I am trying to set up the signaling between a browser client and unity client. the two clients use Webrtc and I am using a websocket to make the signaling happen. First, I am creating an offer on the click of a button in the browser. the offer reaches the c# client and the localConnection.setRemoteDescription works fine, then I need to create an answer. Instead the answer is an empty object recieved
Any Ideas if there is something wrong?
public void handleIncommingMessages(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) {
SignalingMessage message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SignalingMessage>(e.Data);
switch (message.type){
case "offer": handleOffer(message); break;
case "answer": handleAnswer(message);break;
case "ice-candidate": handleIceCandidateMessage(message);break;
void handleOffer(SignalingMessage offerMessage)
localConnection.SetRemoteDescription(ref offerMessage.sessionDescription);
RTCSessionDescriptionAsyncOperation answer = localConnection.CreateAnswer();
SignalingMessage answerMessage = new SignalingMessage {type = "answer" , sessionDescription = answer.Desc , iceCandidate = null};
this is the implementation of the SignalingMessage class which represents any message to be sent over the websocket
public class SignalingMessage
public string type;
public RTCSessionDescription sessionDescription;
public RTCIceCandidate iceCandidate;
This is my first project using the NetMQ (ZMQ) framework, so, maybe I didn't understand how to use it exactly.
I create a Windows Forms project with two applications, one send a "ping" to the other and receives a "pong" as an answer. The protocol is not so complex and uses the Request-Reply pattern, all the commands have a first part that identifies the objective, like "query" or "inform", and a second part that contains the command or the message itself. In this case one app send a "query-ping" and the other answer with "inform-pong".
I create a class to encapsulate all the dirty job, so the main form can use the protocol in a very simple way. Everything is working fine, but when I try to close the app, it gets stuck in the poller and the app never closes. In Visual Studio I can see the pause and stop button but I don't get any exception or errors:
and when I click in pause button I get this message (The application is in break mode):
If I click in 'Continue execution' the app back to same state and never closes.
If I remove the poller the app closes normally, but of course, the poller doesn't work and the app doesn't answer anymore.
This is the code from the Form1:
using CommomLib;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Test1
public partial class Form1 : Form
ZmqCommunication zmqComm = new ZmqCommunication();
int portNumber;
string status;
public Form1()
public void InitializeZmqComm()
// Calls the ZMQ initialization.
portNumber = zmqComm.InitializeComm();
if (portNumber == 0)
status = "Ini error";
status = "Ini ok";
// Executes a ping command.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
richTextBox1.AppendText(zmqComm.RequestPing(55001) + "\n");
And this is the code from my NetMQ class. It is in a separated library project. In my Dispose method I tried all combinations of Remove, Dispose and StopAsync and nothing works:
using NetMQ;
using NetMQ.Sockets;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
namespace CommomLib
public class ZmqCommunication
ResponseSocket serverComm = new ResponseSocket();
NetMQPoller serverPoller;
int _portNumber;
public ZmqCommunication()
_portNumber = 55000;
// Problem here! The serverPoller gets stuck.
public void Dispose()
if (serverPoller.IsDisposed)
if (serverPoller.IsDisposed)
if (serverPoller.IsDisposed)
if (serverPoller.IsDisposed)
// ZMQ initialization.
public int InitializeComm()
bool ok = true;
bool tryAgain = true;
// Looks for a port.
while (tryAgain && ok)
serverComm.Bind("tcp://" + _portNumber);
tryAgain = false;
catch (NetMQ.AddressAlreadyInUseException)
tryAgain = true;
ok = false;
if (!ok)
return 0; // Error.
// Set up the pooler.
serverPoller = new NetMQPoller { serverComm };
serverComm.ReceiveReady += (s, a) =>
// start polling (on this thread)
return _portNumber;
// Message interpreter.
private void RequestInterpreter()
List<string> message = new List<string>();
if (serverComm.TryReceiveMultipartStrings(ref message, 2))
if (message[0].Contains("query"))
// Received the command "ping" and answers with a "pong".
if (message[1].Contains("ping"))
// Send the command "ping".
public string RequestPing(int port)
using (var requester = new RequestSocket())
Debug.WriteLine("Running request port {0}", port);
requester.Connect("tcp://" + port);
List<string> msgResp = new List<string>();
if (requester.TryReceiveMultipartStrings(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), ref msgResp, 2))
if (msgResp[0].Contains("inform"))
return msgResp[1];
return "error";
Can you try to call NetMQConfig.Cleanup(); in window close event?
Place a breakpoint and see if you even get to ZmqCommunication.Dispose - that might be the issue - the form class not disposing the ZmqCommunication class.
Thanks guys for the answers, they were not the solution but pointed me in the right direction.
After a lot of debugging, I figured out it was a silly problem. I have two programs almost identical (I had both opened at the same time), one of them had the method Dispose() and the other no. During the debugging, in the breaking point, I thought I was in one program but I was in the other one. Really silly.
I am using Azure Event Hub library for C# in WebApi App. And I got this exception on message sending:
"Message":"An error has occurred.",
"ExceptionMessage":"Cannot allocate more handles to the current session or connection. The maximum number of handles allowed is 4999. Please free up resources and try again., referenceId: d975f39c71a14ae5915c9adca322e110_G15"
I thought that instantiantion of EventHubProducerClient one time and reusing it instead of creating its instance on each message sending (with IAsyncDisposable pattern) will help as mentioned here
EventHub Exception :Cannot allocate more handles to the current session or connection. But it did not.
I believe there might be some more global issue. Might be missing something.
I am using single event hub with 7 consumer groups each of which is used by separate web application (single); well actually there is additional consumer group ($Default) but it is not used;
For receiving messages I use EventProcessorClient;
I use Azure.Messaging.EventHubs 5.2.0 and Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor 5.2.0 packages;
Here is the whole code (did everything according to quickstart):
public class EventHubService : SubscriberBase
private readonly Action<string> errorHandler;
private readonly BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient;
private readonly EventProcessorClient eventProcessorClient;
private readonly EventHubProducerClient eventHubProducerClient;
private readonly int eventsToCheckpoint;
private readonly Timer checkpointTimer;
private int eventsSinceLastCheckpoint;
private bool shouldUpdateCheckpoint;
public EventHubService(EventHubSettings settings, Action<string> errorHandler) : base()
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
eventHubProducerClient = new EventHubProducerClient(settings.ConnectionString, settings.EventHubName);
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.GroupId))
eventManager = new EventManager();
blobContainerClient = new BlobContainerClient(settings.StorageConnectionString, settings.BlobContainerName);
eventProcessorClient = new EventProcessorClient(blobContainerClient, settings.GroupId, settings.ConnectionString, settings.EventHubName);
eventsToCheckpoint = settings.EventsToUpdateCheckpoint;
checkpointTimer = new Timer(settings.IntervalToUpdateCheckpoint.TotalMilliseconds);
checkpointTimer.Elapsed += (sender, eventArgs) => shouldUpdateCheckpoint = true;
public override void Start()
eventProcessorClient.ProcessErrorAsync += HandleError;
eventProcessorClient.ProcessEventAsync += ProcessEventData;
public override async Task Stop()
await eventProcessorClient.StopProcessingAsync();
eventProcessorClient.ProcessEventAsync -= ProcessEventData;
eventProcessorClient.ProcessErrorAsync -= HandleError;
public override async Task Publish(string topic, JObject message)
using (EventDataBatch eventBatch = await eventHubProducerClient.CreateBatchAsync())
var #event = new Event(topic, message);
string json = #event.ToString(Formatting.None);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
var eventData = new EventData(bytes);
await eventHubProducerClient.SendAsync(eventBatch);
private async Task ProcessEventData(ProcessEventArgs eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
if (++eventsSinceLastCheckpoint >= eventsToCheckpoint)
eventsSinceLastCheckpoint = 0;
shouldUpdateCheckpoint = true;
if (shouldUpdateCheckpoint)
await eventArgs.UpdateCheckpointAsync();
shouldUpdateCheckpoint = false;
string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventArgs.Data.Body.ToArray());
var #event = new Event(json);
private Task HandleError(ProcessErrorEventArgs eventArgs)
if (!eventArgs.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
errorHandler.Invoke($"[P:{eventArgs.PartitionId}][O:{eventArgs.Operation}] {eventArgs.Exception.Message}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
I have found some info in Service Bus Quotas like:
Number of concurrent receive requests on a queue, topic, or subscription entity (5000).
Subsequent receive requests are rejected, and an exception is received
by the calling code. This quota applies to the combined number
of concurrent receive operations across all subscriptions on a topic.
But still can't figure how to deal with it.
Please help.
This is indeed the answer EventHub Exception :Cannot allocate more handles to the current session or connection.
I did similar "fix" for Azure Event Hub library for NET Core but I have forgotten that I am also using Azure Event Hub library for NET Framework!
So I have instantiated EventHubProducerClient one time and reusing it now.
Seems working fine.
My bad. Was not attentive enough.
In my case, except creating only one instance of Client, use only one instance of sender.
I used method CreateSender each time when send a messsage, it also generates an exception
I'm using the GDAX API Websocket Stream to try and create a copy of the full LEVEL3 orderbook.
I've got a very simple implementation using WebSocketSharp and Im basically doing something like this.
private readonly WebSocket _webSocket = new WebSocket("wss://ws-feed.gdax.com");
_webSocket.OnMessage += WebSocket_OnMessage;
_webSocket.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new BeginSubscriptionMessage()));
private void WebSocket_OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BaseMessage>(e.Data);
switch (message.Type)
case "match": //A trade occurred between two orders.
MatchMessage matchMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MatchMessage>(e.Data);
case "received": //A valid order has been received and is now active. This message is emitted for every single valid order as soon as the matching engine receives it whether it fills immediately or not.
ReceivedMessage receivedMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ReceivedMessage>(e.Data);
case "open": //The order is now open on the order book. This message will only be sent for orders which are not fully filled immediately. remaining_size will indicate how much of the order is unfilled and going on the book.
OpenMessage openMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OpenMessage>(e.Data);
case "done": //The order is no longer on the order book. Sent for all orders for which there was a received message. This message can result from an order being canceled or filled.
DoneMessage doneMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DoneMessage>(e.Data);
case "change": //Existing order has been changed
ChangeMessage changeMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ChangeMessage>(e.Data);
case "activate": //Stop order placed
//Console.WriteLine("Stop Order Placed");
//ActivateMessage activateMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ActivateMessage>(e.Data);
case "subscriptions":
case "ticker":
TickerMessage tickerMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TickerMessage>(e.Data);
case "l2update":
The problem I am running into is that when I look at the sequence numbers as received through both the RECEIVED and OPEN messages I can see they are not sequential which (based on the following information) suggests that messages are being skipped.
Basically you end up with something like this
Open Message SequenceId: 5359746354
Open Message SequenceId: 5359746358
Open Message SequenceId: 5359746361
Open Message SequenceId: 5359746363
Open Message SequenceId: 5359746365
Open Message SequenceId: 5359746370
Open Message SequenceId: 5359746372
I have tried testing this on Azure, just to make sure that it wasn't a bandwidth limitation on my end and the results were largely similar.
So given this, how is it possible to build a complete 'real-time' orderbook using the 'full' websocket stream if messages are dropped? Can I just safely ignore them? Or do I just somehow clear orphaned values?
Any advice from anyone having done something similar would be extremely appreciated.
Most likely messages are not dropped, you just have wrong impression of what "sequence" those sequence numbers represent.
As stated in api documentation
Most feed messages contain a sequence number. Sequence numbers are
increasing integer values for each product with every new message
being exactly 1 sequence number than the one before it.
So every channel has separate sequence number for each product (like ETH-USD), not for each message type (like "open" or "receive"). Suppose you subscribed to "full" channel, for products ETH-USD and ETH-EUR. Then you should expect sequence like this:
receive `ETH-EUR` X
open `ETH-EUR` X + 1
receive `ETH-USD` Y
done `ETH-EUR` X + 2
open `ETH-USD` Y + 1
For full channel, message types are: received, open, done, match, change, activate (note that ticker message belongs to different channel, so has separate sequence). So to ensure no messages are not skipped you need to track all those message types and ensure that last sequence number you received is exactly 1 less than new sequence number, per product (in case you subscribed to multiple products).
Proof code:
class Program {
private static readonly WebSocket _webSocket = new WebSocket("wss://ws-feed.gdax.com");
private static long _lastSequence = 0;
private static readonly HashSet<string> _expectedTypes = new HashSet<string>(
new[] { "received", "open", "done", "match", "change", "activate" });
static void Main(string[] args) {
var subMsg = "{\"type\": \"subscribe\",\"product_ids\": [\"ETH-USD\"],\"channels\": [\"full\"]}";
_webSocket.OnMessage += WebSocket_OnMessage;
private static void WebSocket_OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) {
var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BaseMessage>(e.Data);
if (_expectedTypes.Contains(message.Type)) {
lock (typeof(Program)) {
if (_lastSequence == 0)
_lastSequence = message.Sequence;
else {
if (message.Sequence > _lastSequence + 1) {
Debugger.Break(); // never hits, so nothing is dropped
_lastSequence = message.Sequence;
public class BaseMessage {
public string Type { get; set; }
public string ProductId { get; set; }
public long Sequence { get; set; }
Let me start by saying this all works perfectly at the moment except for one thing - the notification update for the progress bar goes to all clients (as you would expect given that the code example I used sends to ...Clients.All).
All I want to do is send the notification back to the client that initiated the current call to the hub. That's it, nothing else. There is no concept of "logging in" on this website so there's no user identity stuff to work with.
My method is:
public void NotifyUpdates(decimal val)
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<EventsForceHub>();
if (hubContext != null)
//"updateProgress" is javascript event trigger name
await hubContext.Clients.All.updateProgress(val);
So back in my view I subscribe to "updateProgress" and it works fine - the progress bar updates as desired. But if another client happens to be connected to the hub, when one runs the async task and causes the NotifyUpdates method to run, then ALL connected clients see the taskbar update, which is a bit confusing for them!
In debug, if I inspect hubContext at runtime I can see a Clients property and that has a Connection property which has an Identity property with a unique GUID. Perfect! Just what I want to use. But... I cannot access it! If I try:
var currentConnection = hubContext.Clients.Connection;
...then I simply get a
"does not contain a definition for 'Connection'"
error, which I simply don't understand.
I've tried accessing Context.ConnectionId from the method too, but Context is null at that point so I'm a bit confused. The server method that uses NotifyUpdates to send information back to the client is called via a normal asp.net button, not via AJAX.
Clarification on structure
I think there is a degree of confusion here. It's a very simply webpage with an asp.net button control on it. The eventhandler for that button invokes an async method to return data from the server via a service call/repository.
Inside the async method, it has to process each returned data line and make three or four remote web api calls. On each loop I make a call back to the NotifyUpdates SignalR method shown above with a percentage complete number so this can update back to the client via an eventhandler for the method name specified (updateProgress as shown above). There could be dozens of data lines and each data line requires several Web API calls to a remote server to add data. This can take several seconds per iteration, hence me sending back the "update progress" to the client via that updateProgress method call.
Based on your comments I made the following little test:
It will allow clients to connect to the hub with a clientName, and every client is listening to updates send to them. We will have a group defined for them to be able to notify them from the server side.
I made a dummy progress simulator class to throw some update values to the users.
The code:
Hub class:
public class EventsForceHub : Hub {
public static IHubContext hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<EventsForceHub>();
// allow users to join to hub and get s dedicated group/channel for them, so we can update them
public async Task JoinGroup(string clientName) {
string clientID = Context.ConnectionId;
ClientInfo.clients.Add(clientID, new MyAppClient(clientID, clientName));
await Groups.Add(clientID, clientName);
// this is just mockup to simulate progress events (this uis not needed in real application)
MockupProgressGenerator.DoJob(clientName, 0);
public static void NotifyUpdates(decimal val, string clientName) {
// update the given client on his group/channel
Some little helper classes:
// client "storage"
public static class ClientInfo {
public static Dictionary<string, MyAppClient> clients = new Dictionary<string, MyAppClient>();
// .. further data and methods
// client type
public class MyAppClient {
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// .. further prooerties and methods
public MyAppClient(string id, string name) {
Id = id;
Name = name;
// this a completely made up and dumb class to simulate slow process and give some simple progress events
public static class MockupProgressGenerator {
public static void DoJob(string clientName, int status) {
if (status < 100) {
Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(a =>
EventsForceHub.NotifyUpdates(status += 20, clientName);
DoJob(clientName, status);
Let's see two simple clients in JS:
$(function () {
var eventsForceHub = $.connection.eventsForceHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('body').append("Joining with Name: Jerry");
eventsForceHub.client.updateProgress = function (val) {
// message received
$('body').append('<br>').append("New Progress message: " + val);
For simplicity, same code, with different params, I even put this in two different html pages and stated execution in slightly different timing.
$(function () {
var eventsForceHub = $.connection.eventsForceHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('body').append("Joining with Name: Tom");
eventsForceHub.client.updateProgress = function (val) {
// message received
$('body').append('<br>').append("New Progress message: " + val);
See it in action:
I made a small web application to verify your claim. You may create the following to be able to isolate the issue from other possible problems.
I created an empty Web Application and included SignalR.
This is the hub class:
public class EventsForceHub : Hub {
public void NotifyUpdates(decimal val) {
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<EventsForceHub>();
if (Context != null) {
string clientID = Context.ConnectionId; // <-- on debug: Ok has conn id.
object caller = Clients.Caller; // <-- on debug: Ok, not null
object caller2 = Clients.Client(clientID); // <-- on debug: Ok, not null
Clients.Caller.updateProgress(val); // Message sent
Clients.Client(clientID).updateProgress(val); // Message sent
if (hubContext != null) {
//"updateProgress" is javascript event trigger name
hubContext.Clients.All.updateProgress(val); // Message sent
This is the web page:
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.2.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="signalr/hubs"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var eventsForceHub = $.connection.eventsForceHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
// send mock message on start
console.log("Sending mock message: " + 42);
eventsForceHub.client.updateProgress = function (val) {
// message received
console.log("New Progress message: " + val);
Try to build an application as little as this to isolate the issue. I have not had any of the issues you mentioned.
For the sake of simplicity and using the debugger I took away the await and async.
Actually, SignalR will take care of that for you. You will get a new instance of your Hub class at every request, no need to force asynchrony into the methods.
Also, GlobalHost is defined as static which should be shared between instances of your Hub class. Using in an instance method does not seem like a very good idea. I think you want to use the Context and the Clients objects instead. However, while debugging we can verify that using GlobalHost also works.
Some debugger screenshots showing runtime values of callerId, Clients.Caller and Clients.Client(clientID):
Understanding SignalR better will help you a lot in achieving your goal.
Happy debugging!
If you want to send the notification back to the client
you should not call
instead try
accessing the current user's ConnectionId and use Clients.Client
I have an HTTP server written in C# based off the HttpListenerContext class. The server is for processing binary log files and converting them to text, and can take quite a long time to do the conversion. I would like to indicate progress back to the user, but I am unsure on the best way to do this. On the server side, in handling my HTTP request, I essentially have this function:
public async Task HandleRequest()
await ProcessRequest();
catch (HttpListenerException)
// Something happened to the http connection, don't try to send anything
catch (Exception e)
Currently, ProcessRequest() sends the HTML response when finished, but I would like to essentially add the IProgress interface to the function and somehow indicate that progress back to the Web client. What is the best way to do this?
One way of doing it would be to store progress on server side and periodically pull the information from client.
However, if you want the server to notify the client ( push ), then you will need to implement some kind of bi-directional communication between the server and client (I am currently using ASP.NET Web API and SignalR to achieve this at work).
Here is what I got I'll try to explain and I hope you notice its not FULL FULL complete, you'll have to understand the logic behind this and accept or not as a plausible option.
The Method: Set a custom object to store progress of your ongoing operations, make a global static list containing this metadata. Notice how I track them with Ids: I don't store that on DB, the natural act of instantiating the class will auto_increment their Id.
Then, you can add a new controller to respond the progress of a particular ongoing process.
Now that you have a controller to respond the progress of an ongoing process by Id, you can create a javascript timer to call it and update the DOM.
When creating your process, dont hold the htmlrequest until its over, open a background operation instead and just respond with the newly created ProgressTracker.Id, through that class/list you can keep track of the progress and reply accordingly.
As said in another answer, when an operation finishes you can send a push notification and the clientside javascript will interrupt the timers and proceed to the next view/result/page, or you can increment the looping timer to detect when its done and call the results from another controller. (this way you can avoid using push if needed.)
Here is the partial code:
public class ProgressTracker {
private static GlobalIdProvider = 0;
public int _id = ++GlobalIdProvider;
public int Id { get { return _id; } }
bool IsInProgress = false;
bool IsComplete = false;
float Progress;
public YourProgressObject Data;
public class GlobalStatic {
public static List<ProgressTracker> FooOperations = new List<ProgressTracker>();
public class SomeWebApiController {
public HttpResponseMessage GetProgress(int Id) {
var query = (from a in GlobalStatic.FooOperations where a.Id==Id select a);
if(!query.Any()) {
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "No operation with this Id found.");
} else {
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Ok, query.First());
// this is javascript
// ... Your code until it starts the process.
// You'll have to get the ProgressTracker Id from the server somehow.
var InProgress = true;
window.setTimeout(function(e) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "<myHostSomething>/SomeWebApiController/GetProgress?Id="+theId;
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authentication","bearer "+localStorage.getItem("access_token"));
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
function updateProgressBar(data) {
document.getElementById("myProgressText").innerHTML = data.Progress;
}, 3000);
Disclaimer: If my javascript is shitty, pardon me but I'm too used to using jQuery and all this fancy stuff x_x