validate.
code so far:
public sealed class AccessValidator : ValidationAttribute
private readonly AttributePairValidator[] _validators =
public override bool IsValid(object value)
PropertyInfo[] properties = value.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties)
foreach (AttributePairValidator valPair in _validators)
valPair.Accept(/* here is the problem */ , p.GetValue as string);
public class AttributePairValidator
protected string fieldA;
protected string fieldB;
protected Func<string, string, Task<bool>> _validationMethod;
protected static object _lockObj = new object();
protected AttributePairValidator(Func<string, string, Task<bool>> validationMethod)
_validationMethod = validationMethod;
public bool Accept (ValidationAttribute attr, string val)
return true;
protected async Task<bool> Check()
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldA) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldB))
return await _validationMethod(fieldA, fieldB);
return true;
public sealed class UserIdTeamIdValidator : AttributePairValidator
private static UserIdTeamIdValidator _instance = null;
private UserIdTeamIdValidator(Func<string, string, Task<bool>> validationMethod) : base (validationMethod)
public static UserIdTeamIdValidator GetInstance(Func<string, string, Task<bool>> validationMethod)
lock (_lockObj)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new UserIdTeamIdValidator(validationMethod);
return _instance;
public async Task<bool> Accept(UserIdAttribute attr, string val)
fieldA = val;
return await Check();
public async Task<bool> Accept(TeamIdAttribute attr, string val)
fieldB = val;
return await Check();
other issue, if you guys already know how to solve it.
Im validating the request itself by headers and im storing some data in the actionContext's principal. In controllers i use: ActionContext.RequestContext.Principal.Identity.Name
is there any way to get this data when in validationAttribute scope?
First of all I read this on an article - which basically tells me I should not be using a singleton at all -
Most commonly, singletons don't allow any parameters to be specified when creating the instance - as otherwise a second request for an instance but with a different parameter could be problematic! (If the same instance should be accessed for all requests with the same parameter, the factory pattern is more appropriate.)
Since I need parameters, and same instances with same parameters - I concluded I need a factory pattern.
But I was unable to find a good factory pattern implementation anywhere.
Kindly direct me if you find any good c# singleton factory pattern implementation with parameters
Ok I am going to try and be very specific here... hope this explains my situation.
Alternate methods are most welcome. I just combined a lot of implementations - my understanding may be off.
So I have a class 'A'. It is a class used to connect to a database - Database connection.
The connection needs 4 parameters & the constraints are:
I need to have multiple connections possible - with different databases (parameters differ)
I need only 1 instance of a specific connection - a singleton with parameters which are same (in my understanding)
I will need a factory model as per the article mentioned above and also to limit the number of connections, close the connection after a timeout etc.
On this basis I need a singleton factory with paramenters/arguements... I assume
So the class A is going to look something like this
<which access modifier ?> Class A {
private Class A(string hostname, string port, string username, string pw_hash) {
//create a new instance with the specified parameters
//other methods on the connection
protected void close() {
//close the connection
public class AFactory//should it inherit class A?? {
private IList<A> connections = new List<A>();
private AFactory()
//do something
private static readonly Lazy<AFactory> lazy
= new Lazy<AFactory>(() => new AFactory());
public static AFactory Instance { get { return lazy.Value; } }
public A getA(string hostname, string service, string username, string pw_hash)
foreach (A a in A)
if (a.hostname == hostname && a.service == service && a.username == username)
return a;
A d = new A(hostname, service, username, pw_hash);
return d;
Now this works well and good as long as the class A constructor is public - but It kind of defeats the purpose of a singleton.
What do I need to do to get this code to work.
I need only 1 instance of class A for the specified parameters.
Factory is used to generate object rather than manage object. I think a DB connection manager is more suitable in your situation. You can declare the manager as singleton. For individual connection you can use internal class/struct.
See below example:
class DBConnectionManager
struct Connection
public string Hostname;
public string ServerName;
public string UserName;
public string Password;
public void Connect()
public void Close()
private static s_instance;
public static DBConnectionManager Instance
get {return s_instance; }
private List<Connection> m_connections;
public Connection GetConnection(string hostname, string serverName, string userName, string password)
// if already exist in m_connections
// return the connection
// otherwise create new connection and add to m_connections
public void CloseConnection(string hostname, string serverName, string userName, string password)
// if find it in m_connections
// then call Close()
public void CloseAll()
So I have done this and it works... can you tell me if it is correct. And also is it Thread-Safe?
public Class A
private A(string hostname, string port, string username, string pw_hash) {
//create a new instance with the specified parameters
//other methods on the connection
protected void close() {
//close the connection
public class AFactory
private IList<A> connections = new List<A>();
private AFactory()
//do something
private static readonly Lazy<AFactory> lazy
= new Lazy<AFactory>(() => new AFactory());
public static AFactory Instance { get { return lazy.Value; } }
public A getA(string hostname, string service, string username, string pw_hash)
foreach (A a in connections)
if (a.hostname == hostname && a.service == service && a.username == username)
return a;
A d = new A(hostname, service, username, pw_hash);
return d;
I am using it like this:
A.AFactory fact = A.AFactory.Instance;
A conn = fact.getA(a, b, c, d);
A conn2 = fact.getA(e, f, g, h);
Is there something glaringly wrong with this implementation?
you could try this:
public static class Singlett<Param,T>
where T : class
static volatile Lazy<Func<Param, T>> _instance;
static object _lock = new object();
static Singlett()
public static Func<Param, T> Instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new Lazy<Func<Param, T>>(() =>
lock (Singlett<Param,T>._lock)
ConstructorInfo constructor = null;
Type[] methodArgs = { typeof(Param) };
constructor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, methodArgs, null);// Binding flags excludes public constructors.
if (constructor == null)
constructor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public, null, methodArgs, null);
if (constructor == null)
return delegate(Param o) { return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { o }); };
return delegate(Param o) { return (T)constructor.Invoke(new object[] { o }); };
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception;
return _instance.Value;
then to use it:
instead of
int i = 10;
MyClass class = new MyClass(i);
you can write:
int i = 10;
MyClass class = Singlett<int,MyClass>.Instance(i);
Try this:
This interface is exposed from the factory initializer and contains the exposed methods and properties.
public interface IDatabase
string ConnectionString { get; set; }
IDataReader ExecuteSql(string sql);
Factory base abstract class where you can perform common features to different types of database factories.
public abstract class FactoryBase
public FactoryBase() { }
public abstract IDatabase GetDataLayer();
Concrete sql class that contains your calls. Have a look at the ExecuteSql method. The connection is self contained in the command so you don't have to worry about opening and closing and disposing of it.
public class SQL : IDatabase
private string m_ConnectionString = string.Empty;
public string ConnectionString
get { return m_ConnectionString; }
set { m_ConnectionString = value; }
public IDataReader ExecuteSql(string sql)
using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { CommandType = CommandType.Text, CommandText = sql, CommandTimeout = 0 })
if (command.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) command.Connection.Open();
return command.ExecuteReader();
Sql factory class that creates an instance of the Sql concrete class.
class SQLFactory : FactoryBase
public override IDatabase GetDataLayer()
return new SQL();
The factory initializer class that a developer will use to pass in a type of factory and it will return the IDatabase.
public static class FactoryInitializer
public static IDatabase LoadFactory<T>(string connectionstring) where T : FactoryBase, new()
var factory = new T();
var data = factory.GetDataLayer();
data.ConnectionString = connectionstring;
return data;
Then use it as:
var factory = FactoryInitializer.LoadFactory<SQLFactory>(connectionString);
factory.ExecuteSql("SELECT ...");
You can then create may be an OracleFactory and an Oracle concrete class and use it the same way.