error "does not contain a definition for 'getProperty'" when trying to set property of generic typed object - c#

void myFunc<M>()
dynamic uploadReq = (M)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(M));
I have a function where I supply a type, an object of this type is created, and then a property on the object is set to null. I get an error
MyCustomType does not contain a definition for 'getProperty'
How can I fix this?

GetProperty its method of Type. Object has no it.
You can use this way:
call GetProperty from type
set value to object
public static void myFunc<M>()
dynamic uploadReq = (M)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(M));
typeof(M).GetProperty("Credentials").SetValue(uploadReq, null);

In this specific snippet of code you don't need dynamic or reflection, because you know the type at compile time, just use the generic version of the CreateInstance method or even better the constructor of the type. This is faster and also provides compile time checks.
void myFunc<M>() where M : new()
M uploadReq = new M();
uploadReq.Credentials = null;
M uploadReq = Activator.CreateInstance<M>();
uploadReq.Credentials = null;


Calling a static method of a class using reflection

I'm attempting to call a static class method via reflection and get its return value as follows:
private SA GetData()
Type type = Type.GetType("SA010");
Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod("GetSA");
return (SA)methodInfo.Invoke(obj, null);
Here's the class and method I'm calling:
public class SA010
public static SA GetSA()
//do stuff
return SA.
The problem is i receive a null reference exception on the 'type' variable. GetData() and SA010.GetSA() are in the same namespace.
Any ideas why i might get this error, something to do with it being static maybe?
Your main problem is you need to specify the full namespace of SA010 when using GetType.
Type type = Type.GetType("SomeNamespace.SA010");
However if you are not dynamicly generating the name a easier solution is use typeof, this does not require you to entire the namespace in if the type is already within scope.
Type type = typeof(SA010);
2nd issue you will run in to once you fix the type, if a method is static you don't create a instance of it, you just pass null in for the instance for the Invoke call.
private SA GetData()
Type type = typeof(SA010);
MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod("GetSA");
return (SA)methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);
Try to use
Type type = typeof(SA010);
instead of
Type type = Type.GetType("SA010");
it worked for me

Instantiating a generic type from string

I want to Instantiate a generic type from string and have done the following:
private static void APERAK(string content, PartyElement pe, bool reload)
Type t = typeof(Serializer<>).MakeGenericType(Type.GetType(GetMessageTypeVersion(content)));
Serializer<t> serializer = new Serializer<t>();
private static string GetMessageTypeVersion(string content)
return "APERAK";
But in
Serializer<t> serializer = new Serializer<t>();
it says that "The type or namespace name 't' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" before compiling. But I want to instantiate the Serializer based on the string found. How can I do this?
You already have a generic type with the following:
All you need to do is instantiate it:
object o = ACtivator.CreateInstance(t);
Of course the compiler will have no knowledge of what type t is, thus you will not be able to use its methods/properties without reflection, so generics doesn't really help you here. Best you can do is cast is to a non-generic base class of Serializer<> (assuming one exists).
Generics are a compile-time construct. You have to know what the type parameters are at compile time, not at runtime.
So, well, you really can't get all features of compile-time generics. Well, there are some another ways.
1) Instantiate generic type and pack it as object, then use reflection to call methods:
object t = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var res = (string)type.GetMethod("Do").Invoke(t, new object[] { "abc" });
2) Instantiate generic type and convert it to dynamic object, then just use it (you lose intellisense and compile-time checks):
dynamic t = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var res = (string)(t.Do("abc"));
3) Create temporary generict method and call it with reflection (you got intellisense and compile-time checks):
public static string UseSerializer<T>(Serializer<T> s)
return s.Do("abc");
And then use it in such way:
var useSerializer = typeof(SomeStaticClass).GetMethod("UseSerializer")
object t = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var res = useSerializer.Invoke(null, new object[]{t});
In addition, this methods can be sorted by time that they are executed: dynamic < temporary method < simpleReflection

Returning desired type from Activator.CreateInstance() instead of object

I'm trying to create an instance of specified Type whatever user wants to have. For a quick illustration of my purpose please see the code below:
static void Main(string[] args)
object o = GetInstance(typeof(int));
Console.WriteLine("Created type: {0}", o.GetType().FullName);
public static object GetInstance(Type t)
Console.WriteLine("Creating instance of {0}", t.FullName);
return Activator.CreateInstance(t);
The problem is Activator.CreateInstance() returns object by default. There is also an overload of this method like T Activator.CreateInstance<T>() which is parameterless and returns the type you specify as T.
However, the problem is T should be hard-coded while calling this method and thus should be a fixed value. I am trying to create an instance of desired class and return it as its type.
Right now if you use this method you should write something like:
int i = GetInstance(typeof(int)) as int
I'm trying to reduce this to:
int i = GetInstance(typeof(int))
Is there a way that I can do casting inside the GetInstance and get rid of that as int repetition? By this way, my return type (and also the type I cast the object to) will be unknown at compile time.
Seemed impossible by design to me but I'd really appreciate if you figure it out.
EDIT: Where I'm stuck is e.g. while you're casting, you can do return (T) result if you are in a generic method, but you can't do Type t = ...; return (t) result this doesn't work. You cannot cast to a type which is passed to you as a parameter which is not known at compile time.
Follow a known pattern
This is not a new problem. It is a problem facing any API that allows type-specific return values. For example, a JSON parsing library like Newtonsoft (which is, to wit, the single most popular .NET package downloaded by .NET programmers in 2019) must be able to parse a string and return a type-specific object, which may or may not be known at compile time. It might make sense to follow their example.
Newtonsoft exposes three ways to specify the type when deserializing. You could do as you are currently doing:
//Cast required
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(text, typeof(MyType)) as MyType;
You can use a generic method:
//No cast required, but you have to hardcode a type as a type parameter
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyType>(text);
Or you can use an instance as a template, which is great for anonymous types, although you can use it with non-anonymous classes as well. This one works via generic type inference:
//No cast required and no need to specify type; the type is inferred from the argument
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(text, new MyType());
Here's how you'd do it:
So for you to make this work, your code might look like this:
public object GetInstance(Type type)
return Activator.CreateInstance(type);
int i = GetInstance(typeof(int)) as int;
public T GetInstance<T>()
return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
int i = GetInstance<int>();
public T GetInstance<T>(T template)
return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
int i = GetInstance(0);
If you do it this way, it's hard to imagine any programmer would have trouble using your library, as the approach should already be familiar to them.
Actually you could write GetInstance like this:
static T GetInstance<T>()
return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
And use it:
int j = GetInstance<int>();
This might help you to create instance of desired type:
public class ConcreteFactory<T> : AbstractFactory<T>
public override T CreateInstance(string typeName,params object[] parameters)
var path = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(path);
var type = assembly.GetTypes().SingleOrDefault(t => t.Name == typeName);
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type, parameters);
Key here is generic type T can be used to cast the created instance, this can be used as a template to create instance of any type with parameterized constructor

C# reflection get object from type

I have a Type object.
I want to get the object isntance from this type. (just to use the ToString() method from this object).
public class P
public string s;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
P p = new P();
p.s = "foobar";
Type t = p.GetType();
P p2 = ((t.ToObjet()) as P).s;
Activator.CreateInstance is what you want.
Type givenType;
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(givenType);
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(givenType) as GivenType;
EDIT: Based on your edits, the extension method on Type you want (ToObject) is effectively the code above. It must create a new one because you can't be certain the source object still exists and even with the type, you could hit a scenario where that type has multiple instances.
You cannot get the instance back. The type is shared between all the instances, so what you want is impossible.
For example: if you know that something is an integer, you don't know which exactly value it has. (Integer is your type, value is a concrete instance.)
There is no way to do that. One reason is that GetType will return the same Type instance for all instances of the same type.
You can test this like so:
// this will print "True"
Console.WriteLine(object.ReferenceEquals("one".GetType(), "two".GetType()));
Calling GetType on those two different string instances returns the same Type instance, so it is clearly impossible to get one of them back based only on that Type instance.

Typecast to a type from just the string representation of the type name

sTypeName = ... //do some string stuff here to get the name of the type
The Assembly.CreateInstance function returns a type
of System.object. I want to type cast it to
the type whose name is sTypeName.
So, in effect I want to do something like:
assembly.CreateInstance(sTypeName) as Type.GetType(sTypeName);
How do I do that? And, what do I take on the left side of the assignment expression, assuming this is C# 2.0. I don't have the var keyword.
Usually you let all classes, you want to instantiate this dynamically, implement a common interface, lets say IMyInterface. You can create an instance from the classname string like this:
Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string classname = "MyNamespace.MyClass";
Type classtype = asm.GetType(classname);
// Constructor without parameters
IMyInterface instance = (IMyInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(classtype);
// With parameters (eg. first: string, second: int):
IMyInterface instance = (IMyInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(classtype,
new object[]{
Even if you dont have a common interface, but know the name of the method (as string) you can invoke your methods like this (very similar for properties, event and so on):
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(classtype);
int result = (int)classtype.GetMethod("TwoTimes").Invoke(instance,
new object[] { 15 });
// result = 30
The example class:
namespace MyNamespace
public class MyClass
public MyClass(string s, int i) { }
public int TwoTimes(int i)
return i * 2;
Unfortunately there's no way in .NET to do what you want.
Possible partial solutions are:
If you know the type at compile-time (unlikely, since you're creating it at run-time from a string) then simply cast to that type:
YourType t = (YourType)Activator.CreateInstance(sTypeName);
If you know that all the possible types will implement a specific, common interface then you can cast to that interface instead:
IYourInterface i = (IYourInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(sTypeName);
If you can't do either of the above then, unfortunately, you're stuck with object and reflection.
Define a generic method in your class, and then you can cast like this:
public T Cast<T>(object obj)
return (T) obj;
string sTypename = "SomeClassName";
MethodInfo cast = this.GetType().GetMethod("Cast");
MethodInfo genericCast = cast.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { Type.GetType(sTypename) });
Object castedValue = genericCast.Invoke(this, new object[] { instanceToBeCasted });
But then I think, what is the point of such casting if you cannot store the casted value in a variable of the actual type, precisely because you don't know the actual type at the time of writing the code?

